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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   391,194 views  5,707 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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629   WookieMan   2021 Apr 17, 5:35am  

ThreeBays says
It looks like about 55~60% have at least one dose already in the Bay Area and this will go up quickly now that 18-50 year olds are eligible since yesterday. That's why our schools are going back to full open in 2 weeks.

There wasn't enough a month or so ago, J&J had to pause, yet now they just open it up to a 32 year wide demographic? Which is a shit ton of people. They don't offer it to children, because they know it doesn't kill them and likely more toxic to them. Now it's being offered to a demo that also cannot die from it.

The stats are all there. Yes people in their 30's can die from it. They also have multiple co-morbidities and the other influenza strains likely would have killed them anyway. We also have an extremely large old population in the US, Boomers. They're going to start dying more rapidly from a bunch of things.

I've yet to see a concise study/report analyzing the demographic break down per capita. They are just pumping out the gross number of deaths, which is scary to people. Go back 30 years and see what the death rate for the size of the population was for influenza per capita. We're likely not that far off. I've seen zero increase in the deaths of people I know or would know of from a friend. An increase of death would be obvious in my network of people. Hasn't happened. Narrative. Propaganda. That's what this is.
630   joshuatrio   2021 Apr 17, 6:42am  

Six cases of blood clots reported in MSM for the traditional vac results in it being pulled off market but a couple thousand of deaths reported to VAERS for the mRNA and nary a peep in the news. Mmm hmm sure...nothing to see here folks.
631   Onvacation   2021 Apr 17, 8:00am  

ThreeBays says

You mean like, "TWO MILLION PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE! If we don't lock down the country for two weeks to flatten the curve so they won't all die at once!" or "We can't reopen the country until essentially the whole world has been vaccinated!"

That kind of "FUD"?

Fuck your experimental biologic agent!
632   Onvacation   2021 Apr 17, 8:03am  

ThreeBays says
It's not rocket science... ~8000 people die every day of all causes, so by this point you'd expect ~4000 deaths every day in people that are in the vaccinated group. The ~30 reports or whatever a day to VAERS ring alarm bells when they show unusual patterns.

Yeah fuck 'em! They were gonna die anyway.
633   Onvacation   2021 Apr 17, 8:06am  

ThreeBays says
they tend to buy into the anti-vax political propaganda

It's not a vaccine. It's an experimental biologic agent that does not confer immunity.

Why are you pushing this shit?

ThreeBays says
Onvacation says
Why do you continue to push thus unnecessary, dangerous, experimental biologic agent?

I'm just LMFAO at the FUD on this thread. Up to you whether you take it or not I don't care - if you're worried about it that much then let the men take it.

So why is a manly man like you pushing this shit?
634   Onvacation   2021 Apr 17, 8:35am  

ThreeBays says
anti-vax propaganda

It's not a vaccine. Good luck with your experimental biologic agent.
635   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 17, 8:51am  

In a weird way I'm glad I got Covid in December because I was otherwise going to get the jab. Getting the 'rona made me research and realize that experimental shots are not something I want.
636   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 17, 9:13am  

I don't argue the fact that the vaccines work to defend against the virus. We're all going to get this virus, just like the cold or the flu. I would just rather defend against it naturally vs some experimental method for which we have no idea what the long term effects are. For those with compromised immune systems, then I don't blame them for getting the vaccine.
637   WookieMan   2021 Apr 17, 10:05am  

ThreeBays says
They don't offer it to children because the trials were staged with children last.

Why? I'm not anit-vax. I have them all myself outside of getting a flu shot. Take care of yourself and you'll be fine. If you're old or have cancer or multiple ailments it might be a good idea to get it. Most of us here have not said don't get it. We're saying what's the point if younger and healthy? The virus itself is not deadly in 80-90% of the population IF they even get it. We're saying open up and stop with the masking BS and now vaccine shaming.

It's data. Enough people have gotten Covid to understand what it is and what therapeutics work and who this hits hardest. Not enough people have gotten the vaccine to understand even short term and especially long term effects. There's no disputing this. Doctors won't dispute this. Big Pharma has no liability. Record time to mass production. These aren't even arguable points. I've said in 5 years I might be open to getting one of the pokes.

