The Vax Nazis are Coming for Your Children Next!

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2021 Sep 24, 10:29am   38,950 views  296 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

California HHS considering how to implement a Covid vax mandate for 12-18 year old students. Possibly implemented by next semester.

I don’t know how you guys feel, but I’m never going to let them jab my kids. I have two in that age range and I’ll pull them from school completely before this. There are lots of good remote learning programs now. Correspondence courses online can work and might be more helpful than actual school.
I’m betting that a lot of other parents feel the same way. I wonder how many teachers will be laid off after they do this?


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141   Patrick   2021 Dec 16, 8:58pm  


How many children have actually died of Covid?
The "dying with" vs. "dying of" investigation is becoming clearer

Justin Hart
14 hr ago

Our colleague @AWokeZombie has catalogued the deaths attributed to Covid among children. She masterfully illustrates why the grunt number of pediatric mortality for the disease is not what necessarily what it seems.
142   Patrick   2021 Dec 17, 5:32pm  


Heart inflammation cases confirmed in kids after Pfizer jabs
17 Dec, 2021 11:24

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported eight cases of myocarditis, a potentially deadly type of heart inflammation, in elementary school students who received the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.
As of December 10, the CDC said it had received 14 reports of myocarditis among children aged 5-11 years old who received the shot. Of these, it said eight reports – involving four boys and four girls – met the agency’s “working case definition” for the inflammation.

It's 1000x times that in reality.
144   Patrick   2021 Dec 19, 9:57pm  


Pfizer says 2 Covid vax shots didn't produce the desired results in children age 6 months to 5 years old so now they're testing 3 shots on them
146   Patrick   2021 Dec 24, 10:55am  


UK Does Not Advise Vaccines for 5-11 Year Olds, While the US Starts to Mandate Them

It is always instructive to highlight differences in the vaccination policies between nations. After all, the clinical trials that guide these decisions are the same across nations.

Yet, different experts can view the same risk-benefit decisions differently, or view uncertainty differently. In my mind, there is clearly a problem if one nation advises AGAINST doing something while another location MANDATES it. I think we should all agree that this makes no sense. One should not deploy the brute force power of the mandate if a decision is sufficiently debatable that another nation literally advises against it.
147   Patrick   2021 Dec 24, 11:00am  


The title of this paper might as well be, “Don’t let your kids get the Covid vaccine”
Healthy kids infected with SARS-Cov-2 have few symptoms and extremely strong protection afterwards
148   Patrick   2021 Dec 29, 11:07am  

Mama Bears - It's OK To Wait


Resources for mothers who want to protect their children from the harms of the vaxx.
149   Patrick   2022 Jan 1, 5:59pm  


NY State Perception Control Department Chief Pulls the Curtain Back - Spin Press Goes into Overdrive and Backflips
She Did Not Get the Memo that One Should Continue to Mislead the Public While Misleading the Public


What they MSM failed to report was this moment of frank authenticity:

“The numbers that we gave on pediatric admissions weren’t intended to make it seem that children were having an epidemic of infection. These were small numbers that we reported in our health alert. That was based on 50 hospitalizations, and I’ve now given you some larger numbers, but they’re still small numbers. It really is to motivate pediatricians and families to seek the protection of vaccination.”

Protection? There has still not been even a single child death from Fauci's virus in Sweden or Germany.
150   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 11:48am  

The comparison of vaxx mandaters with Nazis is entirely appropriate:

151   Patrick   2022 Jan 5, 9:02pm  


Before you vaccinate your child — which is irreversible and potentially permanently damaging — find out why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19.
152   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 1:19pm  


16,000 Physicians Agree
Read the declaration from the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists.

Robert W Malone MD, MS
33 min ago

Consensus is clear among MDs and medical PhDs: following 20 months of exhaustive research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared worldwide, they conclude that healthy children and COVID recovered should be excluded from vaccine mandates and social restrictions.

Physicians also recommend legislative and administrative action, to prevent disruption of physicians’ treatments, or putting healthy children or the COVID-recovered at further risk.

