The Vax Nazis are Coming for Your Children Next!

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2021 Sep 24, 10:29am   41,174 views  296 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

California HHS considering how to implement a Covid vax mandate for 12-18 year old students. Possibly implemented by next semester.

I don’t know how you guys feel, but I’m never going to let them jab my kids. I have two in that age range and I’ll pull them from school completely before this. There are lots of good remote learning programs now. Correspondence courses online can work and might be more helpful than actual school.
I’m betting that a lot of other parents feel the same way. I wonder how many teachers will be laid off after they do this?


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100   Karloff   2021 Nov 2, 9:55am  

A chill runs up my spine every time I hear the phrase "State-run".
101   Patrick   2021 Nov 3, 10:55am  

Example death certificate to assure the school that you have sacrificed your child's life to the Democratic Party and Pfizer:

103   Ceffer   2021 Nov 3, 7:49pm  

Can't tell you how surprised I am that the liberal lemmings in Santa Cruz are even waking up. Sorry for Bad Tube, Pat.
Massive Mandate Protest and March In Downtown Santa Cruz, CA (11/03/21)"

104   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Nov 4, 3:19am  

If I had kids, they already wouldn’t have been attending public school, and this should be the mail in the coffin for anyone who’s been on the fence.
105   WookieMan   2021 Nov 4, 7:58am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
If I had kids, they already wouldn’t have been attending public school, and this should be the mail in the coffin for anyone who’s been on the fence.

Tough in high property tax states to do private like where I live. You only live one life and so do your kids. We like travel. Sending them private would eliminate that besides maybe one trip a year. Not acceptable. I don't think IL, even as blue as it is in Chicago will implement mandates for child vaccination. I'll sue the state and school district. I've got the resources and contacts.

I have too much anecdotal evidence at this point to believe covid is anything more than a cold, if that. I've been exposed for HOURS in an unventilated room (my basement) with 3 or possibly more people positive with covid, that I 100% know they were positive at the time. 20 plus one way flights since Covid was a thing and 6 more when I believe Covid really came out in Aug/Sept 2019. Airports. Concerts. Hotels. Different countries/territories. Pools. Bars. Restaurants. Hanging out with friends a couple times a week.

If the flu vaccine is not mandatory for children, I'm not sure how they could mandate this one with the listed side effects under a EUA. We live in a small district so we know everyone as well. My SIL is a fuck up and cannot drive, so we have her kid now. The principle got us a "homeless" exemption for him to go to school in our district and not pay a fee. We have pull and leverage with the board as well. My 3 will not be vaccinated and I intend to get my value out of my taxes paid. I've also found with private, the hyper aggressive mom's control the place. They're not intelligent most of the time.
106   Patrick   2021 Nov 5, 10:38am  


This article examines issues related to COVID-19 inoculations for children. The bulk of the official COVID-19-
attributed deaths per capita occur in the elderly with high comorbidities, and the COVID-19 attributed deaths
per capita are negligible in children. The bulk of the normalized post-inoculation deaths also occur in the elderly
with high comorbidities, while the normalized post-inoculation deaths are small, but not negligible, in children.
Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term (a few months), had samples not representative of the
total population, and for adolescents/children, had poor predictive power because of their small size. Further,
the clinical trials did not address changes in biomarkers that could serve as early warning indicators of elevated
predisposition to serious diseases. Most importantly, the clinical trials did not address long-term effects that, if
serious, would be borne by children/adolescents for potentially decades.

A novel best-case scenario cost-benefit analysis showed very conservatively that there are five times the number
of deaths attributable to each inoculation vs those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.
The risk of death from COVID-19 decreases drastically as age decreases, and the longer-term effects
of the inoculations on lower age groups will increase their risk-benefit ratio, perhaps substantially.
107   Patrick   2021 Nov 5, 10:56am  


To reach such a conclusion the following assumptions must have been made:

Natural immunity in those children who have been infected does not exist
There is no such thing as hospital transmission to children who are already sick for another reason
Children with co-morbidities are at no greater risk than children who are healthy
Vaccination can prevent the vast majority of intensive care admissions
There is no vaccine waning in children
These assumptions are so extreme that presenting the data in this way to create a case for vaccinating healthy children amounts to negligence if not outright fraud.
108   Patrick   2021 Nov 6, 12:49pm  