A graph from Scotland means nothing. Maybe they just let it spread? Maybe the vaccine worked. We rely on media for a narrative, not journalism in most cases. If you've haven't been to Scotland during the pandemic you have zero clue how they're handling it. Heck if you're not in IL you have no clue how it's ACTUALLY being handled here.

I have an abundance of anecdotal evidence from my network that this isn't deadly. In fact it is a sinus infection basically from the 30+ people with confirmed positive tests. The current bumps in cases are likely due to allergies. Understand that PCR are wildly off or frankly just made up. Medicine is a business. People put way too much faith into it.
638   Bd6r   2021 Apr 17, 10:10am  

ThreeBays says
Cases in Scotland care homes align perfectly with % of vaccinated residents (4 weeks after vaccination).

I was vaccinated and still got a moderately unpleasant corona (3 wks after vaccination was done), was out for nearly 10 days with 100-101 fever. Worse than any "normal" flu that I had since 2012.
639   Onvacation   2021 Apr 17, 10:28am  

ThreeBays says
Getting my shot in a few hours along with the rest of my elite friends.

What do you mean by elite? Fat?
640   joshuatrio   2021 Apr 17, 10:49am  

Rb6d says
ThreeBays says
Cases in Scotland care homes align perfectly with % of vaccinated residents (4 weeks after vaccination).

I was vaccinated and still got a moderately unpleasant corona (3 wks after vaccination was done), was out for nearly 10 days with 100-101 fever. Worse than any "normal" flu that I had since 2012.

Thanks for sharing and for your honesty.

Any side effects from the vax when you had it?
641   Bd6r   2021 Apr 17, 11:07am  

joshuatrio says
Any side effects from the vax when you had it?

No side effects that I can think of. Felt kinda tired in evening of vaccination, but that might have been psychosomatic. Then 3 weeks later came down with corona. I don't even know who infected me. What is fucking annoying is that BEFORE I was vaccinated, I had 2 colleagues + 3 students + 2 or 3 neighbors come down with corona. I did not get infected, even though in two of the cases I spent hours in a closed car with a coughing person who was claiming "seasonal allergies" or "common cold" and two days later was positive for covid. I can't exclude from data available to me that vaccination made me more susceptible to corona infection.
642   joshuatrio   2021 Apr 17, 11:11am  

Scary shit here.

643   SoTex   2021 Apr 17, 11:11am  

Glad you recovered! Did you lose your sense of smell/taste? If so, freaky eh?
644   joshuatrio   2021 Apr 17, 11:13am  

Rb6d says
joshuatrio says
Any side effects from the vax when you had it?

No side effects that I can think of. Felt kinda tired in evening of vaccination, but that might have been psychosomatic. Then 3 weeks later came down with corona. I don't even know who infected me. What is fucking annoying is that BEFORE I was vaccinated, I had 2 colleagues + 3 students + 2 or 3 neighbors come down with corona. I did not get infected, even though in two of the cases I spent hours in a closed car with a coughing person who was claiming "seasonal allergies" or "common cold" and two days later was positive for covid. I can't exclude from data available to me that vaccination made me more susceptible to corona infection.

Strange stuff indeed! Glad you're better and thanks for speaking up.
645   Bd6r   2021 Apr 17, 11:14am  

just_passing_through says
Glad you recovered! Did you lose your sense of smell/taste? If so, freaky eh?

Did not lose any smell/taste. However, beer tasted like crap for a while, even after I was OK. The only symptoms I had was fever and I still feel tired, a week after all is over. For a a few days had also mild chest pains if I deliberately inhaled very deep.
646   SoTex   2021 Apr 17, 11:19am  

Rb6d says
Did not lose any smell/taste. However, beer tasted like crap for a while

I didn't even notice until maybe day 5 or 6 when I decided since I was staying home sick I may as well spend the day smoking some ribs. Thought the fire was out but then realized I just couldn't smell the smoke.

