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I work in media so at first I was totally on board with trying to keep people safe and distributing that messaging. This probably impacted my ability to catch up and see the way things really were.
Then, in January 2021 I started to notice that media angle was responding to whatever portion of the population was next in line to get the vaccine. If 80 year olds were next up, the MSM messaging immediately pivoted to 80s are most at risk. When it opened up to 70 year old, then 60 year olds, then 50 year olds, this angle kept shifting. Before we would never hear anything about 40 year olds who had covid then all of a sudden when it hit the 40 year old age bracket, the media was flooded with stories of apparently healthy 40 year olds who died from covid. No comorbidities or risk factors, just died. I started to recognize it for fear porn and even suspected some of these ‘stories’ were fabricated.
Guess what’s in the headlines now? Kids are in hospital with covid! Kids are dying! While I recognize that there are children who are dying from covid, possibly healthy children with zero diagnosed comorbidities, I recognize this is very rare. So where did all these kids come from? Why all of a sudden is there a „surge“ in children in hospital with covid? Could it be because they are next up for vaccination?
I work in media so at first I was totally on board with trying to keep people safe and distributing that messaging. This probably impacted my ability to catch up and see the way things really were.
Then, in January 2021 I started to notice that media angle was responding to whatever portion of the population was next in line to get the vaccine. If 80 year olds were next up, the MSM messaging immediately pivoted to 80s are most at risk. When it opened up to 70 year old, then 60 year olds, then 50 year olds, this angle kept shifting. Before we would never hear anything about 40 year olds who had covid then all of a sudden when it hit the 40 year old age bracket, the media was flooded with stories of apparently healthy 40 year olds who...
Will the media ever be honest about Joe Biden?
The president is polling worse than ever
The media blackout on Fauci’s damning emails
They suggest something nefarious was up on the lab leak theory yet the press has refused to notice
Last week saw another batch of emails drop from Anthony Fauci, and another media blackout as to their contents. The strategy by the press in cases like this has been pretty straightforward: ignore the story, wait for right-leaning media or Republicans to pick it up, then frame any attacks on the subject as tainted by partisanship.
Last week, when confronted once again by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, Fauci responded with more hyperbole and ad hominem. The media, meanwhile, framed the exchanges as “Rand Paul Attacks!” and “Anthony Fauci defends!” They refused to look at the information in the emails that Paul was asking about, refused to ask questions about them, refused to even report on them. They are interested in the bloodsport, not the truth. The reason for that is simple: the truth is becoming very problematic for the man who once conflated himself with science itself. ...
The problem for Fauci and his media allies is that the truth is going to come out eventually, with or without their cooperation, transparency, and intellectual curiosity. There is no Donald Trump to suck the oxygen out of the news cycle anymore. At this point, it all looks like malpractice, both by the mainstream media in ignoring Anthony Fauci’s emails and by Fauci himself.
This is full on political warfare, which is effectively using social and MSM media to control the narrative. But this is asymmetric warfare. They have the resources, the power, the money, main stream media, big pharma, tech giants and social media supporting their efforts. When Biden decided by executive order to enforce mandates, which are political in nature (the science does not support mandates as the vaccines do not stop spread of the disease and may create vaccine escape mutants), then mandates became a censored topic. When the government decided that they would not support the use of ivermectin and HCQ, despite our laws that allow such usage, these also became censored topics and taboo to discus. Messages about ivermectin being dangerous and horse-paste were planted though out the Internet and TV. These are examples of censorship and propaganda.
Now, there is a small, but growing guerrilla army of supporters of freedom. Mostly on the conservative side. Strangely enough, the resistance has come from the conservatives and now many in the younger generation are taking up the mantle. Indications are that it is becoming hip to be conservative. Will the democrats lose the next generation because of their draconian public health responses to COVID-19? is Canada’s newest social media platform where there is not only no censoring, but many counter-narrative organizations can be found there. In this short half hour interview, Norb and Roman, Librti founders, interview Will Dove and SAFC producer Cris Vleck on the need for alternate media where Canadians can get the truth.
