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Not just NPR. EVERYBODY. Anything called a "reliable source" in the United States is merely propaganda
richwicks saysNot just NPR. EVERYBODY. Anything called a "reliable source" in the United States is merely propaganda
When you try to quote statistics (from the CDC and VAERS) that contradict the narrative of the vaxxers they respond, "where do you get your news from?". I have heard that exact quote from three different people.
While Biden’s Numbers Tank, ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chain Of Stores Expands To 10
"Business is very, very good right now."
In these areas and more, the Biden Administration has placed politics and ideology above the interests and lives of American citizens, not to mention Afghans and migrants. Of course, the mainstream media and congressional Democrats will never truly hold this White House responsible for its actions. In this midterm election year, it falls to the American people to do so. By ousting Biden’s elected supporters, voters can begin to turn the page on his disastrous presidency.
With more COVID deaths in 2021 than 2020, when does Trump get his apology?
Senator Cruz Details Grounds for Biden Impeachment
If the GOP takes back Congress in 2022, this is a serious, and warranted, possibility.
Senator Cruz Details Grounds for Biden Impeachment
Venmo, PayPal and Cash App will now have to report transactions totaling more than $600 to the IRS as Biden plans to ramp up financial enforcement
Only if someone actually enters that data. At least it won't be automated, as it is with Paypal, etc.
Patrick saysOnly if someone actually enters that data. At least it won't be automated, as it is with Paypal, etc.
ATMs will likely report. You have to get your cash somehow to pay cash manually.
Use cash instead.
$600 is above usual ATM limit, iirc.
Burying Biden’s Big Lie About Vaccination
He’s told a lot of them, but this particularly nasty one about a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” has now been thoroughly debunked.
It’s no secret that Joe Biden has an uneasy relationship with the truth — especially when it comes to his claims about vaccination.
For example: He was long ago proven to be a liar when he was asked whether vaccination should be mandatory and he answered: “No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand that it be mandatory.” Likewise, he was long ago proven to be a liar when he told one of CNN’s resident perverts, Don Lemon, during a town hall meeting in July, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” Same with the lie he told just last month when he challenged our patriotism before sneering, “How about making sure that you’re vaccinated so you do not spread the disease to anybody else?”
Memo to Snake Oil Joe: How about making sure you’ve got your facts before making such bold and sweeping pronouncements?
Those, though, aren’t the vaccination lies we’re looking for. No, the ones we had in mind were those that smeared and vilified the unvaccinated. “It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Biden lectured, just before clarifying things as only he can: “It’s a vaxation of the unvaccinated.”
Then he washed, and he rinsed, and he repeated. Time and again, he said things like: “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated.”
Biden’s approval rating has dropped to a new low of 33%. I think it’s going to go even lower. I think history will eventually judge him as the worst President in US history.
Sure, Biden didn’t create COVID. But by enabling Fauci instead of firing him, he has turned a bad situation (COVID) into a national and worldwide disaster.
A wise chief executive will always solicit opposing points of view on any important decision
The most important quality in a chief executive is his decision-making ability.
Take, for example, the question as to whether or not to mandate the vaccination of the entire population of the US with a vaccine which was never properly tested on animals (they never did the amount, duration, and distribution studies of the spike protein on non-human primates, for example, and still haven’t) and where the safety signals in VAERS are off the charts (and nobody can explain the reason for that other than using hand-waving arguments without any evidence).
The Biden Regime has failed at nearly everything they’ve tried. This is a good thing because what they’ve been attempting is totalitarianism. The Socialist Democrats do not want competition. Like the Bolsheviks, they want all other political parties eliminated..
Joe sounded disconsolate that his ‘voting rights’ bill is in big trouble. Kamala sounded more hopeful, but she’s always on the wrong page.
Traitor Joe wants to end the filibuster and that also flopped. The Supreme Court tossed out Joe’s vaccine mandate for businesses. Unfortunately they did not allow medical professionals equal protection under the law.
Joe’s ‘Build Back Better’ collapse is also dangerous. It means the desperate Socialist Democrats will resort to more alarming and desperate tactics. A war with Russia? A new and more powerful bio-weapon to be released? Will patriots who believe in the Constitution and individual rights continue to be arrested as ’insurrectionists’ by a corrupt DOJ and FBI?
Pentagon Misses Deadline to Produce Report on Billions in Weapons Left Behind in Afghanistan
By Ken Silva January 18, 2022 Updated: January 18, 2022biggersmaller Print
The Department of Defense (DOD) has missed a deadline to produce a report on the estimated $85 billion in U.S. weaponry left in Afghanistan, prompting a letter from 27 House Republicans demanding answers.
Gaming withdrawals to stay under the limit will get you in trouble.
China has reinstituted the Anal swab for those not having the Chinese Vaxx,
We're being benign.
The vaxx does less than nothing to stop transmission. It enhances transmission of the virus.
Is this just more Biden corruption for the profit of Pfizer?
Doocy asked a perfectly legitimate question and Biden called him an SOB.
Also, this is just incredible, here Biden is almost exactly a year ago, I believe in the same room, saying he'd fire anyone who was rude or disrespectful.
If you ever work with me, and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise I will fire you on the spot.
On the spot! No if, ands, or buts!
Everybody, everybody, is entitled to be treated with dignity and decency! That's been missing in a big way the last four years.
Everybody, that is, unless they work for Fox News, I guess?
I'm looking forward to Biden explaining how this doesn't fall into the "ifs, ands, or buts" clause of his statement.
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