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2021 May 9, 10:24pm   83,772 views  648 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Back in January I wrote an article about four randomized controlled trials of ivermectin as a treatment for covid-19 that had at that time released their results to the public. Each of those four trials had promising results, but each was also too small individually to show any meaningful impact on the hard outcomes we really care about, like death. When I meta-analyzed them together however, the results suddenly appeared very impressive. Here’s what that meta-analysis looked like:

It showed a massive 78% reduction in mortality in patients treated with covid-19. Mortality is the hardest of hard end points, which means it’s the hardest for researchers to manipulate and therefore the least open to bias. Either someone’s dead, or they’re alive. End of story.

You would have thought that this strong overall signal of benefit in the midst of a pandemic would have mobilized the powers that be to arrange multiple large randomized trials to confirm these results as quickly as possible, and that the major medical journals would be falling over each other to be the first to publish these studies.

That hasn’t happened.

Rather the opposite, in fact. South Africa has even gone so far as to ban doctors from using ivermectin on covid-19 patients. And as far as I can tell, most of the discussion about ivermectin in mainstream media (and in the medical press) has centred not around its relative merits, but more around how its proponents are clearly deluded tin foil hat wearing crazies who are using social media to manipulate the masses.

In spite of this, trial results have continued to appear. That means we should now be able to conclude with even greater certainty whether or not ivermectin is effective against covid-19. Since there are so many of these trials popping up now, I’ve decided to limit the discussion here only to the ones I’ve been able to find that had at least 150 participants, and that compared ivermectin to placebo (although I’ll add even the smaller trials I’ve found in to the updated meta-analysis at the end).

As before, it appears that rich western countries have very little interest in studying ivermectin as a treatment for covid. The three new trials that had at least 150 participants and compared ivermectin with placebo were conducted in Colombia, Iran, and Argentina. We’ll go through each in turn. ...

What we see is a 62% reduction in the relative risk of dying among covid patients treated with ivermectin. That would mean that ivermectin prevents roughly three out of five covid deaths. The reduction is statistically significant (p-value 0,004). In other words, the weight of evidence supporting ivermectin continues to pile up. It is now far stronger than the evidence that led to widespred use of remdesivir earlier in the pandemic, and the effect is much larger and more important (remdesivir was only ever shown to marginally decrease length of hospital stay, it was never shown to have any effect on risk of dying).

I understand why pharmaceutical companies don’t like ivermectin. It’s a cheap generic drug. Even Merck, the company that invented ivermectin, is doing it’s best to destroy the drug’s reputation at the moment. This can only be explained by the fact that Merck is currently developing two expensive new covid drugs, and doesn’t want an off-patent drug, which it can no longer make any profit from, competing with them.

The only reason I can think to understand why the broader medical establishment, however, is still so anti-ivermectin is that these studies have all been done outside the rich west. Apparently doctors and scientists outside North America and Western Europe can’t be trusted, unless they’re saying things that are in line with our pre-conceived notions.

And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.

Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.

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506   The_Deplorable   2023 May 3, 6:32pm  

Onvacation says
"Outside of "Horse Paste" does anyone know of a safe legal place I can order domestically?"

See this post by James786 here: https://patrick.net/post/1343538/2022-02-01-hydroxychloroquine?start=1#comment-1947737

In addition, Ivermectin is an Over The Counter medication in the state of Tennessee.
507   Patrick   2023 May 31, 7:33am  


Watch the new short film by Oracle Films, Dr. Tess Lawrie recites a letter to Dr. Andrew Hill and asks him what made him turn his back on a potential cure for Covid-19.

In October 2020 Dr. Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organisation on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.

But on January 18th 2021, Dr. Hill published his findings on a pre-print server. His methods lacked rigor, the review was low quality and the extremely positive findings on ivermectin were contradicted by the conclusion. In the end, Dr. Hill advised that “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.”

The researcher seeking a global recommendation on Ivermectin had instead recommended against it. What were his reasons for doing so? Were his conclusions justified? Or were external forces influencing his about-face?
508   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 5:08pm  


FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does
June 7, 2023 • by The Vigilant Fox
Is the FDA doing science or peddling narratives? Because it looks like the agency has been caught in one of the biggest lies of the century.

Case in point: over on the FDA’s website, they maintain a page called: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”

However, when you dig into it, you’ll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite.

As ridiculous as it sounds: the FDA claims that ivermectin does not work against COVID-19, but in order to prove that point, they link to studies that say that it does.

It all sounds too hilarious to be true, but remember, this is the same Federal agency that wrote, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” ...

“Here is a list of compelling studies showing the efficacy of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19: https://sensereceptornews.com/?p=954,” added Twitter user Sense Receptor. ...

So, we must ask, where did the FDA’s “data do not show ivermectin is effective against COVID-19” conclusion come from? Because when the agency links trials that indicate the exact opposite, it suggests it isn’t even reading the studies. How embarrassing.

I argue that this is not an “oops” or “we overlooked that data.” This is criminal negligence, at the very least. How many lives and taxpayer dollars could have been saved if a cheap, effective medication was readily available to the American people? And for that reason, the FDA, starting with those in leadership positions, must be held accountable.

Hangings are the appropriate response to mass murder.
509   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 9, 10:45am  

From the link: https://dailyclout.io/fda-embarrassingly-claims-ivermectin-doesnt-work-while-linking-to-studies-that-prove-it-does/
FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does
June 7, 2023 • by The Vigilant Fox
Is the FDA doing science or peddling narratives?

It is their MO to ignore the facts hoping that the facts will go away. And facts, mind you, are stubborn things and they don't go away just because they are ignored.

Right now American doctors are prescribing Ivermectin with spectacular success.

And we have 97 studies from 1,056 scientists involving 135,766 patients in 27 countries proving - without a doubt that Ivermectin cures Covid!

Summary here:

Details here: https://c19ivermectin.com/

Finally this is Dr.Pierre Kory on Big Pharma's attempts to suppress the use of Ivermectin:

I am tired of presenting the efficacy data. The "debate" of the efficacy of ivermectin has long ceased to be a "data argument," despite the attempts to make it one by claiming the world over that it’s efficacy is "unproven..." never has a single generic drug posed as large a threat to industry profit nor have they ever committed such openly brazen and widespread criminalities using unprecented levels of informational control. https://principia-scientific.com/the-global-disinformation-campaign-to-suppress-the-efficacy-of-ivermectin/

It is time to prosecute these people who are preventing the American people from receiving these life saving medications.
510   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 5:25pm  

Thanks, that will make a nice meme for tonight:

511   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 5:31pm  


RFK Jr. Reveals Why Ivermectin Had to Be Destroyed

JUN 20, 2023

Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the greatest impact on human health. And its discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015.

But its existence threatened a $200 billion vaccine enterprise.

“The Federal Emergency Use Authorization Statute says that you cannot issue an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if there is an existing medication that has been approved for any purpose that is demonstrated effective against the target illness,” explained Kennedy.

“So they had to destroy ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and discredit it. And they had to tell everybody it’s not effective. Because if they had acknowledged that it’s effective in anybody, the whole $200 billion vaccine enterprise would have collapsed.”

Here’s the video transcript for those who want to read more: ...

KENNEDY: They had to do it. They had to discredit Ivermectin because there's a federal law. The Federal Emergency Use Authorization Statute says that you cannot issue an emergency use authorization to a vaccine if there is an existing medication that has been approved for any purpose that is demonstrated effective against the target illness. So they had to destroy ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and discredit — and they had to tell everybody it's not effective. Because if they had acknowledged that it's effective in anybody, the whole $200 billion vaccine enterprise would have collapsed.
512   stereotomy   2023 Jun 20, 5:54pm  


For 12 mg pills its $1 per pill. Antibiotics are much cheaper. Shipping takes 3-4 weeks, but so far after 4 orders, 100% successful delivery. I tried another place, but the FDA confiscated my shit.
515   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 8, 12:30pm  

Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD: My Ivermectin Story

Dr. Tess used to work for the World Health Organisation (WHO) and resigned because she "objected to their Covid strategies and recommendations." In a nutshell, she resigned because the WHO adopted strategies that were not evidence-based and made no sense.

