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Columbia Journalism Review Sets New Standards For Biased Reporting
Consider a first principle of journalism, its purpose. Journalism is supposed to provide observed facts within a framework of objective reality. The “coloring” of facts to subtly shift opinion is not journalism—it is known amongst professional journalists as “framing bias.” Such bias slants the news via a filter distorted by the view of the reporter or organization. Framing bias is unvarnished intellectual dishonesty.
When this pledge uses the term “gun violence” it engages in framing bias. In fact, there is no such thing as a violent gun. Therefore, there is no such thing as “gun violence.” There certainly is criminal violence, but that is not the conclusion the CJR is pushing people to reach. ...
Journalism needs to return to fundamental fact reporting and truth telling. “News” media must:
(1) Report facts in an unbiased way. Cover the inconvenient truths.
(2) Fairly report positive as well as negative uses of guns, especially the legitimate, defensive and sporting uses of guns.
(3) Clearly separate opinion from fact, and clearly state the source of facts and the sponsors of organizations being sought for facts. Operations like The Trace, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Michael Bloomberg anti-gun enterprise, are not journalistic in nature, but are treated by CJR as if they are journalistic.
(4) Commit to reporting stories based on all of the facts, all facets of the gun industry, and the social utility of guns, the lopsided ethnicities of the people involved in gun abuse, and the steadfast refusal of the education establishment to cover even the most rudimentary aspects of gun safety, history or gun sports.
(5) Inform the public that police are under absolutely no legal duty to protect individual citizens. (e.g., Dial 911 and Die, Richard W. Stevens, Mazel Freedom Press, covering no-duty-to-protect statutes in all 50 states; Castle Rock v. Gonzalez (SCOTUS, 2005, no duty to enforce restraining order); Warren v. D.C. (1981, Police have no duty to protect an individual).
(6) Stop sensationalizing violence. Sign on to the Don’t Inspire Evil Initiative, and “Refrain from gratuitous or repetitious portrayal of mass murderers’ names and images.” –JPFO. Endless loops of these villains serves no one but the villains. Do not publicize the names of criminal perpetrators. “We must starve terrorists of the oxygen of publicity which they seek.” –Margaret Thatcher
Charles Heller, a founding member of the preeminent political lobby, The Arizona Citizens Defense League, responsible in large measure for that state’s consistent top national rank for gun rights, has been a journalist since running his high school’s 7,000-circ. newspaper, followed by employment with the Chicago Tribune and 23 years as a radio talk-show host in Tucson.
Washington Post: Labeling Lab Leak as ‘Debunked Conspiracy Theory’ Was Wrong
The Washington Post quietly has walked back its claims regarding the theory that the virus that causes COVID-19 escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
Something journalists refuse to report:
Yet Another Media Tale -- Trump Tear-Gassed Protesters For a Church Photo Op -- Collapses
That the White House violently cleared Lafayette Park at Trump's behest was treated as unquestioned truth by most corporate media. Today it was revealed as a falsehood.
Remember how the media said Trump cleared out protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets for a Bible photo op? Yeah, turns out that never happened.
“Nick, it’s not really journalism, is it?” Kenny continued. “They are really stenographers in a way, aren’t they? They are documenting history, but they aren’t being critical. With Trump, ultra-critical. Inflammatory in some instances.”
Austin's premier newspaper wouldn't print a description of a mass shooting suspect because he's black and it "could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes"
Progressive Democratic operative caught red-handed stealing signed petitions to recall the San Fran school board, media silent on this particular story of voter suppression for some strange reason
Jun 14th, 2021 12:48 pm
I suppose that's one way to stop voter fraud:
Stop a vote from ever happening!
The incident took place May 30 as organizers were collecting signatures to petition for the recall of the San Francisco school board.
Here's a summary of how awful the media is in just two pictures, courtesy of Time:
The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸
22 Oct 2020
.@DarrenJBeattie: "We see these journalists are not even acting as meaningful journalists. What they're doing is acting as commissars & Neo-Stasi effectively in order to crush the rebellion of the American people against their corrupt ruling class."
Jun 20
Replying to @PierreKory @Kevin_McKernan
Can’t force trace tokens and digital vaccination passes unti the entire population if you can just get rid of the flu by taking a simple medicine.
The Hong Kong-based pro-democracy news outlet Apple Daily has been forced to shut down after a police raid last week that saw five of its executives arrested. The paper had been under increased scrutiny since last year after the arrest of its owner and Beijing critic Jimmy Lai.
Apple Daily will distribute its last print edition on Thursday. The 26-year-old tabloid will also stop publishing online from midnight June 23, and its website will no longer be accessible from Saturday.
“Thank you to all our readers, subscribers and clients and Hong Kong for 26 years of immense love and support. Here we say goodbye, take care of yourselves,” Apple Daily said in a statement.
