Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,870 views  8,535 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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439   Ceffer   2021 Sep 24, 2:17pm  

Patrick says
Vaccinated Texas school counselor who ‘had done everything right’ dies after contracting COVID-19

He did do everything right. He got vaccinated and died.
440   HeadSet   2021 Sep 24, 2:33pm  

Karloff says
I could only find this on utube right now, so download it (youtube-dl) while you have the chance.


Teen Girl Heart Stops After Coerced Into Taking It

This 13 year-old girl just wanted to play soccer. She was did not want to take the CoVID vaccine but when the Premier of the provinces mandated it for sports, she felt compelled. Shortly thereafter, she collapsed. We ask the same question to you: Dr. Strang and Premier Tim Houston, how can you sleep at night?

Is there a reason they bleep out the word "vaccine?" Is it to stop the youtube censors from finding it?
441   HeadSet   2021 Sep 24, 2:36pm  

Patrick says

Vaccinated Texas school counselor who ‘had done everything right’ dies after contracting COVID-19

The takeaway from this will be "See, that is why children need to be vaxxed and wear masks."
442   richwicks   2021 Sep 24, 3:28pm  

Karloff says
I could only find this on utube right now, so download it (youtube-dl) while you have the chance.


Teen Girl Heart Stops After Coerced Into Taking It

This 13 year-old girl just wanted to play soccer. She was did not want to take the CoVID vaccine but when the Premier of the provinces mandated it for sports, she felt compelled. Shortly thereafter, she collapsed. We ask the same question to you: Dr. Strang and Premier Tim Houston, how can you sleep at night?

Embedded copy here:

original link
443   Ceffer   2021 Sep 24, 4:01pm  

"""36. I personally observed the most physically fit female Soldier I have seen in over 20 years in the Army, go from Colligate level athlete training for Ranger School, to being physically debilitated with cardiac problems, newly diagnosed pituitary brain tumor, thyroid dysfunction within weeks of getting vaccinated. Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination. Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination. I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccines as the source of these events. Each person was in top physical condition before the inoculation and each suffered the event within 2 days post vaccination. Correlation by itself does not equal causation, however, significant causal patterns do exist that raise correlation into a probable cause; and the burden to prove otherwise falls on the authorities such as the CDC, FDA, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. I find the illnesses, injuries and fatalities observed to be the proximate and causal effect of the Covid 19 vaccinations.

"38. I can report of knowing over fifteen military physicians and healthcare providers who have shared experiences of having their safety concerns ignored and being ostracized for expressing or reporting safety concerns as they relate to COVID vaccinations. The politicization of SARs-CoV-2, treatments and vaccination strategies have completely compromised long-standing safety mechanisms, open and honest dialogue, and the trust of our service members in their health system and healthcare providers."
444   Ceffer   2021 Sep 24, 4:13pm  

Couple around the street from us say their 18 yo daughter who was an athlete came down with seizures out of the blue. Can't diplomatically ask if she was vaxxed, but standard autoimmune mystery. Nobody at Stanford Med knows what is wrong with her, why she has this 'brain autoimmunity'. That seems to be the standard post vax story, that the victims who were well before the vax have indecipherable and undiagnosable serious systemic and neurologic conditions.
445   HeadSet   2021 Sep 24, 5:16pm  

Ceffer says
Several military physicians have shared with me their firsthand experience with a significant increase in the number of young Soldiers with migraines, menstrual irregularities, cancer, suspected myocarditis and reporting cardiac symptoms after vaccination. Numerous Soldiers and DOD civilians have told me of how they were sick, bed-ridden, debilitated, and unable to work for days to weeks after vaccination. I have also recently reviewed three flight crew members’ medical records, all of which presented with both significant and aggressive systemic health issues. Today I received word of one fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination.

I wonder if the Army is getting a different formula than the rest. Maybe they think the Army personnel are fit enough to experiment on with stronger stuff. Or more disconcerting, to better test a weapon on those who would be the targets.
447   Patrick   2021 Sep 25, 9:31am  


Ms. Valentina Bencini received her first Moderna mRNA injection on Thursday afternoon, July 5, in the town of Montevarchi, according to Italy 24 News. She sent two voice messages to a friend that day telling them about her injections. Ms. Bencini returned to her home in San Gusmè thereafter.

Several people sounded the alarm, including Ms. Bencini’s mother the next day, when nobody could get a hold of her. Ms. Bencini was not answering her phone or responding to social media messages. Her mother asked Ms. Bencini’s ex-boyfriend to go check on her since he still had the key to her home. He found her lifeless body in one of the bedrooms.

448   Patrick   2021 Sep 25, 9:34am  


Isabelli Borges Valentim: 16-year-old Brazilian Girl Develops Blood Clots, Dead Eight Days After First Pfizer mRNA Injection
September 25, 2021

The adverse effects came quickly. Ms. Valentim suffered dizziness, severe headaches, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue the next day. Her condition progressively worsened over the next several days, as she also started feeling “tingling sensations” throughout her entire body.

Cristiane Borges, Isabelli’s mother, took her only child to Hospital Coração de Jesus on August 29. But doctors said her condition was all psychological and just in her head. Right before being discharged, Isabelli collapsed and lost consciousness. That’s what it took for doctors to take her condition seriously. She was immediately transferred to Vida’s Maternity Hospital in São Paulo.

Doctors immediately diagnosed her with life-threatening hypoxemia. Isabelli’s blood oxygen levels were at 30%. Levels below 88% are cause for concern, according to Banner Health. Doctors recommended immediate blood transfusions consisting of eight bags of blood. But Isabelli’s had a seizure before they could get started and was transferred to the intensive care unit. Doctors could not revive her over the next 36 hours.

