The Vax Nazis are Coming for Your Children Next!

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2021 Sep 24, 10:29am   41,175 views  296 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

California HHS considering how to implement a Covid vax mandate for 12-18 year old students. Possibly implemented by next semester.

I don’t know how you guys feel, but I’m never going to let them jab my kids. I have two in that age range and I’ll pull them from school completely before this. There are lots of good remote learning programs now. Correspondence courses online can work and might be more helpful than actual school.
I’m betting that a lot of other parents feel the same way. I wonder how many teachers will be laid off after they do this?


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60   Shaman   2021 Oct 20, 8:54am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
First time in history the people in power would attempt to kill off their own voting base instead of pandering to them.

That had me baffled for a while as well. Why kill off your most committed (Leftist) allies? The answer lies in who ACTUALLY controls the country. It’s not Biden or his winged monkeys. It’s not the media or education system. It’s not the bureaucracy or the deep state. It’s the oligarchy. They own ALL of those other entities plus 20 trillion worth of American property, corporations, and debt. They OWN the media and tell them how to report the news and what to report and how to spin it. They have been USING the media as a Left-wing branch of “government” to promote ideas that are nakedly divisive, dividing the people against each other over policies, politics, race, gender, and ideology. And in the process they have garnered the absolute support and TRUST of the Leftards.

But do the oligarchs LOVE the Leftards? How about the elderly? Nope and nope. The first group is lazy, unproductive, and contributes only to problems for them and their corporate goals. The second group is worthless to them except as a market for goods. They aren’t workers, they own a bunch of stuff, and they cost the country a ton in medical bills, pension payouts, and social security.

Now consider the national debt. It’s YUUUUGE, and no solution for it is in sight. Entitlements only are increasing in cost and scope, while budgets balloon into overruns into the trillions. If the dollar is EVER to recover stability, this has got to be fixed.

Enter the Plandemic, which was planned, obviously, and offers the oligarchs an opportunity to do what would solve so many problems for them.
1)getting rid of the Leftards makes more room on the planet, reduces global warming, and gets rid of the worst and most rabble rousing members of society. These people are a net negative to the oligarchy, and as the politics they drive drifts ever further left, a direct threat to the oligarchs themselves with an inevitable Bolshevik Revolution coming for them. If you could selectively get rid of these useless dangerous fucks, you’d postpone the Revolution another hundred years!
2)Getting rid of the old. As aforementioned, this will save trillions in pensions and SS and Medicare, but the benefits don’t stop there!! This is also the solution to the looming national debt crisis! And the debt crisis of many states as well. Oldsters are the richest group, owning trillions in wealth. If you can get them all vaxxed to death (in fear), the government could see 50 TRILLION dollars in inheritance tax receipts. That would wipe out the national debt in one stroke and leave the younger people with a ton of money to truly make America great again.

It’s all predicated on being able to selectively remove those two populations while leaving the productive workers (conservatives) alive to continue working to advance the goals of the oligarchs.

And they’ve found a way to do that by making the target groups TRUST the media and then having the media assure them that taking the jab many times is the right move.

There’s no stopping this train anymore. This is what WILL HAPPEN.
Prepare yourselves.
61   mell   2021 Oct 20, 9:02am  

Shaman says
BoomAndBustCycle says
First time in history the people in power would attempt to kill off their own voting base instead of pandering to them.

That had me baffled for a while as well. Why kill off your most committed (Leftist) allies? The answer lies in who ACTUALLY controls the country. It’s not Biden or his winged monkeys. It’s not the media or education system. It’s not the bureaucracy or the deep state. It’s the oligarchy. They own ALL of those other entities plus 20 trillion worth of American property, corporations, and debt. They OWN the media and tell them how to report the news and what to report and how to spin it. They have been USING the media as a Left-wing branch of “government” to promote ideas that are nakedly divisive, dividing the people against each other over policies, politics, race, gender, and ideology. And in the process they have garnered the absolute support and ...

Agreed it maims the lazy and unproductive and taints/stains/tarnished the productive workers, win win for the oligarchy
62   Onvacation   2021 Oct 20, 9:05am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
First time in history the people in power would attempt to kill off their own voting base instead of pandering to them.

Yeah, what's up with that?
63   Onvacation   2021 Oct 20, 9:13am  

mell says
So then CA mandate may kick in for ages 12 and up by summer 2022.

It's going to be a whole different world by summer 2022 after this next flu season. Either the vax will fulfill the dread stories of mass death from ADE, the unvaxxed start dying in large numbers, or another year of gas lit propaganda.

