"Rummage $ale Chic: Why We're Going Gaga Over Pinching Pennies"

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2005 Dec 21, 3:49am   21,856 views  134 comments

by HARM   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I was intensely curious to see how the looming housing crash would play out in the MSM in years to come, so I fired up the ole' Time Machine and jumped ahead to December, 2010, where I picked up the latest holographic edition of Time Magazine. You will be amazed at the cover story:

"Rummage $ale Chic: Why We're Going Gaga Over Pinching Pennies"

A new trend is sweeping the nation. The signs are unmistakeable: legions of people turning in the keys to their I/O purchased 4,000 sft exurban McMansions to rent a modest townhome within walking distance to work, others trading in the H2 for a Prius/Insight --or even a bicycle. The neighbor who just unloaded his six negative cash-flow Las Vegas condos to "scale back". Everywhere you look, there are signs of a powerful drive to cut back, scale down and simplify. An almost Japanese ethic of thrift has captivated the nation, and nowhere is this trend more pronounced than among America's largest demographic cohort: The Baby Boomers.

"After housing prices kept falling 10-20% a year and our rents didn't even cover the taxes owed, we figured it was time to reassess our financial situation", says Joe McLemming. Joe, 58, is just one of the millions of Boomer investors who participated in the real estate bull market of 2000-2005. "Now that we're renting again, we're not hemorrhaging money like crazy and we can even go out to McDonalds once in a while. I got so damned sick of always eating Top Ramen!" He let out a raspy cough before continuing, "Besides, renting nowadays is cool! Everyone's doing it --even Hollywood actors."

"Yes, it's true," his wife, Marge, agrees. "It's such a relief to be able to go to dinner parties and not have to avoid embarrassing questions about all the money-losing properties we owed on. It's getting so you're practically a pariah if you're a homedebtor now."

"Yeah, " Joe chips in, "nowadays all people want to talk about is how much they're saving by walking to work, or buying clothes at thrift stores. Anyone who shows up bragging about some condoflip Ponzi scheme is just asking for trouble."

The McLemmings anti-homeownership sentiments are echoed by a series of national consumer polls on the subject. In the wake of the housing market collapse (and the Fed's disastrous attempts to revive it by reinflation), over 90% of Americans remain convinced that real estate is a bad investment. Five-year cumulative losses of up to 70% percent in the worst bubble-infested markets seem to have permanently tarnished RE's image in the minds of the consumer.

Former NAR spokesman, David Lehreah (now chief advisor to Consumer Credit Counselors) had this to say:
"If you haven't paid your mortgage off, it means you probably did not manage your funds efficiently over the years. It's as if you were putting a match to 500,000 dollar bills."

He called it "very unsophisticated."

The new thrift-is-chic mantra has even permeated popular culture, with "grunge" bands making a big comeback and D-I-Y shows earning top prime-time ratings. Versace has even premiered a new homeless-inspired fashion line dubbed Derelicte.

"Clearly, anyone not getting with the program and scaling back is missing the boat," says Rolling Stones trend-spotter Shane Browner. "Setting the thermostat to 50F is cool --I mean really cool!"


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74   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:01pm  

Jack, you will not sell me on the pink toilet no matter WHAT means of persuasion you think you have up your sleeve. Pink is for...other stuff...not toilets.

75   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:25pm  

"I think pink toilets are very funny."

I will give you that. If you're going for a toilet with a sense of humor, pink is definitely THE color.

And BTW, flak, don't stop following the dreams. there IS no other way to live.

76   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 23, 2:28pm  

"any one on this message board has experience and knowledge of the forex markets? Specifically want to know if going long on canadian loonie,swiss franc, australian dollar are a hedge for the decline of usd"

I have zero experience but a good amount of knowledge of forex, and recommendation one is to leave it alone--too many variables in that game. Next, I doubt that going long on the loonie is going to hedge you against a falling dollar too much--reason for that is the US economy is the main consumer of Canadian export commodities. So when the dollar goes down it should drag the loonie down quite a bit too as our economies are very closely linked through NAFTA. Swiss and Aussie money have close to zero correlation with the US dollar, so again, not such a good hedge. Anway, if you want to play the forex game, it's YOUR money, but I couldn't sleep at it night in that casino!

