Fauci Created The Virus To Sell The Murderous "Vaccine", Then Blocked Cheap Lifesaving Drugs

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2021 May 23, 12:00pm   127,022 views  939 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

How come this fact is not at the top of "alternative" press? The corporate press is of course part of Fauci's murderous corruption.

This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.


There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.

Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.

Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.

Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?

As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256

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657   Patrick   2023 Sep 25, 1:34pm  


We’re making slow progress. The UK Telegraph ran a story yesterday headlined, “China lab suspected of Covid leak stripped of US funding for violating biosafety rules.” The sub-headline explained, “Wuhan Institute of Virology broke rules with experiments that increased viral activity more than tenfold, says health department.”

Yes, they are talking about that infamous little (big) shop of horrors, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Finally! The Department of Health and Human Services announced last week it was ‘debarring’ the WIV, after evidence proved WIV scientists were engaging in gain of function research by inserting new spike proteins into four different bat coronaviruses. Gosh, all those technical words sound so familiar.

Sadly, ‘debarring’ does not mean “nuked from orbit” or even ” “burned to the ground and salted the earth,” it just means that WIV will be ineligible to receive any U.S. government grants, and it prohibits U.S. scientists from collaborating with WIV scientists.

According to an HHS memo, as late as 2019, the WIV’s problematic coronavirus experiments resulted in at least one chimeric virus that killed 75 percent of infected humanized mice within two weeks, and increased viral activity more than tenfold, in clear violation of government grant guidelines. In spite of that evidence, many grant-grabbing U.S. scientists continue insisting that covid coincidentally made its planetary debut five miles away at a super-low-tech farmer’s market.

But I digress.

Chinese authorities have forbidden any WIV investigation providing access to laboratories, research notebooks, or internal databases. Our mega-funded U.S. health agencies tried super hard to find out, too. The HHS’s memo even said the NIH tried to call the lab several times to ask questions but nobody called them back. Plus, HHS even “tried to contact WIV by fax and email.”

Tough customers, the Chinese, ignoring faxes like that.

Ominously, HHS’s memo also warned there’s no reason to think the WIV has stopped doing all that gain-of-function research, saying: “There is risk that WIV not only previously violated, but is currently violating, and will continue to violate, protocols of the National Institutes of Health on biosafety.”

There is risk? You don’t say. It only took three years for that risk to occur to the geniuses in the federal government.

Oh well. Debarment is a temporary measure and usually lasts three years, but we’ll see what happens this time. The fickle winds of politics never stop blowing, do they? It’s only the wind’s direction that changes.

Still, it’s progress and I will take it. We will keep the drums beating.

Better late than never I suppose, but Pfauci still must be tried and hanged for mass murder, along with Collins, Daszak, and whoever at the DoD was directing them.
658   Patrick   2023 Sep 26, 5:21pm  


More allegations casting an even darker cloud of distrust over the efforts to uncover the origins of COVID-19. Brad Wenstrup, Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, recently raised reports from whistleblowers that Dr. Anthony Fauci made unusual visits to the CIA Headquarters, and that he was there to "influence" their investigation into the genesis of the virus.

This ties in nicely with the accusations involving six CIA analysts who were allegedly offered significant remuneration to ensure an inconclusive result. The spotlight intensifies on Dr. Fauci with the surfacing of another intriguing aspect of the "Proximal Origin" paper's drafting process, which aimed to debunk the lab leak theory.

This string of unsettling revelations stoke fears of a false narrative being promoted by federal government agencies about the origin of COVID-19. Chairman Wenstrup is arduously seeking all related documents and communications concerning Dr. Fauci's access to CIA facilities and its personnel. The Select Subcommittee has also requested Brett Rowland, a Special Agent, to provide a more detailed account of Dr. Fauci's suspected activities in connection with the CIA.
659   Patrick   2023 Sep 27, 2:32pm  


teflon tony goes to langley?

just when you thought you'd seen the bottom of the rabbithole

i am old enough to remember when “covid-19 escaped from a lab” was a “conspiracy theory.” to my own embarrassment, i initially suspected this was correct because using coronaviruses as a base for a bioweapon seemed like a poor choice and it was my presumption that this was the claim.

then i came across the whole peter daszak story and the wild and reckless GoF projects to work on various forms of vaccines and some truly crazy ideas about spreading hotwired covid to wild bat colonies. and everyone from ecohealth to peter hotez has their snouts in the trough.