Smell came back just fine though.
647   GNL   2021 Apr 17, 11:33am  

Ceffer says
Don't watch this one if you have had the jab:

Where is Jesse Ventura nowadays?
648   Patrick   2021 Apr 17, 11:34am  

ThreeBays says

Cases are an extremely unreliable metric, because the test itself is extremely unreliable.

Deaths are all that matter.
649   RWSGFY   2021 Apr 17, 11:39am  

Patrick says
Cases are an extremely unreliable metric, because the test itself is extremely unreliable.

Yep, our friends 5 y.o. son was tested positive for Covid couple of weeks ago. Then the whole family tested positive while having 0 symptoms. They immediately went to a different testing facility and got negative results on the second test for everybody, including the boy. But they were counted as 4 "cases" for the purpose of "covid statistics".
650   WookieMan   2021 Apr 17, 11:48am  

Patrick says
Deaths are all that matter.

Even those don't matter much either. The vast majority of those dying have other severe ailments. Not just being overweight or high BP or something. Serious shit. Stuff that may have killed them in weeks or months anyway. Over 50% living past life expectancy. I may be conservative on that as well.

Basically most the people dying are damn near bed ridden and dead anyway. It's not like a healthy 70 year old splitting fire wood just dropped dead. Other ailments have decided to stop killing people somehow. That's evidence enough to smell the bull shit. No one here or anyone I know has known an average in health person that has died from covid at any age. No one.
651   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 12:19pm  

"Covid vaccine turning women into nymphomaniacs who never get pregnant. Men dying of sperm milking exhaustion from rabid, bonobo females in heat."

Well, I can always dream.
652   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 17, 12:26pm  

ThreeBays says
porkchopexpress says
I would just rather defend against it naturally vs some experimental method for which we have no idea what the long term effects are.

I respect that, but my opinion is I'd rather get the Vax than the virus. The immune response (fever, etc) is going to be there in both but worse with the virus that multiplies uncontrollably and also has means to suppress part of your immune systems. The mRNA doesn't reproduce itself, and doesn't fuck up the cells lining your lungs which we don't know the long term effect of either.

On of my reports got light covid last year, but then felt crap for 6 months with headaches and lethargy.
I don't disagree that some people get long Covid, but most people fully recover and feel great, including me. As far as the virus itself goes, you're right...the key to avoiding death, injury, long Covid, etc. is to squash the viral replication phase of the infection as quickly as possible so that the inflammatory phase is minimized. The jab is supposed to help with that, and I don't dispute it. However, there are a lot of pre- and post-infection therapeutics that the public can take that will do the same or better in my opinion. For example, Ivermectin is proven to eradicate virus replication and Vit D is proven to significantly boost one's immune system. Why didn't the CDC, FDA, Fauci, etc. push for that level of supplementation/treatment? Because in order to get FDA emergency authorization, you CANNOT have any viable alternative therapeutics. They played politics with people's lives when there are clearly VERY solid options to protect ourselves. What does that tell you about the motives of the "powers that be" to get all of us "vaccinated"?

I'd much rather take supplements and Ivermectin, which is a wonder drug that won the Nobel Prize and proven to be safe for a long time.
653   WookieMan   2021 Apr 17, 12:29pm  

ThreeBays says
I respect that, but my opinion is I'd rather get the Vax than the virus.

You're likely older then. I respect people that want to get it as long as they don't push it on me. Being in my 30's, I don't need the vaccine. It kills those with terminal diseases or are massively unhealthy in my age range and older age ranges. I'm also sure I had it in January as I don't trust the tests. No one should.

I don't care if one gets the vaccine, but don't push it or support media pushing this shit. I wish you well as nobody has any clue what the long term effects are for any of the vaccines. It hasn't even been a year since the first test poke on anyone.
654   Rin   2021 Apr 17, 12:34pm  

porkchopexpress says
However, there are a lot of pre- and post-infection therapeutics that the public can take that will do the same or better in my opinion. For example, Ivermectin is proven to eradicate virus replication and Vit D is proven to significantly boost one's immune system. Why didn't the CDC, FDA, Fauci, etc. push for that level of supplementation/treatment? Because in order to get FDA emergency authorization, you CANNOT have any viable alternative therapeutics. They played politics with people's lives when there are clearly VERY solid options to protect ourselves. What does that tell you about the motives of the "powers that be" to get all of us "vaccinated"?

