Recent lies we were told by media and government

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2021 Jun 29, 11:44pm   1,212 views  25 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The vaccine is "safe and effective".

Epstein committed suicide
McAfee committed suicide
Biden won the election
COVID came from a wetmarket
Conservatives are all terrorists
Ivermectin doesnt work
HCQ doesnt work
Biden doesnt have dementia
The jab isnt making anyone ill
Fauci was consistent
Masks work
COVID passports

Cuomo didnt kill old people
Dominion systems were secure
Hunter Biden is an artist
Trump colluded with Russia
Jan 06 was an insurrection
Transwoman are real women
BLM is mostly peaceful
Trump had a pee pee tape
Antifa is an idea
George Floyd didnt overdose

Advanced coursework is racist
1619 is real history
Hunter Laptop wasnt real
Trump caused asian hate
White rage is the problem
CRT isnt poisonous
All white people are racist
A pipe in ATL stopped the count
Juicy Smollet was attacked
China travel ban was racist
Words are violence

The military isnt woke
The FBI is apolitical
Shokin was fired for corruption
Obama didnt build cages
Iran never got cash pallets
Churches should be closed
The border is under control
Voter ID is racist
Biden is tough on Putin
Blasey Ford was credible
Swalwell isnt compromised

Kids should get the jab
Teachers had it the worst
China managed COVID well
WHO is an independent body
The Great Reset isnt real
Renting forever is just fine
Bailouts are necessary
Gain of Function wasnt funded
Hunter isnt incestuous
Double masking is best
Own nothing, be happy

Hillary had 98% chance to win
Melania was an escort
A video caused Benghazi
Ban fully semi-automatic guns
Trump camp wasnt spied on
Hunter was hired on merit
Hands up Dont Shoot happened
AR15s are weapons of war
Bubba Wallace noose was real
Covington Catholic kid is racist

Trump will start WW3
If you like your Dr, Keep your Dr
Trump said drink bleach
Assange is a criminal
Putin hacked VT electic grid
Trump threw out MLK, Jr bust
Kushner never got a Peace Deal
Trump banned Muslims
Mueller proved Trump-Cohen lie
Trump jr had wikileaks access

Global warming is #1 threat
Arkancides are a myth
Iraq had WMD'S
Russia hacked DNC
The science is settled
There are no Uyghur camps
Elizabeth Warren is native
The icecaps are melting
Steele Dossier is bulletproof
Seth Rich mugging went wrong
Bernie lost primary fair&square

Coyotes arent carrying humans
Guns cause Chicago violence
Wallstreet isnt rigged
Fast & Furious = conspiracy
Joe never hid in the basement
15 Days to Slow the Spread
MAGA rallies = super spreaders
Late-term abortions are normal
Only vaxxed can enjoy July 4
Theres a War on Women

Gates isnt buying up farmland
Russian bounties were real
Stormy Daniels is credible
Kavanaugh is a drunk rapist
Monsanto has a great product
Wildfires are bc climate change
Gen Flynn is a traitor
Omar didnt marry her brother
Anita Hill story was true
Trump votes were whitelash

Trump called nazis fine people
The media is tough on Biden
Trump tried to nuke a hurricane
Cops kill 1000s unarmed POC
Green New Deal is affordable
Hurricanes are all stronger now
Kamala never witheld evidence
Everything is infrastructure
America is structural racism

IRS never targeted Tea Party
Defund the Police
Austere religious scholar dies
Joe never fingered Tara Reade
17 Intel Agencies agree
Imran Awan did nothing wrong
Greta Thunberg is authoritative
Giuliani warned of FBI raid
Social Workers can stop crime
Joe Scarborough is innocent

No Las Vegas Shooter motive
Brexit was undemocratic
Moderate rebels arent terrorists
GOP baseball shooter apolitical
Dangerous Lockdown protests
Scaramucci had Russian ties
CIA doesnt plant news stories
NSA isnt spying on your calls
Trump preparing Martial Law

Border Walls don't work
You didn't build that
Racism is public health crisis
Walls closing in on Trump
Bitcoins a worthless scam
Gillum did no wrong
Trump said all Mexicans rapists
5 people murdered at Capitol
No immunity via C19 infection
Trump tear gassed Lafayette Sq

Hillary didnt hide any emails
Its illegal to view Wikileaks
Trump had secret Russia server
Clinton-Lynch Tarmac was fine
Katie Hill is the victim
Toobin made a small mistake
Trump pays no taxes
Brazille never leaked questions
Manafort visited Assange

China never paid Hunter
Pelosi's hair salon set her up
W.E.F. is a benign organization
Meat is bad for the environment
Feinsteins staffer wasnt CCP
Podesta emails were doctored
Omar didnt pay husband $2.8M
Amazon = 'Lungs of the Earth'
Clinton foundation helped Haiti

Nothing was on Weiners laptop
Hillary didnt collapse into a van
Nike doesnt use slave labor
Trans Story hour is beautiful
The Asymptomatic spread C-19
Stacey Abrams was cheated
Zuckerberg saved 2020 election
The NBA isnt supporting CCP
Trump failed Puerto Rico

Rittenhouse showed up to kill
AOC staff didnt divert $1M
C.Cuomo didnt break isolation
Baturina never wired Hunter $$
China stopped fentanyl export
Chauvin jury was impartial
Maxine Waters made no threat
Ed Buck was just a fundraiser
Schiff didnt leak classified info

COVID Spring break will kill you
Boulder shooter Alissa is white
Biden attended Delaware State
2-Scoops was a Big deal
Weinstein shocked Hollywood
Guns owners don't stop crime
Brian Williams Heli was shot at
Hillary did land under sniper fire
Lauer's behavior was unknown

Joy Reid's blog was hacked
NY DA will take Trump down
You should report GOP family
Solyndra did nothing wrong
Prince Andrew isnt a Pedo
Kaepernick unsigned bc racism
Avenatti will be great President
Coal miners: learn to code
No, Blackrock isnt to blame

Trump last-ditch war with Iran
Uranium One wasnt a scandal
Carter Page was Russian asset
Burisma did nothing wrong
AR15 used in all mass shooting
Trump stimulus is breadcrumbs
1/6 riots planned assasination
Trump wants to Nuke N.Korea
FISA warrants arent abused

Democrats freed the Slaves
Tucker wasnt spied on
The GOP opposed Civil Rights
Biden never plagiarized
Trump hates the environment
The parties flipped
USMCA is a disaster
Biden didnt kill keystone jobs
Trump destroyed US leadership
Vince Foster committed suicide

CCP wont manipulate currency
TPP is going to be great
Boycott Goya Foods
Classical Music is Racist
Trump wont have magic wand
Paris Climate Accords help US
Trump is AntiSemite
Math is Racist
What difference does it make
Manufacturing isnt returning
Trump will crash stock market

There is no deep state
Abolish gender pay gap
Football is gay
POC have trouble getting an ID
Seattles CHAZ isnt dangerous
CNN townhall wasnt scripted
Trump hid in bunker
Ma'Khia was in schoolyard fight
The NC bathroom bill was evil

Wanda Lenius told husband Gary Lenius to drink fish tank cleaner because Trump recommended HCQ
Trump called Ally soldiers who died "losers" as reported by The Atlantic

Comments 1 - 25 of 25        Search these comments

1   clambo   2021 Jun 30, 5:43am  

I’m unsure about Epstein, but the rest looks reasonable to me.
2   GNL   2021 Jun 30, 6:07am  

May I repost this somewhere else?
3   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 10:29am  

@WineHorror1 Please do!
4   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 10:30am  

Patrick says
Football is gay

I wondered about this one, but it is now, incredibly, official NFL policy to call football gay:

5   Ceffer   2021 Jun 30, 1:54pm  

Why such a short list? Chicken to publish the whole thing?

Actually, the short list is: "Everything they tell you, unless it has been certified by three independent RELIABLE sources".
6   richwicks   2021 Jun 30, 2:41pm  

@Patrick (and anybody else) - it would be interesting just to collect all the complete bullshit "news" stories over the years.

Like remember that lady that murdered her husband by feeding him a fish tank cleaner solution and then claimed she did it because Trump recommended HCQ?

Wanda Lenius and Gary Lenius.

What other total bullshit stories are there?

There's the Atlantic Article where Trump supposedly called Ally soldiers who died, "losers".
7   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 3:03pm  

Thanks @richwicks I'll add those to the original post.
8   richwicks   2021 Jun 30, 3:17pm  

Patrick says
Thanks @richwicks I'll add those to the original post.

