Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   912,070 views  8,535 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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958   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 3:11am  

Patrick says
Here's three articles from June about the vaxx killing pilots:




Anecdotal evidence.

I know I'm an asshole about drawing conclusions, but I'm fully aware of how dishonest the media is. We need to find absolute sources.

original link

I contacted him. I THINK he's genuine. That's a raw source, albeit it's still anecdotal, but has a wider net. My position is that the vaccines ARE probably more deadly than they are useful - primarily in that I don't think the vaccines are useful at all. The question is - are they killing people? I'd conclude yes - but gathering absolute data is necessary to convince the wider public.
960   GNL   2021 Dec 9, 5:54am  

richwicks says
The question is - are they killing people? I'd conclude yes - but gathering absolute data is necessary to convince the wider public.

I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.
961   Patrick   2021 Dec 9, 5:45pm  


A man in England died of a severe brain-bleed that doctors say is caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, according to an inquest.

Adam Bounds, a 41-year-old Devon resident, died on May 31 this year at a hospital in Plymouth, just 11 days after he received his AstraZeneca shot. He had been transferred from Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital prior to his death for neurosurgical intervention.

An inquest held after Bounds’ death found that he was complaining of a headache and feeling cold after going to a barbecue in Axminster. Bounds, who stayed at his parent’s home that night, told his father Les that he believed he “ate something dodgy” at the barbecue. He was later rushed to the hospital as his condition deteriorated, according to Plymouth Herald.
962   richwicks   2021 Dec 9, 5:58pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
The question is - are they killing people? I'd conclude yes - but gathering absolute data is necessary to convince the wider public.

I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.

Here lies the problem, we are confined to anecdotal stories and personal experiences because we are prevented from accessing statistical data which is conspicuously absent since it's not being collected apparently.

My parents are in their early 80's and living in a retirement community. They haven't heard of anybody dying from the virus or the vaccine, but they do have a good friend that had a bad 3 days after taking his 2nd Moderna shot, and my father was sick for a day. I'm the youngest, so any advice I give them (except within my field) is summarily ignored. After all, I'm just a kid - at 50, and what the fuck would I know?

It's further complicated by my brother who is a registered nurse. He's a complete believer and told my mother statins are fine to use - since then she's been going through mental deterioration. Your brain is nothing but a bunch of cholesterol after all. Fucking hate statins. There's another fraud right there, there's no correlation between taking them and increasing longevity.
963   Ceffer   2021 Dec 9, 7:49pm  

I have a good handful of anecdotes around Santa Cruz, friends, hairdresser and brother in law. Lots of bad reactions running neck in neck with people who have so far seemingly done OK. Three deaths proximate and three deaths remote from report. Never even heard of anybody having alleged Covid, fake or otherwise, but stuff about vaccine crap is pretty abundant. My wife even heard about a Kaiser nurse who was disabled from vaccine, and they just fired her in her moment of weakness.

It seems they have figured out about vaccines distributed roughly in thirds: placebo, mRNA, and a much more potent kill shot. A lot of doctors probably know the placebos by lots and have taken them and given them to their families, or just faked it with saline. We know very few if any in Congress or government have taken the real thing or any vaccine at all because they aren't required to. Newsom's 'hot shot', if that's what it was, would clearly have been an act of surreptitious malice from some hero.

My wife insisted we go to our neighborhood Christmas court party in tri valley next week. She has also decreed that we will lie and say we have been vaccinated in order to avoid the dreaded liberal bents, or invidious Karen Kommie reportages as to vaccine deficit. I dread going, I have avoided even talking with people because it is so uncomfortable to know who has what kind of attitude these days without being in a circle of trust. However, maybe we will more information to see how they are doing with their vaccine status and if they seem fucked up because of it. Maybe not. I hate lying about vaccine status, but my wife is much more comfortable with dishonesty than I am, and I have to live with her, not them. Maybe I will try to stay off politics altogether but I have trouble conceptualizing that, some of these neighbors have been prone to getting drunk and raving a bit in the past.
964   Ceffer   2021 Dec 10, 1:05am  

965   charlie303   2021 Dec 10, 5:19am  

WineHorror1 says
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.

Many of the vaccine batches were placebos. Effects of other batches will be known over time as the slow poison works its way through the system. It is telling that people think that if no side effects have presented within a short time frame then the vaccines must be safe.

I'm sorry for your loss. But I must ask how do you know they died of covid? Because an authority figure you trusted told you so? Based on a PCR test? Because many in the hospital (assuming that was where it happened) believed in and propagated the narrative?

My suspicions are covid is part of an arsenal of biological weapons with the vaxx being the main one. There could be many variants of covid in circulation. On reflection it is quite an ingenious strategy because most people would assume biological warfare would result in horrific and visibly obvious deaths. By releasing covid viruses it was known (hoped) that they would eventually mutate into the common cold and fade into the background. The biological arsenal was one arm of a multi pronged strategy.

The War (hidden, cold soft, biological, psychological, cultural, economic and Spiritual) has been many years, decades in the planning.

INFILTRATION has occurred on many levels of society globally, in many institutions from Govn, the Courts, military, police, regulatory bodies, medicine, media, education, etc.