16,000 physicians and medical scientists recently published the Rome Covid Declaration, to alert citizens to the deadly consequences of disrupting life-saving treatment and suppressing open scientific discussion.

So, when it makes headline news that less than 300 physicians have signed a letter that went to Spotify, that the podcast that I did with Joe Rogan should be removed from Spotify, I can only chuckle… After all, it has only been viewed around 50 million times and to their 300, I raise them 16,000.

At least the Daily Mail actually did a piece that wasn’t totally negative about what I said. Quotes from the Dail Mail article below:

In the podcast episode, Rogan talked about Malone's ban from Twitter, which happened just one day before the podcast was released.

'They removed you for not going along with whatever the tech narrative is because tech clearly has a censorship agenda when it comes to Covid in terms of treatment, in terms of whether or not you are promoting what they would call 'vaccine hesitancy' - they can ban you for that,' Rogan said, adding that Malone is 'one of the most qualified people in the world to talk about vaccines'.

Malone responded by questioning: 'If it's not okay for me to be a part of the conversation even though I'm pointing out scientific facts that may be inconvenient, then who is?

'Whether or not I'm factually correct or not - and I freely admit no one's perfect. I'm not perfect. It's one of my core points is people should think for themselves.'

'And I try really hard to give people the information and help them to think, not to tell them what to think,' the doctor added, pointing out that 'no one can debate the dispute that I played a major role in the creation of this tech'.

Malone later alleged on the podcast that many of the pharmaceutical companies administering vaccines - such as Pfizer and Moderna - have 'financial conflicts of interest'.

In what appeared to be an effort to establish his credibility, Malone reassured: 'I think I'm the only one that doesn't. I'm not getting any money out of this.'

Meanwhile, as the creator of the mRNA technology used in Covid vaccines, many questioned why Malone would then speak so strongly against getting jabbed.

Malone claimed the answer was simply 'because it's the right thing to do'.

He said: 'For me, the reason is: Because what's happening is not right. It's destroying my profession, it's destroying the practice of medicine worldwide, it's destroying public health in medicine.'

He continued: 'I'm a vaccinologist. I've spent 30 years developing vaccine. A stupid amount of education learning how to do it and what the rules are.

'And for me, I'm personally offended by watching my discipline get destroyed for no good reason at all except, apparently, financial incentives, and - I don't know - political a**-covering'.

The controversial doctor also offered his expertise on the government's Covid-19 response.

'Our government is out of control,' he said, adding: 'They are lawless. They completely disregard bioethics. They completely disregard the federal common rule. they have broken all the rules that I know of - that I have been trained on for years and years and years.'
153   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 7:57pm  

From an email from childrenshealthdefense.org today but strangely not visible on their site or in any corporate media.

California Judge Stays School Vaccine Mandates, Grants Expedited Hearing

Alameda County, CA, January 13, 2022 - Today, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Brad Seligman issued his ruling in favor of Petitioners Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter (CHD-CA) and Protection for the Educational Rights of Kids (PERK) in their lawsuit against Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD). The judge ordered an expedited hearing on the petition and stayed enforcement of the District’s unlawful and unconstitutional COVID-19 vaccine mandate until a further and final hearing on the merits.

On January 11, 2022, attorneys for CHD-CA and PERK from the laws offices of Facts Law Truth Justice, LLP (FLTJ) filed an Ex-Parte Application for Alternative Writ of Mandate on behalf of CHD-CA, PERK, and two DOE Petitioners whose children attend school within the District. These attorneys challenged PUSD’s September 22, 2021 adoption of an illegal Covid-19 vaccine mandate for students aged 5 and older. The mandate requires every “eligible” student in the District to get the controversial and not FDA approved injections or be forced into remote learning. The stayed mandate was aimed at all K-12 students in the District ages 5-18, making it the most restrictive in the entire country. PUSD is also the only school district in the state of California currently mandating experimental vaccines on students under 12 years old. Obtaining a stay for the parents of elementary school students who were concerned about the rushed mandate was one of the primary reasons this District was sued.

