Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,637 views  8,521 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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3008   Shaman   2022 Nov 21, 12:09pm  

Your symptoms sound very close to mine when I had it in January for the first time. Sickest I’ve been in forever. But four days and I kicked it, you can feel it when you turn the corner and suddenly feel more normal. I also had no appetite for about three days.
It’s just first Covid, dude. And it sounds like you’re almost done. I haven’t been reinfected since then, although my kids did. Wife and I got it good and since then have been immune!
3009   richwicks   2022 Nov 21, 12:18pm  

Shaman says

I say Indica and forget it!

You mean cannabis? I have NEVER been able to sleep when stoned. It doesn't slow my brain down, it forces me to be creative while simultaneously not being able to do detailed thinking. I generally end up reading a book or doing some sort of research when I get stoned.

A friend of mine thinks I must be filled with Neanderthal DNA as a result. Apparently Ozzy Osborne has a similar reaction as this. Cannabis and sleeping don't mix. I ONCE did mushrooms, and I was a mental mess for 8 hours. All I could obsess about is how I was totally incapacitated and I couldn't trust any of my sensory input.
3010   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 1:46pm  

richwicks says

Try some melatonin.

Melatonin does make me sleep, but often gives me nightmares, so usually not worth it.

Melatonin is amazing in that just a nibble from a 3mg pill is enough. A bottle of those pills is a lifetime supply for me.

Benadryl also works, but too well. Then I have a really hard time waking up in the morning.

Alcohol works at first, but then I wake up a 3am with a headache.

Simply having less coffee is the most effective sleep aid for me, but then life is less interesting.
3011   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 9:19pm  


James Freeman
Nov 1
'@ABridgen highlights the correlation between vaccine uptake and excess deaths across the world

If GOV doesn't act, it is COMPLICIT in the death of thousands of young Brits

3012   mell   2022 Nov 21, 9:43pm  

WookieMan says

Woke up early. Still have some shitty symptoms. Was hoping for improvement. It's really making me weak and we still have 3 kids, laundry, making dinners, etc. so can't just lay in bed all day. I think I may have fucked my back up kind of falling down the stairs and catching the railing to stop me. That's how weak and fatigued I am, but I still cannot sleep, but couldn't do that before covid. I think 6 hours since Saturday.

I still don't regret not taking the vaccine though. Of the 8 or so flus I've had over the years this is middle of the pack so far. Slightly worried whatever strain I have might linger and bigger concern is my BP. It's been pretty high where I get flush in the face for like 30 minutes but then it calms down. I also haven't eaten since Saturday morning. I bit a slice of pizza and spit it out last night. Might have been bad pizza or nausea.

It would be totally anecdotal but our symptoms literally kicked in within minutes of each other. Wa...

I'm not sure this is covid ;) I was sick for 2-3 weeks (delta), waited 4 weeks to do any form of exercise, and I slept 12 hours straight for 10 days in a row. It wasn't particularly gruesome and I kept mostly working, but sleeplessness and covid are mutually exclusive imo, nightsweats lasted 4-6 weeks. Never slept that long and that well in the past 20 years ;)
3013   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 9:58pm  


21 Surveys of Side Effects Following Vaccination Showing Shocking Rates of SEVERE Adverse Events
3015   WookieMan   2022 Nov 22, 2:20am  

mell says

I'm not sure this is covid ;) I was sick for 2-3 weeks (delta), waited 4 weeks to do any form of exercise, and I slept 12 hours straight for 10 days in a row. It wasn't particularly gruesome and I kept mostly working, but sleeplessness and covid are mutually exclusive imo, nightsweats lasted 4-6 weeks. Never slept that long and that well in the past 20 years ;)

I don't know what to say man, tested positive twice at the resort and so did my wife Saturday morning. It was a group trip for my wife's 40th. 6 people in our group of 15 got it. 2 of the friends were urgent care nurses and they always bring a shitload of medical supplies, at least compared to my zero, lol.

I don't know, everyone experiences it different. One of the nurse's husband got it back in January (vaccinated) and didn't even notice anything. He is one of the 6 and he's having similar symptoms that you mention. His are still going. Mine have basically totally subsided at this point. Slight runny nose and dry cough (occasionally) which is common for me this time of year. I also have minor allergies, so it's not a big deal.

My conclusion from all this is the vaccine 100% doesn't work. In this tiny sample those vaccinated are staying sick longer. All other 5. That's a 100% fail rate if my symptoms are the baseline from kicking in to ending.

