Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,419 views  8,517 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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5253   RC2006   2023 Jun 4, 7:53am  

Last time I checked it was Biden that forced people to get vacine or be fired.
5255   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 4, 11:15am  

Trump takes credit for fast tracking the vaccine...

ElYorsh says
"Now imagine the headline if he ever admits that the vaccine was a mistake. "TRUMP ADMITS to killing millions blah blah blah..."

1. No because fast tracking a vaccine in the face of a "pandemic" is a good decision. Trump did not know at the time that the vaccine was going to be a toxin.

2. Most Important: The vaccine was released in late December 2020 less than 3 weeks before the end of Trump's term.

3. Forcing (mandating) people to get vaccinated is criminal.

Did Trump mandate the Covid vaccines? Answer: No!

Who forced people to take the vaccine? Answer: Biden
5256   WookieMan   2023 Jun 4, 11:56am  

The_Deplorable says

1. No because fast tracking a vaccine in the face of a "pandemic" is a good decision. Trump did not know at the time that the vaccine was going to be a toxin.

Totally disagree. It was all a lie. We knew it was a flu. No one knew anyone, and I mean no one knew anyone that died from Covid. They had other disabilities or health issues. That's on Trump for trusting little fucks like Fauci. He's going to have to own that or take it to his grave. They're going to spin this on him. They're playing the long game. Round 1 they won/cheated. Round 2 Trump will lose as they flip the vaccine on him. He won't be POTUS again before he dies.

Both parties are a shit show of shit. I liked Trump, but he fucked covid up. Reality is a wait and see approach to any actual pandemic is.... wait and see. He didn't. Wake me up when there's a 50% mortality rate of those infected. It was under 1%.... If that's even factual. Kids, businesses and adults lost 2 years of production. It's going to take 10 years to fully recover.

And Biden didn't help either. Not on his side. He just has Trump as a scapegoat saying he didn't push the vax through. That WILL happen. All the people dumb enough to take it will be all freaked out and blame Trump. Trump broke the matrix and they figured out a way to fix it with a "pandemic."

He'll be the nominee, but he won't win. I'm looking to get info on the Jaime Foxx thing. I know someone that works for him. I think they're going to use this as a way to show vaccine harm in 2024. Prominent actor got injured from it, if he even took it. "We didn't know, Trump rushed it through, not our fault."
5257   GNL   2023 Jun 4, 12:02pm  

You have to take into account how the media will play all of the "facts". They will be 100% against Trump.
5258   WookieMan   2023 Jun 4, 12:05pm  

GNL says

You have to take into account how the media will play all of the "facts". They will be 100% against Trump.

For sure. There's no doubt about that. Just like the right makes fun of Biden falling down. Which is scary for the leader of our country. Politics is finding fault in other people. It's not intelligence or what they can do. Trump mastered that and caught everyone blindsided. Don't think it will work this time around. We'll see.
5259   RC2006   2023 Jun 4, 12:05pm  

GNL says

You have to take into account how the media will play all of the "facts". They will be 100% against Trump.

They can do whatever they want, everybody has picked a side and only idiots believe the dying mainstream media.
5260   Patrick   2023 Jun 4, 12:51pm  


14 year old girl Yamkela Seplane develops cancerous growth at injection site after taking COVID-19 vaccine in Nov.2022)

Sarcomas are cancers of the bone or connective tissue (fat, muscle, blood vessels, nerves and tissue that surrounds bones and joints)
We have seen COVID-19 vaccine turbo cancer with leukemias and lymphomas, where the onset and spread of the disease can occur in a matter of days.
But is there such a thing as Turbo Cancer Sarcoma?
Unfortunately, there is a lot of evidence confirming there is.

5261   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 4, 1:57pm  

I wrote:"fast tracking a vaccine in the face of a "pandemic" is a good decision. Trump did not know at the time that the vaccine was going to be a toxin... Most Important: The vaccine was released in late December 2020 less than 3 weeks before the end of Trump's term. In other words, Trump did not know the vaccine was a toxin.

WookieMan says
"Totally disagree."

This is a non sequitur. Your reply has no relevance to the facts I stated. You may not like the facts but facts do not change because you don't like them.

"It was all a lie. We knew it was a flu."

Heh... In 2020 we did not have the knowledge about the Covid fraud that we have today.

And Donald Trump to his credit, told the American people in 2020 - long before the arrival of the toxin vaccines - that he takes Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to prevent a Covid-19 infection
5262   GNL   2023 Jun 4, 2:10pm  

I'm sure Trump keeps pushing, or at least defending, the jab as a political strategy. A fairly high percentage of people took the pop-n-drop and no one likes to be made a fool which means many still believe. I have people in my own family who are dumber than shit about the jab.
5263   charlie303   2023 Jun 4, 4:01pm  

A few months ago I would have been challenged as to how I knew DB’s injury was vax related. Now most challengers have ‘moved on’.
5268   Patrick   2023 Jun 4, 5:42pm  


Someone (who needs to remain anonymous) was able to obtain the death certificates from Minnesota for all deaths that occurred from 2015 to the present, which presented the opportunity to see if the CDC is being entirely honest about the US death data. Unsurprisingly, the CDC is not.