I see that El Gato Malo engaged in a similar set of calculations back in September when Pfizer first released its “results.” He faced the same challenges as I did — namely, there is no usable data from Pfizer and so one has to pull from others sources. He builds a steel man case (the most generous possible defense of the Pfizer product) and yet his results are still in line with mine (my numbers are higher though because I use a lower estimate of vaccine effectiveness and correct for VAERS underreporting). So again, even under the most generous assumptions, the Pfizer mRNA shot fails any honest risk benefit assessment in connection with children 5 to 11.
109   Onvacation   2021 Nov 6, 1:12pm  

Reposting here. From latest vax data as of 9/5/2021

This is insanity! I keep feeling like I am living in a dystopian movie.
110   GNL   2021 Nov 6, 1:19pm  

Onvacation says
Reposting here. From latest vax data as of 9/5/2021

This is insanity! I keep feeling like I am living in a dystopian movie.

This is the number of under 12 vaxxed so far or the number of deaths of under 12 vaxxed?
111   Patrick   2021 Nov 7, 8:51am  


This is truly disturbing.

It doesn't matter that the drug is experimental for children. It doesn't matter that children are at almost no risk from Covid.

They have to get the jab in order to satisfy the will of CNN's totally legit doctor Sanjay Gupta.

The message is that kids need to get the vaccine to slow the spread of Covid.

Why are adults forcing kids to get this jab in order to protect themselves? There's no reason for it.

This is propaganda and it is just plain wrong.
112   Onvacation   2021 Nov 7, 11:17am  

WineHorror1 says

This is the number of under 12 vaxxed so far or the number of deaths of under 12 vaxxed?

Number vaxxed. They don't track how many kids they kill.
113   Onvacation   2021 Nov 7, 11:27am  

Patrick says

This is propaganda and it is just plain wrong.

It's SO wrong. We have no idea the long term effects of this experimental agent. A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have and there is evidence to suggest that the spike proteins settle in the ovaries. We have little idea the effects on fertility and unborn children at this stage. Thalidomide anyone?

Middle term effects are here; heart problems, strokes, and rare disease are increasing. Long term effects have yet to be seen.
114   Patrick   2021 Nov 7, 8:20pm  


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced legislation that would prohibit the federal government and any entity at the federal, state, and local level that receives federal funding—including school districts—from requiring COVID-19 vaccines for minors.

“Parents should have the right to decide what is best for their children in consultation with their family doctor,” he said. “My view on the COVID-19 vaccine has remained clear: no mandates of any kind.

“President [Joe] Biden and his administration have repeatedly ignored medical privacy rights and personal liberty by pushing unlawful and burdensome vaccine mandates on American businesses, and now they are preparing to push a mandate on kids by pressuring parents—all without taking into account relative risk or the benefits of natural immunity.”

The bill would prohibit the federal government and any recipient of federal funding from the Department of Health and Human Services and/or the CDC at the state, local, tribal, or territorial level from requiring any individual aged 18 or younger to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

It also would prohibit any school district or educational entity from imposing a mandate requiring any students age 18 or younger to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. If any school district were to impose a mandate, it would lose eligibility to receive Title IV, Part A and Title II, Part A funding.

The bill also would require parental consent for the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine to a minor and apply to all COVID-19 vaccines that have been authorized for use under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or, if fully approved, were first approved under EUA.
116   Patrick   2021 Nov 8, 7:56pm  


Good, parents are getting more concerned that their compliance with the jab may kill their children.
119   Patrick   2021 Nov 10, 8:30am  


But these two accomplished doctors should make you think: Why would they stand in front of 800 people and unabashedly say to not vaccinate children? Here’s why:

As Dr. John Littell of Ocala and one of the organizers of the summit told us: “because no one knows the long-term effects these vaccines will have on children.”

What’s more, these are doctors and researchers who have hands-on evidence that early-treatment regimens are effectively preventing hospitalizations and saving lives.