I've brought this up before. I believe there's an element of embarrassment by a lot of people that have taken the vaccine and still got covid. No one in our party went to the doctor. No one, as in medical field, is tracking any of their symptoms. Length. This is how most people handle covid. And if they do go, I'm not certain if docs are matching cases to whether you were vaccinated or not.

Another thing. We were at an AI resort. Saturday we flew out at 7:05pm, so we had breakfast and lunch, and I was like fuck it I have covid. So I drank a pretty good amount before our transfer arrived. Got home around midnight, I think posted here and had two more beers. Sunday night I had 3 or 4. I did start hitting the zinc Sunday, but I wonder if there's any correlation with having alcohol in your bloodstream? Seems opposite of what you should do, but who knows.

I have insomnia, so 12 hours sleep isn't gonna happen unless I get a very serious disease. I haven't gotten more than 6 in probably 10 years. This is why I wonder how in the world CDC or anyone really knows anything about this virus. They're not getting data on my experience. Is being awake more with a higher heart rate better than a sleeping/resting heart rate? And how does studying this work?

Sorry for the long comment, I'm just intrigued by the differences in all six of reactions of our group. Tin foil hat stuff, but was the vaccine designed to keep you sick longer? Keep you buying OTC fever reducers/pain reliever, Nyquil or prescribed drugs. We have a group text going and we're all talking multiple times a day how were feeling. We all got it at a similar time with symptoms kicking in at the same time. It's kind of decent little micro study of covid to be honest. 3 of the vaccinated had covid once before, so apparently no immunity for them. I'm rambling now, I'll stop.
3016   mell   2022 Nov 22, 7:13am  

WookieMan says

mell says

I'm not sure this is covid ;) I was sick for 2-3 weeks (delta), waited 4 weeks to do any form of exercise, and I slept 12 hours straight for 10 days in a row. It wasn't particularly gruesome and I kept mostly working, but sleeplessness and covid are mutually exclusive imo, nightsweats lasted 4-6 weeks. Never slept that long and that well in the past 20 years ;)

I don't know what to say man, tested positive twice at the resort and so did my wife Saturday morning. It was a group trip for my wife's 40th. 6 people in our group of 15 got it. 2 of the friends were urgent care nurses and they always bring a shitload of medical supplies, at least compared to my zero, lol.

I don't know, everyone experiences it different. One of the nurse's husband got it back in January (vaccinated) and didn't even notice anything. He is one of the 6 and he's having similar sympt...

For sure the jab doesn't work, this may be proof test covid has mutated into an even more harmless cold virus with omicron as expected, half of your plight here is probably from boozing amd partying, a cold combined with booze and party can be nasty. That being said, hot brandy/dark rum and tea, and possibly a strong unadulterated weed body rub may work wonders
3017   WookieMan   2022 Nov 22, 7:45am  

mell says

this may be proof test covid has mutated into an even more harmless cold virus with omicron as expected, half of your plight here is probably from boozing amd partying, a cold combined with booze and party can be nasty.

Been texting with the vaccinated this morning. They're all still feeling really shitty. I'm good. One variable is vaccine. Another is any meds they're talking. One is a nurse already, they believe they're doctors as all nurses generally do, not that I trust doctors either. I told them zinc is when my symptoms turned the corner and it was relatively quickly. I only felt like shit for 2-1/2 days.

Not sure if any one of them listened. I took so little as well. Whatever. Gave advice for a OTC cough drop with zinc (Cold Ezz). Only took 2 or 3 Sunday. Monday started rough, but by night I was good. This morning I'm 100%. Pulled back to my regular supplements. A little weak after 5 days of partying, getting covid sitting on my ass for 3 more days, but I can do all my normal things.
3018   stereotomy   2022 Nov 22, 8:32am  

WookieMan says

Sorry for the long comment, I'm just intrigued by the differences in all six of reactions of our group. Tin foil hat stuff, but was the vaccine designed to keep you sick longer? Keep you buying OTC fever reducers/pain reliever, Nyquil or prescribed drugs. We have a group text going and we're all talking multiple times a day how were feeling. We all got it at a similar time with symptoms kicking in at the same time. It's kind of decent little micro study of covid to be honest. 3 of the vaccinated had covid once before, so apparently no immunity for them. I'm rambling now, I'll stop.

What you're observing (jabbed people being sick longer) is what the immunologists call "original antigenic sin." The body produces antibodies from T-cells. These T-cells are continually created by the body, and lots of them are different in random ways. When you get an infection, the T-cells producing the effective antibodies multiply, and your body now has adequate immune response to the pathogen du jour. Other T-cells which are not producing effective antibodies stay relatively inactive and eventually die to make space for the effective T-cells.

