Masks Control People, Not Viruses

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2021 Apr 20, 8:45am   129,922 views  1,006 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Published online 2020 Nov 22.

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Baruch Vainshelboim⁎

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making. ...

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

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695   WookieMan   2022 Dec 15, 3:45pm  

Patrick says

The New York Times explains to their sad, socially isolated readership why it’s time to mask up again, however stupid they feel being the absolutely last people to bother

Having finally gotten it (officially) a couple weeks back, it's a huge, massive, bigly nothing burger. It's not putting you 6' under unless you're already 5' when you get it. I'm slightly overweight and not a bastion of health. I'd give myself a solid B health grade wise. It was 2 days kind of a wreck, but really not all that bad. Overall 3 days of feeling off.

I don't comprehend why I'd need to be vaccinated against it. It's not a disease that kills you, but one that makes you succumb to your other diseases. Push you over the edge so to speak. My solo Covid infection essentially was a joke in hindsight. If no one told me Covid existed I'd have thought I had a cold. That was my experience.
696   Onvacation   2022 Dec 16, 8:56pm  

699   Patrick   2022 Dec 24, 4:12pm  


No studies show masks work well against respiratory infections like COVID-19, a top White House health official has acknowledged.

“There is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House’s COVID-19 coordinator, said during a recent discussion with the Philadelphia Inquirer. ...

Jha’s admission is unusual for him as he frequently advised people to wear masks during the pandemic and hyped their effectiveness. ...

Jha has made a number of unsupported or false statements since assuming the White House position, including falsely claiming that none of the COVID-19 vaccines have serious side effects.

Experts around the world, including other U.S. government officials, have said since 2021 that there are serious side effects from the vaccines, including heart inflammation. ...

The only randomized, controlled trials on masks against COVID-19 showed little to no benefit in wearing them. Based on the results, it is “astonishing that some public health officials still impose mask mandates,” Martin Kulldorff, a senior scholar at the Brownstone Institute, recently wrote on Twitter.

President Joe Biden’s administration is fighting to have a mask mandate for airplanes and airports reinstated, and has also kept in place vaccine mandates for various sectors. The mask mandate and most of the vaccine mandates have been struck down or otherwise blocked by courts.
705   Patrick   2023 Jan 5, 11:06am  


Masks never worked and government knows it. They also cause serious harms.

1 “It was deeply concerning to see schools “strongly encouraging” children to wear face coverings before the summer break. Despite early hopes, we now know from the real world data that mask mandates had no significant effect on interrupting the spread of coronavirus. Meanwhile, the damaging unintended harms of covering our faces are profound and still being felt. The use of masks is not, and has never been, a benign or recommended public health intervention “( signed by the Co Chairs of the APPG (All Party Group at Westminster on Pandemic Response and Recovery)

2 The UK Government’s own Evidence Summary on the use of face coverings in education settings found they had NO statistically significant effect on transmission – the evidence showing they serve NO purpose in controlling the spread of Covid.

3 And according to Carl Heneghan Professor of Evidence based Medicine at Oxford University, “There is no evidence that masks are protecting children and teachers in schools.” Which he repeated very recently on his Substack “Clinical Trials Show No Clear-Cut Effect of masks”

4 Prof Carl Heneghan

We also cited the co-author of Mr Hancock’s pandemic memoir, revealing that Johnson, Whitty and Hancock knew from the start that masks do not do the job, and yet they went ahead and coerced Britons to wear them.

The reality is different. Clinical trials in various settings - across vastly different ranges of circulation rates - from low influenza-like illness to pandemics have failed to show any effect. Which tallies with everyone’s personal experience of mask “protection”. So, why the sudden reintroduction?

5 Mandatory face coverings is the wrong policy, says Professor Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence based medicine at Oxford and a government advisor addressing the N.I Executive.

Face masks do not work to significantly reduce the spread of Covid, according to the evidence. Dr. Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, told the N.I. Executive on August 10th 2020 that mandatory face coverings was the wrong policy:

He believes the evidence used to impose the mandatory wearing of masks in public spaces is "poor quality",

“By all means people can wear masks but they can’t say it’s an evidence based decision”

6 Prof Tom Jefferson (Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Oxford University)

“Aside from people who are exposed on the frontlines there is no evidence that masks make any difference”

7 -Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals-there is no evidence to suggest they are effective in stopping such people from becoming ill. (American Medical Association)

8 And Jenny Haries Deputy Chief Scientific Officer of England puts it thus “masks could actually trap the virus and the wearer then starts to breathe it in putting themselves at more risk”

9 The European Community Trial

European community trial of masks and the update of the Cochrane Review that found no significant effect for facemask wearers. ...
706   Patrick   2023 Jan 6, 2:14pm  


German doctor gets nearly 3 years in jail for issuing mask exemptions
707   Patrick   2023 Jan 7, 11:12am  


93 Year-Old Holocaust Survivor on Masks: "there is a hypocrisy in the public narrative"
Apr. 1st, 2021 12:05 pm

[scene is of protestors many carrying with signs: NO MASKS ON KIDS; IT'S CHILD ABUSE; FREEDOM PROTEST]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Guys, we have a 93 year old Holocaust survivor. [passes microphone]

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF [taking microphone]: Thank you very much. I am in fact a survivor of the Holocaust. And the first thing I have to tell you, that even then nobody told us it was done for our own good. We all knew what was happening. And when I think today, when I see people masked, I think of the yellow star, which gave everybody liberty to aggress me, to insult me, to call me a carrier of disease.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Oh my love.

