Hunter Biden’s Laptop Confirms ‘Joe Biden Was a Direct Beneficiary’ of His Son’s Deals

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2021 Jul 13, 10:41pm   70,670 views  484 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), said on Monday that his organization had confirmed that President Joe Biden “was a direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s financial deals with foreign interests.

“We do have a copy, by the way, here at GAI of [Hunter Biden’s] laptop and all the files,” Schweizer said on the Sean Hannity Show. “It confirms that Joe Biden was a direct beneficiary.”

Schweizer explained how GAI cross-referenced Secret Service travel logs during Joe Biden’s tenure as vice president to corroborate the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s emails.

He remarked:

GAI asked, “How can we demonstrate whether the emails are real?” … We already have, for example, Hunter Biden’s Secret Service travel records. They were released by Senator [Ron] Johnson’s committee. These are the official records that say the Secret Service traveled with Hunter to this location, to that location, etcetera.

So we asked, “Do the emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop correspond with the travel records? If our email references that [Hunter] is in Dubai on a certain date, does that line up with the Secret Service travel records? Absolutely, 100 percent. …

So there is no question. Of course Hunter Biden hasn’t denied it. But there’s no question that the laptop emails that we have possession of are 100 percent accurate and correspond directly with existing material, and the information is devastating.

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265   Patrick   2023 May 22, 7:51pm  


Hunter Biden Flies to Child Support Hearing on Private Jet, Tells Judge He’s Broke
266   HeadSet   2023 May 22, 8:45pm  

Patrick says

Hunter Biden Flies to Child Support Hearing on Private Jet, Tells Judge He’s Broke

And used top dollar attorneys to deliver the message.
269   The_Deplorable   2023 May 29, 11:49am  

The Son Of The President of The United States

"Hunter Biden is called out by Russian news media for filming himself in dozens of sex tapes with under age girls...

With under age girls!

This is the son of the president of the United States With under age girls!
271   Patrick   2023 Jun 2, 9:36am  

http://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ supposedly has tons of incriminating photos, but it unavailable at the moment.

Not sure if it's too popular or if it's being attacked.

Ah, it's does work after a minute.
272   Patrick   2023 Jun 2, 10:55am  


That center pole of the circus tent is the wobbling global economy. It’s barely holding up the canvas over the three rings of the circus. In the center ring, the death-defying spectacle of the Biden Family crime case is playing out before a huge audience (us). This week, a gun went off at the FBI and smoke is curling out of the barrel. FBI Director Christopher Wray was forced to verify that he’s been sitting on an incriminating document for three years from a “trusted” confidential human source, i.e., an informant, stating that the Biden Family received a $5-million bribe from a foreign entity when “JB” was vice-president.

That’s only one bribe of many others, of course, as documented in the Hunter Biden laptop, and it must be obvious it represents treasonous behavior that will demand resignation or impeachment. As this spools out in the weeks and months ahead, do you think Americans will be in the mood to accept further insults such as “Joe Biden” surrendering our national sovereignty to the WHO?
274   richwicks   2023 Jun 3, 1:57am  

Patrick says

http://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ supposedly has tons of incriminating photos, but it unavailable at the moment.

Not sure if it's too popular or if it's being attacked.

Ah, it's does work after a minute.

It's 01:56 here, it's being attacked now. It needs to be moved to bit torrent.

They need to provide a link when it's next up. It will be disseminated in time regardless.
276   Patrick   2023 Jun 3, 4:26pm  


Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol
FBI Director Christopher Wray was facing a potential contempt vote when the deal was struck.

Facing a potential contempt of Congress vote, FBI Director Christopher Wray relented and has agreed to bring a subpoenaed document from the Biden family investigation to Capitol Hill for lawmakers to inspect on Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced Friday.

The document in question, an FD-1023, contains uncorroborated allegations that an informant provided the FBI in June 2020 alleging that Joe Biden, when he was vice president, was engaged in a bribery scheme to change US policy in return for $5 million to his family’s businesses, lawmakers have said.

Congress was alerted to the document by an FBI whistleblower who raised concerns the allegations were never fully investigated. Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa demanded to see the document, and Comer followed with a subpoena.

It's still just hopium. You can be confident that nothing will happen to the organized criminals at the FBI or to the Biden Crime Family.

The military needs to step in and imprison all of the FBI leadership and the entire Biden Crime Family. This is the only plausible way we can recover the US from the mafia. But then, the military has been purging its ranks of everyone with integrity by forcing the deadly and ineffective toxxine on them, and by using gay wokeness to demoralize them.
278   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 8:10pm  


In the 48 hours before Hunter Biden's handgun purchase that is now under investigation by federal prosecutors, President Joe Biden's troubled son was being hounded about hundreds of thousands of dollars he owed in debts, juggling texts from his brother's widow and her sister, who were also his lovers, and coordinating what appears to be a drug deal at a local 7-Eleven with a man saved in his phone only as "Q." ...