The problem with the jab is that it stimulates a massive T-cell response to produce antibodies to a particular spike protein. There are virtually no other T-cells available if another different pathogen infects you. Your reserves of T-cells have been temporarily depleted; in the meantime, the new pathogen runs rampant until a new population of T-cells, created randomly, grows large enough to produce antibodies for the new pathogen.

TAKE IVERMECTIN. Ivermectin inhibits viral replication, it does not kill the virus. What this means is that Ivermectin stops the infection from getting worse, so that your immune system can mop up what damage has already been done. This is why it's critically important to use Ivermectin as early in the infection as possible.
3019   Ceffer   2022 Nov 22, 9:13am  

Satan smiles.. Truth can only be used as a last resort.
3020   mell   2022 Nov 22, 10:11am  

stereotomy says

WookieMan says

Sorry for the long comment, I'm just intrigued by the differences in all six of reactions of our group. Tin foil hat stuff, but was the vaccine designed to keep you sick longer? Keep you buying OTC fever reducers/pain reliever, Nyquil or prescribed drugs. We have a group text going and we're all talking multiple times a day how were feeling. We all got it at a similar time with symptoms kicking in at the same time. It's kind of decent little micro study of covid to be honest. 3 of the vaccinated had covid once before, so apparently no immunity for them. I'm rambling now, I'll stop.

What you're observing (jabbed people being sick longer) is what the immunologists call "original antigenic sin." The body produces antibodies from T-cells. These T-cells are continually created by the body, and lots of them are different in random ways. When you get an infection,...

That and ADE is also a real possibility, given how quickly the virus mutates. Antibodies meant to neutralize the virus dock on and wait for macrophage to eat them but instead the virus will infect the unsuspecting cleanup crew because it shifted its protein surface slightly enough to still fit the antibody but not to become incapacitated by it. Double whammy
3021   Patrick   2022 Nov 22, 10:42am  

stereotomy says

The problem with the jab is that it stimulates a massive T-cell response to produce antibodies to a particular spike protein. There are virtually no other T-cells available if another different pathogen infects you. Your reserves of T-cells have been temporarily depleted; in the meantime, the new pathogen runs rampant until a new population of T-cells, created randomly, grows large enough to produce antibodies for the new pathogen.

Ah, I never got this part before.
3022   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 22, 11:11am  

B-cells produce antibody, or, more correctly, they mature into plasma cells which produce antibodies. Helper T cells (CD4 T cells) interact with B cells to stimulate them to develop into antibody producing cells. Immune repertoire is quite an amazing thing. Due to centuries of evolution and genetic recombinations via mating, you have B cells and T cells that can recognize somewhere on the order 10∧10 to 10∧11 unique antigenic determinants.

"The surface immunoglobulin that serves as the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) has two roles in B-cell activation. First, like the antigen receptor on T cells, it transmits signals directly to the cell's interior when it binds antigen (see Section 6-1). Second, the B-cell antigen receptor delivers the antigen to intracellular sites where it is degraded and returned to the B-cell surface as peptides bound to MHC class II molecules (see Chapter 5). The peptide:MHC class II complex can be recognized by antigen-specific armed helper T cells, stimulating them to make proteins that, in turn, cause the B cell to proliferate and its progeny to differentiate into antibody-secreting cells."


3023   WookieMan   2022 Nov 22, 12:41pm  

stereotomy says

TAKE IVERMECTIN. Ivermectin inhibits viral replication, it does not kill the virus. What this means is that Ivermectin stops the infection from getting worse, so that your immune system can mop up what damage has already been done. This is why it's critically important to use Ivermectin as early in the infection as possible.

Given it's Turkey day coming up. We were likely infected last Friday at absolute latest, may have been Thursday night at the discoteca, lol. Meaning Thursday by CDC guidelines was day 0, my wife "should" be in the clear to not infect others by this Thursday, right? And I know you can't say definitively but her symptoms are rough, but has had no urge to visit a doc. So I'd peg it as a mild case. Symptoms do no necessarily mean it's transmissible after 5-7 days of knowing you were infected is my question.

We're just trying to figure out if we should cancel. Our kids were all sick as well while we were in Mexico. So there's a chance we had it when we went, just took longer for us and we passed it to our friends. Ultimately I don't think anyone is avoiding it this holiday season. Glad I got it out of the way and mine was super mild. Gonna test tonight and see my status. I feel fine though.
3024   Ceffer   2022 Nov 22, 2:58pm  

Post terrorist bribery revisionism:
3026   Patrick   2022 Nov 22, 11:17pm  


A newly hired American Airlines regional jet pilot collapsed just after takeoff in Chicago on Saturday night
He could not be revived. Cause of death unknown; American will not disclose any details, including his vaccination status. The co-pilot took over and averted catastrophe.

