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A transgender center in Missouri has been accused of “harming hundreds of children,” the state’s attorney general revealed while announcing his office is launching a full investigation into the matter.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced Thursday that he has launched a multi-agency investigation into the Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
A transgender center in Missouri has been accused of “harming hundreds of children,” the state’s attorney general revealed while announcing his office is launching a full investigation into the matter.
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey announced Thursday that he has launched a multi-agency investigation into the Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
Investigations are nice I suppose, but they never seem to end up anywhere. It's almost as if they are just an attempt to get some free publicity right now...
I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.
There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling. ...
Frequently, our patients declared they had disorders that no one believed they had. We had patients who said they had Tourette syndrome (but they didn’t); that they had tic disorders (but they didn’t); that they had multiple personalities (but they didn’t).
The doctors privately recognized these false self-diagnoses as a manifestation of social contagion. They even acknowledged that suicide has an element of social contagion. But when I said the clusters of girls streaming into our service looked as if their gender issues might be a manifestation of social co...
I've shared this with other people. Thanks, this testament is extremely powerful.
Biden Appointee Who Pushes the Unconstitutional Military Vaccine Mandate to Resign
... Investigative reporter Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier reported that Adirim signed an order requiring all service members to receive the emergency use authorization (EUA) COVID vaccine while serving as acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs after being appointed by Joe Biden.
“While she was in the Pentagon as the acting assistant secretary of defense for health affairs (serving as a Biden Admin political appointee), Dr Adirim, signed her name to an order forcing service members to take the emergency use authorization (EUA) vaccine. Adirim’s memo attempted to justify mandating EUA shots as if they were FDA approved, which was not the case at the time, and remains the same today. The mandate led to countless vaccine injuries, the worst recruiting crisis since the formation of the all-volunteer military, and thousands of service members discharged for refusing to take the mRNA experimental gene serum,” The Dossier reported. ...
As The Dossier has reported, Adirim is a devoted democrat political activist and, as a medical doctor, advocates for “gender-affirming prescriptions” for “transgender” children.
Feb 13, 2023
Trans activists pushing 'purposeful disinformation' with 'transition-or-suicide' narrative about 'trans kids'
One of Finland’s leading experts in the field of gender medicine believes that the "transition or suicide" discourse pushed by trans activists who advocate for child sex changes is "purposeful disinformation."
Feb 13, 2023
Trans activists pushing 'purposeful disinformation' with 'transition-or-suicide' narrative about 'trans kids'
One of Finland’s leading experts in the field of gender medicine believes that the "transition or suicide" discourse pushed by trans activists who advocate for child sex changes is "purposeful disinformation."
Most of the cults back then always collapsed under the weight of their own utopian ideals, sex and financial scandals would rise out of the ash heap of failure.
Whatever was left swirled down the drain in the wake of Watergate, the end of Vietnam, and the failure of the Carter presidency, not to mention the more terrifying events like the Manson murders. It was not cool to be a hippie anymore. But their kids, kids like me, would grow up lost too - worse than lost. Depressed, full of anxiety, and in need of a fix.
We sought out therapy to talk about our bad childhoods. We gathered to watch Oprah every day at 3. We wanted to fix ourselves and thought we could. It was self-help books and anti-depressants. It was yoga, aerobics, meditation, juice cleanses, fasting, and gurus.
First, we focused inward, then we focused outward. Then it was climate change, women’s rights, racial injustice, cloth diapers, hybrid cars, cruelty-free cosmetics, feeding the hungry, and eventually, we had kids and then we sought about fixing them. They had to be perfect too because otherwise all of the work we did on ourselves was for naught. ...
Imperfect children were diagnosed with this disorder or that, even as toddlers, then we would drug them into perfection. We gave our children nowhere to escape. So they escaped online.
Eventually, though, all points led to Barack Obama. A perfect president for a perfect utopia of perfect people raising perfect kids. We were good puritans, utopians who had fixed ourselves, and our kids, and now we had a president to fix our country.
That feeling most of us had when Obama won was like a religious awakening, filling up a hole that had been left empty for decades.
Finally, what we had been searching for, working toward, and desperately craving had arrived: a collective sense of purpose embodied in the first Black president. The idea of the “first” was the high we were chasing, and would keep chasing to find ultimate purity.
But sooner or later you run out of the ones that already exist so then you have to start inventing new ones, finding new ways to define people as marginalized. Who is not accepted by Hollywood? Who is never noticed in public? Who is shamed or ridiculed or bullied? Those people needed rescuing and we were going to rescue them.
Everyone else, which was mostly everyone, was to be named as the oppressors. The more successful, the more oppressive.
Meanwhile, many of our kids began creating and inventing their own religion online, a jacked-up version of ours based solely on identity, purity, and a binary measure of people who are good and people who are bad. They didn’t realize it but they were building a utopian cult that would grow up, join the workforce, and completely overtake the Left. We saw the beginnings of it at Evergreen College in 2018. ...