Don't forget injectable Quercetin, the best natural anti-inflammatory with both anti-viral and anti-tumor properties.



Though it's protected by the Dietary & Supplement Act of 1994, if you talk about it, you can lose your license to practice medicine.
655   Patrick   2021 Apr 17, 12:50pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Then the whole family tested positive while having 0 symptoms.

There were reports of a can of coke testing positive, and a guava fruit.
656   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 1:36pm  

A better view of the 'serial seizures' after moderna shot. Guy watching the first seizure in the car over starts having his own seizure shortly thereafter.


"zetaattlast's profile picture
Less than 5 minutes from getting God knows what injected inside them the two people to my left starting having seizures. First the gentlemen in the red car was watching in shock as the driver next to him was having a seizure. Little did he know he would have one right after him. I called the medics to help him. They have a procedure where after you get the shot you have to wait in the car for 15 min and if something goes wrong to honk your horn and someone will show up. Well these folks to my left just passed out into seizures with no warning. If someone didn’t notice (in this case it was me) these folks would just continue having seizures. This policy must change. I told the (women) in charge she ignored me I told another man he pointed me back to the women in power like he can’t do nothing. Smh

Folks this happened within 5 minutes of them getting the first round of Moderna!

This is something else folks. Don’t shoot your self up with this over something that has 99.8% recovery rate. Look what happened to these guys! In front of my eyes y’all. I WITNESSED IT ALL HAPPEN! (God planted me there this morning) for me to see this to show y’all!

This was just one minute of a 10 minute situation. I only filmed the end after the medics came!

The beginning was much more chaotic. It was like a wave of seizures jumping from car to car and mine was next!

I’ve never seen anything like this! I was like I hope they don’t turn into zombies cuz a buddy of mine forced by his (mother) to get the shot was in the back seat and he just got shot up with this stuff. I drove him there and back. Didn’t get the shot nor would ever get it

I was like bro look at me in my eyes sit where I can keep my eyes on you. Lol seriously tho

The whole time I was like this is it. The zombie apocalypse. Those Qanon folks was right all along lol 🐸

Folks don’t do this to yourself

Just don’t do it!

You see we don’t know what 5 months 5 years what this does to you... if it can bring healthy young men to instant seizures...

As always

The Messenger

657   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 2:06pm  

CCP and Globalists have come clean, and have re-named the 'World Health Organization' the 'One World Programmed Extermination Organization'.
658   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 17, 3:13pm  

ThreeBays says
porkchopexpress says
Why didn't the CDC, FDA, Fauci, etc. push for that level of supplementation/treatment? Because in order to get FDA emergency authorization, you CANNOT have any viable alternative therapeutics. They played politics with people's lives when there are clearly VERY solid options to protect ourselves. What does that tell you about the motives of the "powers that be" to get all of us "vaccinated"?

I'm not inclined to think it's political when lots of countries that aren't that politically affiliated see the same thing.
Not true. Other countries such as India and Australia are dishing out Vitamin D supplements to their populace and prescribing proven drugs such as Ivermectin and HCQ.


Even Fauci admitted in an email that he takes 6,000 IU of Vitamin D per day, but SAYS NOTHING TO US

How is this NOT political or monetarily driven? We have proven drugs and supplements to treat this now, but our country did nothing to promote it. But go ahead and join this giant science experiment and inject yourself with something new. They NEEDED this to be a crisis. Ridiculous if you don't see an issue with that.
659   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 3:32pm  

Scandinavian/Finland countries have suspended vaccines for all but over 65.
660   joshuatrio   2021 Apr 17, 5:23pm  

Ceffer says
Scandinavian/Finland countries have suspended vaccines for all but over 65.

Page doesn't exist ...
661   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 6:15pm  

joshuatrio says
Page doesn't exist ...

Try this. I guess they pulled the other article, but they have several others along the same lines.

662   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 6:16pm  

More good news about the absolutely safe vaccines:

As you would expect, the central planning geniuses are doing everything they can to cover up the side effects to keep the suckers rolling in for the vaccines.

