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Ludovica Bizzaglia: 25-year-old Italian Actress Develops Pericarditis Days After Second Moderna mRNA Injection
Took the second dose on August 5 and after a short time, left for the summer holidays in Greece. I have always suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. Started feeling bad and decided to go to the hospital for various checks such as electrocardiogram, etc., etc. I was told I was just very anxious and was prescribed sedatives. But I went back to Rome immediately because it was no longer feasible to stay with the excruciating pain. I went to my cardiologist and he diagnosed me with vaccine-induced heart pericarditis.
Giulia Lucenti: 16-year-old Italian Girl Dead Less Than 24 Hours After Second Pfizer mRNA Injection
BASTILLE — A 16-year-old Italian girl is dead, in yet another senseless death that will be ignored and/or minimized by mainstream media.
Ms. Giulia Lucenti received her second Pfizer mRNA injection on Wednesday, September 8 at 5:45 p.m. local time, according to Notizie.it in Milan. The Galilei Institute student had had a congenital heart defect called mitral (bicuspid) valve prolapse.
Myocarditis and pericarditis are common, known adverse effects from the Pfizer injections, particularly among teenagers. Blood clots are also common, known adverse effects to these shots. A study released last week by University of California scientists found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from post-injection heart problems than to be hospitalized from COVID-19. The family told doctors about Giulia’s congenital heart defect. But doctors insisted she still get the injections.
Giulia immediately reported a sore arm after the second injection, just like she did after the first. Lorenzo Lucenti, Giulia’s father, urged his daughter to postpone the injections because he knew they were different from other vaccines. Giulia was scared of needles and was also reluctant to receive the injections. But she needed the injections if she wanted to resume in-person schooling.
The next afternoon, September 9, Oxana Lucenti, Giulia’s mother, returned home from work. Giulia was “taking a nap” on the sofa. Oxana went about her business. But at around 1:30 p.m., she checked on her daughter, only to discover she was not breathing. Oxana, who is a healthcare worker, immediately called 118 (the “911” in Italy) and commenced CPR. She described a very detailed, scary moment when paramedics tried to revive Giulia:
“Those two blood clots, which came out of my daughter’s vein when the catheter with the adrenaline in her left arm was inserted, I saw them very well. It was two clots, not liquid blood. I am not a doctor, but if the adrenaline, on its way to the heart, was [met by clots], it has certainly not reached its goal. The defibrillator, perhaps, would have helped to restart the heartbeat. Why wasn’t a defibrillator used?”
Giulia was pronounced dead at 2:50 p.m in her mother’s Bastille home.
BASTILLE — A 16-year-old Italian girl is dead, in yet another senseless death that will be ignored and/or minimized by mainstream media.
Patrick saysBASTILLE — A 16-year-old Italian girl is dead, in yet another senseless death that will be ignored and/or minimized by mainstream media.
How come the "dead white girl phenomenon" is not working here? Not white enough or not dead enough?
Eric Holder saysPatrick saysBASTILLE — A 16-year-old Italian girl is dead, in yet another senseless death that will be ignored and/or minimized by mainstream media.
How come the "dead white girl phenomenon" is not working here? Not white enough or not dead enough?
She wasn't some minor dork celebrity on Youtube.
Baby Paralyzed During Trial For Kill Shot. This Is Horrific. How Stupid Parents Kill Children.
It only took 13 days to do this to their child. Watching this almost made me throw up. I absolutely hate the bastards that are doing this. Source: Banned Video. More videos you may want to see: ...
What kind of parent allows their infant child to be used for a biological experiment like that?
What kind of parent allows their infant child to be used for a biological experiment like that? Imagine when the kids gets old enough to ask why he is paralyzed from the neck down while other kids can run about?
HeadSet saysWhat kind of parent allows their infant child to be used for a biological experiment like that?
A #stupidcunt.
Not only bald faced lies, but actual bald heads now in Japan:
Yeah, about that:
Hertz, a gastroenterologist who retired in October, got her first and only dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on Dec. 23, 2020. “There was an opportunity to get the vaccine because the hospital was giving it to every doctor,” Hertz said. “I didn’t know if I would need to go back into the workforce, so I ran to get it. Within 30 minutes, I started experiencing adverse effects.”