Hours after his first text to Q, Elizabeth Secundy, Hallie Biden's sister, asked Hunter Biden to wire her money. Hunter Biden had sexual relationships with both Hallie Biden and Secundy, whom he texted to say he had wired $2,200.

"Thank you!!!! I love you," Secundy replied.

The next day played out similarly. At 5:25 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 11, Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle texted him indicating he had failed to wire $6,000 owed to her. Hunter Biden ignored her, responding instead to Q.

This is a totally messed up man.

It's tragic, really.

Hunter Biden also had late lunch plans with his daughter Finnegan in Philadelphia. During the drive there, he checked in with Hallie.

"I love you so much my secrets girl," Hunter Biden texted his brother's widow. "I love you and love you too much for you to understand why I'm so sad sorry angry overwhelmed and incapable of making you feel like you have any chance of being the you you've always shown the real world."

Hunter Biden was sending money to family members left and right, thousands at a time.

Meanwhile, Hunter owed $800,000 in back taxes to the IRS and was notified of it during this same 48-hour period while he was arranging secret deals with Q and flattering his "secret lover," the widow of his deceased brother, and sending her thousands. ...

Hallie Biden, Beua's widow and Hunter's "secret lover," threw the gun away into a trash can a few days later, creating even more problems for Hunter after it was found by an older man looking for bottles who turned it over to authorities, alerting the FBI to Hunter's many problems.

The incident sent Hunter Biden into a rage. He told Hallie Biden that she had given the FBI, which was investigating the missing handgun, the impression that he was "an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies."

Well, if the shoe fits...

This is the man who is hanging around the White House and traveling with Joe Biden to important international functions to this very day.

These allegations are absolutely disgusting, and it's truly astonishing that Hunter Biden still has access to the White House.

And yet he's still protected by the criminals at the FBI.
279   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 8:19pm  

Patrick says

And yet he's still protected by the criminals at the FBI.

And will continue to be.

We will hear about endless investigations that are designed to go nowhere. Fuck the FIB, fucking disband them.

When is the last time they did LEGITIMATE work? All they do is entrap people (January 6th, Witmer "kidnapping"), lie to congress (Robert Mueller, James Comey, Christopher Wray, Andrew McCabe), protect actual criminals (Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden) and start false investigations (Donald Trump, General Flynn, Robert Stone..)

Fuck them to hell.

They are so bad, they are approaching the evil and illegality of the CIA and that says a LOT. The CIA is the Cocaine Importation Agency. They're the reason we had a drug crisis in the 1980's. They imported it, they ran it. They probably invented crack cocaine.


But still people will say "well, there's only a few bad apples". No, the entire fucking institutions are garbage, and should be eliminated. Would you work for the SS or the Stasi? Well, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to work at all.
280   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 8:29pm  

Patrick says

The military needs to step in and imprison all of the FBI leadership and the entire Biden Crime Family.

Yeah, that's going to happen.
282   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 9:07am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

The military needs to step in and imprison all of the FBI leadership and the entire Biden Crime Family.

Yeah, that's going to happen.

I think you're right that there is a woke-corporate-Democrat conspiracy against the US military to drive out all the men with integrity by forcing them to suck the rainbow dildo, and to bend over for the toxxine. Any man you'd actually want in the military will refuse both and quit, weakening America.
283   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 9:38am  


“The exact same day that FBI is forced to turn over to Congress absolutely damning and credible allegations regarding Joe Biden’s illegal,
illegal, egregious & treasonous corruption, Joe Biden weaponizes Department of Justice to indict Trump,” Stefanik said.

5 million $ paid to Joe Biden, 5 million $ paid to Hunter, clear bribes!
284   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 1:56pm  


In another historic first, a development much more significant and relevant than the Trump Impeachment story, someone leaked the details about that FBI document, the one the captured agency was keeping safely compartmentalized out of sight buried in a dry well under Area 51 or something. The only captured media outlet that ran the story, Fox News published the incendiary headline, “Joe Biden Allegedly Paid $5M by Burisma Executive as Part of a Bribery Scheme, According to FBI Document.”

It’s Ukraine! Again! It seems like it’s always Ukraine these days.

According to the leaker, the form described a credible FBI informant’s report that, according to a top Burisma executive, the company paid Biden $5 million to get rid of a pesky Ukrainian special prosecutor who was inconveniently investigating the energy company, ironically for corruption.