The outlet’s demise further raises concerns about freedom of the press, freedom of expression and other rights in the former British colony, which was handed back to Beijing in 1997 and its freedoms have increasingly suffered in China’s grip.
Our only hope is that the next Jan 6 tour of the Capitol lasts for 100 years in which all reporters are dismembered and eaten by patriots' pets and Fox News and OAN take control of all media.
Columbia Journalism Review Abandons Neutrality – Adopts Gun-Control Advocacy
"Reporters" can no longer tell the difference between journalism and propaganda.
Columbia Journalism Review Abandons Neutrality – Adopts Gun-Control Advocacy
Since editors and reporters from outlets other than Fox News and OAN are criminally insane alien agents of the PRC, there is no reason not to shoot them in the face at will.
Why, I think AF is actually back!
Welcome back @SumatraBosch
Media Malpractice in 2021
... In theory, the news media was supposed to inform us so we could be responsible members of a democracy. In fact, the media delivers click-bait sensationalism and 20+ minutes of commercials each hour. On top of that, we have a world of information in our pockets. That was supposed to leave us better informed. Instead, we’re fed corporate propaganda and told what we “need” to buy. I’ve watched the media create the false impression that gun owners in the United States are dangerous. Those media inconsistencies are easy to find.
One obvious example is that the MSM calls a gun a “patrol rifle” or a “personal defense weapon” when a government employee carries it, but they call the same piece of plastic, aluminum, and steel an assault weapon if it is in my wife’s hands. We’re told that a gun is completely ineffective to affect government behavior, and yet the same gun is “much too dangerous” to be left in the hands of honest civilians. It seems the media, and some government officials, want it both ways.
The media’s lies extend beyond the hardware and include the nature of gun owners themselves.
Yes, the media lies to us about who owns guns in the United States. I think I know why. The media stereotyped gun owners for years. They call us old-white-rednecks, yet most new gun owners are women and minorities. For obvious political reasons, the media doesn’t want us to know what today’s gun owners look like. Times change and the media doesn’t want minority women to know that they are the fastest-growing segment of the gun-owning population. In 2020 and 2021, more minority women are curious about guns as they see their friends become gun owners and take training. That is called a preference cascade. The media lies to us so we won’t know what is possible for us. ...
Mass media pummels us with horrific images after a mass murder. They seldom show us the mass murders that were stopped by armed civilians. The media never shows us the good news to the same extent as the bad. One reason is that the media has to sell outrage to capture our attention. The truth is too dull, and outrage is the only way we will sit through 20 minutes of advertisements an hour.
The media tells us about the robbery at the convenience store. The media seldom shows us the story of the armed store clerk who chased away the two robbers late at night by himself. The media should give us a sense of proportion. Instead, the media feeds us sensationalized headlines. Each year, we defend ourselves millions of times with a firearm while dozens of us become the victim in a mass murder. You’d never know that from the media coverage. The media doesn’t want us to know that most robbers would rather run than get shot. That story doesn’t fit the biased narrative that the media is trying to sell.
Media bias against honest gun owners is fueled by both the preferences of the advertisers and by the political bias of the news editors. We can blame a failure of imagination on their part. They can’t recognize when guns save lives. Our social elites simply can’t imagine defending themselves, so they are blind to it. Self-defense never happens according to their view of the world. When it comes to personal safety, that is what they pay the private security guards at their condo to take care of. That is why their office has a security guard at the front door. If you wanted protection, then you’d do what they do and live where they live.. or so they think.
Since they can’t imagine protecting themselves, they think guns ought to be outlawed. They can’t admit that licensed gun owners who concealed carry are more law-abiding and non-violent than the police. It is outside their experience, and we might as well tell them that gun owners are from the moon.
Before we gun owners feel special, the elites don’t know people who own a pickup truck either. The news is corrupted by the personal and corporate bias of the news organizations. That would be of academic interest, except the media’s bias is getting our children killed.
The media elites ignore that mass murders usually occur where guns are banned. Mass murderers deliberately attack us where you and I are disarmed. We are disarmed in “gun-free” zones because we obey the law. From the media point of view, more disarmed civilians mean more stories of mass murder and more commercials for auto insurance. What is worse is that there were over 80 copycat murder plots after the mass murder at the high school in Columbine, Colorado.
These murderers said, in effect,
“I want to have may face and my name in the news. I want everyone to know who I was.
“I want the same multi-million dollar publicity campaign that the media gave the last mass murderer.”
and the media was only too eager to give them what they wanted.
We had to coin a new term to describe this media phenomenon; it is called “celebrity murder-suicide”. The media lies to make money and they lie to feel good about themselves, when in fact, they help drive the mass murder that gets us killed.
Patrick saysWhy, I think AF is actually back!
Welcome back @SumatraBosch
I missed refreshing jokes by AF. @SumatraBosch
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