BREAKING: NY Governor Fires Hospital Staff That Defy Mandate; Deploys National Guard

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2021 Sep 27, 3:13pm   4,898 views  67 comments

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BREAKING: New York Governor Kathy Hochul says she will deploy medically trained National Guard troops to replace unvaccinated healthcare workers in hospitals, who will be fired tonight.

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29   DhammaStep   2021 Sep 28, 6:48am  

I'll make a tour of some Manhattan hospitals today to see if any of healthcare workers are protesting outside, and I'll lend them my support.
30   Robert Sproul   2021 Sep 28, 6:48am  

Misc says
It's gonna be a real mess in about 2 weeks.

Coinciding with the inevitable seasonal kick-off of respiratory virus season, during which the Vaxxxed majority might just find out what ADE means.
31   Robert Sproul   2021 Sep 28, 7:14am  

Blue says
It can't be hard to hide or manage the numbers that can includes killing “unvaccinated”

I have heard convincing arguments that the Vaxxx is directly and quickly killing 1 in 3000 that get it.
They are easily sweeping those deaths under the Delta Variant Rug. The Cult doesn't acknowledge you as one of their own if you die within 2 weeks of receiving the Hot Shot.
33   Shaman   2021 Sep 28, 7:27am  

Robert Sproul says
I have heard convincing arguments that the Vaxxx is directly and quickly killing 1 in 3000 that get it.
They are easily sweeping those deaths under the Delta Variant Rug. The Cult doesn't acknowledge you as one of their own if you die within 2 weeks of receiving the Hot Shot.

And this guy might have found the precise reason for that.
34   HeadSet   2021 Sep 28, 7:31am  

DhammaStep says
I'll make a tour of some Manhattan hospitals today to see if any of healthcare workers are protesting outside, and I'll lend them my support.

Please let us know what you see.
35   WookieMan   2021 Sep 28, 7:33am  

Misc says
Remember they were fired for their own good as well as that of the patients' ----- liberal politicians really think that way

I don't understand it. My county here in IL is chill with restrictions, but 0.12% deaths out of total population that gets Covid. 1 in 1,000 basically. I'll take those odds as a mostly healthy person for a disease that kills really old or really unhealthy people. Let the other 999 of us live our lives.

Oh wait, more people are killed per capita in certain Chicago neighborhoods than Covid deaths per capita. Black lives matter though....
36   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Sep 28, 7:39am  

This could decimate upstate. Once you get outside of the NY metro area it gets rural and red real quick.

And its not just nurses.... what about doctors and / or hospital administrators? Support staff? Janitors? Etc.

Even if 80% are vaccinated that's a 20% reduction in staff overnight. National guard can only do so much to fill that gap.

There were staffing shortages before this. I don't see how this is legal, forcing people to get it or loose their livelihood? And to deny them unemployment as well?

Sad state of affairs.

37   richwicks   2021 Sep 28, 7:56am  

Misc says
The governor will have to resign or go double down on crazy.

Haha, you know damned well she'll just double down on crazy.

It's clown world after all!
38   richwicks   2021 Sep 28, 8:10am  

Misc says
Hopefully Biden's handlers will see the folly of vax mandates and stop the madness before he rolls it out nationwide.


Don't you people realize we've have a shitty, criminal, government for decades? They've been harassing, cajoling, lying, threatening the citizenry for YEARS. The cattle has gone along with it, over and over and over again. I'm fucking sick of it.

We can't VOTE to reform this government, we can't protest it, we cannot do anything at all - other than replace it.

We've been lied into murdering people in Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and probably Afghanistan. There's 500 people in prison for walking into the "People's" Building on January 6th. For 9 months we put up with Antifa and BLM burning, looting and murdering people, NOBODY is in jail. The police's motto is to "serve and protect" - serve and protect who?

Every soldier swears "I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

When are they going to uphold that oath? They won't. They simply won't. They never will.

So turn up the heat government, keep making it more and more uncomfortable. Burn people.

Because it's not mass murder that will get the population to put their government in check, it's not allowing them to use taxpayer money to fund criminals on wall street that will get the population off their ass. It's not consistent and OBVIOUS propaganda bullshit that will get them off their butts. A stolen election stirred them a tiny bit. They didn't do anything about the FBI and intelligence agencies trying to oust a president for 4 years. Promotion of transgendered children didn't get the population even miffed.

