Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,387 views  8,517 comments

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‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6102   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 11:39am  


💉 On Monday, Nelson Mandela’s celebrity grand-daughter, Zoleka Mandela, 43, died after a “brief illness.”

The media reports about Zoleka’s death focus mostly on her 2011 bout with breast cancer, from which she fully recovered thirteen years ago. It took a little digging to find the cancer responsible for her untimely death this week.

I mean, cancers.

Zoleka had metastatic cancers of the hip, liver, lung, pelvis, brain and spinal cord. Basically all of it. ...

Zoleka overcame her fears of taking the covid vaccine after her doctor reassured her and used guilt manipulation. I found this in Zoleka’s (formerly) very active Twitter feed:

Those illegal drugs (opiates, cocaine, whatever) do not cause cancer.

The toxxine causes cancer.

So she was right to be afraid of the toxxine, but her "addiction counsellor" convinced her to take it and now she is dead.
6103   Ceffer   2023 Sep 28, 11:54am  

Addiction consultant was making an inappropriate comparison in order to guilt trip her on substance abuse. The vax did solve her substance abuse problem, however, just not exactly in the way intended.
6104   charlie303   2023 Sep 28, 2:47pm  

GNL says

It's hard to have sympathy for these people but my FAITH tells me I should.

Let go and let God.
6105   Karloff   2023 Sep 28, 5:26pm  

Completely normal. In fact, it happens so regularly that I'm not even sure it's newsworthy.

6106   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 7:42pm  


2023 Aug.14 – Los Angeles, CA – 12 year old Cash Addy was visiting Korea with his parents when he started complaining of chest pains. He was COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated but didn’t have COVID. He was taken to the hospital, diagnosed with myocarditis, had cardiac arrest, was put on life support and eventually received a heart transplant on July 20. Sadly, he had complications post transplant, developed clotting and hemorrhage in the brain and died.
6107   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 7:43pm  


2021 June 11 – Evanston, Illinois – 19 year old student Simone Scott had heart failure 2 weeks after her 2nd Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine she got on May 1, 2021, had a heart transplant on May 23, 2021, then died from complications on June 11, 2021.
6108   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 8:09pm  

Found a record of Al bragging about taking the death jab and joined it to news of his heart attack:

6109   richwicks   2023 Sep 28, 9:24pm  

Patrick says

Found a record of Al bragging about taking the death jab and joined it to news of his heart attack:

He wasn't being a dick about the vaccine, he was just promoting it. Didn't throw any shade at the people who wouldn't, just pushed them (not too hard) to get it. There's no schadenfreude here..
6110   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 9:38pm  

I think it was criminally irresponsible of him to suggest that the public should participate in the beta-testing of a genetic drug with zero long-term testing.

It's his fault that some number of people got injected with it on his suggestion, and maybe some of them have died from it.
6111   richwicks   2023 Sep 28, 10:30pm  

Patrick says

I think it was criminally irresponsible of him to suggest that the public should participate in the beta-testing of a genetic drug with zero long-term testing.

I think he was just ignorant. There's a difference between being trusting, and demanding you trust. He was just a dope, who trusted the wrong group. All my (adult) life I've been frustrated at how people just trust "authorities". There's slaves to authorities and there are just dopes who believe the authorities, and much rare are the people that scrutinize the authorities.

Patrick says

It's his fault that some number of people got injected with it on his suggestion, and maybe some of them have died from it.

It's possible. He's a victim of it as well. He didn't badger people into getting the vaccine. He was just naive, and wrong. He wasn't a fucking propagandist like Rachael Maddow, he is just a victim of propaganda. Maddow, that piece of shit asshole dickhead knew the vaccines were dangerous and still pushed for it. I doubt that asshole ever got a real vaccination, and I doubt her "partner" ever got Covid. She's absolute fucking human garbage. I've read that subhuman suffers from depression, well, take it from me, doing evil isn't easy or fun. Realizing some of the shit I've done, I was naive too. "They'd NEVER do this with the power I gave them" - well, they did, they ALL do.

There's much worse people than the dupes. There's people actively evil.