Read what they say. Do more research. Had you attended the summit, you couldn’t help but be convinced and persuaded. ...
120   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 10, 8:49am  

Patrick says

McConaughey comes out against vaccine mandates for kids

Say goodbye to your career, Matthew! All your future roles are reassigned to Alec Baldwin, effective immediately.
122   Patrick   2021 Nov 17, 8:27pm  


We will kill 117 kids to save one child from dying from COVID in the 5 to 11 age range
That's according to a risk-benefit analysis done by risk-benefit expert Dr. Toby Rogers. His analysis has been viewed by over 22,000 readers. No mistakes were found. Nothing but praise.
123   Patrick   2021 Nov 18, 3:19pm  


At least two California children were left sick after a clinic administered the wrong dose of the coronavirus vaccine to 14 kids.
124   Patrick   2021 Nov 18, 3:27pm  


Mark Twain Union Elementary School District opposes COVID-19 vaccine mandate for its students in unanimous vote
by Marie-Elena Schembri Nov 5, 2021
125   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 11:53pm  


We are killing our kids. Does anyone care?
Kids that would have never died from COVID are now dying after getting the vaccine. Will it ever end?

8 min ago
Dr. Toby Rogers did a risk-benefit analysis showing we’ll kill 117 kids for every kid we save from COVID with the vaccines aged 5 to 11. That ratio doesn’t really change if they change the dose… it means fewer kids saved and fewer kids killed, but the ratio remains about the same. We will kill a lot more kids than we will ever save with these vaccines.

What Toby predicted is now coming true.

We can’t show it is 117 to 1, but we can show for sure we are killing more kids than we are saving.
With COVID, only children with pretty severe health problems would die. We don’t know of a single kid, 5 to 11, who died from COVID who didn’t have some pretty serious health issues before they got COVID.

Those days are now gone. The vaccines rolled out for these kids starting on November 7. It is now just 12 days later and we are now killing perfectly healthy kids.

I just got this text:

That’s hardly an isolated incident.

These deaths simply are never ever going to reported in the NY Times or on CNN. So you’re never going to hear about them except from alternate media sources.

Here’s another.

First time in her 14-year career: seeing an 8 year old with myocarditis
I saw this Tweet from one of my followers. First time in her 14 year career she has ever seen an 8 year old child with myocarditis. Welcome to the “new normal.”

So how we handle this? Our government will ignore the deaths as “anecdotes” and push even harder to vaccinate every child in sight. In just 10 days, they’ve vaccinated 10% of our kids.

It’s really tragic. I’m 65 years old and I’ve never seen anything like this.

All my calls to members of Congress I know go unreturned: Anna Eshoo, Ro Khanna, Bill Foster, John Garamendi, Jackie Speier, Zoe Lofgren, to name a few. None of them care enough to return any of my calls. They are all convinced the vaccines are safe and effective and will do nothing to stop this. They refuse to listen to anything unless it supports “narrative.” If you aren’t on board, you’re evil and will not be listened to.

The only people in Congress who can see the truth are Ron Johnson and Thomas Massie. Everyone else is pro-vaccine AFAIK.

The data clearly says the vaccines is unsafe, but nobody has time to look at the data themselves. If most of the doctors say it is safe, then it must be safe, no matter how many kids die.
I made a short presentation which summarizes how dangerous the vaccines are, but nobody wants to look at it.

It’s a great presentation. If you have an open mind, you will find it extremely compelling. If you don’t have an open mind, you’ll just say, “Was it peer reviewed? If not, I’m not going to look at it” even though it refers to peer-reviewed studies.

They’d all prefer to keep their head in the sand to avoid the cognitive dissonance.

They all believe COVID is more dangerous than the vaccine still. This isn’t based on actual numbers. It is based on their belief system. So even though we have evidence like this showing the vaccines are massively more dangerous than the virus,

it just does not “register” with people since it is contrary to what they were told. So it gets ignored as a fabrication or as an anecdote.

Someday they will figure this out. I hope it is soon.

Please forward this article and promote it on your social networks. They will probably terminate your account(s) for doing this, but isn’t it worth it to save one life?
126   Patrick   2021 Nov 20, 6:30pm  


Did even a single child die from COVID-19 in YOUR state?
More than half of all states have reported NO COVID-19 pediatric deaths.

Justin Hart
11 hr ago

We give SO MUCH ENERGY to the concerns over children and COVID-19 but we need to come back to this reality: the risk to kids is very, very low. How low? Only 22 states have even reported COVID-19 deaths among children ages 0 to 17. Note that certain states have reported fewer than 10 deaths for children and those are suppressed at the national level for privacy and even statistical reasons.