In the last 20 years, all I've learned is that ONLY thing that will get the land of the "free and brave" off their FUCKING assholes, is to hurt them.

So, I wish you all pain. That's the ONLY thing that will have any hope, at all, in fixing this country. If you don't fix this country, this is the next Nazi Germany, and this flag:

will be just as highly regarded as this flag is:

Within 50 years. I'm tired of people sitting on their assholes and just accepting anything. Your government is just as criminal, just as dishonest, just as ruthless as anybody in Germany's government was in 1940. Stop being the good Germans. Fucking tired of it.

And the ONLY way to get you to stop, is to have this criminal, sociopathic, government to cause MORE pain. So bring it on.
39   Automan Empire   2021 Sep 28, 8:51am  

Misc says
There's only about 5500 NY guardsmen in total.

It's very obvious the Governor's entire team failed to even pretend like they had run some numbers before making this threat. Or worse, they knew it was a hollow bluff and assumed the hospital staff would cave.

mell says
S. Texas Latinas if elected will have an enormous entertainment value due to their fiery personalities.

Side comment without derailing the thread. I (white guy) have spent half a century living among and even dating Latinas. Everyone I hear invoking the "spicy Latina" trope appears to have gained all their knowledge and experience of Latinas mainly by watching Sofia Vergara's annoying character on TV.
40   stereotomy   2021 Sep 28, 9:02am  

richwicks says
In the last 20 years, all I've learned is that ONLY thing that will get the land of the "free and brave" off their FUCKING assholes, is to hurt them.

The last time we had real pain was during the depths of the depression in the 1930's. It was parents watching their children slowly starve that stoked the fires of revolution. The new deal was enacted to stave off the revolution. That's how FDR sold it to his fellow plutocrats.

I wait, I sharpen the tines of my pitchfork, I tar the torch . . . soon , , ,
41   zzyzzx   2021 Sep 28, 9:03am  

Misc says
They are not going to come back.

Probably busy packing bags and planning their move to other states.
42   Patrick   2021 Sep 28, 9:28am  

WookieMan says
HumanDartboard says
They’re not giving them any unemployment benefits.

I'm hoping you're wrong to be honest.

It's true. No unemployment if you have been discriminated against due to unvaxxed status.

The corporate-government-wokeness complex is now deliberately altering rules specifically to harm people smart enough to stay away from the vaxx.

OSHA is also making an exception whereby employers are specifically not required to report harms caused by the jab mandates. But they are still required to report other occupational injuries as usual. Not making this up.
43   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 28, 10:31am  

T could Blue says
WookieMan says
This is actual murder and should be considered a crime.

So far they're planning number game which is working out. It can't be hard to hide or manage the numbers that can includes killing “unvaccinated” to show their moral superiority. No rational person can trust the system anymore. We are living in dangerous times. Stay healthy and safe.

Don’t forget, Iran is provoking a war with Israel that could break out any minute. This is the type of conflict that could easily escalate or entice a rouge element to do something really stupid/unexpected.

So add that that e list of challenges for this fall, shortages, lies, possible wars and all for most part avoidable if the powers that be would pull he right heads out of their rectums. But that is the point isn’t it, they thrive on crisis because it is the easiest way to achieve compliance by the sheep.
44   Shaman   2021 Sep 28, 10:33am  

zzyzzx says
Misc says
They are not going to come back.

Probably busy packing bags and planning their move to other states.

True. This healthcare worker shortage is now permanent. In three or four months Hochul is going to be on TV begging the fired workers to return and won’t get many takers. She will offer back pay if they come back, and still get a Fuck You from the workers. New York is irreversibly fucked thanks to Demoncrat “leadership.”
45   HeadSet   2021 Sep 28, 11:14am  

Shaman says
Hochul is going to be on TV begging the fired workers to return and won’t get many takers. She will offer back pay if they come back,

Offering incentives does not seem to be her style. She prefers threats and other manifestation of raw power. More likely she will threaten to confiscate any accumulated retirement credits for those who do not return. And what the hell happened to old time Unions? Old time Unions would never tolerate Hochul bringing in Filipino nurses, as that is tantamount to scab labor practices.
46   DhammaStep   2021 Sep 28, 11:22am  

DhammaStep says
I'll make a tour of some Manhattan hospitals today to see if any of healthcare workers are protesting outside, and I'll lend them my support.