this changed my mind and made “lab leak” look to me like by far the odds on (and frankly, near certain) choice. it also made an awful lot of people look like overt and deliberate liars not least of which was teflon tony himself. last i checked, perjury to congress is still a crime but hell, who knows these days?

the whole affair became one vast fox commission investigating the henhouse murders as the very people who funded and made this mess were empaneled to investigate it. it’s been a truly top to bottom whitewash from start to what seemed like the finish. ...

as many of you likely saw, a whistleblower came forward to discuss the fact that a number of CIA analysts appear to have been paid to change their takes on covid origins.

and now guess who looks to have been right in the middle of this imbroglio? oh yeah, the fauch-meister, faucharama, the fauch a ding ding: talking-point tony himself.

because this is totally normal, right? (bold mine)

According to information gathered by the Select Subcommittee, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, played a role in the Central Intelligence Agency’s review of the origins of COVID-19. The information provided suggests that Dr. Fauci was escorted into Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarters—without a record of entry—and participated in the analysis to “influence” the Agency’s review.

... this certainly has some interesting dovetails into “the great pivot” where fauci and numerous others all suddenly went from “it’s fine, go on a cruise, masks are silly, go live your life” to the crazed and evidence free covidian stances of lock down, mask up, and jab, jab, jab that they instantly adopted upon the arrival of debbie birx to the white house (after being sent not by health agencies, but by the national security advisor.)

and there certainly was an awful lot of poorly explained and deeply unusual military involvement in and around covid.
660   Patrick   2023 Sep 27, 3:03pm  


The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic just tweeted that it has obtained evidence that Dr. Fauci made an unregistered visit to the CIA’s headquarters to “influence” the intelligence agency’s investigation on the origin of SARS-CoV-2. If this allegation proves to be true, it will add to the mounting evidence that Fauci and his virology cronies performed the greatest act of fraudulent concealment in human history.
661   Patrick   2023 Sep 27, 3:11pm  


Dr. Anthony Fauci made at least one secret visit to the Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters in McLean, Virginia to “influence” the agency as it tried to figure out if Sars-Cov-2 had leaked from a Chinese lab.

That bombshell allegation came yesterday from the Congressional subcommittee examining the origins of and response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Fauci’s hidden efforts in 2020 to discourage scientists from examining if the risky Chinese “gain-of-function” research he supported led to the pandemic have been extensively documented. Now the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic claims it has evidence he tried to steer the investigations inside the intelligence community too. ...

The whistleblower reported the CIA had set up a seven-person team to examine the origins of Sars-Cov-2. Six analysts concluded, albeit with low confidence, that the virus had “originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.” But the team’s senior officer disagreed, according to Wenstrup’s earlier letter.

The senior officer then paid the junior team members to “change their position,” the whistleblower claimed. Ultimately, the CIA said it could not “determine the precise origin of the COVID-19 pandemic,” according to a government report released in June.

PAID the junior team members to “change their position”.
662   Patrick   2023 Sep 27, 3:12pm  


"Dr. Fauci was escorted into CIA headquarters... without a record to entry to participate in the analysis to "influence" the (CIA) Agency's review..."

- House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Wow! So, basically Fauci impeded a CIA investigation or helped in a CIA cover-up because of the crimes he committed. That is clear because the CIA reported early on that the virus was not man-made and a DNI report generated about the origins of the virus also claimed it was most likely not man-made - that the virus jumped from animals to humans naturally in the wild. This is false. Most likely, Fauci knew and lied to the CIA. Either that, or the CIA lied and Fauci assisting the CIA in generating that lie.

Either way, Fauci must be prosecuted. There must by an independent inquiry with a special prosecutor - separate from the DOJ. Congress must authorize a special prosecutor now and continue on with their own investigations. It is time for a prosecutor to step in, so charges can be filed.
663   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 4:18pm  


The Big Story
A CIA whistleblower told a House subcommittee investigating the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the U.S. National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases who led the government response to the pandemic, had been “escorted” into CIA headquarters without making a record of his entry before he attempted to “influence” the agency’s conclusion about the origin of the virus. The date of his visit is not yet known. The head of the House committee, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, wrote in a letter on Tuesday to the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services that the whistleblower’s testimony “lends credence to heightened concerns about the promotion of a false COVID-19 origins narrative by multiple federal government agencies.”

According to a new report on Thursday from Substack newsletter “Public,” the whistleblower, who was a former senior-level officer in the CIA, said that Fauci had come to “promote the natural origin of the virus.” Subsequent government documents obtained in public record requests show that Fauci was at that time aware that funding he’d approved for viral research studies at the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have contributed to the gain-of-function research responsible for the lab leak of the virus.

“He knew what was going on. I mean, you see all the redacted documents that are coming out. He was covering his ass and he was trying to do it with the Intel community,” the whistleblower told “Public.” “He came multiple times and he was treated like a rock star by the Weapons and Counter Proliferation Mission Center.”

The whistleblower said that following Fauci’s visit, the agency’s assessment that the virus originated in a lab leak was changed to “unknown origin.” Analysts who altered their assessment received cash bonuses and Exceptional Performance awards.

664   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 4:55pm  


Previous reporting already showed that Fauci “prompted” the “Proximal Origin” paper, according to its authors. Lead author Kristian Andersen expressed grave doubts about the natural origin theory even months after Nature Medicine published the paper. And they described themselves as pressured by “higher ups,” referring to individuals in the White House and other government agencies.

Now, the new information from multiple sources, including a CIA whistleblower, a senior government investigator, and a senior official, suggests a broad effort by Fauci to go agency by agency, from the White House to the State Department to the CIA, in an effort to steer government officials away from looking into the possibility that COVID-19 escaped from a lab. ...

Fauci had reasons to push scientists and intelligence analysts to believe the virus had a zoonotic origin since his agency had issued a grant to fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China.

The Wenstrup press release noted that the whistleblower’s information suggested Fauci was escorted in “without record of entry.” According to the CIA whistleblower, the CIA purposely did not “badge” Fauci in and out of the building so as to hide any record that he had been there.

“Fauci came to our building, to promote the natural origin of the virus,” the CIA whistleblower said. “He knew what was going on. I mean, you see all the redacted documents that are coming out. He was covering his ass and he was trying to do it with the Intel community… I know he came multiple times and he was treated like a rockstar by the Weapons and Counter Proliferation Mission Center. And, he pushed the Kristian Anderson paper.”

665   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 4:58pm  

Patrick says

Weapons and Counter Proliferation Mission Center

Lol, it looks like a candidate for most deceptive name ever.
666   Patrick   2023 Sep 29, 10:09am  


Takayuki Miyazawa is a professor and virologist at Kyoto University.

He is a pro-vaccine advocate, and has been pushing operations to reduce the transmission of coronavirus.

But he finally realized that the coronavirus was artificially created and that the governments had been taken over by evil people.
668   Patrick   2023 Oct 8, 3:43pm  

Why has Pfauci not yet been prosecuted for openly lying to Congress about his gain of function research in Wuhan?
669   Misc   2023 Oct 9, 3:09am  

Patrick says

Why has Pfauci not yet been prosecuted for openly lying to Congress about his gain of function research in Wuhan?

Nobody has the guts to criminally charge him.
670   richwicks   2023 Oct 9, 3:17am  

Patrick says

Why has Pfauci not yet been prosecuted for openly lying to Congress about his gain of function research in Wuhan?

Because Fauci works for the DOD. He's military. I don't know exactly what was done to the country, but I know that Moderna was DARPA. Military can lie to congress, and especially INTELLIGENCE can lie to congress without consequence. This was some sort of MIC thing, probably Military Intel.

Bioweapons development is breach of treaty, not that anybody pays attention to treaties anymore.

Misc says

Nobody has the guts to criminally charge him.

That's not it. We don't really have a congress. We get talk about this, but nothing will happen. This is limited hangout. We will be promised accountability, but there will be none. It's to make appear we have a real government.
672   Patrick   2023 Oct 12, 12:53pm  


...Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) first said that newly-obtained emails show Fauci immediately knew covid came from the Wuhan lab and then covered it up. "We now have emails that show saying that he knows it was gain-of-function, that the virus looked manipulated, and that he was worried that this came from the Wuhan lab," Paul explained.

Senator Paul also said new, difficult-to-get evidence proves Anthony Fauci personally shepherded the Wuhan gain-of-function research around a safety committee set up to prevent high-risk research. Paul said, “We also know that there was a safety committee that should have reviewed this and we know that Anthony Fauci went around the safety committee."

Rand Paul said he thinks this evidence “will bring down Anthony Fauci.”

We can hope! Like cockroaches, which can survive a nuclear attack, Fauci — a human cockroach who would even terrify Franz Kafka— has proven hard to squash, as he scurries between various bureaucratic assignments and speaking engagements. I pray I live long enough to see Fauci in an orange jumpsuit.

The evidence is not new.

Everyone knows that Pfauci deliberately created the virus in Wuhan.