"In October 2021 I got Covid... and [when] the symptoms worsened... fatigued, no appetite, and unable to even lift my head... I agreed to take a 5 day course of Ivermectin, feeling rather silly for not taking it earlier... Within 24 hours I felt so much better and right as rain by Day 7.

I have continued to use Ivermectin preventatively when attending gatherings and for travel, and also simply to de-worm myself from time to time!
Please do take the time to visit the World Ivermectin Day (WID) website..."
516   stereotomy   2023 Aug 8, 12:55pm  

Between the Rin cocktail and ivermectin, I've never been healthier. Any infection that the Rin cocktail doesn't prevent, I pop out the ivermectin and within 3 days, all symptoms go away. It works for viruses, bacterial infections, parasites, and I don't know what else.
517   stereotomy   2023 Aug 9, 10:01am  

From personal experience (so it's anecdote, not evidence), but ivermectin actually stops my cold sores. This is remarkable.

That being said, it just stops the spread of the cold sores, so I have to keep taking it for 7-10 days until my body completely mops up the viral outbreak.

You don't see that advertised. It probably works for genital herpes as well. Any slut whores on PatNet want to test this out?
518   Patrick   2023 Aug 11, 12:49pm  


Ivermectin for COVID-19
99 studies from 1,089 scientists
137,255 patients in 28 countries
Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ventilation, ICU, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance.
85%, 62%, 41% improvement for prophylaxis, early, and late treatment CI [77-90%], [51-70%], [27-52%]
55% improvement in 46 RCTs CI [40-66%]
49% lower mortality from 51 studies CI [35-60%]
519   Patrick   2023 Aug 11, 1:02pm  


Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

The government is defending the FDA’s repeated exhortations to people to not take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said “Stop it.”

The case was brought by three doctors who allege the FDA unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine with the statements.

A federal judge dismissed the case in 2022, prompting an appeal.

“The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no,” Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.

The FDA on Aug. 21, 2021, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter:

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

Oh, so now after loads of frail elderly people died from not being able to get ivermectin to treat the virus Pfauci created in Wuhan, now you can get it.

Someone at the FDA should hang for this, probably a lot of people at the FDA.
521   richwicks   2023 Aug 11, 1:38pm  

Patrick says

Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.

No. There was a push to.inject everybody with the serum. They weren't going to allow any treatment.

There's no sincerity in any of this. We didn't need a vaccine, we didn't have to be locked down. All the panic, inconveniences, restrictions, all the nonsense was to get everybody injected
522   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 11, 8:07pm  

Patrick says

"Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week."

Better late than never...

523   HeadSet   2023 Aug 12, 7:55am  

The_Deplorable says

"Doctors are free to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a lawyer representing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this week."

Yes, now that Pfizer et al, have cashed the checks.
524   Patrick   2023 Aug 12, 12:47pm  


As a partial answer, causing everyone in the area to suddenly drop their phones and pens in shock and surprise as though an actual horse had just trotted into the courtroom, the FDA’s lawyer glibly explained, the “FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”

Oh. Do they. Unfortunately, that information might have been very useful to a lot of people a couple years ago. But I suppose it’s progress. This new FDA statement will be particularly helpful to heterodox doctors whose licenses and certifications are still being challenged for their positions on covid over the last three years.

In a Fox interview about the story with Maria Bartiromo, Senator Ron Johnson pointed out the biggest problem with the FDA’s belated admission: thousands of people’s lives might have been saved if the FDA weren’t undermining ivermectin the whole time.

People are dead now because of what the FDA did. But the needle just moved a little in the right direction. The ivermectin horse is out of the barn. The FDA looks like a jackass.

We may not have any prosecutions yet, but we’re that much closer.

FDA officials need to be tried and hanged for the mass murder they abetted for the profits of Pfizer.
525   richwicks   2023 Aug 12, 1:13pm  

Patrick says

FDA officials need to be tried and hanged for the mass murder they abetted for the profits of Pfizer.