Left-leaning news outlets ignored the lengthy criminal history of Brianna Kupfer's alleged killer in their coverage - and even omitted his mugshot from their homepages.
Reports by liberal giants - including the Los Angeles Times, ABC News and CNN - inexplicably left out details about Shawn Laval Smith's violent past. A picture of his face - released by police in hopes the public might help find him - was also left off online landing pages.
The LA Times, in its article, made no mention of Smith's previous arrests, or the fact he was free during the stabbing on a $1,000 bond related to a Los Angeles County misdemeanor in October 2020.
Smith is also free on a $50,000 bond in Charleston, South Carolina related to a November 2019 arrest on suspicion of firing a weapon into an occupied vehicle, court records show.
Why Did NPR Peddle Fake News on SCOTUS?
To smear Justice Neil Gorsuch’s reputation so that the American public will look with suspicion upon any of his rulings. ...
The day following NPR’s story, Justices Gorsuch and Sotomayor issued a joint statement calling the reporting “false.” The two explained: “Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us. It is false. While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends.” Furthermore, Roberts also denied Totenberg’s story, stating, “I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench.”
Following the direct and unequivocal denial of the story’s accuracy from the three justices who were the subjects of it, one would think a responsible journalistic outfit would swiftly issue an apology and correct the record. But that would undercut the whole reason for the story in the first place, which is to try to convince the American public that Gorsuch is a bad guy and therefore a bad justice. NPR rejected that it was false while “clarifying” via a spokesperson that “Totenberg never reported that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask, nor did she report that anyone admonished him.”
So who are you going to believe — a biased NPR reporter who has repeatedly expressed negative views of conservative justices, or Gorsuch and Sotomayor themselves?
Watch this supercut of all the "journalists" who spread the fake news about Gorsuch refusing to wear a mask on the bench
Harris Rigby
Jan 20th, 2022 1:24 pm
The fake news spread like wildfire the last couple of days after NPR falsely reported that Justice Neil Gorsuch refused to wear a mask on the bench.
Gorsuch denied the report and Sotomayor denied the report, but because reporters were so anxious to demonize Gorsuch, Chief Justice Roberts also had to get involved and deny the report.
But it was too late. The lie had already made the rounds.
Here's a supercut of all the left-wing media hating on Gorsuch based on this lie...
The vitriol these people have. The pure hate for Gorsuch.
Stay tuned: I'm looking forward to the supercut of apologies and retractions that's sure to come later today!
Top NPR Reporter Is STILL Defending Her Story That Neil Gorsuch Refused To Wear A Mask, Even Though It's Been Denied By Everyone Involved ...
Sotomayor and Gorsuch issued a joint statement denying the NPR reporting.
Chief Justice John Roberts also issued a statement contradicting NPR's reporting:
I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench.
So, in light of all this evidence that Totenberg falsely reported this story, how do you think she responded?
Yep, she doubled down. ...
Totenberg has been at NPR for nearly 50 years.
In the face of the truth, Totenberg is continuing to lie because she has too much pride and too much hatred for the Right.
This is National Public Radio!
We are signing this lady's paycheck.
And apparently neither she, nor the left-wing media, give a care for the truth.
Citing anonymous sources, reporter Nina Totenberg said Chief Justice John Roberts “asked the other justices to mask up,” or wear masks, because Justice Sonia Sotomayor expressed concerns for her safety amid the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.
Totenberg said that because Justice Neil Gorsuch refused the request—Gorsuch has not worn a mask on the bench recently—Sotomayor began attending oral arguments from her chambers.
In rare public statements a day later, all three justices responded to the report.
Sotomayor and Gorsuch said Sotomayor did not ask Gorsuch to wear a mask, adding that “while we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends.”
Even worse for NPR, which is partially funded by taxpayer money, Roberts said separately that “I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench.”
Despite the direct challenges to the story, NPR has not issued a correction.
Citing anonymous sources, reporter Nina Totenberg said Chief Justice John Roberts “asked the other justices to mask up,” or wear masks, because Justice Sonia Sotomayor expressed concerns for her safety amid the recent surge in COVID-19 cases.