“I waited the 15 minutes you’re required to wait after you get it, and I went to the car and my face started burning,” Hertz said. “I drove home five minutes away, and by the time I walked through the door, I told my husband to call the paramedics.”
Hertz said within 24 hours she developed neurological symptoms, including severe paresthesias in her face, tongue, scalp, chest wall and limbs, as well as tremors, twitching, weakness, headaches, tinnitus and imbalance.
“My blood pressure was 186 over 127, which I’ve come to find is characteristic of these reactions,” Hertz said.
Hertz called her doctor, and took Benadryl and steroids in case she was having an allergic reaction. The next day her face turned completely numb.
Hertz said:
“My entire face felt like it was burning — like acid had been poured on my face. I had sensations throughout my body like it was vibrating. I felt like I had a tight band around my waist, chest pain and shortness of breath, and I went to bed for seven days.”
Hertz followed up with an allergist who treated her with steroids in case she was experiencing an allergic reaction to the vaccine. After a few weeks of no improvement, Hertz met with the chief neurologist at Cedars-Sinai.
“I saw six neurologists, five allergists, three rheumatologists, and no one had a clue,” Hertz said. “They did blood work, skin biopsies, an MRI and more, and nothing really came up. Unfortunately, if a doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you they’re done with you, though that’s not how I practice.”
Early on, when Hertz was evaluated by the first neurologist, the neurologist asked her about a “CISA consult” with the CDC.
According to the CDC’s website, the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project was established in 2001 to address the unmet vaccine safety clinical research needs of the U.S.
CISA is a national network of vaccine safety experts from the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office and seven medical research centers, plus other partners who address vaccine safety issues, conduct high-quality clinical research and assess complex clinical adverse events following vaccination.
The CISA Project also provides consultation to U.S. clinicians who have vaccine safety questions about a specific patient residing in the U.S. It also provides consultation to U.S. healthcare providers and public health partners on vaccine safety issues, and reviews clinical adverse events following immunization involving U.S.-licensed vaccines.
Hertz’s case was accepted into the CISA Project and was presented at the CDC’s grand rounds on March 23. Following the meeting, a physician forwarded a letter to Hertz suggesting she had “mast cell disorder.”
The CISA Project never followed up with her.
Mast cell activation syndrome (or mast cell disorder) is a condition in which a patient experiences repeated episodes of the symptoms of anaphylaxis — allergic symptoms such as hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and severe diarrhea.
Systemic mastocytosis can cause skin lesions, pain in inner organs, bone pain, diarrhea and vomiting, weight loss and cardiovascular symptoms.
Hertz contacted the NIH and was evaluated remotely by Dr. Avindra Nath, a physician-scientist who specializes in neuroimmunology and is intramural clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the NIH.
Hertz said she sent the NIH her blood for a study, because they were seeing quite a few patients like her. She also sent her blood to doctors at Stanford and Harvard for evaluation.
The Harvard physician also thought Hertz had mast cell activation, and put her on medications, but they didn’t help. “I’m now on a lot of medications for mast cell activation, but I’m still quite ill,” Hertz said.
“I don’t think that’s [mast cell activation] the whole explanation of what’s happening to us,” Hertz said. “I’m still here nine months later. I still don’t know what’s wrong with me. I am not as sick as I was initially, but I still get attacks where I feel like I’m being electrocuted, and my husband can actually feel my legs and arms vibrating.”
Hertz started a Facebook group that now has more than 160 people who have experienced neurological problems after a COVID vaccine, and can’t find help with their conditions.
Are you suggesting that the vax caused Karen to Croake?
At least she died fully vaccinated!
"Since I had my vaccine (between the Olympics and the US Open), I have had a problem, I've had a series of struggles. Suddenly, I cannot train, I cannot play," said the 34-year-old.
The world number 73 explained that he felt violent pains all over his body as soon as he made any physical effort.
Teen Girl Heart Stops After Coerced Into Taking It
This 13 year-old girl just wanted to play soccer. She was did not want to take the CoVID vaccine but when the Premier of the provinces mandated it for sports, she felt compelled. Shortly thereafter, she collapsed. We ask the same question to you: Dr. Strang and Premier Tim Houston, how can you sleep at night?
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