That's why the push-back against the war is not yet in the awareness of the general population because to do so, to make the War known would jeopardise Victory. It would just be too fantastical for them to believe and so they would capitulate to tyranny. There are many of the enemy who need to be exposed and outed from high ranking positions.

Many regular people have been unwitting accomplices.

The enemy is losing the narrative. They were forced to bring their plans forward because Brexit and Trump demonstrated a rejection of their ambition and because of divisions with the Communists of China.

Victory is not assured but we are winning.

The best advice I give myself is to stay strong, get healthy, hunker down and prepare for the world to turn upside down. The vast majority will not know what has hit them, it will hit them hard and they will be devastated as to what has happened and their role in it.

Or I'm wrong. But I don't think so. Spring Equinox 2022 will be the date when we know.

Economic collapse incoming.

God Bless
967   Robert Sproul   2021 Dec 10, 8:30am  

Ceffer says

I have recently realized it does't matter to "them". In 1910 there were only 100,000 Bolsheviks in Russia, and we know how that worked out.
(I have been Cliff Noting a little history, it is pretty ufcking alarming.)
969   GNL   2021 Dec 10, 12:01pm  

charlie303 says
WineHorror1 says
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.

Many of the vaccine batches were placebos. Effects of other batches will be known over time as the slow poison works its way through the system. It is telling that people think that if no side effects have presented within a short time frame then the vaccines must be safe.

I'm sorry for your loss. But I must ask how do you know they died of covid? Because an authority figure you trusted told you so? Based on a PCR test? Because many in the hospital (assuming that was where it happened) believed in and propagated the narrative?

My suspicions are covid is part of an arsenal of biological weapons with the vaxx being the main one. There could be many variants of covid in circulation. On reflection it is quite an ingenious strategy because most people would assume biological warfare would result in horrific and visibly obvious deaths...

He was 60 and was put on a ventilator. I do not have first hand knowledge. Yes, there are endless refutations to any "facts" given out by all of us regardless what position you've taken. Personally, I am not for the vax. All I'm saying is I have not seen anything that proves a pandemic or a mass depopulation event. Yet, I suppose.
970   Booger   2021 Dec 10, 6:09pm  

Probably vaxxed:
972   Patrick   2021 Dec 10, 9:34pm  


Did former NFL star wide receiver Demaryius Thomas die at age 33 from the COVID vaccine?
All we know is that his death stemmed from a medical issue. So you cannot rule it out.
973   mell   2021 Dec 11, 8:50am  

Somebody at work had a heart attack, presumably from a clot they found. Past middle age but otherwise healthy, thank God he acted quickly and has recovered after a swift surgery. We can never know for sure but what we do know is that there is a statistically significant rise in these events. And the media keeps gaslighting, yesterday caught off the corner of my eye some abc spam about women having heart attacks after pregnancy. They are connecting this to anything but the jab. Media whores without shame
974   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 11, 9:08am  

Covid would’ve been worse
975   charlie303   2021 Dec 11, 9:22am  

mell says
Somebody at work had a heart attack, presumably from a clot they found. Past middle age but otherwise healthy, thank God he acted quickly and has recovered after a swift surgery. We can never know for sure but what we do know is that there is a statistically significant rise in these events. And the media keeps gaslighting, yesterday caught off the corner of my eye some abc spam about women having heart attacks after pregnancy. They are connecting this to anything but the jab. Media whores without shame

Many don't seem to realise that the vaxx may still be in their system, that the spike protein is still in cells interfering with mitochondria and DNA, or that graphene (hydr)-oxide is still tearing up the smallest of blood vessels.

I hope for your workmate this event is not the start of further health issues.
976   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 11, 10:20am  


Evidence starting to show that antibodies from vaccination are "aiding" in the infection of Omicron. If I'm wearing my tin foil hat, did the puppeteers know this and release a highly mutated strain that they knew would cause mass infection once the population was vaccinated? Makes one wonder.

Most of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant identified in the United States so far were in people who were fully vaccinated, and a third of them had received a booster dose, according to a U.S. report published on Friday.
977   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Dec 11, 11:28am  

WineHorror1 says
I don't know of anyone dying from the vax. Or even being hurt by the vax. I know of 1 person dying from the virus.

I don't know of anyone dying from covid. Or even being hurt by covid. I know of one cousin who died 5-6hrs after the vax of a 'heart attack' (mid-30s) and another cousin who survived a stroke (mid-40s).
981   Ceffer   2021 Dec 11, 12:37pm  

"World Class Athletes Suffer Vaccine Injuries
Did you know that a Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion, two Olympic gold medalists, an NBA point guard, and the world's top static breath-hold freediver have all suffered Covid-19 vaccine injuries?"
982   GNL   2021 Dec 11, 12:38pm  

Ceffer says
Can't watch too much of this stuff without getting depressed:

I won't be crying for any government person who dies from the vax.
983   Ceffer   2021 Dec 11, 12:46pm  

More 'democide logic'. Only fear can make these fallacies seem real.
984   Ceffer   2021 Dec 11, 12:48pm  

What about 'nose tampons', too?
986   Ceffer   2021 Dec 11, 1:39pm  

"The universal vaccine programs not only open the door for behavior control through gene modification and enhancement, but more importantly for the present operation - psychological behaviour control with the vaccines is even more fundamental. Regardless of whether or not the vaccines are unnecessary and useless regarding the virus, or even harmful for many, they are the most uniform and concerted psychological weapon ever devised to control human behaviour."
"Of course the masks are totally useless for the virus... However, it is the obedience and conformity to our top-down commands which is crucial, that "everyone" wear one subject to government mandate or command. It is like a uniform to make everyone "uniform". It is about instilling a sense of unity, conformity, obedience, and most of all "equality".