I'm pretty sure I know his vaxx status.
3028   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 22, 11:26pm  

stereotomy says

TAKE IVERMECTIN. Ivermectin inhibits viral replication, it does not kill the virus. What this means is that Ivermectin stops the infection from getting worse, so that your immune system can mop up what damage has already been done. This is why it's critically important to use Ivermectin as early in the infection as possible.

This. I took it hours after symptoms first appeared. Much better within 24 hours. 48 hours since, only a bit of coughing and sneezing, otherwise 80% of normal. Today, third today, I'm 90%, just coughing up the last of the phlegm infrequently.

Neigh Neigh double dose at first symptoms, second dose regular on 2nd day, didn't bother 3rd day since whatever virus was obviously getting it's ass whopped.
3029   stereotomy   2022 Nov 22, 11:35pm  

AmericanKulak says

stereotomy says

TAKE IVERMECTIN. Ivermectin inhibits viral replication, it does not kill the virus. What this means is that Ivermectin stops the infection from getting worse, so that your immune system can mop up what damage has already been done. This is why it's critically important to use Ivermectin as early in the infection as possible.

This. I took it hours after symptoms first appeared. Much better within 24 hours. 48 hours since, only a bit of coughing and sneezing, otherwise 80% of normal. Today, third today, I'm 90%, just coughing up the last of the phlegm infrequently.

Neigh Neigh double dose at first symptoms, second dose regular on 2nd day, didn't bother 3rd day since whatever virus was obviously getting it's ass whopped.

I'm glad your personal horse is doing much better. My own horse noticed major improvements within 72 hours of taking the Ivermectin paste. From my own horse's experience, it needed to keep up the Ivermectin for about 7 days. The cool thing about Ivermectin is that it persists in my horse's body much longer than antibiotics, so unless your horse has a really bad viral sinusitis infection, 7 days should do just fine.
3031   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 10:25am  


The Tragic Story Of A 14-Year-Old Vaccine Myocarditis Victim — One Of Umpteen Males Misinformed By Health Authorities
Vaccine myocarditis is not trivial, mild, or "rare." In young men, it's a far greater risk than Covid hospitalization and death.
By Rav Arora

On May 12th of last year, school teacher Emily Jo took her 14-year-old son Aiden to get his first Pfizer vaccine dose. The public health authorities and her son’s pediatrician unanimously recommended vaccination, prompting her decision. She knew that mRNA shots caused some number of adverse events, like all vaccines, but was re-assured by the CDC and White House’s public recommendation.

“The talk amongst the mainstream medical community was that vaccine myocarditis was mild and that this was very rare,” she told me. ...

... “I had no idea how life altering ‘mild’ myocarditis actually is. I have a very hard time with the label ‘mild’ for anything that requires hospitalization and months of inactivity,” Emily Jo said.
3032   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 6:05pm  

Patrick says


A newly hired American Airlines regional jet pilot collapsed just after takeoff in Chicago on Saturday night
He could not be revived. Cause of death unknown; American will not disclose any details, including his vaccination status. The co-pilot took over and averted catastrophe.

I'm pretty sure I know his vaxx status.

More about the dead pilot:

3034   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 6:20pm  


The Canadian Independent
Watch: Prominent Virologist Dr. A. Oveta Fuller, who advocated for emergency use authorization of three Covid vaccines, has died suddenly from a brief unknown illness.

From the guy who sent this to me:

Question: What did she die of?
Answer: Suddenly.

Ah, thank you.
3035   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 6:34pm  


In the month of october 92,954 people died in Germany on a population of about 80 million. This is 14560 more than the last 4 years average. This equates to 19%. This is mind boggling. We just left a pandemic where apparently many of the most vulnerable were killed off meaning that theoretically we should have a number of years of lower all cause mortality due to many deaths being put forward by covid.
3036   richwicks   2022 Nov 23, 6:38pm  

Patrick says


In the month of october 92,954 people died in Germany on a population of about 80 million. This is 14560 more than the last 4 years average. This equates to 19%. This is mind boggling. We just left a pandemic where apparently many of the most vulnerable were killed off meaning that theoretically we should have a number of years of lower all cause mortality due to many deaths being put forward by covid.

Shouldn't we be seeing excess deaths in our own data then? I can't see it anywhere other than reports and claims. I hear the claims just as you do, but I want to see raw data and know that the source data is reliable.
3037   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 6:40pm  

Well, where can we get that data?
3038   richwicks   2022 Nov 23, 6:58pm  

Patrick says

Well, where can we get that data?