77   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:32pm  

"And BTW, flak, don’t stop following the dreams. there IS no other way to live. "

Oh crap, I've started sounding like a motivational calendar. The quote above will appear on the same month as the Jack Kinkaid, "painter of light-filled voids" winter scene.

78   SJ_jim   2005 Dec 23, 2:36pm  

Heh, nice x-mas card, Jack...you can remove tongue from cheek now :)
By the way a former co-worker of mine was at Altamont...maybe you guys shared a bong or 2???

Hmmm...where to park the proverbiel wad...faux paint business (is there a faux paint investment trust fund yet???)...cement...I dunno.


BTW I hate shopping; but it was nice that the stores (Target, Best Buy) were pretty empty today...I might even go back tomorrow LOL.

79   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:40pm  

"Hmmm…where to park the proverbiel wad…"

Oh no, do we really need to have another parking the wad discussion? I thought we'd already settled on the inflatable doll.

80   SJ_jim   2005 Dec 23, 2:49pm  

I thought we’d already settled on the inflatable doll
LOL I think I may have missed that one...sounds good to me...(now to find a prime doll...Marina is Prime, no?

81   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:57pm  

iceman's "park the wad in an inflatable doll" post was so funny it really should be at the top of the "Best of the Blog" posts list, if we ever do a compilation. I would go back and find it, if i weren't so lazy...

82   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:57pm  

Marina Prime may actually BE an inflatable sex doll, for all we know.

83   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 2:58pm  

That would explain why he is so full of hot air...

84   Peter P   2005 Dec 23, 3:14pm  

That would explain why he is so full of hot air…

But when the air cools, it will lose rigidity.

85   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 3:28pm  

"But when the air cools, it will lose rigidity."

Peter P! LOL. I didn't know you could be so lewd....you've been holding out on us!

86   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 3:38pm  

Hey, I've been lobbying for that thread for months! We NEED a parking the wad thread.

87   Peter P   2005 Dec 23, 3:40pm  

Peter P! LOL. I didn’t know you could be so lewd….you’ve been holding out on us!


88   Jamie   2005 Dec 23, 3:43pm  

Oh stop it Peter P. Don't think you can get away with an innocent little "Huh?" now. After the Huh thread, we all know the word has various lewd layers of meaning, anyway.

89   SJ_jim   2005 Dec 23, 4:22pm  

Hehe...PeterP invoked "Huh?"
Speaking of "Huh?": I am copying files to CD Rom because my 5-YO Dell is dying...hard drive finds bad sectors everytime I startup . I think it was the "Huh?" thread that did it. Not saying the "Huh?" thread was a bad thing or anything...I'm just saying.... :)

90   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 24, 3:31am  

wow, this blog moves fast. I'll try to catch up quick:

1. DiNor, thank you for your thoughtful response.

2. Baby boomers: Check out the theory of "The turn of four". It defines every generation as 20 years, and says basically that each generation goes from most responsible to least in a series of four. It is the "Kondratief" cycle that influences the character of generations. Guess where the Baby Boomers fall? It explains why they are such hypocrites (present company excluded, of course).