How's this going to happen when the government was cooperating with them?

I thought we could force the government to reform, I thought shame would work, but the only way we'll get justice will be revolution and street justice, unfortunately.
526   AD   2023 Aug 12, 1:37pm  

I saw from the beginning that the experts had too many conflicts of interest and investments in the vaccine makers like Pfizer. That is why they collectively marginalized and downplayed Ivermectin.

I remember reading that the medical community would be compelled to promote the Rx like Ivermectin over the vaccine if the Rx was endorsed as effective for the general population.

Follow the money.

527   AD   2023 Aug 12, 2:01pm  

richwicks says

How's this going to happen when the government was cooperating with them?

I thought we could force the government to reform, I thought shame would work, but the only way we'll get justice will be revolution and street justice, unfortunately.

Think about an abusive relationship such as a domestic kind. The abuser gets confused then upset as far as the victim not fully complying. Such as the victim questions the abuser's authority. The abuser lashes out and beats the victim.

Think of the movie Sleeping With The Enemy. The husband in that movie was that much of a sociopath and psychopath that every amount of manipulation and abuse seemed natural or second nature for him.

That is what you are up against as far as collective abusers.

528   Patrick   2023 Aug 12, 2:23pm  

richwicks says

How's this going to happen when the government was cooperating with them?

If enough people want justice, we will get justice.

Vox populi, vox dei.

So the most fundamental step is to spread the truth as effectively as possible. Memes are good, but lately I think memes in real life (flyers, stickers, chalk, buttons) are much better.

The Soviet Union had complete control over the media there just like Homo-Globo Inc. has complete control over the media here. Yet eventually, enough people realized the truth about their government and it just crumbled one day.

Even one person speaking out has a huge effect on the mezmerized sheep.

What is really needed is virality of the message of truth, where those who hear it feel compelled to pass it on. Christianity took over Europe the same way. Missionaries create more missionaries.
529   richwicks   2023 Aug 12, 3:21pm  

ad says

richwicks says

How's this going to happen when the government was cooperating with them?

I thought we could force the government to reform, I thought shame would work, but the only way we'll get justice will be revolution and street justice, unfortunately.

Think about an abusive relationship such as a domestic kind. The abuser gets confused then upset as far as the victim not fully complying. Such as the victim questions the abuser's authority. The abuser lashes out and beats the victim.

Think of the movie Sleeping With The Enemy. The husband in that movie was that much of a sociopath and psychopath that every amount of manipulation and abuse seemed natural or second nature for him.

That is what you are up against as far as collective abusers.



Our assumption was that what we were up against, was human. We all model other people based off from ourselves. I can understand psychopaths, but only abstractly. I can understand them through a video game, in that, I have no mercy, but also, I have no hatred, I'm just trying to win. I don't think these things can feel, or have actual empathy. I can only experience that in a video game.
530   AD   2023 Aug 12, 4:02pm  

richwicks says

We all model other people based off from ourselves. I can understand psychopaths, but only abstractly.

Its not hard to understand this behavior without modeling after ourselves. Read about their manipulative behavior and lack of empathy. Its all about winning by any means necessary.

And they do feel, and they do care; its just that they only care about themselves, and their family as well as close-circle of friends.

And if they work for the government, then they have a cult mindset as far as affection of the agency, whereas the "needs of the agency or service" trumps everything else including the Constitution.

531   richwicks   2023 Aug 12, 6:03pm  

ad says

richwicks says

We all model other people based off from ourselves. I can understand psychopaths, but only abstractly.

Its not hard to understand this behavior without modeling after ourselves. Read about their manipulative behavior and lack of empathy. Its all about winning by any means necessary.

And they do feel, and they do care; its just that they only care about themselves, and their family as well as close-circle of friends.

And if they work for the government, then they have a cult mindset as far as affection of the agency, whereas the "needs of the agency or service" trumps everything else including the Constitution.


The difficulty is thinking they way they do, it's inhuman, subhuman. I don't make the error that they are stupid, they are sociopathic.

You are wrong to think they care about family members. Joe Biden setup a charity for brain cancer research once his child, HIS CHILD, died from brain cancer - he raised around 2 million dollars and stole all the money, pocketed it. He used his son's death, Beau Biden, all the time for his advantage. He (falsely) claims he died in Iraq, he didn't - he died in the United States from the disease. His other son is a slut that fucked his brother's wife and had a kid with her, and a stripper and had a kid with her.

These people are subhuman or something else.

Stop thinking of them as "people like you" - they aren't. Could you imagine taking advantage of the death of a child to make money through a fake charity? Joe Biden did, and this is unimaginable to you, horrific. Joe Biden has no problem doing this. Look at Biden now, he's a senile old man, who protects him? His wife is a sociopath, his kids are sociopaths.

The reason these incompetent assholes rise up, is they have no fucking soul at all. These are things, not people.

Think Joe Biden believes he was really elected? I doubt it, but he has no problem being president. If you were falsely elected, don't you think you'd have a problem with that?

I'm telling you this is like 30% human. It has our genetic phenotype, it looks like us, but it's not human. The dregs of our species are our leaders.

We all see "incompetent" people "falling upwards" - why do you think that happens? The worst of our species climbs to power. Victoria Nuland, Henry Kissinger, Robert Kagan, people who fuck up all the time - why are they at the top? Because they're not fucking up. Their job is to create chaos and misery. That's our leaders.
532   AD   2023 Aug 12, 8:09pm  

richwicks says

Stop thinking of them as "people like you" - they aren't.

You are again wrong as far as saying I think of them as people like me. I loath them because are hardly like me as far as values and character.

533   richwicks   2023 Aug 12, 8:19pm  

ad says

richwicks says

Stop thinking of them as "people like you" - they aren't.

You are again wrong as far as saying I think of them as people like me. I loath them because are hardly like me as far as values and character.

I know your empathy, I'm telling you, they aren't human.

I seriously mean that. What group of people would agree to enforce an injection of an unknown substance over a pandemic that didn't exist?

Not people. I can see why I'm excluded from this group, they're not human. Sociopaths aren't human. I can understand their thinking, but I cannot engage in it. I was a vegetarian for 25 years, because I realized I would not want to kill an animal, I stopped being a vegetarian because I realized I could pay somebody to do it - also I had a ton of meat in my freezer when I had to put my last dog down, and it would have been immoral to discard it. It makes no difference what I do, either, there was this giant cull of animals during the pandemic because eating habits changed radically during it.

I'm very conflicted about morality and life and death at this point, and what constitutes a human being. What has the population been injected by, and why? The central bank could have just given them money - what's going on? I think we just went through an experiment. Asch conformity test? Milgram experiment? How is it I've been aware of these tricks since my 20's, and in Silly Con Valley, nobody else is? These are tests of conformance, and if you go along, you fail. It's disturbing, how can I can be aware of these and my colleagues can't be - but they still go along. We all had the same education.

It's extremely unsettling. About 1 out of 10 resisted. 10%. My business partner is an MIT graduate whose father is a biologist, and they didn't question anything. They are clearly more intelligent than I am. I'm wondering if intelligence isn't synonymous with obedience - that it's not intelligence at all - just conformity.

What I assumed, was that the more intelligent we were, the more freedom we could experience. I think it's the opposite now. I think the higher you climb, the more you are controlled because you have more to lose. It's unsettling to realize this.

I'm not kidding that when I say the "dumber" the person I talk with, the more information I can exchange and get from them. A farmer isn't dumb, a cashier at a grocery story isn't dumb, a construction worker isn't dumb - an engineer is. A doctor is, a physicist is. Are they dumb or are they lying? I have recently seen Neil deGrasse Tyson tell me that gender is a spectrum. He's a FUCKING SCIENTIST. Logic and rigid thinking beyond your own concepts and beliefs is BASIC in science. I've over-ridden my own biases many times, to my benefit. It's a way of thinking, and Tyson has abandoned it.
534   HeadSet   2023 Aug 13, 6:00am  

richwicks says

Logic and rigid thinking beyond your own concepts and beliefs is BASIC in science. I've over-ridden my own biases many times, to my benefit. It's a way of thinking, and Tyson has abandoned it.

