Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,625 views  8,521 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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3607   GNL   2023 Jan 3, 8:53pm  

Patrick says

It's the use of force by government for the profits of the genocidal criminals at Pfizer.

Yep, without the media and government response, how many would have taken the jab?
3608   stereotomy   2023 Jan 3, 9:06pm  

Patrick says

It's different when people are threatened with job loss or expulsion from university or the military if they do not inject poison. The problem is not just brainwashing. It's the use of force by government for the profits of the genocidal criminals at Pfizer.


I'll sue anyone who forces me to take the death jab. I told my boss that at my current job.

Its murder for profit. The basest form of corruption and sin.
3609   Patrick   2023 Jan 3, 9:09pm  

CBOEtrader says

going over facebook terms for ads this morning. check this out: https://transparency.fb.com/policies/ad-standards/unacceptable-content/vaccine-discouragement

Vaccine Discouragement
Ads must not discourage people from vaccination or advocate against vaccines. ...

Everyone at Facebook has participated in mass murder by vaxx.
3610   Ceffer   2023 Jan 3, 10:27pm  

The harsh hurricane wind of the demonic Globalists blowing in a single direction against the player's contracts. They WILL get this narrative under control to preserve their right to kill the populace and enforce vaccines and impose their Pharma militia.

3612   Ceffer   2023 Jan 3, 11:17pm  

More weirdness from the purveyors of weirdness woo. Damar doing demon and pedo shit. But, then, maybe he was just picking up some endorsement paychecks and didn't have a clue:


3613   GNL   2023 Jan 4, 9:03am  

My brother just told me there's been interviews with NFL players about Damar on ESPN.
3614   GNL   2023 Jan 4, 9:08am  

Anyone have proof Damar took the shot? How many shots did he take?
3615   GNL   2023 Jan 4, 9:10am  

My brother says Damar's Dr. was on TV and said he did not take a shot 8 days ago as I heard on the internet.
3616   mell   2023 Jan 4, 9:14am  

GNL says

My brother says Damar's Dr. was on TV and said he did not take a shot 8 days ago as I heard on the internet.

Pretty much every NFL player took at least 1-3 shots at some point, remember it doesn't have to be right after the jab. S proteins may be cranked out for days, weeks, months, years.
3617   Ceffer   2023 Jan 4, 9:29am  

mell says

My brother says Damar's Dr. was on TV and said he did not take a shot 8 days ago as I heard on the internet.

Celebrity whore doctor whose main function is to keep clients juiced to the gills? A little for them, a little for him. What could possibly go wrong with these fountains of truth and honor?
3618   Ceffer   2023 Jan 4, 9:39am  

They have them by the contract nuts, just like the stars and performers. "You want your cash flow and perks, STF up about Covid and vaccines."

3619   Ceffer   2023 Jan 4, 12:07pm  

This is the kind of hysterical, hyperventilating over reaction by fake news MSM that tells you what the truth actually is. Look at the expressions of the players on the field, they aren't fooled any more:

3620   Ceffer   2023 Jan 4, 12:11pm  

Is there a huge dam of pent up whistle blowers ready to burst? The intimidated but shocked ones who did not want to participate in the Satanic Carnivals of death and disorder? Will that dam break this year? One can only hopium.

3621   Ceffer   2023 Jan 4, 1:07pm  

Looks like that Cincinnati hospital is turning into a Fed mediated damage control "Weekend At Damar's". They're going to keep the brain dead stiff alive as a zombie so that nobody can claim he's not alive.


3622   stereotomy   2023 Jan 4, 1:22pm  

Ceffer says

Looks like that Cincinnati hospital is turning into a Fed mediated damage control "Weekend At Damar's". They're going to keep the brain dead stiff alive as a zombie so that nobody can claim he's not alive.


After the whole CTE fiasco, I think the players are fed the fuck up with the league throwing them continually under the bus.
3623   Patrick   2023 Jan 4, 4:23pm  


Laura Cook, age 61, the head of the emergency department at El Camino Hospital died suddenly in her sleep last night.
3625   GNL   2023 Jan 4, 4:59pm  

Patrick says

I thought it was proven that 100% of the jabbed have heart damage to some degree.
3626   Patrick   2023 Jan 4, 5:02pm  

@GNL Yes, there was a Swiss studying showing that 100% of the jabbed were producing cardiac-specific troponins, proving that they all had heart damage from the vaxx.
3627   Patrick   2023 Jan 4, 5:32pm  


“Can anyone explain the Japan Paradox?” said Dr. Amitav Banerjee, formerly a field epidemiologist in Armed Forces and headed the Epidemic Investigation Team at AFMC from 2000 to 2004.

“Before rollout, there were hardly any cases and deaths,” Banerjee added while highlighting two graphs of data.

