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WillPowers saysThis is a crime. Why is the FBI NOT investigating THIS?
Because this is not in their jurisdiction. Why aren't the AZ State Police or the office of the AZ AG investigating this?
She says the main database for election 2020 has been removed NATIONALLY, the chain of custody obliterated.
There's literally no justification for that on the part of Dominion at all.
Fann wrote the first issue is with regards to “Maricopa County’s apparent intent to renege on its previous commitment to comply fully with the legislative subpoenas.” She went on to say the chain of custody of the ballots has been insufficiently recorded, resulting in “apparent omissions, inconsistencies and anomalies.”
Most notably, however, was the recent discovery of several deleted databases from the Election Management System. One America’s Christina Bobb has more.
In the video on OAN, the reporter talks about deleted data bases in Maricopa County, AZ, the supervisors responsible for keeping the database intact say the election management system hardware was DELETED in mid April prior to turning the machines over to the auditor. She says the main database for election 2020 has been removed NATIONALLY, the chain of custody obliterated.
She goes on to say the ballot seals were tampered with and compares it to the evidence from a crime scene in which the evidence seals have been broken. In some cases 20% of the ballots are MISSING, reducing boxes of 200 to 160 after tampering with the seal. This is noncompliance with the legislative subpoena the reported says. This is a crime. Why is the FBI NOT investigating THIS?
Steve Bannon, where I originally heard this report on the War Room, 5/13/21 thinks the FBI will try and shut down the audit.
SEE OAN report HERE: