Who exactly is pulling the strings?

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2021 May 15, 8:29pm   125,751 views  1,060 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, as soon as it starts to become apparent to everyone that Fauci is responsible for creating the CCP/Wuhan virus then suddenly the whole world is dropping mask mandates.


How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?

Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".

I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.

Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence.

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1001   Patrick   2024 Sep 5, 11:16am  


Weinstein has a broad and more discrete view of what the ‘deep state’ is. He describes it as an alliance of government, academic, and corporate interests that live off the established “rules based order.” Weinstein suggested NAFTA as an example.

However “bad” a deal the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) was for America, government actors and big corporate interests feast off advantages and benefits cleverly buried in the text of the incomprehensibly complicated laws. When someone like Trump comes along, and threatens to toss the whole deal out and replace it with something simpler (and less amenable to exploitation), it threatens to disrupt a carefully balanced ecosystem of benefits and sinecures that elite groups have spent decades building.

Not surprisingly, this coalition of elite interests fights more ferociously than a pack of starving coyotes to preserve their rewarding sinecures.

In other words, Weinstein suggested that the "deep state" isn't an ill-defined, shadowy cabal, but instead is a vast and intricate network of incentives — an alliance between bureaucracy and capital that thrives on complexity. This makes it devilishly difficult to dismantle, because even modest proposals for reform can trigger widespread institutional rebellion.

It’s not super controversial. Over the last four years we have seen that battle violently erupt onto the social and political stage. With that in mind, Weinstein believes this deep state coalition has completely captured an increasingly bizarre and unhinged corporate media, which slavishly serves the interests of its corporate controllers.
1007   Patrick   2024 Sep 8, 11:48am  


Martin reveals that Covid mRNA shots didn’t just suddenly appear in response to the pandemic.

According to the vaccine scientist, Covid mRNA shots had, in fact, been in the making for two decades.

While working as a U.S. government contractor, Martin says he witnessed decades of criminal preparations, years before Covid emerged in 2020.

Speaking with Infowars’ Alex Jones, Martin outlines the government’s long-term plot to develop and release the Covid virus.

Martin reveals that globalists had the pandemic planned decades in advance.

The entire exercise over the last four and half years was wilfully misleading the population into taking something through coercion that would not have otherwise ever been accepted.

“Since 2002, there has not been a coronavirus; there has been an engineered pathogen,” Dr. David Martin said.

“Engineered by Ralph Baric at the University of Carolina Chapel Hill where, in 2002, he patented the’ infectious, replication defective, clone of coronavirus’.” ...

Martin goes on to expose who “they” are:

“The masterplan [to vaccinate the world] was done by none other than the Wellcome Trust, NIAID Anthony Fauci, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (specifically Dr. Chris Elias), Dr. Gao from the CDC of the People’s Republic of China and a whole host of others who sit on what is called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board,” Dr. Martin said.

“To advance the social and commercial interests of sociopaths that wanted to kill human beings for the sake of their agenda, they decided to unleash a lethal respiratory pathogen on the population so the population would be bamboozled into taking an mRNA shot which would permanently, permanently alter their human condition.” ...

“The master plan is simple.” Dr. Martin said.

“Three-quarters of the world’s population are unnecessary and need to be shoved off the planet …
1008   Patrick   2024 Sep 13, 12:01pm  


The public explanation of how Moderna got a multi-billion dollar covid contract without any track record is, and this is not a joke, because the technocratic bureaucrats inside Operation Warp Speed were hopelessly infatuated with the idea of the mRNA platform, and because Moderna had an “existing working relationship” with the NIH, particularly with an exotic, termite-like insect called Tony Fauci.

None of Moderna’s other products in development in December 2018 have passed clinical trials. Not one. For some reason. ...

I’ve always thought the mRNA cancer drug was the dumbest and most hilarious potential product in the company’s never-climaxing mRNA pipeline. Darkly hilarious, that is. Here’s the marketing pitch: we’re going to force your cells to make tiny bits of cancer, all over your body, to teach your immune system to target any real cancer if it does come, which it might not.

Good luck selling that one! It would be safer to test experimental flying cars in Mexico than try that mRNA cancer ‘vaccine.’
1009   Patrick   2024 Sep 13, 12:10pm  


By now, you’ve probably heard enough debate about The Debate, so I’ll spotlight only a few points everybody else left out. You might know this, but Hollywood plays a larger role in the Kamala campaign than just stuffing the endorsements of celebs such as George Clooney, Taylor Swift, and John Legend into the corporate media tank. In fact, much bigger playas, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg, are producing and directing things backstage at Kamala Central, so what gets in the Kamala news plays as a Spielberg movie like The Color Purple. Just so you know. . . .
1010   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 3:52pm  


As a civilization and as individuals, we are currently living at or near the Goldilocks Threshold of stochastic resonance. Before the rise of global networks, the signals were too weak for most observers to detect and interpret them in liminal space. But we have now reached a kind of “sweet spot” for the mean observer. Signals that were invisibly weak or encrypted before are now ringing loud and clear for greater and greater masses of observers.

This is also the reason that so much of what we’re seeing now strikes us as hilariously absurd, and what is provoking such extreme and paranoid reactions from the signal designers and their paymasters. It’s the reaction of the Invisible Man, suddenly finding himself nude and fully visible in the public square. If only one person could see him, such an apparition might instead horrify, and cause the witness to question her own sanity. But when a large enough fraction of the population can see through an illusion, an avalanche of comedy may ensue. ...

... But resistance to the presence of hidden or double-meanings can come off as equally pathological, if not more. For example, If I were to explain the sexually explicit signal embedded in the Disney gift card image above to such an obstinate reciever, the reaction might not just be disbelief, but outrage. Their anger might be born of a narcissistic threat-response (e.g. this person is calling me blind, stupid, gullible, etc) or some ego-driven political projection (“That's just a Right Wing talking point!”), or just some meta-game they mistakenly think you’re playing (“You edited this picture to gaslight me!”). And if it’s not anger, it might be concern or fear, because they think they’re in the presence of a maniac.
1011   Patrick   2024 Sep 16, 8:56pm  


The U.S. is controlled by ten cartels and collectively they are destroying our country and enslaving the population.

Big Pharma
(Pfizer, Merck, GSK, Moderna, Sanofi, J&J, AstraZeneca)
Controls the FDA, CDC, and NIH.

Big Tech/Big Data
(Alphabet/Google/YouTube, Meta/FB/IG/WhatsApp, Microsoft, Oracle, Amazon, Twitter, TikTok)

Big Finance
(Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, Berkshire Hathaway, Citigroup, Blackrock, Vanguard, the Federal Reserve)
Controls the U.S. Treasury.

Military contractors
(Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics)
Control the Department of Defense.

Big Oil
(ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP)
Controls the Department of the Interior and DoD.

Big Food + Big Ag
(PepsiCo, Tyson, Nestle, Kraft, Cargill, ADM)
Control the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Big Chem
(Dow, ExxonMobil Chemical, Dupont, Eastman, Bayer, Syngenta)
Controls the Environmental Protection Agency.

Big Wireless
(Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Apple, Samsung)
Controls the Federal Communications Commission.

Big Media
(AT&T, Comcast, Disney, Paramount, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok)
Control our attention.

Big Philanthropy
(Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Soros Foundation, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation)

This is who rules over us.

They have interlocking boards of directors to coordinate their actions.

The U.S. government now exists to serve the interests of these cartels.

Any bureaucrat who challenges the power of these industries will be removed.

Any politician who challenges the power of these industries will be met with a well-funded opponent in the next election.

Those who work for these industries do better financially than those who do not.

Those who challenge these industries live on the margins and are under constant surveillance and threat. ...
1012   Misc   2024 Sep 16, 9:19pm  

You missed the insurance companies: United Health, Met, Travellers, Cigna, etc.

I guess you could expand Big Finance
1013   Misc   2024 Sep 16, 9:20pm  

Missed big retail: Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Kroger, etc

...and don't forget the car companies.
1014   Stout   2024 Sep 17, 7:06am  

Big Big?
1015   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 1:28pm  


Because of this impenetrability, we remain blind to the controlling threads of our world, which furl into the darkness above our heads. There are few people with the intellectual virility and analytical keenness to discuss this matter in any genuinely revelatory way, as opposed to playing at sophistry and subversion like a double agent.

One of the few with the moral-psychological insight that I’ve seen engage on this topic is Eric Weinstein of the ‘intellectual dark web’ fame, just days ago on the Chris Williamson podcast. Those wanting a rare glimpse behind the curtain should hearken to the segment below, which I’ve cut for length...

What he ominously alludes to is a series of secret foundational agreements undergirding our world, whose gossamer fragility belies their expansiveness such that they require an iron-clad enforcement mechanism to prevent any presumptuous young parvenus from wittingly or unwittingly resetting them. In this case, as Eric points out, that upstart happens to be Trump. What he inadvertently reveals extends much deeper than that, and lifts the veil on the centuries’ old esoteric hierarchy over our lives.

There are a series of old agreements, he intimates, which in some cases can be reduced to mere ‘handshakes’ between no-longer-extant parties, that underpin the stability of world markets and act as levees against the breakout of global war—or so goes the framing. Many of these explicit and implicit compacts were made in the post-war era and can only endure if they are not repeatedly challenged by some upstart with ‘fresh ideas’ every four years. You see, the caprice of the masses cannot be allowed to put at risk the foundational structures of society; as such their upkeep requires a kind of ‘silent authority’ to maintain the world’s institutional stability in order to ‘keep us all safe’.

But therein lies the crux of this invisible tyranny: it is reconciled with the characterization of being some great Katechonic force, keeping the ever-leering collapse of civilization at bay for our sakes. Closer examination, however, reveals it to be nothing more than the Great Lie of the generational elite for the continuity of their power.
1017   Patrick   2024 Sep 26, 11:15am  


Story at a Glance:
•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

•Some of the influencers advancing PGP’s message through “Shots Heard” (and its sister United Nations initiative “Team Halo”) were hucksters who faked their own credentials. My overall impression from looking at everything was that this group operated in a very similar manner to many of the sleazy internet marketing operations I’ve seen in the past. Fortunately, the public appears to be seeing through what they did.

•Earlier this year we exposed them. Unfortunately, their abhorrent tactics continue and recently have been aimed towards Angela Wulbrecht RN because she advocated for a patient with a widely publicized vaccine injury.
1025   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 29, 1:26am  

Patrick says

They have interlocking boards of directors to coordinate their actions.

A few years ago, a list of Board Members was going around, and it was mostly the same 2000 people on every important board from the Red Cross to Microsoft to Citigroup. A great example is Citigroup's Dugan, who was Undersecretary of the Treasury, Chief Counsel for the Senate Subcommittee on Banking, and rotating through a host of Corporate and Big Corp boards; he's the Current Chair of Citigroup.
1026   Patrick   2024 Sep 29, 3:02pm  


Now, in this year’s presidential race, the wealthiest woman in Silicon Valley has emerged as a powerful player behind the scenes. She has quietly contributed millions of dollars to an organization backing Ms. Harris, according to three people briefed on the gifts.

She played a hidden but key role in helping usher Mr. Biden out of the race, which cleared the way for a Harris run.

And Ms. Powell Jobs, who is so close to the vice president that her staff refers to her simply as “L.P.J.,” is positioned to have extraordinary influence, or at least access, in a potential Harris administration.

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