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Jun 16
Replying to @vancemurphy
Vance I’ll have some info coming shortly but my wife was diagnosed with inflammation of the heart muscle yesterday… cause unknown . She has been vaccinated and boosted and of course the doctors are not even acknowledging the possibility of vaccine injury.
These two clips are from a single original livestream video recording.
MARVA PESCHIER: Good night everyone. I am Marva Peschier. I came to tell the whole world what people is doing to the nations of the world. My son took the vaccine on Friday this week. On Friday night he fell off his bed with a massive stroke with bleeding in his head. He was bleeding. He was bleeding from in his brains. This afternoon I went down to the hospital in Mt. Hope and they pronounce him dead. I am sending a message to Mr. Prime Minister Rowley and I am telling you to stop this nonsense because it's killing people. It's killing people and you are lying and saying that the thing is not killing nobody but people are dying every single day.
People, people, take heed! My son is dead because he took the vaccine. He dead, he dead. [lamentations in the background] They're lying, they're lying, they're lying. I'm from Trinidad and Tobago and I am speaking about the lies that the people are telling you. [in the background, screaming and crying] My son is dead! He's dead! He took the vaccine. He took the vaccine and he died in the two days' time. People here lying to you all I'm telling you.
Share this live*, share it to the world, let the world know that it's time for us to come out and speak the truth, speak the truth and speak it ever. They are killing us! People of Trinidad and Tobago, people of the Caribbean, I'm begging you all, people over the world, stop this nonsense because it is killing people! It is killing people! The people that the healths, I'm giving this message to the Health Department of the world and all the people who took time to put this thing together and know that the vaccines are killing people. My son is dead. Can I get him back? God, vengeance belongs to God, people.
MARVA PESCHIER: [clip begins about halfway through the above-mentioned video, repeating everything there to the conclusion of that clip, then continuing]:
God, vengeance belongs to God, people. I will pray and I will pray and I will press it and kingdom come. Listen to what I am saying, people. I now came from the hospital. I now came from the hospital. My son is dead. He's dead. He's dead with bleeding in his brains and blood clot. And the vaccine give him blood clot in his head and kill him! He didn't sick at all. People! People! Take warning. Take warning. Take warning. Take warning. This is all I have to say. This is all I have to say. And I'm asking you all to share this live. Ya ya ya ya ya ya ya. Share this live! And let them know! And I'm telling people not to take this vaccine I don't care, I am telling all don't take the vaccine, it killing people! It kill my son and now going I'm bury him. Look, he died! And now came from Mt. Hope died. He died. I want you all to pray for me and my family. God bless you all in Jesus name.
# # #
*"live" refers to this livestreamed video. According to Jeremy Porter in his article "Trinidad Pastor Mourns Death of Son," RedVoicemedia.com October 5, 2021, this was a FaceBook Live video recorded September 18, 2021.
FaceBook removed it.
Russell Broadbent, Australian MP, Has Questions, Including About 2 Children Who Died
Where's the TGA's transparency?
Russell Broadbent MP
Posted Feb 14, 2023
RUSSELL BROADBENT: Deputy speaker, last month I sought an urgent meeting with the Health Minister and the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration]. There's been no response to my request, so I'll ask my questions here.
Last year a Queensland GP obtained documents from the TGA under the FOI [Freedom of Information] Act number FOI-3727. These documents contain nine assessments conducted by the TGA following reports of someone dying from the covid-19 vaccine. The deceased people listed on these reports are aged 7, 9, 14, 19, 21, 21, 24, 46, 44.
So I ask the Health Minister now, why has the TGA not acted with abundance of caution to alert the public that they were investigating these deaths, including the cardiac arrest of a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old?
Why do these reports not appear on the TGA's disclosure log?
Does it have anything to do with the TGA's own response to the GP that they, and I quote, contain sensitive personal information about deceased persons and that the disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence and reduce the willingness of the public to report Adverse Events to TGA?
Why has the TGA not responded to doctors who have raised these issues with you six months ago, including drawing your attention to those case reports?
This information is extremely alarming and demands an immediate response from the TGA.
Therapeutic Goods Authority https://www.tga.gov.au/
Russell Broadbent MP https://russellbroadbent.com.au/
"Was It the Jabs?... Legendary Houston rapper Big Pokey died after suddenly collapsing on stage while performing at a bar in the city of Beaumont on Saturday night. He was 45."