We need to crowdsource it. I'm curious how many blatant lies I've FORGOTTEN in the last 4 years that have been peddled in the media.
9   Patrick   2021 Jun 30, 5:50pm  

Thousands. It would be hard to even keep up with the spectacular stream of lies gushing form the MSM and government every day.
10   Ceffer   2021 Jun 30, 5:57pm  

Patrick says
Thousands. It would be hard to even keep up with the spectacular stream of lies gushing form the MSM and government every day.

LOL! The Biblical Flood of lies and deceit! To be proper Satanists worshiping Amon, they cannot rightfully accomplish anything through truth without getting Satan demerits. It's their predictable weak spot.
11   GNL   2021 Jun 30, 5:58pm  

There was a rumor back when Obama was prez. Evidently, he signed an Act/Bill (whatever) that made it permissible for the government to propagandize. Is that a word?

Did anyone else ever hear about that?
12   Ceffer   2021 Jun 30, 6:38pm  

WineHorror1 says
There was a rumor back when Obama was prez. Evidently, he signed an Act/Bill (whatever) that made it permissible for the government to propagandize. Is that a word?

Did anyone else ever hear about that?

In 2013 Obama Legalized The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public - Common Sense Evaluation
13   richwicks   2021 Jun 30, 7:00pm  

WineHorror1 says
There was a rumor back when Obama was prez. Evidently, he signed an Act/Bill (whatever) that made it permissible for the government to propagandize. Is that a word?

Did anyone else ever hear about that?

Yes, he repealed a portion of the Smith–Mundt Act.


The very first act of propaganda that was legally done was to claim that it wasn't repealed. Here's what was signed into law by our traitorous government H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012


The relevant portion is here:

States that such provision shall: (1) not prohibit the Department or the Board from providing information about its operations, policies, programs, or program material, or making such information available to members of the media, public, or Congress; (2) not be construed to prohibit the Department from engaging in any medium of information on a presumption that a U.S. domestic audience may be exposed to program material; and (3) apply only to the Department and the Board and to no other federal department or agency.

Told ya I was fascinated with propaganda and studied it.

We have always had domestic propaganda, but now it's entirely legal, and nothing the government nor our "media" says can be trusted now, and you should have no expectations that it can be trusted.
17   Patrick   2022 Jan 1, 5:35pm  


Following the report by Yahoo News, the CBP has launched a review of the Counter Network Division. According to Yahoo News, the secretive division “uses some of the country’s most sensitive databases to investigate the travel and financial records and personal connections of journalists, members of Congress and other Americans not suspected of any crimes.”

Very much like the old East German Stasi.

I assume CBP is Customs and Border Control:

21   Tenpoundbass   2022 Aug 2, 11:46am  

Amazing how long you can read it and never read the same line twice.
22   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 2, 12:34pm  

May 2021 - “When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,”Fauci said. “In other words, you become a dead end to the virus."
Fact Checked: FALSE

DR. FAUCI: "Well, what's happened, there's been an accumulation of data on showing in the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines. It is even better than in the clinical trials, well over 90% protecting you against disease, number one."
Fact Checked: FALSE

"Number two, a number of papers have come out in the past couple of weeks showing that the vaccine protects even against the variants that are circulating."
Fact Checked: FALSE

"And thirdly, we're seeing that it is very unlikely that a vaccinated person, even if there's a breakthrough infection, would transmit it to someone else."
Fact Checked: FALSE
23   Patrick   2024 Jan 13, 1:13pm  


5 lies Drs. Offit, Fauci, Walensky, Jha, Hahn, CDC, NIH, FDA, Health Canada officials etc. told us and whereby Malone, Weissman, Karikó, Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. stayed silent, failed to warn public

5 Lies:
1) vaccines cannot enter nucleus of cell
2) mRNA breaks down rapidly in cell
3) spike protein breaks down rapidly
4) mRNA cannot be reverse transcribed to DNA
5) vaccine stays at injection site

All proven false now.
24   AmericanKulak   2024 Jan 17, 12:23pm  

6) There is no relationship between LGBTQ and Pedophilia.

25   Misc   2024 Jan 20, 8:41pm  

The mainstream media is pushing the narrative that about 23000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza. and over half are women and children.

Ohhhhhh, the horrors.

However, about 8300 of those have been terrorists. This is in an urban combat environment. With civilian losses at such tiny levels compared to combatants for this type of operation, the UN should be giving Israelis medals instead of Islamic gibberish.

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