3. Peter P: RE Chaos theory: it's not really that complicated. The turn of 4 and the Kondratieff cycle are two examples of patterns that arise in chaotic systems without a point of control. I studied Kondratieff cycles in my Political Economy class in school over 10 years ago. At the time, the cold war was just ending, and we used it to understand the rise and fall of empires in the context of "balance of power political/economic systems". The BoP system is also a pattern that repeats from the Peloponesian war, through the cycles of European hegemony. It is ***enlightening** when you take these very sophisticated (yet really uncomplicated) tools and apply it to domestic politics. ever wonder why the electoral map of 2004 looked like the electoral map of 1860? If you're still reading, my point is the "Invisible hand" and market efficiency is best understood in the context of patterns. The Buddhist concept of impermanance(sp?) is also very illustrative. "The universe is in a state of everlasting becomming". To ask if a market is efficient is to murder the market and stop it in its tracks. Markets are in an ever changing state moving from efficiency to inefficiency and back. To stop the market to measure it denies its organic nature. As a participant in the market, you are helping to either move it towards efiicieny or away from it based on the soundness of your decision. In aggregate, all investors combined move the market back and forth between efficiency and inefficiency. This aggregate is the pattern called "The invisible hand". Over time, capital is allocated efficiently, despite no single point of control. You can make money because you are both trying to beat the market, and at the same time, you ARE (at least in small part) the market (invisible hand). Part-whole, fractal relationship (and what not). Esoteric as hell, yet powerful.

4. Peter P: I haven't read the misbehaviour of Markets, but I am reading Ron Insana's book on how to identfy a bubble. It is enlightening so far.

5. Re Renting/Selling too soon: I sold a house by the beach in 2003 just b4 it really went up. How do I feel? Blessed. I made money, the buyers will give back their "Gains" and then some. It is already happening. RE renting, remember that except for the very rich, no one is a homeowner, just a homedebtor. As the market continues to turn, they will get what they have coming to them. Just take the high road. BTW, homeownership isn't as glamorous as you think.

6. Parking the wad of cash? Check out the thread on Ben Jone's blog. Great ideas? Buy some classic muscle cars, CHEAP.

7.FOREX: I'm no expert (I have friends who are). I own Axel Merk's fund (a little bit). It is better to have a professional give you diversified and manged exposure than to just buy Loonies. Note: This not investment advice. DO NOT speculate. You can insure dollars that you own by buying gold and foreign currency to make a win-win no matter what the dollar does. That is the "Proper" use of options and futures and such. It's called hedging.

My brain is now spent, and the voices in my head are at it again. That's it for now.

--Deo Vindice.

91   Peter P   2005 Dec 24, 4:38am  

Reverse outsourcing is happening in the form of THIRD WORLD companies buying American/European companies and paying American/European wages. This might cause house prices to appreciate, realtors might say!

You know what will cause housing prices to appreciate? Global warming.

Everything expands with heat. Housing price is no exception.

92   KurtS   2005 Dec 24, 4:53am  

Global warming or not, may everyone have a warm holidays with family and friends. :)

93   Peter P   2005 Dec 24, 5:15am  

Global warming or not, may everyone have a warm holidays with family and friends.

Happy halidays!

94   surfer-x   2005 Dec 24, 6:34am  

Jamie said wad.

Merry Holikwanzabong everyone :)

95   Peter P   2005 Dec 24, 11:29am  

:O) is an iMPressive emoticon.

96   losstotheworld   2005 Dec 24, 2:04pm  

dear all
in central california, homebuilders are =giving 20,000 $ discount. still no takers. in my town there are 200 listings in the market up from a 125 or so last year.

I saw a 6 br house for salefor 585k built 2years ago by woodside homes. However thats not all more houses are going to be built. today i just went to see a new development, this development is around a golf course. sure its impressive. central california is a desert area. So getting water here is the problem. although the aqueduct runs down this area. One of the owners told me that he spent 20 million dollars getting the permits and the water supply . however he also added that the market is softening and that he is taking a risk developing this venture.

dont you think living in a golf community will be a nice selling point?

97   losstotheworld   2005 Dec 24, 2:11pm  

OK ok parking the wad, here’s something that might be better…. a stamp dealer told me yesterday that one very important thing to keep in mind in hoarding gold, is to get gold coins. No one wants bullion, since it has to be tested 6 ways to sunday to make sure it’s pure, it’s not just plated, etc etc. But coins are a known quantity, and with just a little training and a loupe, fakes are easy to spot.