Speaking of evil, I worked at WebTV - I know what people's ACTUAL sexual interests are, I have the REAL Kinsey report. We've been studied as a society for long time, that was 25 years ago. WebTV ran a usenet server, and I saw precisely what topics people were looking at, by percentage of users. I will never share this with you, and seriously I won't. Maybe this is just what people are interested in, but don't engage in. I have to believe that.
6112   HeadSet   2023 Sep 29, 7:22am  

richwicks says

He was just a dope

I dunno. with phrases like:

Got the first dose of the Moderna vaccine! Let's resume to playing live as soon as it's safe again for everybody! Piece Of cake easy ! Zero pain ! Zero side effects! I highly recommend that we all get this vaccine!!! Play your part in helping to eradicate this virus! Please!


For those of you that subscribe to SiriusXM. Check out today's show on Howard Stern whose guest was Dr. Agus. I found it to be the most informative info on the vaccine you may have ever heard! A truly super great public service show! Thankyou Howard for guesting Dr. Agus! After hearing this no one should have doubts or remain on the fence about the vaccine!

I suspect he was a paid shill, both by Pharma and by SiriusXM. That "Check out today's show..." reads like a professional barker ad, not the vernacular of a professional musician. One almost expects "and if you act today, there's more!"
6114   porkchopXpress   2023 Sep 29, 10:15am  

Patrick says

💉 Grammy award nominee and A-list indie rocker, Sufjan Stevens, 48, an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist known for lyrically focused and instrumentally-rich songs often relating to faith and family, was suddenly and unexpectedly paralyzed by Guillain-Barré syndrome last month.

As you may know, Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is a rare auto-immune disorder where the body’s own immune system attacks its own neurological system. GBS has been linked to the jabs, and over the last two years we’ve seen up to a dozen celebrities affected by the “ultra-rare” disorder, including names like Travis Frederick, Jenna Jameson, Justin Bieber, Christopher Cross, and Céline Dion.
As an FYI, Jenna Jameson said she did not get the jab so it wasn't vaccine-related. Whether she's telling the truth or not, who knows. Christopher Cross says it was Covid that gave him this syndrome because it was before (Oct 2020) the vaccines were released
6115   Karloff   2023 Sep 29, 1:11pm  

porkchopXpress says

As an FYI, Jenna Jameson said she did not get the jab so it wasn't vaccine-related. Whether she's telling the truth or not, who knows. Christopher Cross says it was Covid that gave him this syndrome because it was before (Oct 2020) the vaccines were released

I believe them. The spike protein messes people up. I just think that the shots give you a larger, system-wide dose of it that keeps producing longer than the actual illness does.

I think Alec John Such (formerly of Bon Jovi) was also murdered with this shot.
6116   Ceffer   2023 Sep 29, 10:30pm  

Uh, Oh, no Pfizer stock options for you any more. It looks like some of the vassals and apparatchiks are now fearful of executing the execution orders. Is the Swiss Octogon going to have to come over here and do it themselves?

6120   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 1, 11:10am  

COVID-19 Vaccines Resulted in 17M Deaths, Scientific Report Said

'It is highly disturbing that these authors have found a consistent trend among seventeen countries showing a significant increase in all-cause mortality coinciding with extensive COVID vaccine rollout...'

6121   WookieMan   2023 Oct 1, 12:21pm  

Patrick says

Nineteen people have died on my route. Nineteen people in the last 4 months. It's normal for one or two to go in about a year period of time. Um, I have 460 homes on my route, which means that I have on average 4 people per home, do the math, that's a lot, so 1 or 2 a year is pretty average. But to have 19 people die on my route in the last 4 months?

652 on my route. One of the hardest in the country. Boomers are dying naturally. That's all there is to it. I'm 40 so all the adults I know growing up are 60-80 now. They're dying. I think the vaccine is stupid and not at all helpful, but it's probably a fraction of a percentage as cause of death. Most these people were likely unhealthy is the reality or had cancer or another similar ailment like a sudden stroke.