Though it took me a while to really understand what had happened to the Left, I knew eventually it would drive me away. I was with them as a loyal Democrat who really was a true believer in the Party and even the social justice movement for a time. But then it got weird. Really really weird.
I spent a few years trying to fight with them, pushing back against the many cancellations, trying to convince my friends and family that something was very wrong with the Left but none of them would listen to me. They were in a kind of “mass formation” fugue state and all they could do was try to pull me back into the fold. Even now they show up with their fingers pointed, accusing me of being a heretic, a blasphemer, a witch.
They whisper about me behind my back, they gossip and worry and fret about what happened to me, why I went so wrong. They seem to think that nothing is quite as bad on the Left as Trump. So they keep asking me, “are you a Trump supporter now?” And “Are you voting for Trump?” If I answer yes, then they have their confession and they can feel satisfied that they were right to throw me away like human garbage. But I don’t answer because I don’t know.
What I do know is that it was a lie that we were the resistance. We were always the empire. It was a lie that Trump was a fascist. We’re closer to fascism now than we’ve ever been as a country with the Democrats in power. And it was always a lie that Trump World was a cult.
What kind of cult leader takes credit for the vaccine and then can’t get his supporters to take it? Wouldn’t they have complied like everyone on the Left? Did Jim Jones allow anyone to not drink that flavoraid laced with cyanide?
The cult of the Left is ruled by fanatics, zealots, and true believers. While there really are people who suffer from gender dysphoria - and trans people do exist, in my view - they aren’t part of the cult of the Left so much as they have become sacred symbols of it. ...
The women are bad enough - trading their journey of empowerment for endless self-punishment over their whiteness. So now their children are being used as sacred symbols for their path toward salvation. They might not be sacred themselves but they are “holy mothers” of the sacred which gives them some status.
Cults separate children from parents. Cults separate mothers from their biological impulse to protect their children. Watching Democrats wear pins to the State of the Union that said “abortion” was yet another sign that the cult seeks to destroy the bond between mother and child. ...
But that’s nothing compared to the “Good White Men” of the Left. They have had to erase themselves in real time, as though they alone can roll back thousands of years of men being in charge. ...
Their only outlet is to take to Twitter and unleash all of their pent-up frustration at their own muted masculinity. They can call Marjorie Taylor Greene “white trash” and feel perfectly justified in it. They know no one will call them a sexist. They can openly mock Justice Clarence Thomas knowing they will not be called a racist.
It must feel so good to beat their chest and cosplay being the men they once were, instead of the melted goo that they are now.
This is why Joe Biden must flank himself with Black women and why Hollywood hides behind Black actors in their films, their advertising, and their award shows. Biden and the Democrats believe they really have changed things by re-ordering the social hierarchy.
If you don’t think it’s a cult, just today, the Hollywood Reporter published a letter from celebrities demanding the already OH SO WOKE COULDN’T POSSIBLY BE MORE WOKE New York Times change their coverage of transgender issues...
That they believe they can control what people think if they bully the New York Times into compliance, or they silence dissent is, well, the stuff of cults. ...
Years from now when all of these young people come to us to ask, Where were you? Why didn’t you protect us? What are we going to say? That we were too afraid? Many of them are going to have major health problems for life and probably not be able to bear children or breastfeed them and we’re supposed to sit idly by and say nothing?
What it is we’ve been searching for on the Left is simply a way to replace the religion we lost long ago. I know that now. That is something I am going to have to find a way to reconcile in my own mind and heart. ...
We should never have to live in a country where we are afraid to express ourselves, to have conversations about complex topics, and above all, have the courage to stand up and protect kids. I can’t think of any higher purpose than that.
Here's the kind of compassion everyone should show the gender movement
Feb 14, 2023 · NottheBee.com
You guys, take notes, cuz this is how you do it. This is how you treat a member of your family when they enter the gender cult:
This is true love right here.
It's not acceptance, or inclusion, or "love is love."
It's real talk from grandma in her signature cursive.
Grandma isn't gonna call you "Mike," but she'll pray for you. She'll hug you. She'll enjoy every minute of time she spends with you, because she doesn't have much time left here.
That's true love.
I don't have to agree with you to love you.
The United States has basically the greatest free speech regime in the history of the world. In no other country on Earth can you speak as freely and openly as you can here. It's great.
I hold a lot of healthy criticism for countries like the United Kingdom, where it's much easier to be prosecuted by the government, and sued by private citizens, merely for saying offensive things.
Yet I have to admit, seeing those laws wielded this way is richly satisfying...
See, J.K. Rowling has had the temerity to claim that men shouldn't be allowed access to intimate women's facilities like bathrooms, changing rooms and women's prisons. I know, radical stuff.
