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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,837 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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4896   DhammaStep   2022 Dec 27, 3:20pm  

mell says

DhammaStep if you're interested, here is one article: https://junkscience.com/2012/03/it-was-a-mistake-to-ban-ddt-in-1972/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20DDT%20was%20overused%2C%20and,Africa%20and%20other%20tropical%20areas.
Or here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1119118/
Not saying they are right, but it's definitely worth considering.

"So, if DDT can be this successful, why ban it? The latest campaign stems from charges that DDT is an “endocrine disrupter” whose ability to cause harm (like Melville's Moby Dick and all excellent monsters since) is both indiscriminate and vast. The World Wildlife Fund and Physicians for Social Responsibility indict DDT chillingly: as a carcinogen, a teratogen, an immunosupressant, and so on.

All this would be worrisome if it were true. Conspicuously absent behind the campaigners' claims are any epidemiological studies to demonstrate adverse health effects."

Sorry, this reads exactly like "you can't prove the vaccine is harmful so it's not". I personally know people effected by DDT. I will never accept the use of DDT ever again. Find a better way, sure.

Edit: To be very clear. Yes, I believe the death of a million people a year is acceptable to not release chemicals into the environment that can effect every living organism in ways we don't fully understand yet.
4897   mell   2022 Dec 27, 3:28pm  

DhammaStep says

mell says

DhammaStep if you're interested, here is one article: https://junkscience.com/2012/03/it-was-a-mistake-to-ban-ddt-in-1972/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20DDT%20was%20overused%2C%20and,Africa%20and%20other%20tropical%20areas.
Or here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1119118/
Not saying they are right, but it's definitely worth considering.

"So, if DDT can be this successful, why ban it? The latest campaign stems from charges that DDT is an “endocrine disrupter” whose ability to cause harm (like Melville's Moby Dick and all excellent monsters since) is bot...

Not disagreeing, interestingly though it comes from people who are critical of mainstream science claims, incl. climate change etc. So not the same agenda. Nobody should be forced to endure something they don't want, even in the US there are sprayings of insecticides or herbicides every day you have no say over which I don't agree with. What I am saying is that if I were in a high Malaria region (mostly in Africa) that I would take DDT spray if nothing else were available to protect myself, not on a daily basis, but for the duration of the stay. And I have applied DEET occasionally when summering in high mosquito areas to repel them. I certainly think that with DEET the benefits outweigh the risks greatly. But there should never be forced treatments or widespread aerial spraying with something like this imo.
4898   Patrick   2022 Dec 30, 11:43am  


Against the backdrop of a developing new economic depression, the public can no longer avoid seeing the calamity that the mRNA vaccines have instigated. Early death is in the news daily now and from exactly the adverse effects that have been derided as “conspiracy theory” by public health experts since 2021: myocarditis, blood clots, organ damage, neurological illness, unusually aggressive cancers, damaged immune systems. Meanwhile, America’s public health aristocracy — Dr. Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and many, many others will be compelled to testify under oath before newly re-constituted House committees and finally answer for all their dishonesty in the Covid-19 response saga. They lied about everything, especially the “vaccines?” It will go worse for them as public sentiment turns from submission to official bullshit to rage over a deadly fraud.

By then, the past efforts of this gang to mislead the public on Twitter and other social media will be well-documented. The exposed slime-trail of money and corruption between Pharma and federal bureaucrats will finally make an impression on the long-bamboozled nation. The mainstream media will be dragged into this morass and the public will begin to understand how the newspaper editors and TV news producers, too, were bought off by Pharma and controlled by the national security state to pimp for the Democratic Party and globalist interests outside the USA. This exposure could be the end of the great legacy news organs, The New York Times and the rest of the gang. Their executives will have to testify along with everyone else. They might not be prosecuted — in a gesture of respect for the First Amendment — but rather will suffer badly from their loss of credibility.

I think Kunstler is an optimist.