I still promote NOT getting the vaccine, but I've moved on at this point. Not my job to convince people of what is obvious as the sun rising. I also wouldn't take data from a postal carrier and people on their route dying. Demographics on routes can vary dramatically. Imagine a Del Webb community in AZ or elsewhere. Someone will die every week.
6122   Patrick   2023 Oct 1, 1:26pm  


Andy in Australia, Injured by AstraZeneca

February 12, 2023

ANDY: My name's Andy Barry Brown.* I'm 33 and I am an actor and also I work as a jeweler part time. Career-wise, I mean, I was working full-time so I was pretty busy and then also I was exercising. I had a pretty active social life as well and yeah, I probably was most, like, fit I've ever been in my my whole life, so. Yeah.

I got two AstraZenecas. First one I got early August and then the second one I got late September. I guess I just wanted to get out of lockdown, like everyone else, you know, I think we were like on our 8th lockdown. And yeah, I just wanted to kind of do my part so that we can get out of it and I honestly thought that if everyone else is doing it then it must be OK. I really didn't have any reservations about it being not safe.

I had no immediate reaction from my first one. And I went back to doing all the workouts and stuff. I think it was kind of just before I got my second I noticed kind of like a bit of pain in my arms and I think that was maybe like poor circulation or something. And I noticed just kind of a bit of a general fatigue and I thought I was coming down with something, like I might be a bit sick.

And my second one I'd say about 24 hours after that I was in bed and my heart rate just went through the roof. I had a lot of palpitations and a lot of pain. I was really hot and this was in the middle of wintertime and I remember just thinking, OK, well, the vaccine's doing it's job. That's what we were told.

I probably should have gone to the hospital. But I stupidly just thought, oh, it's so inconvenient, I'm going to get down there and they're going to go, you're an idiot, like, nothing's wrong with you. So I just thought I'm going to wait it out. I ended up having to sleep on the floor. Like, that's what animals do when they're about to die, they find like a cold place on the floor, like, you know, that's how like, it's so stupid now I'm thinking about it, like, I should have definitely gone to the hospital. Yeah, and I couldn't sleep and I just felt like I was going to have a heart attack. And for some reason I just didn't bother asking for help. I thought, well, this is normal.

I think if that messaging wasn't there in the media, in social media from the, you know, the federal government or the health agencies saying that it's normal to have flu-like symptoms or whatever after you've had a vaccine, I probably would have gone straight to the hospital.

I didn't immediately attribute it to the vaccine but I was like 99% sure it was, but just in case, I thought, go to the GP. They looked at everything and they thought I was fine. They you know obviously did the pathology, the blood work, and some basic tests like X-ray. Everything came up clear. They suggested it might be in my head.

I felt, yeah, pretty disheartened, pretty disappointed that someone who studied medicine would give me such a ignorant answer. You might be dealing with a single mom who's got kids, who's vaccine injured, or an elderly person and I'd hate to think what would happen if they were told that and what the repercussions of that would be because there's a lot of vulnerable people out there. A lot more vulnerable than I am.

That first month was pretty rough. I had symptoms like, like that, just the fast heart rate and the palpitations, not being able to breathe properly and just that sharp pain the chest.

I think I went to the GP maybe like 20 times I think in that month. And then in terms of tests, I mean I've done probably over 30 blood tests, lung tests, walking tests, halter monitors, ECGs. These are all multiples. I've done stress tests like running tests with all the ECG stuff hooked up. I've done multiple X-rays so I've done ECGs, VQ CT, cardiac MRI. Probably too many X-rays to do in one year but I was adamant that I wanted to find out what it was.

I was given prednisolone** and colchicine which is standard for cardiologists to prescribe. The prednisolone is pretty toxic and I was taking 50 milligrams of that and I was very aggressive. I ended up breaking my left hand just out of anger in my car, just started punching my roof and I fractured that part. So that was another thing I had to deal with.

And then immediately afterwards I weaned off the prednisolone because I thought this is making me worse. And now I'm just completely off pharmaceuticals because I, I, I think they do more harm than good. I am basically all on like just on natural herb supplements.

Doctors think that I might have either tachycardia or myocarditis or pericarditis or something like a autonomic nerve disfunction which sets off the heart rate. I've currently got chest pains, I can't breathe properly, I've got heart palpitations and I can't walk upstairs without being out of breath.