Thats a very interesting observation. can you elaborate on that?
My question is how do you know what you are buying is one ounce gold? it looks like gold and it feels heavy.
i also think that old gold coins have more authenticity than the newer dated ones. my other way of diversifying is buying ms 62-63 gold coins. these are coins graded by pcgs or ngc. you can get them for 600-800$./ounce. also think about pre- 1933 coins. sovereigns,thebritish, the swiss franks
are pre1933 and may be worth a consideration.

Discretion: This is not investment advise.

98   KurtS   2005 Dec 24, 2:21pm  

i also think that old gold coins have more authenticity than the newer dated ones. my other way of diversifying is buying ms 62-63 gold coins.

I prefer Austro-Hungarian Ducats myself. But, are mine authentic? Well, uncle Zoltan said so! Seriously, why would old coins be more accepted than Maple Leafs? Is someone trafficking 24K gold-plated tungsten* bullion coins somewhere?

*same specific gravity, possibly less detectable.

99   KurtS   2005 Dec 24, 2:25pm  

Btw, I'd be sorta leery of buying old Vreneli, at least minted during WWII.
These are Swiss gold coins, and under analysis, mercury was turning up in some coins. Need I get too graphic here, but subtly put: dentists used mercury amalgam for gold fillings...connect the dots. :(

100   San Francisco RENTER   2005 Dec 24, 2:38pm  

"I own Axel Merk’s fund (a little bit)." --Deo

Oh yeah, the Merk Hard Currency Fund. I don't own any shares but I actually subscribe to Merk's e-mail newsletter. I read one of Axel's write-ups on Financial Sense Online and liked it so much that I subscribed to get his newsletter sent to me via e-mail. He's an Econ major too, so I guess that's why I see eye-to-eye with his ideas. How's his fund doing for you?

101   surfer-x   2005 Dec 24, 3:54pm  

These are Swiss gold coins, and under analysis, mercury was turning up in some coins. Need I get too graphic here, but subtly put: dentists used mercury amalgam for gold fillings…connect the dots.

I believe there are members of this blog that can answer this question.

102   surfer-x   2005 Dec 24, 3:57pm  

same specific gravity, possibly less detectable.
w = 183.84
au = 196.96655

dude, come on now.

Surfer-X Ph.D.

Note: not CS, Materials.

103   KurtS   2005 Dec 24, 4:18pm  

same specific gravity, possibly less detectable.
w = 183.84
au = 196.96655

Damn, my mistake!...that's density

104   Peter P   2005 Dec 24, 5:48pm  

The 2 yr. - 10 yr. briefly inverted on Friday (by 1 bp). It now stands at 1 bp, according to Bloomberg. Bloomberg is more reliable than Yahoo, IMO.

So the yield curve did invert before the end of the year. Too bad there will be no butterfish sushi. :(

105   surfer-x   2005 Dec 24, 7:18pm  


That's what I love about this blog, everyone is an expert in fucking shit they know nothing about.

Ok, Mr. McFucknob, here is how it goes, when I point a portable fucking XRD tool at say W or Au, the tool, you know tool, kind of like you, ahh fuck it, REAL ESTATE IS GREAT. COMPUTER SCIENCE RULES AND YOU ARE ALL FUCKED, BUY HIGH SELL HIGHER FUCK ALL YOU FUCK MARINA IS PRIME FUCK YOU! FACE REALITY CS ROCKS EVERYONE BUT YOU MAKE 299k A YEAR. EAT MY ASS


106   KurtS   2005 Dec 25, 2:50am  

That’s what I love about this blog, everyone is an expert in fucking shit they know nothing about.

Did I ever say I was an expert? I just heard the two metals weighed the same...sigh. A friend joked about gold plating Tungsten bars and selling them to the unsuspecting.

Course, it's clear we have an expert at anger on this blog.

107   losstotheworld   2005 Dec 25, 3:14am  

where do u buy the ducats?