CNN Spreads Dangerous Misinformation on Rates of Serious Adverse Events While Spreading Hate
Citing CDC, CNN Promulgates Myths on Vaccine Safety & Efficacy - at a Time in Which Americans Have Zero Tolerance for CDC Propaganda
Award-Winning Journalist Sharyl Attkisson: Propagandists Have ‘Overplayed Their Hand’
Former CBS journalist Sharyl Attkisson in an interview last week said mainstream media’s shift from investigative journalism toward a corporate-sponsored, “fact check” mindset originated with left-wing activists seeking to discredit conservative news outlets — and it’s had a major impact on coverage of the pandemic.
Former CBS journalist Sharyl Attkisson in an interview last week said mainstream media’s shift from investigative journalism toward a corporate-sponsored, “fact check” mindset originated with left-wing activists seeking to discredit conservative news outlets.
That shift has had a major impact on news coverage of the pandemic, Attkisson said.
Attkisson, winner of five Emmys for investigative journalism, told viewers of Epoch Times TV’s “America’s Thought Leaders,” the term “fake news” used by the media in the run-up to Donald Trump’s election likely originated with First Draft, an online fact-checking organization created with funds from Eric Schmidt, then-CEO of Google and an active supporter of Hilary Clinton.
“First Draft thought of ‘fake news’ as only a problem in the conservative media,” Attkisson said. “There was no liberal version of ‘fake news.’”
Attkisson said prior to 2015 – 2016, there was no public movement “begging for Big Tech, social media or other third parties to set themselves between us and open information online or in the news.”
But that changed, she said.
“Many people embraced the notion that some know-nothing third party that quite frankly was having its strings pulled by some corporate or political interest could insert themselves and say what we can and can’t see and read, and what we should believe,” Attkisson explained.
Attkisson took a deep dive into the phenomenon in her bestselling book, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” published in 2020, but written before the pandemic narrative developed.
The result is “the crazy media landscape we have today,’ said Attkisson, “where we have journalists — I don’t even think they’re journalists, but writers who amplify what establishment scientists or politicians want them to say — acting more as propagandists than journalists.”
During her time as an investigative reporter at CBS covering the pharmaceutical companies, she noticed a shift in editorial policy regarding stories on the drug companies.
Attkisson said that in the early 2000s:
“I was surprised that the pushback [from industry representatives] as I covered pharmaceutical industry stories came to be about not just trying to shape the information, but more about keeping a story from airing or keeping a study from being reported on. There were these efforts by large-scale PR firms that had been hired by the pharmaceutical industry and by government parties that work with the pharmaceutical industry to keep the story from being reported at all.”
On news coverage of the pandemic, Attkisson said:
“Not too long ago, we in the news would not have simply repeated what the government and industry said uncritically and try to convince the audience of its truth. We would have treated skeptically these sources with a clear conflict of interest.”
Now, we can’t listen to other sources or other scientists, she said.
Attkisson said those who served propaganda interests are now “editorial presences” within newsrooms. The firewall between those who craft the message and the reporters are breaking down.
She outlined a number of elements of the pandemic that the media got wrong, “unrepentantly” never acknowledging their errors and false “debunkings.”
The list included:
Reports that COVID may have originated in the Wuhan lab — initially “debunked,” but now widely acknowledged as likely.
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claims to Congress in 2020 regarding the severity of COVID — comments directly at odds with his own published research of the time.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shifting policies on masks: no … yes … maybe.
Lockdowns’ effectiveness in limiting the spread of the virus — they weren’t.
Vaccines as 95% effective against transmission and 100% effective against hospitalization and death — they aren’t.
Vaccines as preventing transmission — they don’t.
The misinformation fiascos regarding available clinical treatments.
The physical and mental health fall-out for young people of pandemic mandates for schools.
The CDC’s failure to correct false claims regarding “super immunity” for those receiving the Pfizer vaccine after having already been infected with COVID. Pfizer’s research showed no net gain in immunity for those vaccinated who already had natural immunity. Nonetheless, CDC officials shared this information with doctors in presentations after admitting the error.
Defining herself as an optimist, Atkkisson said she believes propagandists have “overplayed their hand” with America and become “too transparent” in their agenda.