I have just been looking through various search engines for data and haven't seen anything alarming. I just finished watching "Died suddenly", they claim a HUGE decrease in fertility rate in Australia, but according to this:


It's actually increased in 2021.

I realize this could be false data, but I have listened read a TON of doom porn over my lifetime which is also false data.

Remember Sydney Powell and her "releasing the Kraken"? What happened to that? I don't trust people AT ALL anymore in the media at all. I need to see the data. They seemed comfortable posting graphs and making claims, but they didn't post sources.

I think the vaccines are basically (mostly) harmless except in rare events - and also, they are totally worthless.
3039   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 9:28pm  

I'm pretty sure the vaxx has a rate of about 0.1% serious injury or death. I've seen too much data from various sources which all converge on about that number.

That's still about 1000x higher than any truly "safe" vaccine.
3040   richwicks   2022 Nov 23, 9:48pm  

Patrick says

I'm pretty sure the vaxx has a rate of about 0.1% serious injury or death. I've seen too much data from various sources which all converge on about that number.

That's still about 1000x higher than any truly "safe" vaccine.

If it's only a 0.1% chance of serious injury or death - they're going to get away with it. They NPC's will just deny it, call it coincidence, whatever.
3041   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 9:58pm  

Yes, that's happening right now.
3042   Misc   2022 Nov 23, 11:43pm  

It is entirely reasonable for deaths to increase year after year. The Western world is rapidly aging.

What is more, there is about a 32% increase in the amount of deaths from drug use during the Covid period. Hopefully this will straighten itself out, but given the weirdness going on in society, this may be structural. The sheer volume of fentanyl is staggering.
3043   Patrick   2022 Nov 23, 11:56pm  

It's young people who are dropping dead lately, not the elderly so much.
3044   Misc   2022 Nov 24, 12:51am  

Statistically there would be no yearly excess deaths every year because the deaths would have been averaged into the preceding 5 year average. The only reason that there is excess deaths every year, year after year is the aging population.

An increase in deaths from drug use for working age populations is currently statistically meaningful, however, if the rate of deaths does not continue to go up year after year and instead plateaus then after 5 years there would be no "excess" deaths from this as it would be taken into consideration in the average.

There is no excess deaths in the younger cohorts.
3045   WookieMan   2022 Nov 24, 4:49am  

Misc says

There is no excess deaths in the younger cohorts.

For me it's not about the now, although there are cases that it appears after vaccination people are dying. Does it happen in other vaccines, yes. But for me it's what does the future hold? We simply don't know long term outcomes of what people put in their bodies.

What if in 3 years there's an uptick in a specific cancer? What if it's treatable? Who benefits from that? There are so many questions on a vax that was rushed through to production. It took many more years to get other vaccines made for much more lethal viruses. Only time will tell if there's a ticking time bomb in your body.

The crux of the issue at the end of the day for me is it's not working. Do you go to the dentist, they administer novocaine, start drilling and you feel every thing? That would not be tolerated. Yet that is 100% happening with this vaccine. You still get a flu and suffer through it. It's so obvious it's not even funny.

So the question then is why put this in your body? I worry about the start of 2023-24 school year. I fear this is going to become one of those required vaccines when you register your child for school. It's not necessarily their fault, but any Mother or Father that puts this BS in their kid is borderline child abuse. There's a high probability they've been vaccinated and then got covid. Yet still gave it to their kids. It's like you're not some unicorn the vaccine didn't work for you. It's not working for ANYONE.
3046   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 24, 6:41am  

Provisional Mortality Statistics
Provisional deaths data for measuring changes in patterns of mortality
Reference period
Jan - Jul 2022

Key statistics

In 2022, there were 111,008 deaths that occurred by 31 July and were registered by 30 September, which is 16,375 (17.3%) more than the historical average.

In July there were 17,936 deaths, 2,503 (16.2%) above the historical average.

There were 300 (22.5%) fewer deaths due to COVID-19 in August than July (see article).

3047   Patrick   2022 Nov 24, 11:28am  

Misc says

There is no excess deaths in the younger cohorts.



15 November 2022
Mortality figures in October 2022 19% above the median of previous years
92,954 people died in Germany in October 2022, according to extrapolated figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This is 19%, or 14,560 cases, above the median of the years 2018 to 2021 for that month. While death figures as well as the difference between death figures and the comparative figures increased significantly at the beginning of the month, both values went down again at the end of the month. Covid-19 deaths, too, reached an interim high in the middle of the month, but they can only partly explain the difference. The ageing of the population had only a slight impact on the difference to the level recorded in previous years.

There are many such articles from every country with a lot of vaxxing.

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