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF: To spit on me even.

WOMAN'S VOICE: I love you!

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF: I would like to tell you that this is worse. This is more insidious, it concerns more people. It is, it is, there is a hypocrisy in the public narrative that is absolutely unbearable, to say that we're doing this to protect the old. I would love to die in a state that gives me freedom than this.

[cheers, applause, horn blowing]

I have already outstayed my welcome by many years and my life expectancy is probably not great. But I would gladly exchange it for the lives and livelihood and happiness of generations that come after me, to live their lives as I have been.

MAN'S VOICE: Thank you!

OLDER WOMAN IN BLUE SCARF: To have masks, to see people defile their children with masks, is something totally unbearable to me.
708   Patrick   2023 Jan 10, 7:55pm  


German mask mandates are quietly withdrawn one after the other, as it finally dawns on the broader public and politicians that they're stupid and pointless


Mask mandates should not only be withdrawn, there should be prosecutions of the criminals who imposed this stupidity to spread fear for the profits of Pfizer and power of Pfauci.
710   Patrick   2023 Jan 14, 11:48am  



Here is the video from CBC News of her being restrained for not wearing her mask. Afterwards her lifeless body is wheeled away. A coroner's report stated she died from a brain injury resulting from a lack of oxygen "due to restraint asphyxia following struggle and exertion.”

Woman in hospital was asphyxiated by security guards and died. They assaulted her because she wasn't wearing her mask.
711   GNL   2023 Jan 14, 12:02pm  

Patrick says



Here is the video from CBC News of her being restrained for not wearing her mask. Afterwards her lifeless body is wheeled away. A coroner's report stated she died from a brain injury resulting from a lack of oxygen "due to restraint asphyxia following struggle and exertion.”

Woman in hospital was asphyxiated by security guards and died. They assaulted her because she wasn't wearing her mask.

713   Patrick   2023 Jan 18, 11:41am  


German Doctor Sentenced to Almost 3 Years in Prison for Issuing Mask Exemptions
Doctors across the Western world face prison for practicing medicine and opposing state diktats on Covid “vaccines” and masks.
714   Patrick   2023 Jan 20, 9:12pm  


It’s just so astounding, this entirely pointless and still ongoing mass delusion. Masks do nothing to stop infection, we have spent three years learning in excruciating detail that they do nothing to stop infection, we are now setting fire to millions of masks heedlessly purchased at the height of pandemic hysteria when there was every reason to expect that masks would do nothing to stop infection, and still we’re pouring millions of Euros into some kind of retarded national strategic mask reserve that will also surely be incinerated in the coming years because masks do nothing to stop infection. Even more unfathomable is this ridiculous fiction that useless products which do nothing can ever “expire.” What is the fear, that expired masks will do even more of nothing than new masks? ...

Even more unfathomable is this ridiculous fiction that useless products which do nothing can ever “expire.” What is the fear, that expired masks will do even more of nothing than new masks?

Everything about Corona is such a multifaceted ridiculous farce.
715   Patrick   2023 Jan 20, 9:54pm  

How can a culture which believes, in spite of all evidence and reason, that masks work, continue to function?
718   HeadSet   2023 Jan 23, 12:14pm  

That is a very good idea to wear lettuce and the like, because it may force the hand of the mask Nazis to declare one must use a "mask designed to prevent Covid." Those blue masks would be outed as no more protective than the lettuce, and the mask Nazis would be hard pressed to find a mask that stops an aerosol virus.
720   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 7:40am  


Twenty years ago Australians were prosecuted for saying masks work against viruses. Now they get arrested for not wearing masks during viral outbreaks.

As Mencken said, our governments are dishonest, insane and intolerable.

722   HeadSet   2023 Jan 26, 6:37pm  

Patrick says

Ugly people wear masks to hide their faces.

Or assume they are hiding a cold sore.
727   zzyzzx   2023 Feb 2, 11:23am  


Unattractive people are MORE likely to keep wearing face masks in post-Covid era, study suggests
728   Patrick   2023 Feb 2, 7:42pm  


Masks Make ‘Little to No Difference’ against Infection, Peer-Reviewed Study Shows
Frank Bergman
February 2, 2023

A massive new international meta-study has blown the lid off the masking narrative by analyzing the true effectiveness of masks for tackling infection or illness rates.

The study was published in the peer-reviewed British medical journal Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews on January 30.

The definitive conclusion from the team of 12 international researchers in the study is the strongest scientific evidence to date refuting the basis for mask mandates worldwide.

The research collaboration analyzed several dozen rigorous studies focusing on “physical interventions” against COVID-19 and influenza.

The researchers found that masks provide “little to no” protection against infection or illness rates of COVID-19 and the flu.

Yet, the CDC still recommends masking in areas with “high” rates of transmission along with indoor masking in areas with “medium” rates of transmission (27%).


Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks (risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.09; 9 trials, 276,917 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence. Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence).
730   Patrick   2023 Feb 10, 11:08am  

The masks were never about keeping you healthy

It was about seeing constant visual reminders to be afraid of the air

And to obey

That’s why we resisted
734   Patrick   2023 Feb 15, 9:47pm  


Even in California, covid restrictions have been lifted and life is back to the old normal in most respects. Public health agencies are no longer recommending masks or vaccines. Even the CDC has moved on. You can almost pretend that the pandemic never happened, unless you want to attend a live performance of classical music. Performing arts organizations just can’t let go of the toxic cult of masking.

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