Doctors are often compartmentalized in their work, and covetous of their titles, pay and status, so they are easy to silence with threats of striking them through licensure and firing.

Did the psychopathic Globalists want these side effects? No, they wanted to get people used to being vaccinated at will by the government, and for the vaccines to operate as a 'slow poison' that would introduce their baleful side effects later, after the jabbers have left the scene of the crime.

These side effects may be an odd blessing to the population by informing them of what is up before the great kill is possible for the Globalists to impose.

Otherwise, the ongoing sicknesses CAUSED by the vaccines would simply act as a premise to reinforce the need for MORE vaccines.
663   Ceffer   2021 Apr 17, 6:55pm  

"Unfortunately, most of the management of this pandemic makes no sense." LOL.

I would say, unfortunately, it makes perfect sense if you are Globalist Dr. Mengele.

Jeffrey Prather has a saying that no plan survives the first five minutes of its execution (because of unpredictable variables) and it is going to take the Globalists extreme measures of threat, intimidation, bribery, blackmail, lies and MSM pressure to keep these rabbits in the top hat.
664   mell   2021 Apr 17, 8:12pm  

ThreeBays says

Well, you say there are VERY solid options but in practice the results are not that proven. Here's just a recent controlled study concluding Invermectin doesn't help at all https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777389

Ivermectin is an anti viral and people with mild symptoms have low viral load. It cut down from 12 to 10 days resolution which may not be statistically significant (though close) but makes perfect sense that in people with low viral load the difference is obviously not big or significant. You have to try this with people with high viral load and strong symptoms. If you have a mild cold you don't do anything as it goes away on its own, you certainly don't take anti viral. This bullshit "study" is just FUD used to make more money to the vaxxer industry. Whereas the numerous other studies where Ivermectin was used in people with serious symptoms cut down death and hospitalization to up to 80%.
665   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 17, 9:50pm  

mell says
This bullshit "study" is just FUD used to make more money to the vaxxer industry. Whereas the numerous other studies where Ivermectin was used in people with serious symptoms cut down death and hospitalization to up to 80%.
Exactly. There are numerous studies that show it has a significant impact, including real doctors prescribing it with resounding success.
666   Eric Holder   2021 Apr 17, 10:36pm  

ThreeBays says
I'd rather get the Vax than the virus.

I'd rather get neither.
667   GNL   2021 Apr 18, 7:31am  

Ceffer says
These side effects may be an odd blessing to the population by informing them of what is up before the great kill is possible for the Globalists to impose.

Otherwise, the ongoing sicknesses CAUSED by the vaccines would simply act as a premise to reinforce the need for MORE vaccines.


I have, secretly in my mind, wished that the vax believers would die en mass so that Freedom would once again be loved as it should.
668   WookieMan   2021 Apr 18, 8:07am  

Eric Holder says
ThreeBays says
I'd rather get the Vax than the virus.

I'd rather get neither.

I'd rather go golfing in a thunderstorm. Still less likely to die from all 3 scenarios.

I still don't think some understand how trivial covid is. Neighbor got the 2nd poke 2 days ago. She was out by 8pm last night and we'll all usually hang until midnight or 2am on a weekend. She was not herself.

I hung out with her husband until about 1am this morning. He got the J&J poke and was wearing a blanket to keep warm inside his home... It wasn't cold... at all. We've been good friends with them for about 4 years now. Ex Marine macho type. Works for a big company and hired Jacko Wilink (sp?) to talk to his underlings. So that type of guy. It was extremely weird.

I'm an anecdotal person and it just seemed off. He gave in to the peer pressure from his wife. They're going to Hawaii in June and I guess they're still anal about covid out there. It's very foreign to us or people that haven't traveled how seriously people continue to take this. Covid really is a joke. It has 100% been politicized. And sure, you can say well why did the whole globe react? I'll up you one and ask why did 1/5th of the worlds population only have 5k deaths from it and it has basically disappeared and they hated Trump? No one can answer that. If the virus exists in more than 10-100 people at any moment, it will spread to others.

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