“This is huge win for our Petitioners, because the District will not be able the enforce the requirement, or remove unvaccinated children involuntarily to an independent study alternative, unless and until it can prove that it has the legal authority to require it,” said Jessica Barsotti, the attorney arguing in front of Judge Seligman on Tuesday.

The court’s ruling granting the Petitioners’ request for an expedited hearing requires PUSD to file any opposition by February 10, 2022. The final hearing is scheduled for March 1, 2022.

Contact Rita Barnett-Rose at CHDCALegal@protonmail.com with further questions and requests for interviews with attorneys or petitioners.
155   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 10:08pm  

Thanks @EBGuy
156   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 1:04pm  


The search is on for a 7-year-old Canadian girl whose mom says the child’s father absconded with the child to keep her from being vaccinated against COVID-19.

The father is absolutely right to protect his daughter, who has zero risk from the virus, from being exposed to the immense risk from the unapproved experimental injection.
157   Patrick   2022 Jan 18, 10:11am  


Parents rise up against mandatory Covid vaccines for kids
Medical decisions for children should be made by parents, not bureaucracies. ...

A common theme among those opposed to mandatory shots was that healthy children are not at serious risk from Covid. A Johns Hopkins study showed that out of 48,000 children who contracted Covid, the mortality rate was zero (except when children had pre-existing conditions such as leukemia). The CDC says 823 persons aged eighteen and younger have died while Covid-positive since the beginning of the pandemic. (The CDC says it does not distinguish between incidental cases of Covid and cases where Covid contributed to the cause of death.)

Parents also pointed out that giving their healthy child a Covid shot would not protect others. With Delta and now Omicron, they said, it has become clear vaccines do not prevent people from catching or transmitting the virus. “While we are vaccinated ourselves there is absolutely no reason to mandate that children [be] for school,” one parent wrote. “Especially considering recent data is that vaccinated and non-vaccinated are equal carriers, meaning that whether you are vaccinated or not — you are not a larger threat to others in the classroom.” CDC director Rochelle Walensky recently confirmed that vaccines don’t prevent transmission on CNN.
158   Patrick   2022 Jan 21, 1:18pm  

From an email from info@unityprojectonline.com :

We knew this was coming, it is time to get LOUD. Start calling & emailing your elected officials and tell them you do NOT support SENATE BILL 866.

159   Patrick   2022 Jan 27, 5:05pm  


Dr. Monica Gandhi won’t be giving her kids Covid vaccine boosters
Alex Berenson 9 min ago

From an article in Bari Weiss’s Substack today:


I’d ask Dr. Gandhi - an early Covid vaccine advocate - how her no-boosters-for-my-kids view squares with her comment to me yesterday that the mRNA vaccines are “fantastic” and worthy of the Nobel prize, but I’m pretty sure she isn’t talking to me.

Dr. Gandhi, if I’m wrong, please reach out - you have my number, I don’t have yours. My offer for a Q+A stands.
160   Patrick   2022 Jan 31, 9:54am  


Letter to the Editor

Two more little angels taken by the jabs, just 12 minutes from where I live on the Gold Coast. Bet you won’t hear about this on the 5:30 – 6pm news!

Below is the gist of the story:

Extract from what looks like a tweet by Krystle Lee Candy: “This is so crazy I actually know this person she’s a very lovely lady and her 2 babies passed away. I am so sorry hun and I am here for u if u need me”.

Yesterday at the Pacific Pines MedCentre. 9.20am
A Mum, with 3 young girls was attending to have the girls vexed for [“C-word 19”] – I added the words incorrectly – just in case. The girls were aged 6-10.
While I was in the waiting room, the girls came back out of the room where they had been injected, to wait for 20 minutes to ensure they were ‘alright’. Within about 10 minutes one of the younger girls hands and face suddenly tightened, her neck muscles were straining and she started convulsing. She was uncontrollable.
The nurse screamed for Dr. Wilson Chin say “you’re the vaccine stand doctor, do something”. Then not more than 30 second later, the older girl, aged about 9, did exactly the same thing. Violent convulsions. The Mum was totally distraught. She was screaming in despair. The doctor could do nothing. All the Mum could say was “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry”.

Don’t know what happened to the 3rd young girl, but this makes me so angry, I just cried.