My body will often shock itself awake. So it's kind of a feeling of like when you don't, sometimes you don't breathe properly at night, your body wakes itself up. It's similar to that.

I have weird muscle spasms and just like weird pains, numbness, and it's very random and arbitrary.

Forgetfulness. Just very foggy memory. Forget stuff at work all the time.

I had a lung function specialist early on say that, we definitely can see something that's wrong with you. Your heart rate shouldn't be that high when you're walking around and we can see you're not getting enough oxygen to your heart and to your lungs. But we don't know why.

I don't think I've gotten any validation. And no one's ever said it, no one's ever really put it on paper, it's always been suspected. But they're very cautious about doing that. They say it in a way, that's like, it's a theory, rather than, it's a vaccine injury.

It's the elephant in the room that we need to address. It's the vaccine injury. Like, stop going off here and thinking it's this or that. Its like, I'm telling you what it is and you need to, like, believe me. I have all of my 30, 40 different documents, all my test results, like, I've got it all and I'm giving to you. Like, I'm helping you.

I had covid early this year. I think it was like March, April. And I think that made me worse. I think all the spike protein that's in the AstraZeneca, and it's also in the virus, I think after I had covid, I, I just I couldn't, I have to sleep upright now. Before I could sleep on my side, I'd have a bit of pain but I could just, you know, get through it. And now it's like I have to sleep upright. So I feel like I've gone a bit backwards.

But yeah, I'd say throughout the whole year I've been sick, it's been pretty consistent. I'm not getting any better, but I'm not getting any worse. But I'll have random symptoms from time to time.

I think because of all the media stuff I can see why people are a bit, I don't want to say brainwashed but they're a bit biased in their opinion. It's definitely made me a bit less trustful of of people, so I tend to not say much about it anymore, unless it's brought up in conversation, I feel comfortable to bring it up I will, if not, I won't say anything because I'd like to just pretend that I'm fine.

Financially I had to give up my apartment to basically pay for all the medical expenses because none of its covered by Medicare or private health. And the vaccination injury compensation scheme is an absolute joke. They've had probably about thousands of people submit their applications, it's 250 pages by the way, and I think only 10 have been processed. So I've got no chance. I'll never see that money again.

Physically or actively I just, I can't do anything, you know. I can't have relationships. Yeah. I can't go hiking. I can't do normal things. Yeah, it really sucks because, yeah, I just want to be healthy and just go back to the gym and go for a run and do all that stuff I was doing before. So yeah, it's pretty sh*t. But hopefully I'll get better. But yeah. I try to remain positive, but some days you're just like [shakes head, no.]

There was a long period where there was no support, there was no help. And so I found a group on FaceBook that had vaccine injured people like myself. I think as I went along I found more groups like react.19, Jab Injuries Australia. That's kind of what kept me going, is that there's other people that that do want help.

And then yeah, just friends and family who're very supportive. I'm very grateful for that. So that's that's a positive thing.

I guess the message I want to give to the medical profession is to just remember your Hippocratic Oath is to your patient, it's to do no harm. And it's also to inform your patient of the risk benefit when it comes to vaccines. And yeah, I think it's your responsibility to be to be honest and and open with them.

And I guess my message to everyone else who's not, I guess whether you're vaccine injured or not, is to just kind of have an open mind and an open heart when people tell you that they're vaccine injured. And just believe them when they tell you that because they have nothing to gain by telling you but they've got probably everything to lose by by telling you that because there's so much stigma around this at the moment. And we may seem like we're OK but we're not.
6123   Patrick   2023 Oct 1, 2:04pm  


TURBO CANCER in Doctors - Young COVID-19 Vaccinated Doctors are developing aggressive Turbo Cancers - 54 doctors and their tragic stories
6124   GNL   2023 Oct 1, 3:44pm  

WookieMan says

I'm 40 so all the adults I know growing up are 60-80 now.

That ignores the young that are dying, getting cancer and heart attacks. I admit I don't know the historical numbers vs. what's happening now.
6125   richwicks   2023 Oct 1, 4:43pm  

GNL says

That ignores the young that are dying, getting cancer and heart attacks. I admit I don't know the historical numbers vs. what's happening now.