Until Pfauci is arrested, tried, and hanged, everything is bullshit designed to give the impression of activity where none exists.
675   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 12:45pm  

I never trust or read "news about impending news".

In my experience, it's always bullshit, filler, distraction.

The only news worth a moment of attention is actual news, such as the actual arrest of Pfauci.
676   GNL   2023 Oct 13, 1:49pm  

Misc says

Patrick says

Why has Pfauci not yet been prosecuted for openly lying to Congress about his gain of function research in Wuhan?

Nobody has the guts to criminally charge him.

Why would it take guts?
677   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 13, 3:10pm  

Patrick: "Why has Pfauci not yet been prosecuted for openly lying to Congress about his gain of function research in Wuhan?"

Misc: "Nobody has the guts to criminally charge him. "

GNK: "Why would it take guts? "

Edward Snowden: "When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals."

meaning, Anthony Fauci is one of our rulers.
678   Patrick   2023 Oct 15, 2:18pm  


💉 Oh man, this is rich. Public Health could not possibly get more tone-deaf. On Friday, the Infection Disease Society of America awarded bowtied-wonder Peter Hotez its Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership award.

Nobody deserves the Antony Fauci Award more than Peter Hotez does, thanks to his tireless work selling defective pharmaceutical products. It’s even better than the Darwin Award.

Good comments about this:


This is like giving Harvey Weinstein the Bill Cosby Award.

Creating an "Anthony Fauci Courage in Leadership Award" might not be the most Orwellian idea proposed by our corrupt public health establishment, but it's certainly right up there.

The bad guys love celebrating themselves.
Good men are humble. Bad men must be validated, constantly.
Strong men are self-assured and quiet. Weak men need constant validation and shout their own praises.

You're all going to jail.

Congratulations to @PeterHotez, MD, PhD, the recipient of IDSA’s 2023 Anthony Fauci Liars and Grifters in Covid Misinformation for Profit Award.

Who's coming up with this script? It's like a goosebumps episode. Only kids would believe it. The writers are still on strike?

Absolute criminal and an embarrassment to actual science.

Hahah so he got an award for doing exactly as the pharmaceutical companies said. Absolutely hilarious.

So basically a bunch of grifters fellating each other.

Congratulations to @ISDA for outing itself as a corrupt and vile organization deserving of a thorough investigation by proper criminal authorities.

An award for "Courage in Leadership" named after an unindicted felon and awarded to a buffoon?

You must be related to the Nobel Prize people.
679   Patrick   2023 Oct 15, 3:08pm  


Fauci adviser who allegedly ‘deleted federal records’ subpoenaed in House COVID-19 origins probe

A longtime top adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been accused of deleting federal records by Republican lawmakers, has been subpoenaed by the House panel investigating the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. David Morens, the recipient of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s Friday subpoena, served as Fauci’s senior adviser at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1998 until former NIAID chief’s retirement at the end of last year.

The GOP-led panel alleges that Morens “likely used his personal email to delete COVID origins documents and evade [Freedom of Information Act] laws.” ...

“This obstruction will not be tolerated,” Wenstrup warned in a letter informing NIH Acting Director Lawrence Tabak about the subpoena issued to Morens, which called the allegations against the NIAID employee “highly concerning.”

“The documents of Dr. Morens are potentially necessary to inform this investigation, including but not limited to his knowledge of information regarding the origins of COVID-19,” the letter continues.

Wenstrup argues that the documents potentially deleted from on Morens personal email account may point to an effort by government officials to cover up evidence that the virus which led to the coronavirus pandemic came from a Chinese lab. ...

“Tony doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories,” Morens said in the July 29, 2021, email.

In another email, Morens told colleagues he would “always communicate on gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly” and that he would “delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times.”
680   HeadSet   2023 Oct 15, 3:37pm  

Patrick says

Morens told colleagues he would “always communicate on gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly

If it is on gmail it is likely not really deleted and is recoverable by Google. If it were Trump evidence I am sure some Google "whistleblower" would have made it public.
681   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 10:24am  


In fact a weird event happened around the same time whereby the select subcommittee released a pdf document containing damning email releases from the likes of Eddie Holmes, but many of the emails were embedded secretly in hidden pictures within the document1. They showed that there was intent to hide the man-made origins of the “virus”.