I'm hoping for the third outcome and a mass awakening.
64   Patrick   2021 Oct 20, 10:53am  


According to the announcement, the White House has secured enough to supply more than 25,000 doses for pediatricians and primary care physicians who have already signed up to deliver the vaccine, while the country now has enough Pfizer vaccine to jab roughly 28 million kids who will soon be eligible, meaning this won't be a slow roll-out like we saw 10 months ago when doses and capacity issues meant adults had to wait.

Meanwhile, the White House is rolling out an 'advertising' campaign to convince parents and kids that the vaccine is safe and effective. According to the report, "the administration believes trusted messengers — educators, doctors, and community leaders — will be vital to encouraging vaccinations."

The vaccine is dangerous and ineffective.
66   mell   2021 Oct 20, 1:22pm  

Patrick says

According to the announcement, the White House has secured enough to supply more than 25,000 doses for pediatricians and primary care physicians who have already signed up to deliver the vaccine, while the country now has enough Pfizer vaccine to jab roughly 28 million kids who will soon be eligible, meaning this won't be a slow roll-out like we saw 10 months ago when doses and capacity issues meant adults had to wait.

Meanwhile, the White House is rolling out an 'advertising' campaign to convince parents and kids that the vaccine is safe and effective. According to the report, "the administration believes trusted messengers — educators, doctors, and community leaders — will be vital to encouraging vaccinations."

There are pediatricians out there with a conscience that clearly advise against using the clot shots on kids until they are adults and can make their own decisions, while still recommending all the old fashioned tested vaccines against many diseases that have bee around forever and well studied. Some even have seen or know kids dying of myocarditis following the clot shot. That's all I can say. They also revolt against the useless quarantines on exposure and mask mandates, but they are facing tough headwinds from newscum et al. Some are even said to have sent their kids to other states so they don't fall under the mandates, which they also say are not law, so there is no obligation to follow them. Of course that doesn't help one when getting kicked out of school or university. But they are out there and hopefully they are growing, that's all I can say.
67   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 20, 5:20pm  

Onvacation says

It's going to be a whole different world by summer 2022 after this next flu season. Either the vax will fulfill the dread stories of mass death from ADE, the unvaxxed start dying in large numbers, or another year of gas lit propaganda.

I'm hoping for the third outcome and a mass awakening.

Under no circumstances will the Democratic Party/NWO allow it to get so bad the Republicans lead by too many points going into November 2022.

They'll launch a False Flag or at least create another poor George.
68   richwicks   2021 Oct 20, 5:24pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
I'm very proud of my mother, she is done with Fox - except Tucker. I got her into Real America's Voice and OAN on Pluto. She hasn't watched Fox since January, 78 years old.

Hey @MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou

Some of this is LEGITIMATELY crazy, but she may enjoy this:


It's more sane than anything on television, except when you get misinformation from there, they legitimately believe in what they are saying. They aren't just lying to you.
69   richwicks   2021 Oct 20, 7:45pm  

EBGuy says
Larry Elder scared the shit out of some people. Hell, even I couldn't bring myself to check the box next to his name...

What exactly was scary about Larry Elder?

Is it because he was black?
70   Eric Holder   2021 Oct 21, 9:43am  

richwicks says
EBGuy says
Larry Elder scared the shit out of some people. Hell, even I couldn't bring myself to check the box next to his name...

What exactly was scary about Larry Elder?

Is it because he was black?

71   Patrick   2021 Oct 21, 10:06am  


DERRY, ME—Police spent the day responding to a flurry of 911 calls from parents reporting a strange white van winding through their neighborhoods and circling park playgrounds. Officers who tracked down the vehicle were surprised to discover the man behind the driver’s seat, staring into back yards and living room windows, was President Joe Biden.

When asked by law enforcement why he was driving a rusted, windowless van through town while humming show tunes through a megaphone, the most popular president in our nation’s history responded, “Vaccines! I’m gonna shut down the virus, one plump little child at a time, one by one, yes, each one of those delicious little...Vaccines! Yes, gonna shut it down, little children...”

The police responded by backing away slowly, turning in their badges, and moving to Greenland.

The 46th President of the greatest nation on earth was later reported to have parked the dilapidated cargo van in a deserted parking lot in the area. Witnesses claim he spray-painted a banner along the side of the van that read: “Free Vaccines."

Dr. Fauci has recommended that all kids line up outside the van if they want to Trick or Treat this year.
72   Patrick   2021 Oct 21, 10:07am  


NEW YORK, NY—Experts are encouraging everyone to get their kids vaccinated, and are predicting dire consequences if this is not done. According to several top scientists, Pfizer executives won't meet their sales goals if you don't vaccinate your 5 to 11-year-old.