She praised the efforts of some entrepreneurs to create new, independent media platforms and outlets such as Substack and Rumble that refuse to censor intellectual content.
“The truth finds a way to be told,” Atkkisson concluded. “It may take some time, but the search for truth will ultimately win out.”
Are you watching too much CNN? Know the warning signs:
1. You think the pandemic is still going on. If you find yourself saying "When the pandemic is over..." or "the new normal," you might be watching too much CNN.
2. You still think one of these investigations is going to “get” Trump. The walls are closing in. Any day now.
3. You haven't left your house in two years. Time to turn off the CNN and go outside, people.
4. You haven't heard of any of Biden's foreign or domestic failures. You think the president's doing a "pretty good job" and haven't caught wind of any kind of disasters.
5. You still call ivermectin "horse medicine". Oh no! Your brain has been infected!
6. You walk by a fiery riot and think to yourself, "Ah, what a peaceful protest. Mostly, anyway." If this is your immediate instinct, check with a medical professional. You may have an oversaturation of CNN.
7. You're at the airport a lot. This is less a symptom and more a root cause, but if you're at the airport, you're probably watching lots of CNN.
8. You drop to the floor and convulse any time you see a MAGA hat. The longer you roll around in the fetal position, the more CNN you probably watch.
9. You watch any CNN at all. Even one second is too much. Just say no.
Video Transcript: The Media Outlets Demanding Joe Rogan's Removal from Spotify Spread Far More Disinformation
Justifying their efforts to de-platform Joe Rogan, media figures claim to be deeply concerned by the "disinformation" he is spreading. Yet nobody spreads disinformation more recklessly than they do.
FEBRUARY 3, 2022
Big Tech Cancels the Freedom Convoys
Both the Canadian convoy and its American counterpart are feeling the wrath of the Big Tech censors.
When you think of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and the like, think: The Enemy. Because that’s what they are. If you love freedom, if you cherish your God-given liberties, then your best interests are at odds with Big Tech.
Yesterday, the increasingly activist GoFundMe platform froze the fundraising page of Freedom Convoy 2022, that magnificent movement of liberty-loving Canadian truckers who set out last week on a 2,000-mile trek from Vancouver to the capital of Ottawa to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s onerous and misguided vaccine mandate and other COVID restrictions.
The convoy became a national sensation, and its GoFundMe page has raised more than $10.1 million since its inception on January 14. As Fox News reports, “That amount far exceeded the amount raised by Canada’s major political parties last quarter.”
The truckers’ message, which appears on their GoFundMe page, is straightforward: “To our Fellow Canadians, the time for political overreach is over. Our current government is implementing rules and mandates that are destroying the foundation of our businesses, industries and livelihoods. Canadians have been integral to the fabric of humanity in many ways that have shaped the planet. We are a peaceful country that has helped protect nations across the globe from tyrannical governments who oppressed their people, and now it seems it is happening here.”
Predictably, Big Tech and Big Media moved to smash it, as a bureaucratic note on the aforementioned GoFundMe page makes clear: “This fundraiser is currently paused and under review to ensure it complies with our terms of service and applicable laws and regulations. Our team is working 24/7 and doing all we can to protect both organizers and donors. Thank you for your patience.”
Translation: You truckers are getting too uppity, so we’re shutting you down.
Unfortunately, there’s more where that came from. Here in the U.S., American truckers followed Canada’s lead by organizing their own anti-mandate protest called “Convoy to D.C. 2022.” In response, the despicable censors at Facebook took the extraordinary step of removing the group’s Facebook page. “Censorship at its finest,” is how the convoy’s organizer termed it.
Big Tech, of course, has us by the short hairs. Short of going off the grid, it’s all but impossible to live a life free of regular interaction with or dependence upon the many useful and addictive IT innovations of Silicon Valley. We may loathe these Masters of the Universe, but we continue to enrich them. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. In his 2021 book The Tyranny of Big Tech, Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley writes:
Victory against Big Tech’s pathologies requires that we reinvigorate family, neighborhood, school, and church, the places where, in authentic community, we come to know ourselves and one another, exercise our responsibilities, and find our sense of belonging. These are the places where we become citizens, where we become free, where we learn to exercise the sovereignty of a citizen in a free republic. Genuine community is now, more than ever, countercultural — and opposed to the ersatz “global community” pushed by the corrupt and power-hungry Big Tech.