Worse than that, once they realised the hidden emails were in there the document was quickly sanitised and reuploaded. Thanks to one of our intrepid mice we were able to get the pre-sanitised copy. Despite the scandals involved the select committee will probably go through the motions, no doubt finding nobody guilty of anything (whilst millions of people died from being denied antibiotics for their post-viral pneumonia).
684   Patrick   2023 Oct 24, 5:58pm  


Why did Tony Fauci risk everything to call for a coverup of COVID's lab origin? There was a lot more to it than protecting himself and NIAID for sponsoring Wuhan research

After years of pondering, this is what I think. Natural origin was CRITICAL to the entire global takeover

I will show you some old slides and some I just made. If there are missing pieces or you don’t follow my reasoning, I am happy to build out the story. Let’s start today with how pandemics due to spillover from animals were to be blamed on climate change, and we had to gain control of climate change in order to prevent more devastating pandemics.

If they come from labs, this carefully constructed narrative falls apart and climate change is not so dangerous after all.

Do you see how this dovetails into 15 minute cities, and other controls on what humans are allowed to do and where they are allowed to go? If you read the Lancet COVID Commission reports from 2021 you will get the same flavor of how increased control over agriculture, mining, etc. is to be justified. Enough for tonight.
687   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 10:40am  


The Daily Mail UK ran a timely bat-themed story yesterday headlined “REVEALED: Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA experimented with coronavirus strain shipped in from Wuhan a year BEFORE Covid pandemic began.”


Newly-discovered documents are shedding light on covid’s early journeys around the world, and have opened up new lines of investigation. The new disclosures are thanks to diligent work by DRASTIC, the loose team of heroic independent researchers who banded together during the pandemic after it became clear that the government was intent on obscuring covid’s real source, and by the White Coat Waste Project, a group dedicated to halting dangerous viral research.

It begins with a 2018 study published in the journal Virology, which described an experiment of injecting Egyptian fruit bats with a coronavirus to see what would happen. The experiments occurred at the NIH's Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, which was overseen by one Anthony Fauci.

I’ll give you one guess where the injectable coronavirus samples came from. You got it! The Wuhan Institute of Virology.

It gets better. Guess which U.S. researcher was leading the study? Ralph Baric, the revolting human maggot who was also up to his fat, sweaty neck in all the PLA bioweapons research at the Wuhan lab.

It’s bad enough they were shipping dangerous pathogens from an unmonitored lab in communist China back to the States for “experiments.” But — infecting bats? Here? Nothing could possibly go wrong with a plan to infect flying mammals with a Chinese lab-provided virus inside the United States.

These morons think they deserve their morbidly-obese federal salaries and guaranteed benefit packages. What they actually deserve is quite a bit different.

The White Coat Waste Project (WCW) released a statement that neatly summarized the facts, and didn’t mince words:

"Our investigation has uncovered the real-life horror story of how a shady roadside zoo whose curator was an NIH animal experimenter shipped off bats to a deadly government virus lab overseen by Dr. Fauci to be infected with a coronavirus obtained directly from the Wuhan lab that experts believe caused COVID."

According to the article, the WCW remains hot on the story’s trail with a blizzard of new public records requests. We will get to the bottom of this story someday, perhaps sooner rather than later.
688   Patrick   2023 Nov 12, 2:34pm  


At that point in the trajectory of events, intelligence services on both sides of the Atlantic had been put on notice. Anthony Fauci also received confirmation that money from the National Institutes of Health had been channeled to the offending lab in Wuhan, which meant that his career was on the line. Working at a furious pace, the famed “Proximal Origin” paper was produced in record time. It concluded that there was no lab leak.

In a remarkable series of revelations this week, we’ve learned that the CIA was involved in trying to make payments to those authors (thank you whistleblower), plus it appears that Fauci made visits to the CIA’s headquarters, most likely around the same time.

Suddenly we get some possible clarity in what has otherwise been a very blurry picture. The anomaly that has heretofore cried out for explanation is how it is that Fauci changed his mind so dramatically and precisely on the merit of lockdowns for the virus. One day he was counseling calm because this was flu-like, and the next day he was drumming up awareness of the coming lockdown. ...

What stands out here is the possibility of a quid pro quo. The CIA pays scientists to say there was no lab leak and otherwise instructs its kept media sources (New York Times) to call the lab leak a conspiracy theory of the far right. Every measure would be deployed to keep Fauci off the hot seat for his funding of the Wuhan lab. But this cooperation would need to come at a price. Fauci would need to participate in a real-life version of the germ games (Event 201 and Crimson Contagion). ...