108   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 25, 4:48am  

SF Renter:

I try NOT to check my investments too often. I believe that it leads to over trading/emotional decisions. I have the fund as a hedge for dollars. As far as it goes, I did look a while ago and it was up a few % in a short period of time of ownership. I'll probably look again in Feb or March. I check Axel's newsletter too. Also John Hussman's and John Mauldin's. By the way, you gotta buy Ron Insana's book on how to ID a bubble, the stages of a bubble, the history of global bubbles, the history of American bubbles, and of course the tech bubble. He wrote it before the RE bubble, but gues what: The RE bubble tracks his explanation of causes, stages, and outcomes EXACTLY. Up next: The disillusion stage, and then the revulsion stage when NO ONE will want to own RE.

109   KurtS   2005 Dec 25, 5:37am  

where do u buy the ducats?

Really, I was just joking whether ducats would be more solvent than newer coins.
(We have some of those coins laying around, but I don't actually have an uncle named Zoltân)

110   HARM   2005 Dec 25, 10:54am  

Seasons Greetings --I've been OOT with the extended family, and just wanted to pop in & check up.

Nice to forget about the credit bubble once in a while and focus on the other important things in life --Merry Holikwanzabong, all!

111   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 26, 1:59am  

SafeHaven is a major gold bug site. I tend to agree that we are overdue for a depression (soft or otherwise) and a currency crisis. Why? Because it is NEVER different. Take no comfort in the phrase "It hasn't happened since the great depression". Why? Because it's a cycle. We are overdue. Anyone interested in bubbles HAS GOT TO READ Trendwatching by Ron Insana. You bet, we're in a RE bubble. Gold next? Yes, I believe so. Why? Because according to Mr Insana, bubbles happen when there is too much liquidity (sound familiar?) often caused by the need to clean up after the last bubble (sound familiar?). What will "Helicopter" Ben Bernanke do? He will try to create another bubble by lowering interest rates and re-inlating the economy. (That's why they halted the publication of M3). That will stoke an energy bubble (if peakoil doesn't) and a gold bubble. If our creditors don't let him lower rates (because they sell our treasuries or just stop buying), wow. 20% prime rate here we come. Either way, the smart money is hedging their bets. Now is not the time for risk taking. Remember our dear fed chairman's warning, "History has not dealt kindly with investors who demanded lower risk premiums due to false sense of security created by prolonged periods of stability." Good times do not last. They never will. It's a cycle. BTW, Kondratieff was not a crack pot.

Moment of Zen For the esoteric minded:
Just look out the window at the mountains and ask yourself this question, "Is the mountain moving?" If you answer no, please understand that it is a scientific fact that the mountain IS moving. If you don't think so, it is because it doesn't appear to move from your perspective (time scale). But ask yourself this question, "Am I so important that the mountain has to be on MY SCHEDULE?" Global capital markets are that mountain. They have cycles that have exteremly long periods. You will be better off if you accept your own humbleness realtive to the global capital system. IT IS NOT ON YOUR SCHEDULE.

Deo Vindice.

112   DeoVindice   2005 Dec 26, 2:33am  

JAck, Some of the topics being discussed are highly complicated. Abstractions are a useful approach to helping human beings understand complicated phenomenon. Trust me, global macroeconomics is a complicated subject. It effects you and me whether we try to understand what is going on or not. It does not make me (or anyone else) insane for trying to protect myself from the possible consequences of the bursting real esate buble. (Perhaps the voices in my head make me insane, but that is for another thread). There are a lot of very smart people who have modeled complex economic behaviour over the centuries. It pays to take the time to try to understand them. Feel free to tune it out, but do so at your own peril.

113   Peter P   2005 Dec 26, 3:17am  

There has been a lot of talk about gold on this blog when people mention where they want to park their wad, which is why I wonder if there is a gold bubble in the making.

Gold is a tiny asset class. Price can be arbitrarily high because of the very small amount of gold out there.

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