A quick calculation is that if the average life expectancy is say 74, you would expect 1/74 people to die every year.
6126   ElYorsh   2023 Oct 1, 6:23pm  

Former Boston Red Sox pitcher Tim Wakefield has died after a recent diagnosis of brain cancer. Sounds like the turbo kind. I don't know if anyone can find any kind of post from him stating his vaccine stance?
6128   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 9:42am  


💉 On August 13th, longtime food journalist and restaurant critic for The Daily Memphian, Jennifer Biggs, 60, died after a long two-month battle with Stage 4 turbo colon cancer that had already spread to her liver and lungs when she was diagnosed in June.

According to the Daily Memphian, in July Jennifer told her friends that surgery and treatment were very hard, but she remained optimistic about recovery and the prospects of her chemotherapy. Because the FDA said so. ...

But the Daily Memphian reported that Jennifer’s most important reporting work may have been during the pandemic, when restaurants found themselves on the pandemic’s frontlines. Jennifer often wrote about vaccinations and shutdowns and anxiety and anger. She wrote passionately about people trying to keep their small businesses alive.

She was a huge jab fan. In her September 1st, 2021 article headlined, “Table Talk: Herb pots, bistro news and why you should get vaccinated,” Jennifer wrote:

"Sure, I’m vaccinated and happy to say so. I received my first Moderna vaccine in Mississippi in February and my second in March; I’ll get a booster as soon as I qualify.

So yes, I’m vaccinated, and yes, I believe you should be, too. By the time you regret not getting the shot, it might be too late."


Jennifer is survived by her daughter, Megan Brooks Biggs and her grandchildren, Jack and Chloe.
6129   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 9:43am  

💉 Well-known Vancouver E.R. doctor Tracy Pickett, 55, was found dead late last week in a park near her home after going missing for 24 hours.

Her family became alarmed when Tracy went missing, because she’d just testified as an expert in emergency and clinical forensic medicine in a high-profile sexual assault and murder case. They assumed the worst.

But after a giant woman-hunt, they found her body along a jogging path in a wooded area in the Pacific Spirit Regional Park near her home. Police said foul play was not suspected. Tracy’s death does not appear to be the result of a crime, and Vancouver cops assured the public there is no public safety risk.

Well. No public safety risk from the criminal. At least, no risk from that criminal.

No other information seems to be available about Tracy’s actual cause of death but fortunately, according to reports, as a dutiful practicing Canadian healthcare professional, Tracy was fully vaccinated.
6131   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 5:51pm  


Here is an organized library of more than one thousand peer reviewed articles which show that Covid-19 "vaccines" are harmful.

Here is an ultimate and organized library to empower research, back up law suits, support criminal charges, or effect political change. It’s also abundant proof for anyone who is still buying the “safe and effective” claim, but is willing to look at the evidence. Please bookmark and share this page for ongoing reference.
6134   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 3, 10:01am  


North Dakota Senator Warned About mRNA Jabs — He and His Family Died Yesterday in a Plane Crash

(interesting short video clip)

6135   Ceffer   2023 Oct 3, 11:28am  

RayAmerica says


CIA therapy for speaking out? Planes, trains and automobiles for covert assassinations. It's only when those who speak out become too numerous to kill effectively that a threshold cascade is reached.
6137   Ceffer   2023 Oct 3, 12:15pm  

Patrick says

Sounds l like the group I met with the other day, two in hospice, one with turbo cancer, and anecdotes galore about 'sudden deaths' in a group who typically bragged about vax status and lining up for boosters. Double vaxxed lady (she quit after the second one that made her extremely ill and caused jaundice) in our hood who got recurrent breast cancer after fifteen years of remission, stated how shocked she was at seeing so many women she knew in her doctor's office with so many problems.

Whatever the stats are, they are underestimates. Boots on the ground from first to second degrees of separation aren't good.
6138   Ceffer   2023 Oct 3, 12:32pm  

One of my neighbors got this post vax. It is rumored that ophthalmologists can tell the vaxxed from the unvaxxed by reading the micro clots in their retinal vessels.

6140   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 4, 8:54am  

Was it the Jabs? 15-Year-Old High School Football Player Dies After “Falling Ill” on the Sidelines


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