Hawley also stresses the need for a new politics to push back against what he rightly calls “the triumph of corporate liberalism.” To do so, we must work to elect representatives who recognize Big Tech as the enemy, as a malign force worth fighting. And that fight begins by dismantling the framework that gave rise to Big Tech: the lax antitrust enforcement and outdated antitrust laws, the cozy and often incestuous relationship between the Beltway and Silicon Valley, and the special regulations and the carve-outs in the law that at one time helped nurture and sustain a fledgling IT industry but now, bizarrely, make Big Tech even stronger.
Here in our humble shop, we’re also at the mercy of Big Tech — at least to some extent. You might well have found this article on our Facebook page, which currently has more than 714,000 followers and is a powerful platform on which to push our message. And yet, as our Mark Alexander has written, our success makes us subject to their Orwellian practices of redlining and shadow-banning.
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams
15 Days to Slow Spread
Experts and health officials promised in March 2020 that we needed just “15 days to slow the spread.” Almost two years later, we’ve seen almost 700 days of mandates, lockdowns, quarantines, shaming, hysteria, and travel restrictions — with no stated end in sight.
Face Masks
During the early days of the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that Americans not wear face masks and the U.S. surgeon general urged us to stop buying masks. But in April 2020, the CDC said that all Americans should wear face coverings to avoid transmission of the virus. … Then, the CDC said in May that vaccinated Americans don’t need to wear masks in almost any setting, and now most media outlets are reporting that cloth masks just don’t work and that we should try N95s.
Vaccine Mandates
In December 2020, President-elect Joe Biden promised that he would not force Americans to be vaccinated. But this year, the Biden administration did exactly what Biden said they wouldn’t do.
Lab Leak Theory
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., was lambasted by the media for suggesting the coronavirus actually originated in an infectious disease lab rather than an animal market as the Chinese government claimed. … Now we know that scientists consulting with the U.S. government early in the pandemic believed that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab — but Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins worked to shut that hypothesis down.
Kids Should Go Remote, Schools Should Close
Now, after months and even years of children missing school, even The New York Times is publishing stories warning that closing schools would be a “tragic mistake,” recognizing that “hospitalization and death is uncommon in children.”
Vaccines Will End COVID-19
We were repeatedly promised by Biden, Fauci, and many others that Americans who got vaccinated would not get COVID-19. Biden said, “You’re not going to get COVID if you get vaccinated.” Fauci said, “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.” Now, as we see many vaccinated people continuing to get COVID-19, we know for a fact that this isn’t true.
Vaccines Don’t Affect Menstrual Health
Media and health officials repeatedly assured the public that there was no evidence to suggest COVID-19 vaccines negatively affect fertility — until January 2022, when a new study found that women had an average menstrual cycle length of about one day longer than usual after getting vaccinated.
No Masks After Vaccines
We were promised that vaccinations would end COVID-19 and that Americans would no longer have to mask after they were vaccinated. But the CDC changed its mask guidance when it found in July 2021 that vaccinated people could still get the COVID-19 delta variant.
Fauci Didn’t Fund Gain-of-Function Research
A high-ranking National Institutes of Health officer admitted in an Oct. 20 letter that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had failed to immediately notify that it had engaged in what sure looks a lot like gain-of-function research, creating a lab-generated chimeric coronavirus between June 2018 and May 2019 that tested more deadly on mice with humanized cells than the natural virus it was made from.
‘Pandemic of Unvaccinated’
Biden and Fauci have repeatedly blamed the unvaccinated for “propagating” outbreaks of the coronavirus delta and omicron variants. As recently as Jan. 13, Biden said that “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” ignoring the many, many vaccinated Americans who have contracted COVID-19 as of late.
Disgraced president Jeff Zucker's resignation yet another humiliation for low-rated entertainment channel
How does anyone fall for such obvious gaslighting?
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