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And it's getting worse:
There's no medical reason for people who have recently gotten over Covid to wear a mask.
Doctor's advice just do it anyways. "It's a small thing".
Sure ... I have faith in the medical establishment.
Health ‘Experts’ Finally Admit Masks Control People, Not Viruses
JANUARY 05, 2022
Making little kids wear masks is slo-mo ritual child abuse little kids wear masks is slo-mo ritual child abuse
Well, masks weren't completely useless to Pfizer and Pfauci. They increased FEAR
Oregon considering permanent mask mandate.
The Cult of Masked Schoolchildren
History will not look kindly on our evidence-free decision to make kids suffer most
Transmission of Omicron in a quarantine hotel between two vaccinated individuals across a corridor
Face masks destroy evolution’s most important gift to society
Emotional expressions are our MAIN communication system
Here's the text of the letter with all the typos you'd expect from a second grader:
Dear Govener Youngkin my name is [redacted] im eight years old. I go to [redacted] Elementry School im in 2nd grade. I Agree with you that kids shouldn't wear masks in school. Here are some reasons why I dont like masks, First I cant breath, Second I miss seeing my friends face, Last I cant hear Mrs [redacted] when she talks so I don't understand what she is teaching me. So please do something because Farifax publick schools wont let us take off our masks. My BFF [redacted] is so excited to rip her MASK OFF on the 25th. There are kids that feel like me.
She's so excited that her friend will get to go maskless and she's hoping that the governor will protect her from the mandates at her county schools.
This is all at once sweet, sad, heartwarming, and heartbreaking.
These mask policies are completely inhumane and anti-children. We need more governors in the US like Youngkin and DeSantis who will prevent our kids from being forced to wear masks all day, every day.
January 21st 2022
693 Retweets 2,039 Likes
New York Times: “Masks have encouraged anonymity and discouraged dialogue. “ 'People don’t know how to communicate anymore,' said Jazlyn Korpics, 18, a senior at Liberty. 'Everybody’s a robot now — their minds are warped.'
WSJ: "Facial expressions are integral to human connection, particularly for young children ... Covering a child’s face mutes these nonverbal forms of communication and can result in robotic and emotionless interactions"
Prof. Emily Oster: "The concerns here stem from the observation that the bottom half of the face is important for reading emotions, learning to speak, and learning to read. The theory behind this is compelling." "Masks are not a friendship bracelet"
Video: "Thank you for not reaching out to the students for asking how feel about masks, because if you did, the majority of students would say they hate masks ... than you for allowing me to experience the anxiety of never seeing facial expressions."
Video: "I felt like my entire life was falling apart, because of what this government did to young people"
Pro-mask advocate. "Don't tell me 2 years of masking doesn't impact kids."
New York Times: "Masks can impede communication"
Boston Globe: "[Mask-free] students reported 'happier hallways,' 'contagious smiling,' and better class discussions. With fewer masks, English language learners and students learning foreign languages reported better communication."
TabletMag: "Fifty-nine percent of U.K. teachers in April 2021 stated that asking pupils to wear masks made understanding them a “lot more difficult.” We know that when someone conceals their lips it’s harder to comprehend what they’re saying."
SF Chronicle: "Every student is struggling with pronunciation/recognizing letter sounds. 'I am often the only adult they interact w that can articulate the sounds, but they can’t see my mouth.' It's especially hard on autistic students."
German study: “Top German scientists have found that wearing certain types of face masks for long periods of time could result in potentially hazardous chemicals and harmful microplastics being inhaled deep into human lungs.”
Rational Ground: “The resulting report found that five masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria.”
Top German scientists have found that wearing certain types of face masks for long periods of time could result in potentially hazardous chemicals and harmful microplastics being inhaled deep into human lungs.
Professor Michael Braungart, director at the Hamburg Environmental Institute and co-founder of the world-renowned Cradle to Cradle environmental standard has told Ecotextile News that mask wearers unwittingly run the risk of breathing in carcinogens, allergens and tiny synthetic microfibres by wearing both textile and nonwoven surgical masks for long periods of time.
His recent findings have been backed up by another leading industry textile chemist Dr. Dieter Sedlak, managing director and co-founder of Modern Testing Services Augsburg, Germany in partnership with Modern Testing Services Global, Hong Kong who found elevated concentrations of hazardous fluorocarbons, formaldehyde and other potentially carcinogenic substances on surgical face masks: “I can only say 100 per cent that I have similar concerns to Prof. Braungart.”
Judge rules Hochul's mask mandate unconstitutional
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A State Supreme Court Judge out of Nassau County has ruled that Gov. Kathy Hochul's mask mandate is unconstitutional.
Hochul enacted the mask mandate in mid-December amid an increase in COVID-19 cases attributed to the omicron variant.
Judge Thomas Rademaker wrote in his decision that the governor does not have the authority to impose the mandate and that the state legislature would have to debate and approve laws requiring masks in schools and other places.
Judge rules Hochul's mask mandate unconstitutional
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A State Supreme Court Judge out of Nassau County has ruled that Gov. Kathy Hochul's mask mandate is unconstitutional.
Hochul enacted the mask mandate in mid-December amid an increase in COVID-19 cases attributed to the omicron variant.
Judge Thomas Rademaker wrote in his decision that the governor does not have the authority to impose the mandate and that the state legislature would have to debate and approve laws requiring masks in schools and other places.
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