There are still way too many idiots who believe NPR, PBS, and the NY Times are somehow "journalism" and not pure propaganda.
4899   richwicks   2022 Dec 30, 9:01pm  

Patrick says

There are still way too many idiots who believe NPR, PBS, and the NY Times are somehow "journalism" and not pure propaganda.

One is too many, but do you think it's worse today than it was 20 years ago?

I'm seeing steady improvement. Do you know that the average age of a television news consumer is over 65?

They had to turn off comment sections (or viciously police them) for a reason. Too many people understand the game now.
4900   Patrick   2022 Dec 31, 10:44am  


In a paper published by the British Medical Journal, researchers concluded the mandates are not a science-based policy.

They discovered that the vaccines are failing to prevent infection and transmission and warned that the risks of severe side effects outweigh any potential benefit.
4901   charlie303   2022 Dec 31, 10:57am  

At the end u may have to start meds before u get sick:

“…people who are thoroughly 💉 [should] prepare themselves by making sure they have access to antivirals...it will go very, very fast…[at that stage even] early treatment may come too late"

4902   Ceffer   2022 Dec 31, 11:51am  

Patrick says

There are still way too many idiots who believe NPR, PBS, and the NY Times are somehow "journalism" and not pure propaganda.

Yup. Of course, maybe it's just living in the mentally contaminated coastal California. Lobotomized liberals.
4903   Patrick   2023 Jan 5, 7:27pm  

Patrick says


Researchers at a U.S.-based university have received a federal grant to study whether they can genetically engineer plants to carry Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.

The University of California Riverside announced in a Sept. 16 article on their website a project to examine “whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories.” The endeavor has received a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation and will be in collaboration with UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon University.

We are going to need a bigger garden if we can no longer trust food from the stores.


Scientists in China are reportedly experimenting with the use of mosquitoes that could spread vaccines like a virus, without the use of shots, or consent.
4904   Patrick   2023 Jan 6, 10:22am  


Review of studies on vaccine-induced myocarditis finds that the Science we're meant to be Following pervasively obfuscates the risk of the mRNA jabs for young men
Of the few studies that even attempt to assess the population-wide risk of myocarditis following vaccination, nearly three-fourths neglect to include the proper stratifiers

4907   Patrick   2023 Jan 10, 12:26am  


Italian Tennis Star Camila Giorgi Faked Vaxx-Certificate to Keep Playing — Her Whole Family Is Pureblood

4908   GNL   2023 Jan 10, 5:11am  

Patrick says


Italian Tennis Star Camila Giorgi Faked Vaxx-Certificate to Keep Playing — Her Whole Family Is Pureblood

Legend. And cute to boot. Haha
4909   HeadSet   2023 Jan 10, 10:56am  

GNL says

Italian Tennis Star Camila Giorgi Faked Vaxx-Certificate to Keep Playing

And likely quite a few doctors worldwide faked themselves getting the jab as well.
4916   HeadSet   2023 Jan 12, 8:31pm  

The "antidote for the jab" will likely be a Pfizer product.
4921   Patrick   2023 Jan 13, 6:03pm  


This is a story in which I cover a lot of ground. The reason I wrote it is because every time I have a conversation with a friend who is still on the fence about the high percentage of blatant billionaire abuse in what we are currently living through, it turns into a bit of a groundhog day. And so I do the dance, refer to the science I’ve known about for a year but the respectable media is only daring mention now (sideways and with disclaimers), etc. etc. Often, in the middle of the conversation, I find that the person I am talking to has created a psychographic image of a “lockdown skeptic” in their head, and then we have to unwrap the scroll and do the dance again. For example, I often find that because I am observing a clear attempt at global digital colonization, as destructive in its impact as the colonial ventures of the past, or because I don’t trust the famous tech billionaires with my mind or body—or because I haven’t forgotten the story of smallpox blankets (or what Hitler did) and I don’t believe that the mind of a colonizer has changed since then—then it must be that I “don’t believe that the virus can kill” etc. To solve the talking points problem once and for all, I went deep into the woods and described my views (as of this second) in excruciating detail. Everything I say is an opinion. At this moment. My personal opinion based on my life experience and instincts. Experience- and instinct-based opinion is the best a human being can hope for as far as proximity to the truth. Do we agree on that?
4922   mell   2023 Jan 13, 6:39pm  

Dholliday126 says

Do you have a link?
4923   richwicks   2023 Jan 13, 6:48pm  

mell says

Dholliday126 says

Do you have a link?