"This would be absolutely catastrophic for struggling Pfizer execs," said Dr. Wexner, an expert. "Not vaccinating your kindergartener could jeopardize their ability to make their Porsche payments, pay off their mistresses, or remain platinum members at their golf clubs. We just can't let that happen."

Experts say that while COVID poses almost zero risk to children, and the vaccine poses a small chance of making children die, the consequences of not vaccinating kids would be far worse, as drug company execs may have to dip into savings to buy a hooker. Even worse, economists warn that not vaccinating kids could cause drug company stock to dip one or two points, affecting millions of portfolios slightly.

"The science has spoken," said Wexner. "We can't afford for you to not do this. Please, do it for our Q4 sales numbers, er... I mean, do it for the kids."
74   mell   2021 Oct 21, 11:40am  

Thanks keep those coming,sending a of them to parents, they need to see this. If the inventor of the mrna jabs strongly speaking out against jabbing the youth doesn't convince them not much can, but worht a shot. The xiden admin are fucking murderers and maimers, so are newscum, breed, and all the governors supporting this shite.
75   Automan Empire   2021 Oct 21, 12:11pm  

That's a cool banner, except the needles are pointed in the "vaguely Eastern symbol of auspiciousness and good luck" configuration, not the Nazi clockwise configuration.
76   Patrick   2021 Oct 25, 10:10am  


Robert W Malone, MD
Oct 24
There is absolutely no scientific or medical justification for vaccinating children in my opinion. This man must be stopped.

To clarify, he needs to be stopped by political means or the court of law.
2:02 AM · Oct 25, 2021
77   Patrick   2021 Oct 25, 10:20am  


Sara Gonzales
Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull a healthy child out of public school and homeschool before he gave them this vaccine.
78   Patrick   2021 Oct 26, 12:26pm  


3 Minute Smackdown of the FDA
The FDA is considering the EUA status for Moderna's vaccine for kids 5 to 11 years old. One public commentator laid it all out there.
Justin Hart 40 min ago
His 3 key points (laid out in detail in the second video):

Hospital rates around pediatric COVID cases are inflated. One study out of Stanford estimated 45% of all child C19 hospitalizations were admitting for something other that COVID

By one estimate 50% of all U.S. children have recovered from COVID infections. Vaccines administered to these children absolutely pose a greater risk compared to potential infection from COVID again.

Cost/Benefit analysis must be made knowing that if a child receives a vaccine they will have boosters every 6 months and the risks grow for adverse reactions each time.

All true, but the motive for the vaxx clearly has nothing to do with public health.

It's greed, incompetence, and accumulation of government power. I hope. Because other motives are much darker.
79   HeadSet   2021 Oct 26, 1:05pm  

Automan Empire says
That's a cool banner, except the needles are pointed in the "vaguely Eastern symbol of auspiciousness and good luck" configuration, not the Nazi clockwise configuration.

Likely a "proof" style mirror image, like all those photos with the t-shirt lettering reversed.
80   Shaman   2021 Oct 26, 7:39pm  

And the panel recommended vaxxing the tykes unanimously, down to 5 years old! There were slightly more Covid hospitalizations for the age group than Covid vaccine hospitalizations for permanent heart damage so the benefit “outweighs the risk?!”

This is an atrocious decision and the FDA will undoubtedly use it to authorize an EUA for kids to take the vax. Then all the leftist parents will vax their kids, many will be permanently damaged, for the sin of having unGodly parents who are also idiots.

The adverse reactions will be downplayed, covered up, and censored. Victims and their families will be gaslighted. And then the GDA will approve the vax totally for tykes.

And then the mandates will go into effect.
I just hope this part doesn’t happen for another three months because that’ll buy us another semester.

At this point, I’m just buying time. Something will happen to change the scenario, if we buy enough time.
82   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Oct 26, 7:52pm  

Patrick says
Shaman says


Probably auto corrected FDA
83   Dholliday126   2021 Oct 26, 7:53pm  

Plan A: Homeschool to buy time
Plan B: Move to redstate
Plan C: Become nomad

Time solves volatility, hopefully enough people will say no.
84   mich   2021 Oct 26, 8:32pm  

I think it's time to have your plan B. I'm moving out of California next month. I think people in California will just follow orders like obedient dogs.

Ron Paul has an online course

side note Dr Elisa Song has great info re kids and covid shoot.
85   mell   2021 Oct 26, 9:14pm  

Shaman says
And the panel recommended vaxxing the tykes unanimously, down to 5 years old! There were slightly more Covid hospitalizations for the age group than Covid vaccine hospitalizations for permanent heart damage so the benefit “outweighs the risk?!”