Above all else, he would need to convince President Trump to go along. That was the hardest part. They considered Mr. Trump’s weaknesses. He was a germaphobe so that’s good. He hated Chinese imports so it was merely a matter of describing the virus this way. But he also has a well-known weakness for deferring to highly competent and articulate professional women. That’s where the highly reliable Deborah Birx comes in: Fauci would be her wingman to convince Mr. Trump to green-light the lockdowns.

What does the CIA get out of this? The vast intelligence community would have to be put in charge of the pandemic response as the rule maker, the lead agency. Its outposts such as CISA would handle labor-related issues and use its contacts in social media to curate the public mind. This would allow the intelligence community finally to crack down on information flows that had begun 20 years earlier that they had heretofore failed to manage.
The CIA would hobble and hamstring the U.S. president, whom they hated. And importantly, there was his China problem. He had wrecked relations through his tariff wars. So far as they were concerned, this was treason because he did it all on his own. This man was completely out of control. He needed to be put in his place. To convince the president to destroy the U.S. economy with his own hand would be the ultimate coup de grace for the CIA.

A lockdown would restart trade with China. It did in fact achieve that.

... In addition, such a lockdown would greatly please the digital tech industry, which would experience a huge boost in demand, plus large corporations like Amazon and WalMart, which would stay open as their competitors were closed. Finally, it would be a massive subsidy to pharma and especially the mRNA platform technology itself, which would enjoy the credit for ending the pandemic.
689   Patrick   2023 Nov 12, 2:35pm  

Patrick says

Anthony Fauci also received confirmation that money from the National Institutes of Health had been channeled to the offending lab in Wuhan

That's the one line that's bogus.

Pfauci knew about the Wuhan lab getting his funding the whole time.
690   Patrick   2023 Nov 15, 7:41pm  


In a study presented last week, researchers measured the effect of gargling and nasal rinsing with a saline solution on symptoms and hospitalization rates in patients with Covid. They found hospitalization rates for people who gargled or nasal rinsed salt water were up to 40 percent lower than those who did not.

Even just gargling with salt water is pretty effective.
691   Patrick   2023 Nov 28, 12:47pm  


Creator of COVID 19 Vaccine was Reportedly Thrown from a Roof in China Three Months After Filing Patent for Vaccine

A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr. Yusen Zhou, the scientist who filed the patent on the COVID 19 vaccine in only three months, died when he was thrown from a roof in 2021.

693   Patrick   2023 Dec 1, 1:23pm  


Anthony Fauci has finally agreed to testify in Congress on his involvement in the public cover-up of Covid's origins.

The onetime White House doctor will be grilled on his former department's funding of dangerous experiments in Wuhan and the stark difference between his public and private comments about the possibility Covid escaped from the lab he was funding.

He is due to speak in front of the House in January, which will be the first time he has testified under oath since his infamous showdown in front of the Senate in July 2021.

Since then, leaked emails show Fauci was aware virus manipulation research was being done on coronaviruses in Wuhan in the lead up to the pandemic. ...

The notorious proximal origin paper was partly commissioned by Dr Anthony Fauci, the then-head of the US's national research agency that had been funding risky virus research on Covid's relatives at the lab in Wuhan, partly at the expense of the US taxpayer.

But emails dated February 1, 2020 showed Fauci acknowledged that 'scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments to determine that molecular mechanisms associated with bat viruses adapting to human infection, and the outbreak originated in Wuhan.'

On July 13, 2023 the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released the emails sent by Dr Fauci about a conference call regarding the origins of Covid attended by Dr Fauci, Dr Francis Collins, former director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, and other researchers. ...

In one email, Dr Fauci admitted the scientists had concerns that Covid might have been genetically engineered and that these were worsened by the fact that gain-of-function research was taking place in Wuhan before the pandemic.

Gain-of-function research is medical research that genetically alters a virus to make it more deadly or infectious to try and get ahead of natural mutations that might occur. ...

At the hearing in July, Fauci 'stated that the NIH has never and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology,' Paul said in the committee chamber.

'And yet, gain-of-function research was done entirely in the Wuhan Institute by Doctor Shi [Zhengli] and was funded by the NIH,' he said.

Paul then cited the paper by WIV scientists titled 'Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus'.

The paper specifically talks about ongoing efforts to produce a 'chimeric' coronavirus, which means it has been altered by man – otherwise known as 'gain of function.'
695   Patrick   2023 Dec 8, 10:26am  


Vitamin D Proven Safe & Effective Against COVID-19

Vitamin D Shown to Reduce COVID-19 Severity by Over 70% and Halves Your Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death

But Pfauci's goal was to maximize death from the virus in order to maximize toxxine uptake, which also causes death.

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