@Dholliday126 - please post links. Don't make other people do unnecessary work. You found this somewhere, stop sending JUST screen shots, and include the link. It only takes you a second, and it takes EVERYBODY ELSE time to verify it. Be courteous. If you're trying to spread information, don't make people jump over hoops to do it.

BTW - just so everybody knows "Holocaust survivor" just means anybody who was Jewish that lived during WWII - SERIOUSLY. She MIGHT have gone to a concentration camp, but I doubt it, since she was born in Vinnytsia Ukraine.
4925   Dholliday126   2023 Jan 13, 8:53pm  

richwicks says

mell says

Dholliday126 says

Do you have a link?



Dholliday126 - please post links. Don't make other people do unnecessary work. You found this somewhere, stop sending JUST screen shots, and include the link. It only takes you a second, and it takes EVERYBODY ELSE time to verify it. Be courteous. If you're trying to spr...

4926   Patrick   2023 Jan 13, 8:56pm  


The German Industrial Engineer Mr. Holger Reißner, a former consultant to the German Federal Robert-Koch-Institute, has analyzed many vaccine charges for its consistency and ingredients.

He found alarming results:

1) Particle size was up to 23x higher than the allowed threshold!

> Maximum size allowed: 0.22μ (220nm)

> Particle size found: 2-5μ (2000-5000nm)

That means the particle size was up to 23x larger than what is normally allowed in a fluid that's approved for injection.

According to Mr. Reißner, these large particles consist mainly of cholesterol crystals that likely form during the production process.

This can lead to: "Microsis, fibrosis & thrombosis" of blood vessels

That means that capillary vessel can clog, which would explain the side effects that have been observed so widely.

2) Mr. Reißner also found highly concerning ingredients in the injections:

He found adjuvants, that were not listed by the manufacturer, including the highly toxic substance Antimony (as toxic as arsenic).

3) Also, it is well known now that the cationic liquid nano particles (lipids, LNP’s) are highly toxic by themselves, and already cause inflammation and cell damage.


4) Lastly, he also confirmed the toxic role of the spike protein itself, which has been found in several autopsies.

This would explain why in 2021 alone, the German government has admitted that (at least) 254 people have died as a direct consequence of these injections...

Lol, more like 25,400 in Germany alone.
4931   Patrick   2023 Jan 15, 11:18am  

Patrick says

Dholliday126 says


More about this:


I saw this on one of Patrick’s memes and I thought there is no way that this headline is really true or at least recent. It turns out it is both real and from 2023 in Germany. Composer Inna Zhvantskaya, an 85 year old Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, was scheduled to be placed in a psychiatric ward and vaccinated against her will for Covid-19.:

The judgment further states that the forced vaccination against Covid-19 against the will of the person concerned in the context of the accommodation was necessary for the welfare of the person concerned in order to avert an imminent significant damage to her health.

Inna Zhvanetskaya had not been convinced of the necessity of this medical measure, on the contrary. She strictly rejected the vaccination. Therefore, the judge found that the substantial health damage could not be averted by any other measure reasonable for the person concerned, since the expected benefit of the medical measure would substantially outweigh the expected impairment of the person concerned…

Considering the “vaccines” do not prevent infection, transmission, death, or anything else, what possible reason could they use to justify this?
4932   Onvacation   2023 Jan 15, 1:25pm  

Patrick says

Considering the “vaccines” do not prevent infection, transmission, death, or anything else, what possible reason could they use to justify this?

Because the fucking Nazi's missed her the first time they tried genocide.
4933   GNL   2023 Jan 15, 1:50pm  

Patrick says

Considering the “vaccines” do not prevent infection, transmission, death, or anything else, what possible reason could they use to justify this?


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