In fact, no mental giant, Biden bragged on a hot mike about how he’d threatened the pre-Zelensky Ukrainian government to withhold $1B in aid unless they fired the special prosecutor who was then investigating Burisma, and replaced him with “someone solid:”

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in,’ I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired,” Biden said during the event. “And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

For people in the back row, those facts describe a ‘quid pro quo,’ for which democrats impeached Trump for just ASKING Ukraine if it would look into Biden’s involvement in that country, even without any money changing hands.

In a statement following the leak, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer said it’s not just the Burisma thing, and not just Ukraine, either. Joe shook down other Eastern European countries. Comer said:

This is a very serious accusation. This accusation fits a pattern that we uncovered especially in Romania, where then vice-president Biden visits the country, talks about foreign policy and foreign aid, and then two weeks later his family starts getting bank wires from foreign nationals in this country, to the different Biden family members.
We also want to know what exactly the FBI did to investigate this very serious allegation.

Serious? Haha, it can’t really be that serious, can it, since the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, and the New York Times didn’t think it was important enough to report the story.

Instead, the Trump indictment story blasted nearly all the news about the Biden bribe investigation into digital oblivion, and for sure it virtually guaranteed that ordinary democrats will never hear about the Biden Bribe document, since they are too consumed with ecstatic joy over the happy news of another Trump arrest, regardless how it undermines our democracy and turns America into a third-world banana republic, who cares, it’s totally worth it, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I’ll leave you with this thought: there is NO WAY that Joe Biden could have gotten away with this kind of racket for this long, unless there were a LOT of other people involved. First of all, that old ice-cream-licker is just not smart enough, even before he got dementia. Second, Biden has obviously been incredibly reckless. Third, plenty of people close to Biden must necessarily have seen all the signs, over and over. None of them said anything.

It seems much more likely that a lot of folks in government were getting paid, than that Biden ran the racket alone.

You know, it might annoy the psy-operators if you forwarded the Biden Bribe story to your sane democrat friends, who are only seeing the Trump Indictment story today.

285   richwicks   2023 Jun 9, 7:45pm  

Patrick says

I think you're right that there is a woke-corporate-Democrat conspiracy against the US military to drive out all the men with integrity by forcing them to suck the rainbow dildo, and to bend over for the toxxine. Any man you'd actually want in the military will refuse both and quit, weakening America.

Honestly, I have viewed everybody that has joined the military since 1990 as naive people or stupid people. No offense to them, but I was well aware of the Pentagon Papers at 16, and since nobody paid a price for lying us into a war in Vietnam, I thought the US was in decline then.

I scored 100% on the ASVAB test - remember that? I would have joined the military, EXCEPT, I didn't trust the military. They are perfectly pleased to lie this nation into war, and I was right not to join. I certainly would have been a trouble maker, probably would have been thrown out to be honest.
286   AD   2023 Jun 9, 10:23pm  

Patrick says

’ll leave you with this thought: there is NO WAY that Joe Biden could have gotten away with this kind of racket for this long, unless there were a LOT of other people involved.

Yep, its a cartel or cabal as far as distributing the Democrat graft and bribes. Look at Clinton Foundation and all the Democrat leeche$ that benefit from it. Given its a Democrat self dealing and corruption machine, then its well organized and operated.

Look at Soros Jr making as many visits to the Birdbrain Biden Whitehouse than a junkie going to a crack house or drug den.

290   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 2:20pm  


A whistleblower, who reportedly came forward with “smoking gun” evidence of a bribery scheme involving Democrat President Joe Biden, has died in “suspicious circumstances.”

The shocking fate of the informant was revealed by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

According to Giuliani, who first exposed Hunter Biden’s infamous “Laptop from Hell,” the whistleblower was the chief accountant at the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Accountant at Burisma is definitely a hazardous occupation.
292   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 10:04pm  


Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Monday announced on the Senate floor that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations of them as an “insurance policy.”

Grassley said an FBI document, known as an FD-1023, that was shown to the House Oversight Committee last Thursday — but that he has also seen — has a redacted reference to the executive possessing 15 audio recordings of phone calls between himself and Hunter Biden and two audio recordings of phone calls between himself and then-Vice President Joe Biden. ...

Grassley said getting the “full and complete” 1023 was “critical for the American people to know and understand the true nature of the document and to hold the Justice Department and the FBI accountable.”

“It’s also important [for] constitutional congressional oversight powers against an out of control executive branch, obviously drunk with political infection,” he added.
294   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 13, 1:27pm  

Patrick says


A whistleblower, who reportedly came forward with “smoking gun” evidence of a bribery scheme involving Democrat President Joe Biden, has died in “suspicious circumstances.”

The shocking fate of the informant was revealed by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

According to Giuliani, who first exposed Hunter Biden’s infamous “Laptop from Hell,” the whistleblower was the chief accountant at the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Accountant at Burisma is definitely a hazardous occupation.