"What matters is the sense of conformity, submission, and "equality" which is established, generating a sense of "equality" and trust which is to most people absolutely personal and internal, for what they allow into their bodies, like sex or religious rituals, is very much associated with their minds, and their beliefs which in any case they will already have surrendered, either willingly, or through the force you now see being exercised by various governments around the world."
987   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 11, 3:02pm  

Is this source valid? I ask because the Kissinger quote they reference wasn't proven to have been said.
988   Ceffer   2021 Dec 11, 4:29pm  

porkchopexpress says
Is this source valid? I ask because the Kissinger quote they reference wasn't proven to have been said.

Depends on whether you believe Henry Makow or not. The statement is hand in glove with what is happening in the real world, and it wouldn't be surprising that they would have the dynastic arrogance of stating it openly.

No policy that has been imposed since the MSM fueled onset of fake Covid has had anything to do with public health, nor does it make any sense. The idea of imposing senseless policies merely to exert obvious tyrannical power over an enslaved populace is sine qua non of dictatorship.
989   porkchopXpress   2021 Dec 11, 5:06pm  

I totally agree with you. I just don't want to believe or share anything that's not verified.
991   Ceffer   2021 Dec 11, 11:07pm  

Orthopedic Surgeon? Honestly, he should have known better:
992   Ceffer   2021 Dec 12, 4:28am  

European pension funds are reputedly broke, wiped out and/or stolen by Globalist opportunists. They really, really want to snuff the useless eater, pension consuming, medical care consuming oldsters. Covid is a great excuse for hospital mediated "protocol euthanasia". Roach motels, they go and are useful to churn medical fees, but they don't come out.
It's lovely that they use tax money to fund the campaigns against us.
994   WookieMan   2021 Dec 12, 7:50am  

porkchopexpress says
Most of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant identified in the United States so far were in people who were fully vaccinated, and a third of them had received a booster dose, according to a U.S. report published on Friday.

I personally don't think it stops any variant. Symptoms may be shortened depending on the person, but I'm highly suspect that it reduces severity. I'm hearing of a ton of breakthrough cases of vaccinated people I know, just didn't hear it directly. Friend of a friend, but we all know each other personally so I believe it. IL is getting hit pretty hard and I know for sure it's underreported. My wife and I for sure had it, along with 2 of my kids.

My thing is where can anyone report this? In younger people the symptoms worst case are flu like. Most won't go to a doctor because it's not necessary. And I feel like those that are vaccinated might feel off, but feel protected so they're even less likely to go to the doctor. Is Covid case data shared with the vaccine data? Or does a physician have to report it as a breakthrough case? The vaccine didn't work on two family members, positive PCR and they weren't sick enough to visit a doc. I don't think that's tracked as a breakthrough. This is government after all.
995   Patrick   2021 Dec 12, 1:01pm  

From an email, published with permission:

> Hi there. Im a licensed RN working at SD county's busiest (by volume) ED, and I love my job. I have been in the same position since before the panic-demic and I am currently still in the same position. I have had a unique perspective on the clinical side regarding COVID and the injections....oh the stories, oh the propaganda, oh the censorship, oh the 1930s Germany parallels...
> I had to fight and seek legal assistance in order to just keep my job this year and I have done nothing wrong but think critically. I am a stellar employee without any disciplinary action regarding safety or otherwise. I am still mandated to test twice weekly to be 'safe' to work since 8/23 per CDPH order. Nobody that I work with who has refused the vaccine has gotten reinfected and I know of multiple boosted staff that have...yet with blinders, we continue. Hands down, the sickest patients that I have taken care of or that I have assisted in care have been double vaccinated, lately boosted.
> I hope this assault on personal freedoms never happens again and I want to help secure workers' rights so that it cannot EVER get this close again. Health care workers deserve equal rights; just because I chose to work in emergency medicine does not mean the government can mandate ANYthing they want for me to take. Sadly, a lot of the public believe it's my 'duty' to take whatever makes them feel 'safe'. No thanks.
996   Shaman   2021 Dec 12, 1:13pm  

A woman I know was recently pressured into getting the vax for her work. She got the J&J and since then has been basically disabled with neurological symptoms and extreme lack of stamina, disorientation and can’t sleep. It’s bad enough that she had to give up the job anyway and move back home with her mother on disability.
And she’s suicidal.

Just sad.
For anyone facing that choice between a job and the jab, say no to the jab. It’s not worth losing your health and ability to work. Even if you’re the sole breadwinner. Don’t fucking do it!

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