127   Patrick   2021 Nov 21, 11:07am  


Efrat Fenigson
Nov 19
Dr. Boaz Lev, Head of Israel Management Team of Epidemics (MTE) - unaware of the Vaers deaths reports?
Mind the body language when confronted with truthful facts.
This is a snippet from the discussion held this week at the Knesset (Parliament) about vaxxing kids (5-11 yo).

128   Patrick   2021 Nov 23, 12:16am  


It’s too hard to ignore all the vaccine injured kids showing up in the ER nowadays.

I just heard a story from a friend who went to the lab for a stress echocardiagram.

In the waiting room with her are 4 kids aged 7 to 10 years old with their moms. She talked to the moms. The kids were all suffering from tachycardia (heart rate that beats way too fast) and waiting to be tested.

Two important things you need to know:

All the kids were recently vaccinated.

Kids that age NEVER get tachycardia (i.e., the medical experts I’ve talked to have never seen it before in their careers).

There are close to 10,000 adverse event types elevated by the COVID vaccines. Here’s a list of the adverse events most elevated compared to “normal.” In the #2 position: heart rate, elevated by nearly 8,000 times normal.
129   Patrick   2021 Nov 23, 6:43pm  


The Costs Of Inoculating Children Against Covid-19 Far Outweigh The Benefits
130   Patrick   2021 Dec 2, 6:12pm  


Huge new study shows ZERO Covid deaths of healthy German kids over 4 or adolescents
The findings, in a nutshell: if you let your healthy child or teenager receive the mRNA Covid vaccine, you are insane

Alex Berenson
4 hr ago

German physician-scientists reported Monday that not a single healthy child between the ages of 5 and 18 died of Covid in Germany in the first 15 months of the epidemic.

Not one.
132   Ceffer   2021 Dec 2, 7:37pm  

One Woo suggested that vaccinating kids is a form of mass ritual sacrifice of children to Moloch and Baphomet for the Globalists and Cabal.
133   Patrick   2021 Dec 5, 3:40pm  


Vaccinating children is emblematic of the war on the Hippocratic oath: government vs. doctors.
by: Matt Walsh Editor & CEO
We knew they would come — the rebukes, the citations disparaging the doctors, the “shame on you” for printing such low-level misinformation and trash.

We’re printing this week some of the letters we received from readers in response to last week’s report on the Florida Summit on COVID-19, which we headlined on this page: “Do not vax your children.”

We knew that headline would trigger strong recoil. But we did it on purpose. It was, in fact, the most significant news and message coming from the speakers at the Florida Summit on COVID-19.

And we did it with the hope that readers would take note and do what we encouraged them to do — to do more research, to give consideration to the fact there are other voices, points of view, and credible evidence and research than that of the establishment in Washington at the CDC, NIH, FDA and WHO.

Too many Americans have succumbed to the idea that whatever the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, it must be true and infallible. They forget the incredible ingenuity, inventiveness and discoveries that have always bubbled up from great minds outside of government. Galileo was not a government-paid astronomer. Louis Pasteur was not a government chemist. Thomas Edison was not a government inventor.

But as the adjoining letters attest, they see and hear the mainstream media narrative that no one is credible except the establishment elites.

We’ve said it before: We are in a civil war with many raging fronts — the progressive, Marxist takeover of America; the cancel culture against free speech and religion; critical race theory in schools; and the war on COVID-19.

The war on COVID-19 is much more than fighting the killer virus. It’s a war in which the huge, taxpayer-financed, unaccountable public health bureaucracies — CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO — and Big Pharma companies have unleashed their forces in a way that defines the war like this: The ruling, public-health elites and Big Pharma are snuffing out the Hippocratic oath, the sacred covenant that has guided doctors for 2,500 years:

First, do no harm. Prescribe only beneficial treatments to the best of the doctor’s abilities and judgment.

In other words, let doctors be doctors, not automatons.

How to treat COVID-19 is at the crux of this clash.

The doctors we quoted last week are among thousands of doctors and other health care providers all over the world who have been saving lives, preventing hospitalizations and curing COVID-19 patients with early treatment protocols.