Why wasn't she in the witness protection?

"“She was the wife of the former owner who died under suspicious circumstances." -- The only former Burisma co-owner who died was this guy and it happened in 2011, i.e. long before Bidens entered the picture:

When on April 18 news came through that 46-year-old Mykola Lisin, a lawmaker from Ukraine's ruling Party of Regions, had died in a car crash while driving at over 100 miles an hour in his Lamborghini Diablo, even hardened Ukraine watchers were shocked at the wave of schadenfreude that swept through the blogosphere. Party colleagues suggested Lisin may have swerved to avoid a bunny; less generous spirits nodded to what they saw as the poetic justice of the millionaire oil trader-turned politician catapulting into a filling station price display - at a time when petrol prices are soaring across the country, piling more misery on already cash-strapped consumers.

The hardhearted reaction to Lisin's death points to the crisis of legitimacy that Ukraine's democracy finds itself facing, with officials and parliamentarians perceived as an elite caste rather than a political class. As the cost of living surges, the political elite, largely coterminous with the wealthy elite, seem to live extravagant lives outside the rule of law, while they call on the population to tighten their belts.


He was another member of pro-Soviet party whose excesses and attempts to sell the country to Pukin has caused both revolutions.

Here's a piece on Zlochevsky from the same article:

Zlochevsky illustrates further issues that dog Ukraine's development. He has been connected over a number of years in a scandal surrounding the license for Ukraine's largest gasfield. Now he is in charge of deciding who gets to access Ukraine's potentially strategically significant shale gas reserves.

A year after entering parliament, in 2003, Zlochevsky became head of the state committee for natural resources, at that time responsible for awarding mineral exploitation licenses. During his tenure, the committee transferred the license for Ukraine's biggest gasfield, the Sakhalinsk field in Kharkiv region, from a joint venture between Ukrainian state-owned companies and Poland's national gas company, to an unknown newly founded private company Ukrnaftoburennia. The move inevitably aroused suspicion that the company was linked to him, including public accusations from the Polish side to that effect. Zlochevsky has denied the allegations. The Sakhalinsk field has estimated reserves of 15bn cubic metres (cm) of gas, worth around $4bn at current international prices.

Following the change in presidential administration in January 2005( i.e. after first Maidan revolution -- my comment), Zlochevsky was fired and the Sakhalinsk licence reverted to Ukraine's state-owned operator. But in July 2010 (Yanukovich "elected" using great deal of shenanigans not unlike our own 2020 covfefe -- my comment) , Zlochevsky returned to office as minister of environment and natural resources, and again became responsible for natural resource licensing. There was little surprise when in December one of his subordinates confirmed that Ukrnaftoburennia once again held the Sakhalinsk licence.

The article is from 2011. Three years later in Feb 2014 another anti-corruption revolution happens and Zlochevsky flees from prosecution but in April 2014 hires Hunter as a "poison frog" to safeguard his Burisma asset. Which worked spectacularly. Zlochevsky is hiding in Monaco to this day.
295   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 3:22pm  

Eric Holder says

Why wasn't she in the witness protection?

"“She was the wife of the former owner who died under suspicious circumstances." -- The only former Burisma co-owner who died was this guy and it happened in 2011, i.e. long before Bidens entered the picture:

I'm amused people still don't believe our government isn't simply a mafia.

What does it take to get people to see reality?
296   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 5:12pm  

richwicks says

What does it take to get people to see reality?

They have to feel better about reality than fantasy.

Seriously, that's what it's about.
297   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 5:14pm  


Our research group has been working hard to achieve our goal of building a permanent repository of the data on the Biden Laptop. As you’ll recall, we launched https://bidenlaptopemails.com/ in May 2022. On June 1 of this year, we launched https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/ The feedback & coverage has been overwhelmingly positive. For the first 96 hours after the launch, we were DDoS’d into oblivion; however, we haven’t had a complaint since & the site has been running like a well-oiled machine. Fox News, the New York Post, & many other outlets have written about the launch of the site & the insane pictures on it. For a full list, click here: https://marcopolousa.org/features

298   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 6:24pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

What does it take to get people to see reality?

They have to feel better about reality than fantasy.

Seriously, that's what it's about.

Haha. I am incapable of believing that. Maybe as a result, I have the same problem.

If people just need to FEEL better about truth than fiction, then there's no solution. I'd rather believe the, perhaps, fiction that people can be made to believe reality than they simply won't. I may be unfixable in this viewpoint. Anything else seems hopeless.
303   Patrick   2023 Jun 19, 3:00pm  

You have to know that there is a movie about Cheetos for this to make sense, but still.

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