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Nomograph says
"Donald Trump was responsible for the COVID vaccine. Should
he be the first one hanged?"
This is an invalid question - a non sequitur because the vaccine was released after
Trump left office and he didn't know it was a toxin.
Note that I do believe that some people had adverse reactions to the vaccine, and I am vehemently against any mandates.
At the same time I follow scientific evidence, which demonstrates that the vaccine is largely safe. The at-risk population who had pre-existing conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, cancer, etc were vaccinated at a much higher rate and frequency than the general population, and thus the total vaccinated population will be expected to have a higher level of deaths from such causes than the total population (vaxxed + unvaxxed) and significantly high that the unvaxxed population where these pre-existing conditions exist at even lower levels.
‘American Idol’ Singer Mandisa Dies Suddenly at 47
Franklin Police Department officials said Monday that no foul play is suspected in the death of Christian singer Mandisa — four days after she was found dead in her home.
Remember, everything they report is a gross underestimate.
According to the report, emergency services responded to a residence in Clifton, New Jersey, at around 3:30 p.m.
The call was in response to reports of an unconscious man.
Philadelphia 76ers superstar center Joel Embiid went viral Saturday for a video that appeared to show him unable to blink his left eye,
Fans speculated en masse about the bizarre video showing his eye and face, and we finally have an answer. It turns out he’s suffering from Bell’s Palsy, he revealed to reporters Thursday night.
I agree to an extent. Millions have woken up about vaccines and the medical industrial complex. That alone is huge and there will be much greater resistance in future events. How that plays out exactly? Who knows.
porkchopXpress says
We will never forget.
And nothing will change.
We will never forget.
porkchopXpress says
We will never forget.
And nothing will change.
The death record of Brianna McCarthy, documented in Chapter 2 of The Real CdC - COVID FACTS FOR REGULAR PEOPLE and in paragraph 7 of THE CDC MEMORANDUM, has been amended, if not fully corrected. ...
Brianna’s record now stands as follows:
Part I - Cause D: COVID-19 in MOS.
Part II is empty
Having spoken to her father, I know that he was pushing the doctors to amend the record for more than a year. Mr. McCarthy, despite his overwhelming grief, stepped forward and demanded that government add the correct cause of death to Brianna’s death record. Mr. McCarthy no longer has to chase this issue. I am so sorry the Commonwealth made him go through that and I commend his demand for TRUTH. ...
If the Commonwealth of Massachusetts corrects records at a pace of one (1) every three (3) years, then we can expect all the records to reflect truth about covid vaccine deaths in about 15,000 years because I maintain that the data shows there are at least 5,000 deaths from vaccine-related issues in the past three (3) years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in Massachusetts alone. ...
Doctors in Massachusetts still believe that a killer disease almost wiped us all out and that remdesivir saved people and that the covid vaccines saved millions of lives. How can they live with themselves if they know the truth? It is easier to believe they saved people rather than killed and maimed innocent children and adults.
In its latest filing, the giant British pharma company admitted that:
The AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known. Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence.
These pharma people and their ugly corporate media handlers think we are stupid. Explain how they could possibly know with certainty that jabs causing TTS is very rare, but at the same time still have no idea about how it is caused.
TTS stands for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome. It causes blood clots and low blood platelet counts. One year ago in May 2023, AstraZeneca’s lawyers insisted the exact opposite was true, writing, “we do not accept that TTS is caused by the vaccine at a generic level.”
If the evidence for a causal connection “in very rare cases” is strong enough to warrant an admission just one year later, why was the company so firm about rejecting it before?
The lawsuit includes 51 plaintiff, whose combined claims exceed 100 million pounds sterling. The Telegraph gushed, “The Government has pledged to underwrite AstraZeneca’s legal bills,” as if that were some wildly generous move, but almost certainly AstraZeneca’s contract requires the British government to indemnify the vaccine maker.
Kate Scott, whose husband suffered a permanent neurological injury after his vaccine-induced TTS, told the Telegraph it shouldn’t have taken this long to get an admission: “The medical world has acknowledged for a long time that TTS was caused by the vaccine. It’s only AstraZeneca who have questioned whether Jamie’s condition was caused by the jab.”
Sarah Moore, one of the small-firm lawyers bringing the claims, also noted how far behind the science the drugmaker is, compared to proper doctors: “It has taken AstraZeneca a year to formally admit that their vaccine can cause the devastating blood clots, when this fact has been widely accepted by the clinical community since the end of 2021.”
The same is true here in the States, of course. In spite of thousands of case studies flooding the academic literature, Pfizer, Moderna, the corrupt CDC, and the useless FDA all continue irrationally to insist the only “real” jab injuries are mild myocarditis/pericarditis, injection shot soreness, and temporary flu-like symptoms.
Behold the baffling disappearance of the “safe and effective” shibboleth from pharma’s covid jab lexicon. Here’s how AstraZeneca now lamely describes its defective, recalled product:
From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects.
How far the mighty vaccine has fallen! From being trumpeted as “the safest and most effective vaccine in human history” down to generic pharma phrases like “an acceptable safety profile.” Not to mention the squishy, jello-like, totally subjective term, “benefits outweigh the risks” wording that is popping up more and more here in the US about the mRNA shots as well.
‘Risks’ and ‘benefits’ are not clinically objective terms. How can they possibly compare the benefit to someone else of (allegedly) avoiding a mild case of covid? How can they evaluate someone else’s willingness to take the risk of getting TTS, however rare?
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