Transgender advocates believe this makes her quite literally Hitler. And they haven't been shy about making that lunatic comparison:
Now, I'm no British legal scholar, but it seems to me that falsely accusing the world's richest author of being a genocidal psychopath, in a country with bracingly robust libel laws, when you yourself likely have no resources beyond whatever hourly rate you make as a secretary at the local university gender center — well, call me crazy, but that doesn't seem too wise.
Spoiler alert: It wasn't!
"Give my regards to your solicitor" is legal speak for "Start saying your prayers because I am about to nuke you from orbit." And this fellow, bless his heart, got the message loud and clear...
Violent Canadian pedophile who raped 3-month-old baby living in women's prison with maternal unit after identifying as trans
He was 15 years old when he raped the three-month-old while babysitting – the victim was so severely injured in the attack that he required reconstructive surgery. This led Adam Laboucan to became Canada's youngest-convicted violent sex offender at just 17 years old in 1999.
During his trial, he also confessed to drowning a three-year-old boy at age 11.
This sicko was considered so violent that he was given a rare prison sentence with no determined length.
According to the Toronto Sun, he "mutilated himself and ate his own flesh" following the horrifying assault. His behavior while incarcerated was said to be unpredictable.
But in 2018, he began identifying as a woman named "Tara Desousa" and underwent gender-transitioning surgery.
He was quietly transferred to a women's prison in 2017, where he became violent with fellow inmates, including an altercation where he "flung another inmate by her hair, then kicked her in the face."
Since then, female inmates have reported him frequently for menacing mothers by making suggestive comments and staring at their children. He has also made himself welcome at prison events where children are present, according to Reduxx.
Violent Canadian pedophile who raped 3-month-old baby living in women's prison with maternal unit after identifying as trans
He was 15 years old when he raped the three-month-old while babysitting – the victim was so severely injured in the attack that he required reconstructive surgery. This led Adam Laboucan to became Canada's youngest-convicted violent sex offender at just 17 years old in 1999.
During his trial, he also confessed to drowning a three-year-old boy at age 11.
This sicko was considered so violent that he was given a rare prison sentence with no determined length.
According to the Toronto Sun, he "mutilated himself and ate his own flesh" following the horrifying assault. His behavior while incar...
But everyone’s born good. No such thing as evil.
But everyone’s born good. No such thing as evil.
A new rule in Pennsylvania means that the state’s social workers are now required to ask whether children, including newborn babies, “identify” as “nonbinary.”
When social workers are assigned to a new case, the new requirement states that they must first establish whether the child or infant “identifies” as male, female, or “nonbinary.”
A government form, that social workers in Pennsylvania are now required to complete, was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
“The state’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning, which funds health and social programs for young children, requires providers to report demographic information on their cases – including, since 2022, the gender identity of infants,” the outlet reported.
“Data collection forms for the agency now ask for newborns’ ‘gender’ rather than their sex and allow providers to select male, female, or ‘Gender Non-Binary.'”
Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine discussed revenue opportunities resulting from hiring a gender clinic social worker while Levine was serving as Pennsylvania’s acting secretary of health, according to emails obtained by parental rights activist Megan Brock and reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
The pair discussed the potential return on investment and downstream revenue generated by social workers at gender clinics, particularly through surgical referrals.
“I am trying to give them some numbers to help them realize the eventual ROI [return on investment] for this necessary position,” the doctor wrote. “Even if the patients under 18 who go for surgery might be limited, the patients we start with will eventually be over 18…so I still think it’s worthwhile. Of course, I think it’s worthwhile no matter what.”
A press conference was held in front of Kaiser Gender Pathways Clinic in Oakland, California, on Thursday afternoon — the same clinic where Cole received part of her treatment as a minor. Cole, alongside Dhillon, gave an impassioned speech accusing Kaiser of "victimizing thousands of children" with "Mengele-style experiments."
"I was fifteen when you cut into my body, ripped out my breasts and stitched me back up like I was your rag doll," Cole charged. "You are on the wrong side of history and will always be remembered as child butchers."
LA DA Gascon suspends prosecutor for misgendering and 'deadnaming' trans child molester accused of murder
Hannah Tubbs went by James Tubbs when she attacked a 10-year-old girl in a Denny's bathroom
In the study, people with gender dysphoria who had ever used hormone replacements saw nearly seven times the risk of ischemic stroke (a blockage in a vessel supplying blood to the brain), nearly six times the risk of ST elevation myocardial infarction (the most serious type of heart attack) and nearly five times the risk of pulmonary embolism (a blockage in an artery in the lung), compared with people with gender dysphoria who had never used hormone replacements.
richwicks says
Patrick says
Everyone involved in sexually mutilating children is profoundly evil.
I don't know. There's a blurry line between evil, stupid, incompetent, and insane.
Either way, if it were up to me, I would mandate the death penalty for such acts.
Calvin Robinson takes on Drag Queen Story Hour: "Ask not why your children need to spend time with drag queens. Ask why drag queens are so keen to spend time with your children." ...
Yeah, they're trying to sexualize kids. That's exactly what's happening. They're not hiding it.
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So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.