As we shall document, the CDC is concealing references to a covid vaccine on Minnesota1 death certificates (that are exceedingly rare to begin with because of widespread medical establishment denialism of vaccine adverse side effects). In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate. ...
5269   GNL   2023 Jun 4, 6:22pm  

charlie303 says

Why not post her update? What did she say?
5270   richwicks   2023 Jun 4, 7:36pm  

The_Deplorable says

1. No because fast tracking a vaccine in the face of a "pandemic" is a good decision.

Not unless it's a sterilizing vaccine. If it's leaky, it causes the pathogen to mutate instead creating more variants. It's ALWAYS been standard practice to vaccinate OUTSIDE of a pandemic.

Not that we really had a pandemic anyhow. A 99.9% survivability rate across the ENTIRE population is a runny nose.
5272   GNL   2023 Jun 4, 8:51pm  

They jabbed the horses?
5273   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 4, 8:54pm  

WaPo: Owner of the Cessna Aircraft Confirms “Entire Family” was Aboard on the Plane that Crashed in Virginia – PILOT “PASSED OUT" ... sound familiar?

New developments revealed that four F-16 fighter planes, two from the DC National Guard’s Andrews Air Force Base and two from a base in Atlantic City, New Jersey to intercept an unresponsive aircraft that eventually crashed in the southwestern region of Virginia.

According to an earlier report by ABC News, a U.S. official stated that the pilot of the Cessna appeared to have “passed out” while at the controls.

5274   zzyzzx   2023 Jun 5, 5:54am  

GNL says

They jabbed the horses?

They jabbed Zoo animals, so it's reasonable to assume so.
5275   Ceffer   2023 Jun 5, 10:12am  

RayAmerica says

Cessna appeared to have “passed out” while at the controls.

Or, a plane assassination? So common now it is estimated that half of all aircraft accidents are assassination interventions. Figures who believe they are in danger from Intel or Globalist assassinations often now will not take aircraft until the coast is clear.
5276   ElYorsh   2023 Jun 5, 10:26am  

zzyzzx says

GNL says

They jabbed the horses?

They jabbed Zoo animals, so it's reasonable to assume so.

I wouldn't bet on that. The horse owners take care of them better than their own kids. Zoo doesn't loose so much money if an animal suddenly dies.
5277   GNL   2023 Jun 5, 11:12am  

So, what did these horses die of?
5278   Onvacation   2023 Jun 5, 11:14am  

GNL says

what did these horses die of?


It's going around.
5280   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 11:19am  


Young mum dies after collapsing at airport in front of her three children ...

She was on holiday at the time with her partner, Jay Smith, and their three children. The 30-year-old was rushed to hospital where doctors told her family she had swelling on her brain and heart. Melissa was flown home by air ambulance and was blue lighted to Arrowe Park Hospital on Wednesday, May 24.

5281   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 11:21am  


Newlywed pays tribute to ‘caring and compassionate’ paramedic wife Meadhbh Cameron, 24, who died after tying the knot...

31 May 2023

The 24-year-old first noticed something was wrong in September when she coughed up a blood clot while in hospital as part of her job.

She had an intermittent night-time cough but no other symptoms, however a scan revealed a shadow on her lung.

Four weeks later, Meadhbh was told she had stage 4 combined small cell lung cancer - an extremely aggressive and rare form of cancer, not typically seen in a young, non-smoker in good health.
5283   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 11:23am  


Shock as dad-of-two police officer dies suddenly on duty after being 'taken ill'
Tributes have been paid to 43-year-old PC Andy Boardman

Tributes have been paid to a serving police officer after he died suddenly while on duty. PC Andy Boardman, who worked for West Mercia Police, was responding to an incident in Broseley, Shropshire, when he was taken ill.

The 43-year-old collapsed yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, April 11). He leaves behind two daughters and his wife, Luci.

Well, if he hadn't been forced to inject that fucking toxic slime he'd be alive now.

Everyone who mandated the jab must be hanged.
5284   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 5, 12:01pm  

GNL says
"So, what did these horses die of?"

SEDS. Sudden Equus Death Syndrome.
5285   charlie303   2023 Jun 5, 1:10pm  

Patrick says


Newlywed pays tribute to ‘caring and compassionate’ paramedic wife Meadhbh Cameron, 24, who died after tying the knot...

31 May 2023

The 24-year-old first noticed something was wrong in September when she coughed up a blood clot while in hospital as part of her job.

She had an intermittent night-time cough but no other symptoms, however a scan revealed a shadow on her lung.

Four weeks later, Meadhbh was told she had stage 4 combined small cell lung cancer - an extremely aggressive and rare form of cancer, not typically seen in a young, non-smoker in good health.

Very sad indeed.
But what can you do? Most of the sheeple will see this as proof that you can catch lung cancer even though you don't smoke.
Anyone who brings up the jab will be harshly criticized for being very insensitive.
All I can do is watch and stay strong.
Will they ever question?
5286   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 1:16pm  

charlie303 says

Anyone who brings up the jab will be harshly criticized for being very insensitive.

