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I still don't anyone who has been harmed by the jab.
One trick is that those who are the sickest don’t get the shot in the first place because doctors know it will kill them; predictably, they get critically ill, go to the hospital and die, and are counted as “unvaxxed.” A second trick is that those who are injected and die within 14 days of vaxxing are counted as “unvaxxed;” as the injection temporarily attenuates immunity, the vaxxed become especially vulnerable to infection during that 14 day window. A third trick is that those who haven’t reached the full, cumulative 28 (Dose 2+14) day “waiting period” after the first shot, or who haven’t been “boosted,” are counted as “unvaxxed.” The complicit media has declined to ask serious questions about government recordkeeping and thus, allowed the statistical sham. The devil is in the details. But most people just read biased headlines and simply repeat what their poorly informed friends say.
The vaxxes not only failed; they’ve sickened and killed many. But they’ve had tremendous political value. The shots have been a backdoor effort to falsely justify the purported, but failed, virus-slowing effects of lockdowns, arbitrary social distancing, mass testing, contact tracing and mask mandates, and to obscure the effect of ever-increasing natural immunity. And they’ve generated huge Pharma profits, some of which are channeled back to politicians. Expect a big push to vaxx more people in the next six seeks to give more false credit to the shots for ending the “Pandemic(!)”
Covid is pretty much over.
The HHS department will no longer require hospitals to report the daily number of Covid deaths starting February 2.
You know...sometimes it's just better to just STFU and get the vaxx.
India/Gumla Jharkhand: police forcefully vaccinates villagers. The elderly refused to take it because of his illness, yet he was forcefully injected.
Why does the Red Cross need to know which vax you had? Massive blood shortage.
getting my booster shot today. Will report if I have any side effects or health issues afterwards. The J&J shot really messed me up but I am hopeful the Pfizer booster will be just fine to take.
getting my booster shot today. Will report if I have any side effects or health issues afterwards. The J&J shot really messed me up but I am hopeful the Pfizer booster will be just fine to take.
Everyone will get Covid
getting my booster shot today. Will report if I have any side effects or health issues afterwards. The J&J shot really messed me up but I am hopeful the Pfizer booster will be just fine to take.
Bitcoin saysgetting my booster shot today. Will report if I have any side effects or health issues afterwards. The J&J shot really messed me up but I am hopeful the Pfizer booster will be just fine to take.
getting my booster shot today. Will report if I have any side effects or health issues afterwards. The J&J shot really messed me up but I am hopeful the Pfizer booster will be just fine to take.
getting my booster shot today. Will report if I have any side effects or health issues afterwards. The J&J shot really messed me up but I am hopeful the Pfizer booster will be just fine to take.Dude, why in the hell would you get the booster when the original shot messed you up? I remember you talking about how you regretted it. Are you being forced?
I still don't anyone who has been harmed by the jab.
You seem younger and there's no benefit to getting vaccinated.
Be sure to post your Bitcoin purse password on Patnet before you go.
Whoops of the week
Don´t worry swollen lymph nodes are perfectly normal.
So the Australian news.com.au site has been “truth dropping” lately. Firstly it was about one week ago they admitted that women´s menstrual cycles have been changing after the jab, but nothing to worry about, the changes are all well within the statistical norm. The comments section literally blew up like Hiroshima.
Then came on the weekend the Myocarditis is actually a side effect of the mRNA vaccines, but don´t worry, it´s so rare that there is literally no risk getting it compared to certain death from Omicron. The comments section blew up more than the heart of a Pfizer vaccine recipient.
Then today, “oh 10% of people who get boostered get swollen lymph nodes”…. but don´t worry, this is perfectly normal and you have nothing to worry about, it just means the vaccines are working. ...
These truth drops are coming thick and fast. Soon they might even start questioning why the all causes death rate is so high, and it must be due to undiagnosed covid or something.
Literally what is the IQ of these people??
SEPTEMBER 27, 2021
Johnson & Johnson: Children Don’t Need the ‘F*cking’ COVID Vaccine Because There Are ‘Unknown Repercussions Down the Road’ … Want to ‘Punish’ Unvaccinated Adults and Turn Them Into ‘Second-Grade Citizens’ for Not Complying with Mandates
Brandon Schadt, Johnson & Johnson Regional Business Lead: “It’s a kid, you just don’t do that, you know? Not something that’s so unknown in terms of repercussions down the road, you know?”
Schadt: "Kids shouldn't get a f*cking [COVID] vaccine."
Schadt: “It’s a kid, it’s a f*cking kid, you know? They shouldn’t have to get a f*cking [COVID] vaccine, you know?”
Schadt: “J&J is like stepping in the best smelling pile of sh*t you could step in.”
Justin Durrant, Johnson & Johnson Scientist: “Don’t get the Johnson & Johnson [COVID vaccine], I didn’t tell you though.”
Durrant: “It wouldn’t make that much of a difference” if children are unvaccinated for COVID.
Durrant: “Inconvenience [the unvaccinated] to the point where it’s like, ‘I might as well just f*cking do it [and take the COVID vaccine],’ you know what I’m saying?”
Durrant: “It’s almost like -- you’re almost like a second-grade citizen if you’re not vaccinated…you can’t do anything that a normal citizen can do.”
Durrant: “If you can’t work, I feel like that’s punishment enough…Only way people really act and comply is if it affects their pockets, like if you’re working for a big company and you’re going to lose your job, best believe you’ll be the first one in line [to take the COVID vaccine]…That’s what we’re doing.”
[NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Sept. 27, 2021] Project Veritas released the third video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today exposing two Johnson & Johnson [J&J] officials, who argue children do not need to take the COVID vaccine in part because of the potential long-term side effects.
One of the exposed J&J employees, a scientist by the name of Justin Durrant, laughs about inconveniencing unvaccinated adults if they refuse to comply with mandates being imposed upon them: ...
Justin Durrant, Johnson & Johnson Scientist: “Inconvenience [the unvaccinated] to the point where it’s like, ‘I might as well just f*cking do it [and take the COVID vaccine],’ you know what I’m saying? Like ‘I can’t go out of state,’ I can’t – ‘my grandma’s in Canada and I can’t visit her,’ you know what I’m saying? You can’t go to France unless you’re vaccinated -- you know you’ve just got to keep doing things like that where you’re almost like a second-grade citizen if you’re not vaccinated, but I know that’s awful.”
Veritas Journalist: “You’re almost what?”
Durrant: “Like a second-grade citizen, like you can’t do anything that a normal citizen can do.”
Veritas Journalist: “A second graded citizen?”
Durrant: “Yeah like top grade, like the ones that get it, and the ones that just like -- then you can’t do sh*t.”
Veritas Journalist: “So then how do we punish [the unvaccinated]?”
Durrant: “I mean if you can’t work, I feel like that’s punishment enough.”
Veritas Journalist: “People what?”
Durrant: “Only way people really act and comply is if it affects their pockets, like if you’re working for a big company and you’re going to lose your job, best believe you’ll be the first one in line [to take the COVID vaccine].”
Veritas Journalist: “Right, so if you’re working for a big company and you’re about to lose your job, you’ll be the first one in line?”
Durrant: “Yeah.”
Veritas Journalist: “That’s so true. That’s smart, that’s what we need to do.”
Durrant: “That’s what we’re doing.”
Durrant said he does not recommend taking his own company’s vaccine. He asked the Veritas journalist to keep that information private.
“Don’t get the Johnson & Johnson [COVID vaccine], I didn’t tell you though,” he said.
Both Durrant and Brandon Schadt, J&J’s Regional Business Lead, said that applying the COVID vaccine on children would not move the needle in the battle against the pandemic.
“It wouldn’t make that much of a difference” if children are unvaccinated for COVID, Durrant said.
“It’s a kid, you just don’t do that, you know? Not something that’s so unknown in terms of repercussions down the road, you know?” Schadt said.
“It’s a kid, it’s a f*cking kid, you know? They shouldn’t have to get a f*cking [COVID] vaccine, you know?”
Schadt compared J&J’s COVID vaccine efficacy to the other pharmaceutical companies.
“J&J is like stepping in the best smelling pile of sh*t you could step in,” he said.
No one would ever accept permanent fever... So, why accept permanently high antibodies? It's a "Death Zone"!
High Antibodies Myth - Evolution has pruned out those with constant high levels of antibodies, isn't that a sign we should heed? - Covid Myth Buster
Marc Girardot
In very high altitude climbing, there is a zone called the “Death Zone”, a zone above which your survival is limited in time: you can stay there 16-20 hours maximum. Nobody in their right mind, climbing Mount Everest, would stay up on top long …
High altitudes have a strong appeal to many - an adventure to tell your grand-children, a transcendence of a lifetime, the quest of excellence … - but there’s a reason it’s called the Death Zone: If you stay too long, you die. There’s no getting away. Safety and life is down in the valley. The only option is down.
The same principle applies to our immune system. You can get out of balance, but not for too long. During an infection, a temporary disbalance is an acceptable trade-off to fight and oust the virus:
high fever1 to damage as many virions as possible,
temporary invasion of T-cells to prune out every single infected cells,
and a huge count of antibodies to neutralise and evacuate the rest of the viral debris.
Once the infection is gone, a regiment of sentinels is left in the mucus to guard the entrance for the remainder of the epidemic, a few roaming sentinels with lifelong memory are set, and the rest wanes back down to bring peace and balance. It’s called homeostasis. The fever dissipates. T-cells self-destruct2 rapidly. And antibodies wane progressively.
Why is that? Why has Evolution selected the path of dissipated fever, suicidal T-cells and slowly reduced antibodies? Well there’s a safety-related answer, and it is quite obvious:
Too long a fever would end up breaking down all healthy cells, and so the remedy would be worse than the illness.
Perpetual specialised T-cells are also dangerous as they can start off-target attacks of healthy cells (as often occurs with immune checkpoint blockade treatments against cancer), and would be like leaving your home filled with a battalion of armed soldiers with their guns loaded and pin-less hand-grenades.
Finally, very high levels of antibodies with nowhere to go are also extremely dangerous. They can passively bind to receptors of healthy cells, and kickstart a cascade of autoimmune diseases. Land mining where you live.
Project Veritas on Thursday evening released undercover video of disadvantaged people taking excessive Covid vaccines in exchange for a tax-funded gift card incentive.
Part one of their series on New York City-contracted medical provider, DocGo/Ambulanz published Monday evening of whistleblower recordings, show medical staff and supervisors admitting they made mistakes when administering Covid vaccines to children.
In part two of this series, employees of DocGoAmbulnz are seen on undercover video discussing how people are getting excessive Covid vaccines in exchange for $100 gift cards.
The employees were actually caught on video giving advice on how to circumvent the rules to get more gift cards.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.