“After mass vaccine rollout, both cases (upper graph), as well as deaths, have spiked (lower graph),” Banerjee said.
3629   Patrick   2023 Jan 4, 9:42pm  

Ceffer says

Looks like that Cincinnati hospital is turning into a Fed mediated damage control "Weekend At Damar's". They're going to keep the brain dead stiff alive as a zombie so that nobody can claim he's not alive.


Feds Reportedly setting up shop at NFL Player's hospital

The Black Suburbans are now positioned near the U-Cincy Medical Center where Damar Hamlin is being treated. Still think this whole Experimental Injection thing is just Pharm Grifters Grifting Shit?

I think the corruption which led to death jab mandates is pervasive. Pretty much the whole US government is on Pfizer's payroll, which is why they are panicking about damage control right now.
3634   DhammaStep   2023 Jan 5, 4:05am  

Shaman says

Oh people are buying it.
Remember this truth:
“People will believe a lie because they either want it to be true or are afraid that it’s true.”

In this case, the 70% of people who vaxxed are Hoping the lies the media sell them are true. It’s way too scary to consider the alternative. I still think it won’t be accepted until we see bodies lying in the streets, uncollected.

Maybe on the internet. I haven't met a single person in real life that believes that excuse. They remember Hank Aaron died immediately after the jab too.
3635   charlie303   2023 Jan 5, 6:39am  

Ceffer says

I don’t know how true this is because I take everything I see on the net these days with a pinch of salt but I can certainly believe it is.
What I find quite remarkable is just how silent these big, tough guys have become. Have they been castrated?
Not so long ago they were very brave indeed in ‘taking a knee’ to the National Anthem and ‘raising the fist’ for black power.
Colin Kaepernick was making woke Netflix documentaries about how white supremacy is still prevalent in the NFL whilst making big $$$’s from the game. I’ve not heard him speak out on NFL mandatory vaccines which to me is just as heinous as slavery especially as they are designed to kill and maim.
Cities saw riots and looting as they were burnt to the ground in protest at what happened to George Floyd (which was wrong imo). Everyone found the courage to speak out then, especially on social media.

Now they are all silent because of the almighty dollar.
Cowards and hypocrites.
3636   GNL   2023 Jan 5, 9:13am  

charlie303 says

Ceffer says

I don’t know how true this is because I take everything I see on the net these days with a pinch of salt but I can certainly believe it is.
What I find quite remarkable is just how silent these big, tough guys have become. Have they been castrated?
Not so long ago they were very brave indeed in ‘taking a knee’ to the National Anthem and ‘raising the fist’ for black power.
Colin Kaepernick was making woke Netflix documentaries about how white supremacy is still prevalent in the NFL whilst making big $$$’s from the game. I’ve not heard him speak out on NFL mandatory vaccines which to me is just as heinous as slavery especially as they are designed to kill and maim.
Cities saw riots and looting as they were burnt to the ground in protest at what...

There must be some serious threats being made by TPTB. The NFL owners wouldn't have done this or keep doing this without some kind of threat being made.
3637   Shaman   2023 Jan 5, 10:07am  

The threat to the NFL is super easy to make. It’s even popular to enact it.
Lose their tax-exempt status.
They make billions without paying any taxes.
3638   Patrick   2023 Jan 5, 10:46am  

Why doesn't the NFL pay taxes? Are they a religion, or a charity?
3639   Shaman   2023 Jan 5, 10:56am  

Patrick says

Why doesn't the NFL pay taxes? Are they a religion, or a charity?

Yah, good question. The answer might be both?

It’s a giant vulnerability in an otherwise massively successful corporation.
3640   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jan 5, 10:56am  

Patrick says

Why doesn't the NFL pay taxes? Are they a religion, or a charity?

Sheeple pacifier.
3641   Ceffer   2023 Jan 5, 11:10am  

Perfectly bafflingly normal:

3642   Patrick   2023 Jan 5, 11:43am  


The lessons learned from this case are: 1) syncope (passing out) after vaccination can indicate a serious arrhythmia, 2) when there are abnormal heart tests (ECG and echocardiography) after two shots, boosters are ill-advised and can be fatal, 3) COVID-19 vaccination can cause a primary cardiac arrest without myocarditis and may explain cases of “died suddenly” when the autopsy does not reveal and obvious known vaccine injury (myocarditis, blood clot, VITT, etc).

The vaxx kills people in multiple ways. Doesn't need to cause myocarditis to stop their hearts.
3643   GNL   2023 Jan 5, 12:10pm  

Dr. Peter McCoullough says Covid can cause myocarditis. Also, Damar Hamlin is doing better.
3644   Karloff   2023 Jan 5, 1:40pm  

GNL says

Dr. Peter McCoullough says Covid can cause myocarditis. Also, Damar Hamlin is doing better.

That would be in cases where the disease was severe enough to be systemic, while most people recover before it ever gets that far. With the shot, it's systemic in most cases.
3646   Karloff   2023 Jan 5, 2:21pm  

After the accident, they went to activate Damar's clone, but it got wise to what was up and is on the run.


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