Too bad these things can't be proven. Sorry but, unless a TON more people do the phizer pop-n-drop, no one is going to care. Nope, it's just going to continue to look like a nut-job conspiracy theory.
What types of congenital malformations do Pfizer and Moderna cause?
We don’t hear much about this topic so I felt it would be interesting to take a deeper dive into the types of congenital malformations that have been documented with Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
I would like to thank Substack author “WelcomeTheEagle88” for his work on finding these VAERS reports, please check out his substack, he has done some incredible work (click here)
CASE 1 (VAERS 1829815) – 33-year-old pregnant woman took 1st Pfizer dose at 3wk6d of pregnancy, fetus developed congenital limb malformations
Vaccinated on Jun. 28, 2021, abortion on Sep. 4, 2021 for severe limb malformations: hypoplastic upper extremities, bony agenesis of long bones, symmbrachydactyly – three fingers on each hand, radial zamba hand. ...
Tributes have been paid to a 12-year-old boy with an ‘infectious laugh’ who died after collapsing in a school field.
Joshua Lloyd died after he collapsed in a Shropshire school at around 4 pm on Friday following reports he had dropped to the ground. ...
Paramedics took him to hospital but he was pronounced dead shortly after arriving. ...
A West Mercia Police added: ‘West Midlands Ambulance Service alerted us that they were responding to a medical emergency involving a child at a school in Telford.
‘Tragically the child died in hospital that afternoon. His death isn’t being treated as suspicious. The thoughts of all of us are with his family and friends.’
Too bad these things can't be proven. Sorry but, unless a TON more people do the phizer pop-n-drop, no one is going to care. Nope, it's just going to continue to look like a nut-job conspiracy theory.
Too bad these things can't be proven. Sorry but, unless a TON more people do the phizer pop-n-drop, no one is going to care. Nope, it's just going to continue to look like a nut-job conspiracy theory.
GNL says
Too bad these things can't be proven. Sorry but, unless a TON more people do the phizer pop-n-drop, no one is going to care. Nope, it's just going to continue to look like a nut-job conspiracy theory.
What would make you believe?
We all know what would make GNL believe, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone except those I truly believe must die in horrible ways.
Without proof, it is going to look like a conspiracy.
28-Year-Old MMA Fighter in ‘Peak Physical Condition’ Suffers Cardiac Arrest
Frank Bergman
June 20, 2023
A 28-year-old Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter has been rushed to hospital after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest.
Cris Lencioni, 28, of Portland, Oregon is currently fighting for his life in the intensive care unit (ICU) after his heart stopped unexpectedly on June 8.
For some people, it’s not a matter of WHAT they believe. It’s a matter of WHOM they believe. Boomers especially seem to have major trouble accepting the fact that the corporate media is pure lies and propaganda. And so they pose we free thinkers and researchers an impossible task with which to “win their trust.” We must make our case using sources from corporate media. It’s nonsensical, but many people aren’t capable of thinking for themselves and only can accept wisdom from authority. The trick is, they almost never abandon the authority they’re already comfortable trusting. Even when its lies are obvious and silly. They still prefer to “safely” trust what they’ve trusted in the past even when it becomes obvious to any child that the source is a malevolent liar.
richwicks - yes, I believe the jab is no bueno. Only an idiot would take it. But tell me, what is the % of jabees to deaths by jab?
Some official acknowledgement is going to have to happen
For some people, it’s not a matter of WHAT they believe. It’s a matter of WHOM they believe. Boomers especially seem to have major trouble accepting the fact that the corporate media is pure lies and propaganda. And so they pose we free thinkers and researchers an impossible task with which to “win their trust.” We must make our case using sources from corporate media. It’s nonsensical, but many people aren’t capable of thinking for themselves and only can accept wisdom from authority. The trick is, they almost never abandon the authority they’re already comfortable trusting. Even when its lies are obvious and silly. They still prefer to “safely” trust what they’ve trusted in the past even when it becomes obvious to any child that the source is a malevolent liar.
Shaman I agree entirely.
And thank you for using "whom" and "its" correctly. I spent so much time learning correct logical usage that I cringe when I see incorrect or illogical usage.
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