Humans are overwhelmingly emotional beings, logic is secondary. Also, our society was designed by a few highly intelligent people through history who made great strides in technology. The rest of us are just along for the ride.
535   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 13, 10:35am  

richwicks says
"I have recently seen Neil deGrasse Tyson tell me that gender is a spectrum. He's a FUCKING SCIENTIST. Logic and rigid thinking beyond your own concepts and beliefs is BASIC in science. I've over-ridden my own biases many times, to my benefit. It's a way of thinking, and Tyson has abandoned it."

In science we follow the data - no ifs or buts - and this requires discipline. People who do not follow the data are not scientists and this includes Tyson. Tyson is a paid shill for the Globablists masquerading as a scientist.
537   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 14, 12:30am  

Big Pharma right now owns and controls the hospitals. So what about the "Hospital Protocol" that is terminating the doctors who prescribe Ivermectin for Covid 19?

Patrick says

538   Undoctored   2023 Aug 14, 7:14am  

The admission by that FDA lawyer doesn’t mean much. The FDA does not really have the power to control what doctors can prescribe. It only controls labeling and marketing of products intended for medical use., and what you can get without a prescription labeled to treat a certain condition.
539   HeadSet   2023 Aug 14, 8:13am  

Undoctored says

The FDA does not really have the power to control what doctors can prescribe.

True, but states do, and often pass laws based on FDA screeds.
540   Patrick   2023 Aug 14, 11:06am  


On a different but hugely consequential note, and related to the long-running outlandish mendacity of the US government, an attorney for the Federal Drug Administration told a federal appeals court in Louisiana hearing a lawsuit last week that the agency actually had no policy against the use of ivermectin for Covid-19.

FDA was not regulating the off-label use of drugs These statements are not regulations they have no legal consequences they don’t prohibit doctors from prescribing Ivermectin to treat COVID or for any other purpose. Quite to the contrary there are three instances I’d like to point the court to in the record that show that FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.”

How true is that? The FDA coerced Blue Cross and other insurers to warn doctors not to prescribe ivermectin for Covid-19, and likewise the Federation of State Medical Boards and National Association of Boards of Pharmacy to not fill doctor’s prescriptions for ivermectin for Covid-19 patients, despite the fact that it was among the best, most effective, and safest treatments for the disease. The FDA put out public service announcements telling Americans not to take ivermectin. The net effect was that state medical boards persecuted doctors for prescribing the drug (e.g., Maine Medical Board’s persecution of Dr, Meryl Nass). Also that hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 patients were denied early treatment, many of whom died.

We all know why the FDA pretended that ivermectin was not allowed to be used. Because it would have removed the Emergency Use Authorization that designated mRNA shots as the sole response to Covid, and it would have obviated the pharma companies’ liability shield for anything that went wrong. Of course, the whole damn thing went wrong and millions are now paying the price. Is this the beginning of the unwind of a colossal crime by those Rich Men North of Richmond against the people of this land?
542   Patrick   2023 Aug 15, 7:37pm  

Hey, does this invalidate the Pfizer EUA which let them murder people by vaxx with no liability at all?
543   GNL   2023 Aug 15, 8:25pm  

Patrick says

Hey, does this invalidate the Pfizer EUA which let them murder people by vaxx with no liability at all?

What made them change their stance on ivermectin? Any studies they're recognizing or citing?
544   ForcedTQ   2023 Aug 15, 11:39pm  

Patrick says

Hey, does this invalidate the Pfizer EUA which let them murder people by vaxx with no liability at all?

It most definitely should. This allows a treatment path for affected individuals and thus there shall be no allowance for an EUA. COVID testing EUA too.
545   richwicks   2023 Aug 15, 11:48pm  

Patrick says

Hey, does this invalidate the Pfizer EUA which let them murder people by vaxx with no liability at all?

It doesn't approve Ivermectin as a treatment, it just allows doctors to prescribe it off-label. They never said it works, and if you ask the FDA, I'm certain they will say it doesn't work.

So, the EUA can still be used.

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