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the possible premature demises of people around me.
Yikes Dozens in Central Florida contract COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated
Sounds like they are going to try to force fucking vaccine passports on Americans next.
We will be coerced into the vaccination. Like, if we want to do certain stuff. Also some employers may start to require it.
I got Pfizer early on. 1st shot made me feel like crap. 2nd shot absolutely fucking wrecked me for 5 days. I was lethargic the following week after that. My whole family got covid last week. I can confirm, the vaccine actually did work as I ate my son's leftover pizza and he was coughing in my face all day. They all tested positive but I was negative. But yes, getting covid is probably easier than the vaccine for anyone under 40.
I am nervous that employer might force indirectly and track since I have to be in the building occasionally
Could it be possible that your family got sick, because you got the "jab?"
As much as I dislike the vaccine, it doesn’t work that way. I’m very concerned, however, about long-term issues with autoimmune disease. Everything from Crohns to lupus to MS and psoriasis and cancer are possible from immune system malfunction. Even sudden death from weirder immune responses, which have claimed almost 2000 lives so far from the vaccine.
I'm not telling you you should get the vaccine. I'm telling you to think for yourself.
Someone “dislikes” that I got the shot.
He doesn’t understand that it’s my decision and I’m ready to accept the consequences for it.
Either way, I am not harming anyone, it’s not like speeding or drunk driving.
Just got a text from a fried minutes ago. Got the 2nd poke. She's happy but nervous. Word is getting out about side effects. And for that reason, I'm out. Even sent a picture of her "vaccine" card. lol. WTF have humans become?
What's the best answer for coworkers and neighbors asking if you got or when are you going to get vaccinated!
What's the best answer for coworkers and neighbors asking if you got or when are you going to get vaccinated!
What's the best answer for coworkers and neighbors asking if you got or when are you going to get vaccinated!
"In order to gain entry, all fans 12 years or older will be required to take a COVID-19 test with negative results or provide proof of a full COVID-19 vaccination."
We can expect more of this sort of thing.
What's the best answer for coworkers and neighbors asking if you got or when are you going to get vaccinated!
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.