This is an atrocious decision and the FDA will undoubtedly use it to authorize an EUA for kids to take the vax. Then all the leftist parents will vax their kids, many will be permanently damaged, for the sin of having unGodly parents who are also idiots.

The adverse reactions will be downplayed, covered up, and censored. Victims and their families will be gaslighted. And then the GDA will approve the vax totally for tykes.

And then the mandates will go into effect.
I just hope this part doesn’t happen for another three months because that’ll buy us another semester.

At this point, I’m just buying time. Something will happen to change the scenario, if we buy enough time.

The mandates will not be for 5-11, but 12 up. You cannot mandate a therapy under EUA. 5-11 will be EUA. Parents who jab their little kids with pfisters mrna can't be helped. Also fuck the fda, not a single voice of dissent
86   Shaman   2021 Oct 27, 5:44am  

mell says
The mandates will not be for 5-11, but 12 up. You cannot mandate a therapy under EUA. 5-11 will be EUA.

Correct, and the mandates for each age group can only go into effect when the FDA approves the vax for that age group. That could happen soon for 12-16 year olds, despite the adverse reactions already listed. And it could happen within months for the 5-11 crowd. The FDA is criminal. We can’t count on their sanity or morality. We have to resist, have to make it PAINFUL for the vax Nazis! If they experience bo negative effects from their illegal and immoral vax mandate, they will think themselves winners. We need to show them what losers they actually are.
87   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 10:07am  


Who? What? When? Where?
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
Tucker Carlson blasts the FDA panel decision approving Pfizer's vaccine for children. Important clip.

The FDA says safety will be studied by counting the maimings, infertility, and deaths among the children who get jabbed, after they are all jabbed.

Not kidding.
88   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 10:13am  


Pediatric COVID Hospitalizations Plunge As Schools Reopen, Baffling Experts
TUESDAY, OCT 26, 2021 - 07:50 PM
89   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 10:48am  


Children Shouldn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Harvard Professor Says

Children should not get vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID-19, according to Harvard University professor of medicine Martin Kulldorff.
90   Patrick   2021 Oct 27, 7:29pm  


FDA trying to hide data showing Pfizer’s covid “vaccine” is seriously injuring children
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
91   Patrick   2021 Oct 28, 10:03am  


NEW YORK, NY—In a moment celebrated by all hard-working lobbyists, Pfizer announced that the COVID-19 vaccine will reduce average daily child COVID deaths from almost zero all the way down to almost zero.

“These are phenomenal results. Our internal studies have proven a microscopic benefit to an even more microscopic risk to children,” stated Dee Pimbly, head of Pfizer’s Department of Propaganda to a crowd of journalists who have not allowed their own children to bask in the warm glow of sunlight, or interact with other children for almost no reason whatsoever.

FDA officials praised Pfizer for fighting a virus that is the leading killer of children after cancer, vehicular accidents, suicide, heart disease, drowning, suffocation, the flu, meteors from space, and slipping on a banana peel. Experts say the vaccine will probably kill more kids than it saves, but it's ok because science.

When asked about any safety concerns, an FDA official replied, “We’re excited to start giving it to them so we can find out.”

That is actually their plan. To kill some number of children with mandates, and then to count the number of dead children to see how "safe" the vaxx is.
92   Patrick   2021 Oct 29, 3:47pm  


The epidemic of allegedly unexplained teenage deaths continues to shock us all.

According to the UK Government’s own figures, published by The Exposé child deaths are 52% higher than the five year average since the jabbing started. And yet, officially, these are all unexplained. There is an epidemic of coincidental deaths. Perfectly healthy children are suddenly dropping dead. This is something incredibly rare. Tragically, now it is becoming common.

And still the authorities deny the link…

93   Patrick   2021 Oct 30, 9:20am  


Newsweek presented balanced arguments for and against vaccinating kids and for some reason the Twitter blue checks got reaaaaalllly mad about it
94   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 1, 12:54pm  

Never heard of emergency "Immunization" that had to be performed immediately.
96   Onvacation   2021 Nov 1, 7:45pm  

97   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 1, 8:15pm  

Onvacation says

Fucked up, but par for the course.
98   Patrick   2021 Nov 1, 10:24pm  

That manipulation Pfizer CEO Bourla spouted (see https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/pfizer-ceo-on-vaccine-hesitancy/comments ) is next level satanism.

"If you love people, you will GET INJECTED WITH ONLY SATAN KNOWS WHAT TO PROFIT PFIZER! But only if you love people."

It has no long-term safety data because there has been no long term.

There aren't even animal tests. People are the animals that Bourla is testing on.

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