But the public health agencies, Big Pharma, hospital corporations and national media outlets refuse to accept and acknowledge the effectiveness of these treatments, the legitimate data that supports their effectiveness and the doctors pioneering these treatments. (See FLCCC.net and “The Complete Guide to the Care of the COVID-19 Patient,” COVID19CriticalCare.com/covid-19-protocols.)

Earlier this week, Dr. Paul Marik, the most published critical care doctor in medicine, developer of early treatment protocols for COVID-19 and disparaged in one of our letters, sued his hospital for preventing him from prescribing life-saving drugs for his COVID-19 patients. (See Rescue.Substack.com.)

And there is this: As we noted last week, the war on how to treat COVID-19 is spreading rapidly to the controversy of vaccinating children.

In California, Jeff Hanson, a real estate investor with three children under age 17, and four others have organized more than 60 grassroots parents, civic and religious organizations — thousands of Californians — in a statewide movement determined to stop Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to impose a vaccine mandate on K-12 students. (See UnityProjectOnline.com.)

These Californians are not “fringe.” They are mainstream Americans protesting the authoritarianism being forced on their children. The Unity Project’s values state: “We stand for parents’ freedom of choice in our kids’ health care. … We stand against forcing children as young as 5 years old to effectively become human shields, assuming vaccine-injury risk.”

These parents — and millions of parents in Florida and elsewhere — want what medicine has practiced for 2,500 years: to count on the doctor-patient relationship, not an unaccountable medical tyrant and the elitist bureaucracies.
134   Patrick   2021 Dec 6, 5:37pm  


We, a group of Canadian Physicians and Nurses from across Canada say

Before you vaccinate your healthy kids with the COVID-19 vaccine, consider:
Do You Have ALL THE INFORMATION You Need To Give Informed Consent?

Healthy children are at minimal risk of severe outcomes like hospitalizations from COVID-19
The risk of hospitalization from COVID-19 is less than that of influenza during the last 3 years
Your child is 10 times more likely to die of a motor vehicle accident than COVID-19; and 2-3 times more likely to die from drowning than from COVID-19
Once recovered from COVID-19, children have long lasting, robust immunity against future infection
More than 50% of kids have already had COVID-19 and about 40% of those were asymptomatic
Getting the vaccine after COVID-19 infection increases the risk of side effects, including severe and potentially life-threatening side-effects, from the vaccine
Fully vaccinated children can transmit COVID-19 and infect others as well as unvaccinated children
The mRNA technology in COVID-19 vaccines in Canada has never been used clinically in humans before
The Moderna vaccine uses the same mRNA technology as Pfizer - and has been suspended for use in children and young people in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Germany and France
COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis is only one of many potential adverse effects. It is not a “mild” disease. In many children, it can cause long term disability and some children may die of vaccine-induced myocarditis
Signed by 14 Canadian Physicians - including 2 Pediatricians, other specialists and family doctors; and more than 100 nurses from across Canada, including pediatric nurses.
135   Patrick   2021 Dec 6, 5:44pm  


Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows
A new study from Germany showed extremely few deaths among healthy children overall — including zero deaths among children 5 to 11 — suggesting some studies are designed to distort the risk to kids.
137   Patrick   2021 Dec 8, 11:14am  


🚀 Real Talk 🚀
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
NEW - German study on #COVID19 in kids ages 5-11 concludes: "Severe disease course or death is low," in fact the "case fatality could not be calculated, due to an absence of cases" for children without comorbidities.

Risk of Hospitalization, severe disease, and mortality due to COVID-19 and PIMS-TS in children with...
Background Although children and adolescents have a lower burden of SARS-CoV-2-associated disease as compared to adults, assessing absolute risk among children remains difficult due to a high rate of...

3:02 PM · Dec 8, 2021
139   Patrick   2021 Dec 12, 10:49pm  


Last night on Hannity, Sen. Rand Paul warned that vaccine mandate advocates will not be happy until they can stick a needle into your newborn children, along with every other human on earth.

Note to Google: This is a sitting United States Senator on a national television show with dominant ratings that we are quoting and discussing. Any censorship on your part would be a brazen political act and a silencing of a mainstream viewpoint.

Check out Rand laying into them. “You know, these people won’t be happy until they get your newborn. I mean, they really want to get your newborn inoculated before they leave the hospital.

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