Isabelli passed away on September 2.

449   Patrick   2021 Sep 25, 10:23am  


September 25, 2021
TikTok deletes video of student documenting myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccine ...

TikTok removed a video posted by a 21-year-old student athlete who, from a hospital bed, documented an adverse reaction after getting the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The platform did not explain exactly what guidelines the video violated and denied his appeal for the video to be reinstated.

John Stokes, a student at Tennessee State University, posted a video earlier this month, explaining that he had been hospitalized with myocarditis (inflammation of the heart tissue) shortly after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Before TikTok removed the video, it had more than 4.5 million views and had received hundreds of thousands of likes.

“I’m a Division 1 student athlete with no prior health issues and I got the second COVID shot Tuesday, and within four days I have been diagnosed with myocarditis and was told that I probably won’t be able to play my senior season now,” Stokes says in the video.

An appeal to have the video reinstated was denied. Stokes even posted another video with evidence he had received the second dose of the vaccine and his myocarditis diagnosis.
450   RWSGFY   2021 Sep 25, 11:13am  

Patrick says

... is a CCP asset.
451   Patrick   2021 Sep 25, 3:04pm  

Ceffer says
Patrick says
Vaccinated Texas school counselor who ‘had done everything right’ dies after contracting COVID-19

He did do everything right. He got vaccinated and died.

Another fully vaxxed fatality:


I don’t really like mentioning these cases as doing so is both intrusive and anecdotal, but since Reddit has entire threads dedicated to mocking unvaccinated people who have died and the legacy media highlights unvaccinated deaths at every opportunity, exposing the reality that vaccinated people are dying is necessary. The vaccine is far, far from a magic bullet. And we might want to ask ourselves why the highest profile Covid deaths seem to have occurred after vaccination.
452   Ceffer   2021 Sep 26, 10:28pm  

Another satisfied vax customer:
455   Eric Holder   2021 Sep 27, 2:41pm  

Ceffer says

But it felt soooo good to be with the "smart" crowd for a day or two....
456   Ceffer   2021 Sep 27, 3:29pm  

Martyrs of Covid religion. This bitch is stupid (and dangerous):

457   mell   2021 Sep 27, 3:40pm  

These womyn are attention whores, never elevate them
461   mell   2021 Sep 28, 12:06pm  

Even after delivery a baby isn't safe from the clot shot (link omitted for privacy):
"I received the Covid vaccine Friday at 3:00. We noticed a small rash on his neck Saturday morning. It continued to get worse and spread on his entire body. We’ve seen Two pediatric doctors so far and the only explanation is a reaction to the vaccine through my breast milk. Luckily I had enough milk stored for the night and morning. We have switched him over to formula temporarily in hopes to go back to breastfeeding once the rash subsides. He’s still smiling and eating like a champ. However, staying awake all night to make sure your child doesn’t stop breathing is something we never thought would happen. We were trying to protect him not harm him." Thankfully they got lucky - if this just discourages one pregnant or feeding mother from falling for the agitprop and taking the clot shot it's worth it.
462   Ceffer   2021 Sep 29, 12:57am  

"Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot: whistleblower"https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=183582
466   Patrick   2021 Sep 29, 9:50am  


NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA — A 48-year-old woman is dead after yet another “rare coincidence” involving COVID-19 shots.

Ms. Genene Norris received the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on April 8, according to the Daily Mail. She almost immediately fell ill. Doctors diagnosed her with “rare” blood clots and placed her on dialysis in the ICU four days after the shot. That indicates kidney failure. She died on April 14.

The Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is at least being semi-honest about the situation. A spokesperson said the blood clots were “likely linked to the vaccine.” But the agency doesn’t have much choice after a string of deaths related to the experimental shots.

The Northern Daily Leader reported that a “fit and healthy” 55-year-old died in Tamworth, New South Wales on April 21. The newspaper did not name him. But we’re told his name is Darren Lee Missen. He had “massive blood clots” in his lungs after a COVID-19 shot. There were at least four other cases of blood clots in Australia after AstraZeneca shots in the last several weeks. Despite the TGA’s kind-of-honest statement, deputy secretary John Skerritt told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the benefits of AstraZeneca shots outweigh the risks. He did not articulate any tangible benefits in his statement.

Ms. Norris worked for Sanitarium Health Food Company. It is solely owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which encourages adherents to “responsibly participate in protective and preventive immunization programs.” The company said in a statement that it is “saddened by the loss of a much loved employee.”
467   Eric Holder   2021 Sep 29, 11:38am  

Patrick says
Ms. Norris worked for Sanitarium Health Food Company.

The producer of Marmite, iirc.
470   Patrick   2021 Sep 29, 5:11pm  

They should suspend all of the "vaccines" immediately, for the sake of humanity.
471   Onvacation   2021 Sep 29, 5:49pm  

Patrick says
They should suspend all of the "vaccines" immediately, for the sake of humanity.

But they don't.

A sometimes deadly cure for a mostly non-lethal disease.

Though all the dead people are a bonus as they are mostly useless eaters, it's not about the disease or the vax. It's about control. The powers that be want to mask the workers, demand passports to do every day things, restrict travel and make everyone dependent on the government.

Simply put, they want to end America.
472   Patrick   2021 Sep 29, 11:10pm  

Looks like they already ended Australia.
473   Ceffer   2021 Sep 30, 1:20am  

I'd say it's closer to one percent, since their resources are concentrated on protecting the agenda, the propaganda and the politics and fuck the population.
476   Eric Holder   2021 Sep 30, 12:24pm  

Ceffer says


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