Pfft! Just remind them that there were people demanding you show a vaccine card to shop for food.

If people have died from this vaccine, people ought to know it, for certain. This is where I put my foot down, I saw 70% of people just accept "the narrative" and as a result, I will never allow the majority to dictate to me what I should, and should not do. I don't care if it's considered "insensitive" at this point, these people need to have some sense knocked into them.

Everybody is tried of trying to talk sense to a fool at this point.
5287   stereotomy   2023 Jun 5, 1:23pm  

richwicks says

Everybody is tried of trying to talk sense to a fool at this point.

And we all end up with the same conclusion. Why the fuck bother?
5288   charlie303   2023 Jun 5, 1:47pm  

stereotomy says

richwicks says

Everybody is tried of trying to talk sense to a fool at this point.

And we all end up with the same conclusion. Why the fuck bother?

I've come to the conclusion there is no point in talking to people about it, all that achieves is arguments and stress and that is a drain on my time and energy.
I haven't converted anyone, it's still a cult for many, indeed most just want to pretend it never happened.
I think they attack me because they are trying to defend the lie, keep up the pretense.
I've adopted a new strategy where I just focus on myself now, it's very liberating actually. No guilt, no shame. Just focus on what I need.
I will never forget the lessons and indeed my worldview has fundamentally changed as I question everything I've been led to believe.
But I have to focus on my future and let the rest of the world do what it will.
5289   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 1:51pm  

stereotomy says

richwicks says

Everybody is tried of trying to talk sense to a fool at this point.

And we all end up with the same conclusion. Why the fuck bother?

I have seen 20 years of people being fooled into the Iraq War, the Syrian War, allowing the (temporary) Patriot Act, allowing Internet censorship, the Libyan War, this "pandemic", these "vaccines", and finally enough is enough.

Before I treated it "oh, we just couldn't get you people educated well enough, and therefore you ended up making the wrong decision or supported the wrong this, that's OK. Our bad, we'll try harder next time."

Today it's "you mother fuckers will never learn. You're stupid, you don't learn from past mistakes, you shame and attack people who are your Intellectual and moral superiors. Shut the fuck up, you're always wrong".

I've tried to be patient, but these last 3 years? I'm not going to forgive them. I'm tired of the fucking zombies still failing the Asch Conformity test. Fuck them. I have people in my family that scoffed at me for being "paranoid" about these vaccines. I knew a researcher that worked on this technology, and she left the field because "it was a dead end". You know why it doesn't work? It constructs just ONE protein, of a virus, so it's never a sterilizing vaccine, but it creates evolutionary pressure on the pathogen not express that protein. But more was learned, apparently, when you get your own body to produce a PATHOGEN, you can create an autoimmune disease where you body just starts attacking your body. You're really fucked then if that happens.

Here's what they just did. They made a "vaccine" to produce the PATHOGEN that was dangerous in covid. They injected everybody with the poison this virus produces. How many times did we hear about "spike protein"? Why would anybody think "I know! I'll force the body to make that very spike protein!"

Even if you don't follow the technology or the science, there's a really clear pattern, when there's a all out push for ANYTHING by our propaganda and government, it's always the wrong thing to do, without exception for the last 20 years. They're always wrong.

I don't know what just happened in these last 3 years. Probably multiple things. I'm quite convinced the entire population was experimented on. Perhaps the test was to see if they could take a virus, and create an artificial evolutionary pressure to quickly attenuate it. Just get the useless eaters to produce the pathogen itself, and this creates an evolutionary pressure for the virus NOT to express this pathogen - you end up with a harmless virus, and the people that DIDN'T get vaccinated are safe.
5290   charlie303   2023 Jun 5, 3:16pm  

PETER HITCHENS: Why do, even now, so few accept that lockdown was like burning down your home to destroy a wasp's nest?

From the comments :

People cannot bear to accept they were so weak, compliant, conformist, ignorant of the truth and just plain selfish. The truth was there in touching distance the whole time but they were too lazy, thick and weak to take it

I'd just like to know how much damage the jabs caused?
Currently 3000 extra deaths a week, but probably a lot higher long term.
5291   stereotomy   2023 Jun 5, 4:02pm  

There are very, very few independent thinkers, AKA they draw their own conclusions independent of those around them. A lesser version of this are the skeptics, of which I consider myself one among them. I think for both groups it's more important to be right than to be popular. It's a lonely and frustrating path, but because it's our own path, we can be content with that.
5292   Patrick   2023 Jun 5, 8:21pm  



‘A 14-year-old Japanese girl died unexpectedly 2 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Autopsy findings showed congestive edema of the lungs, T-cell lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration in the lungs, pericardium, and myocardium of the left atria and left ventricle, liver, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, bladder, and diaphragm.

Since there was no preceding infection, allergy, or drug toxicity exposure, the patient was diagnosed with post-vaccination pneumonia, myopericarditis, hepatitis, nephritis, gastroenteritis, cystitis, and myositis. Although neither type of inflammation is fatal by itself, arrhythmia is reported to be the most common cause of death in patients with atrial myopericarditis. In the present case, arrhythmia of atrial origin was assumed as the cause of cardiac failure and death.’

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