by AmericanKulak ➕follow (9) 💰tip ignore
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Oh come on Patrick. Every government is a mafia. Israel is one of the most violent states in existence. In time, they will entirely destroy the Palestinians either by driving them out or just killing them and they've done this for 70 years now.
This is a government is armed with nuclear bombs, US military equipment, where nearly every citizens serves in the IDF except for the Haredi. The Jewish mafia was fucking ruthless in NY, and probably still is. As people become more affluent, they are less likely to get their hands dirty is all.
Patrick, isn't Rosenbaum a very common Jewish surname?
FuckCCP89 saysPatrick says@Shaman They weren't Jewish. They were almost comically not-Jewish.
Please return to reality.
Patrick, isn't Rosenbaum a very common Jewish surname?
It's also a common German surname. There is a lot of overlap.
Those anti-fa guys were about as far from Jewish as you can get, with their tattoos and street violence. Jews just don't do stuff like that, and don't get tattoos (they're not kosher). Financial crime, maybe, street violence, never. To call those guys Jewish is like calling them Chinese.
Closest you might be able to get is some Jewish mafia members in New York in the 1920's. But even then, they tended to be the money guys and not the physical guys.
richwicks saysEvery government is a mafia.
That's very far from being an on-street idiot with tats and a gun.
Could be that there are some Jews who were directing antifa high up, like Soros, but the odds of any of them being on the ground personally setting fires and assaulting people are approximately zero.
We all heard this in skool didn't we? Who runs our skools?
richwicks saysWe all heard this in skool didn't we? Who runs our skools?
They don’t teach that anymore. The communists are winning.
I have an advantage over you. I know I'm a slave, and always have been.
Nice photoshop trick some Glowie Stormfag pulled, getting rid of the German, Danish bit.
At least they stopped photoshopping Jewish bylines on articles a few months ago.
richwicks saysI have an advantage over you. I know I'm a slave, and always have been.
You talk like you have some special knowledge.
I was taught all this too, not by schools but by friends. Even George Carlin knew it. Don’t pretend you have special knowledge and everyone else is blind.
Are people unaware this happened? Do they not care? I just don't fucking get it.
Can somebody explain it to me? Really @PeopleUnited - I completely do not understand. Am I genius? A retard? Insane? I have no idea.
I really don't understand it. I honestly don't.
But I believe the majority are ignorant or willingly ignorant and/or just don’t know what (if anything) they can do about it.
If someone had a plan, people might get behind it, but if all anybody does is say “the sky is falling” but doesn’t have a viable action plan to fix it, that IS insanity.
Prosecutors are more corrupt than our DOJ. Fucking George Soros. I hope he goes down with someone gutting him like a squealing pig, in front of his faggot kid, then put him down in the same dirt hole.
His kid Alex looks like an ineffectual soyboy hipster. Soros is not long for the Earth, let's snort some hopium along those lines.
I do not understand why other people put up with all this shit. I completely don't understand.
After all, the nice Jews who got along with the majority did not remain Jews for very long. Their children would marry Christians and that line would quickly be assimilated, with nothing left except maybe a surname, frequently without even the memory of anyone in the family ever having been Jewish.
Soros' job, because he's Jewish, is to act as a lightning rod.
Religiously, Soros isn't Jewish. He's an atheist, as his own father was, and funded Indymedia and a host of anti-Zionist projects. Soros is Esperanto, not Hebrew.
Case in point, regarding "That's the plan, just to get people to acknowledge reality."
My mother in law has been a super freak about Covid since the beginning. Wears a mask in her car and on the beach when alone. Can you say cray cray?
Anyway, she won't let us come see her but she wants to stay at our place for 24 hours because she is taking a flight from the east coast to the west coast and the airport she is flying out of is near us. What? What changed that she now will come see us but still will not let us come see her? I believe it is the attitude of who is better than who. Plus she is a controlling person. It should be a fun 24 hours. I told my wife that if she were my mother, I'd tell her she cannot come see us until we can come see her. But, that's just me.
If he’s convicted, boy have a group of people ever had a reason to riot
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