I looked up Dr. Wilson Chin, and yes, he practices at the Pacific Pines MedCentre at Shop 8, Pacific Pines Town Centre, 1 Pitcairn Way, Pacific Pines, 4211.

Editor: Every Premier of every state, the PM, the AMA and the TGA and many others are complicit in the murder of little kids (and many adults). Let us all pray we live long enough to see them at Nuremberg then the gallows. Dr Wilson Chin does practice at the above clinic.

G McMaster

Gold Coast
162   Patrick   2022 Feb 2, 7:43pm  


New FDA approach: shoot up (kids) first, ask questions later

Everyone knows that the FDA is corrupt and captured. But the current Pfizer EUA application for kids under 5 is raising eyebrows even amongst the true believers:

Experts question unusual authorization plan for Covid vaccine for kids under 5

The Food and Drug Administration’s willingness to consider authorizing a Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech for children under the age of 5 — without evidence yet that it would be protective — is raising concerns among some vaccine experts who fear the plan could backfire and undermine vaccine uptake in this group.

None of the experts STAT spoke to for this article could recall a precedent for this approach. And several worried going down this path could erode willingness on the part of parents of young children to get them vaccinated. To date only about 20% of children aged 5 to 11 have received two doses of vaccine, according to CDC data.

Helen Branswell at Stat News has never met a vaccine she didn’t like. If she’s raising alarm bells then this proposal is extreme.
163   Patrick   2022 Feb 3, 2:51pm  


The key part are the stats on all-cause mortality which I’ve always said is the elephant in the room:

10–14-year-olds, on the other hand, run the risk of dying almost by a factor of ten following the first dose while the second dose brings a 51.8 times greater risk of death than if they had remained un-jabbed.
164   mell   2022 Feb 3, 4:40pm  

This makes me so mad. I don't have high hopes that there will be thorough investigation and prosecution ever, but if there is, even to a more moderate extent, I will do everything in my power to push for death penalty or life in prison for these motherfuckers - it's time to rise up. The gallows should await these assholes
165   Patrick   2022 Feb 3, 6:00pm  

I agree.

Fauci, Collins, and Bourla are the very worst sort of mafia criminals - infiltrating government, extorting money, killing people, and claiming it's all "for your own good".
166   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 9:14am  


Lawnmowers: the real pandemic
Statistically they’re more dangerous to children than Covid. We must close schools and lock down all of society ...

Furthermore, the children — the children — are the most vulnerable to this scourge. Upwards of 9,000 children visit the ER for lawnmower-related injuries every year. That’s more than 24 ER visits a day. Let that sink in. ...

Some will say that Covid, by virtue of being an airborne virus, is more suited for a lockdown-oriented response than the demonic killing-machines being pushed by Big Garden. But does Covid send more than 9,000 children to the ER every year? No. In fact, less than 1,000 Americans under the age of 18 have died from Covid since January 2020. Lawnmowers could be lurking in any corner. No safety measure is too extreme.

And garden equipment is just the beginning. The New York Times reports that “every year about 235,000 people over age 15 visit emergency rooms because of injuries suffered in the bathroom, and almost 14 percent are hospitalized.” (235,000? Every year? Why are colleges still allowing their students to pee?) Studies show Americans are 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack when they’re having sex. Obviously, that calls for a college-wide ban on sex — or frankly on anything that could lead to sex. Any pubescent teens making “come hither” eyes at one another should face immediate expulsion. It’s in the interest of public health. It’s the science.

The only way forward is to embrace the warm, soothing embrace of lockdowns forever. We shall pay any price, bear any burden — well, Gavin Newsom won’t, but he’ll still make sure that everyone else does — if it saves even one life. If Covid is our standard, there are any number of reasons to stay locked down. Maybe we should just abolish schools altogether. For the children.
167   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 10:13am  


FDNY NYPD EMS and other city workers shut down the Brooklyn bridge in response of the mandates. They demand all mandates got lifted while they chant ' save our children "
168   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 7:34pm  


If you agree that the FDA should not give Pfizer an EUA to inject infants and toddlers with its unproven vaccine, here’s how to take action
I did my submission in just 42 seconds.

Open the Online Form - https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/FDA-2022-N-0082-0001?source=patrick.net

Complete the Online Form -

(1) COMMENT: Limit of 5000 characters. May I suggest you just write “oppose.” It’s not like anyone will read 100,000 comments anyway, so we are just going for numbers. Feel free if you write something longer but I don’t think it is going to make a difference.


(4) EMAIL ADDRESS Optional - if you want an email receipt from them for a record of your submission.

(5) TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: most likely “INDIVIDUAL”[they’ll ask for contact information] or “ANONYMOUS” [no contact info.] Your identifying information is NOT required.

(6) SELECT – “I am not a robot”. However, if you are a Robot, don’t check the box. You don’t want to lie.

(7) SUBMIT comment.
170   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 2:02pm  


Red Flags All Over Pfizer's Bid for EUA for Young Children: No Benefit, Data Leak, Potential P-Hacking: Suffer the Little Children, No Justification For Terrifying Children and Placing Them at Risk
FDA is poised to receive a recommendation from VRBPAC on vaccinating children against COVID-19. You have one last chance to speak out.
171   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 3:25pm  


Pfizer is forced to pull its EUA application to inject kids under 5 after fierce public backlash

I'm sure Pfizer sees this only a temporary road block to killing more children for profit.
172   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 1:45pm  


BREAKING: the Pfizer clinical trial in kids under age 5 has now failed TWICE
Pfizer and the FDA lied yesterday. They are not "waiting for more data." They have the data and once again it is terrible
173   Patrick   2022 Feb 23, 7:42pm  


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. testified before the Louisiana State Legislature, saying:

“Never in human history have old people required young people to take risks, make sacrifices and die to preserve older people. We have a fiduciary duty to our children. Older people sacrifice themselves for children in a moral society, in a robust society, in a society that we are proud of. We do not tell children to take risks to preserve older people. We need to stand up and make a moral choice and an ethical choice for our children.”
175   Patrick   2022 Feb 28, 12:39pm  

Saturday, March 5 – 6pm to 10:30pm​
​Take Action Town Halls​​
Airway Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Learn how you can help fight back against the BAD Bills in the California Legislature:

SB866: Minors as young as 12 can be vaccinated without parental permission
SB871: Covid-19 vaccine requirement for schools and daycare
AB1993: Covid-19 vaccine requirement for Employers and Employees
You will walk away EMPOWERED and ready to take action.

**Brought to you by Convention on Health Rights, a Medical Coalition of over 15 Organizations.

REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/take-action-town-hall-153619​

- Children's Health Defense California Chapter (ca.team@childrenshealthdefense.org )
176   Onvacation   2022 Feb 28, 4:35pm  

Patrick says
AB1993: Covid-19 vaccine requirement for Employers and Employees

How can it possibly be legal to force someone to take an experimental biologic agent? With all the evidence that it is neither safe or effective why would anyone take it?

Better unemployed and alive than a job with a jab.
177   Patrick   2022 Mar 7, 8:13pm  

Mother wins case in Canada to have authority to refuse to have her children vaxxed:

[87] The father’s motion is dismissed.
[88] The mother shall have sole decision-making authority with respect to the issue of administering COVID vaccines for the children L.E.G. and M.D.G..

178   Patrick   2022 Mar 15, 7:52pm  


Urgent call to action! We have 30 days to convince the FDA to reject the Pfizer mRNA shot in kids under 5. Let's go!!!!!
In the war against Pharma fascism, this is our D Day.

Sadly, I don't think the public can convince the FDA to do anything. The FDA is irredeemably corrupt at this point, acting solely in the interest of Pfizer and other criminal organizations.
179   Patrick   2022 Mar 19, 7:35pm  


This video is amazing. It’s a compilation of the most gobsmacking statement from the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting discussing the Pfizer’s application to inject mRNA into kids 5 to 11. Nearly every member expressed serious misgivings — and then they voted to approve it anyway. I saw all of this happen live and it was horrifying. To distill an eight hour meeting down into four minutes must have taken weeks of editing.

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