Update: limited schedule so I was only able to scope out two locations. Zero protesting, could be from the rain. Could be those that were removed have already moved on.

One observation though, much of the medical staff I saw looked young. Almost not even out of college yet young.

I'll keep updating as I gain more observations.
47   zzyzzx   2021 Sep 28, 11:32am  

Shaman says
In three or four months Hochul is going to be on TV begging the fired workers to return and won’t get many takers.

Won't get any takers. Nobody regrets leaving NY.
48   Automan Empire   2021 Sep 28, 11:52am  

Patrick says
OSHA is also making an exception whereby employers are specifically not required to report harms caused by the jab mandates.

Holy crap, I just checked and it's TRUE.

DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.

Source, scroll down to "Vaccine related" https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/faqs
49   Robert Sproul   2021 Sep 28, 3:36pm  

Bd6r says
Nurses are in high demand everywhere. They can move to TX or FL and will be hired instantly...

This should be something that could be determined in real time by policy makers or interested media, by poling travel/transient nursing personnel agencies. Whatever the hell services that exist to service these needs must have up to the minute data.
50   richwicks   2021 Sep 28, 4:02pm  

PeopleUnited says
Don’t forget, Iran is provoking a war with Israel that could break out any minute.

Oh bullshit.

We all know goddamned well that if Israel gets into a war, the US will fight it - and that includes the Iranians.
51   zzyzzx   2021 Sep 28, 5:14pm  

Robert Sproul says
This should be something that could be determined in real time by policy makers or interested media, by poling travel/transient nursing personnel agencies. Whatever the hell services that exist to service these needs must have up to the minute data.

I was thinking that the traveling nurses were scoping out places to consider permanently relocating to....
53   Shaman   2021 Sep 29, 8:37am  

HeadSet says
And what the hell happened to old time Unions?

Unions have nearly universally sold out their membership to the vax nazis. We’ve known that union leaders were lefties, but we didn’t realize how utterly derelict they were capable of being when their true loyalties to Democrats conflicted with the duties to their members.
54   mell   2021 Sep 29, 8:43am  

Shaman says
HeadSet says
And what the hell happened to old time Unions?

Unions have nearly universally sold out their membership to the vax nazis. We’ve known that union leaders were lefties, but we didn’t realize how utterly derelict they were capable of being when their true loyalties to Democrats conflicted with the duties to their members.

There ain't no Jimmy Hoffa's anymore
55   stereotomy   2021 Sep 29, 8:48am  

Thatmell says
There ain't no Jimmy Hoffa's anymore

Not only that, but there's plenty of room beside his corpse in the endzone of Giant's Field.
57   HeadSet   2022 Sep 18, 6:21pm  

Lee Zelden is just a candidate - no probe will happen.
58   mell   2022 Sep 18, 7:12pm  

The moral turpitude of modern day leftoids is unrivaled
59   richwicks   2022 Sep 18, 7:30pm  

mell says

The moral turpitude of modern day leftoids is unrivaled

Hardly. In the USSR kids would denounce their parents which would lead to their execution.

Pavlik Morozov is a famous example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlik_Morozov

He was a martyr according to the government. He was murdered by his father's family. Most of the story was likely falsified, but there were believers. The story was used for decades

So, we're not there yet.
60   mell   2022 Sep 18, 8:25pm  

richwicks says

mell says

The moral turpitude of modern day leftoids is unrivaled

Hardly. In the USSR kids would denounce their parents which would lead to their execution.

Pavlik Morozov is a famous example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlik_Morozov

He was a martyr according to the government. He was murdered by his father's family. Most of the story was likely falsified, but there were believers. The story was used for decades

So, we're not there yet.

That was 100 years ago, we should enlighten with time, similar to the fact that we're not in the middle ages anymore. For today it comes very close, Russian roulette with a good chance of premature death or lose your livelihood.
61   richwicks   2022 Sep 19, 2:39pm  

mell says

That was 100 years ago, we should enlighten with time, similar to the fact that we're not in the middle ages anymore. For today it comes very close, Russian roulette with a good chance of premature death or lose your livelihood.

We have enlightened, but don't you realize they are trying pull us back?

I used to view televangelists and religion as being the threat, and that threat was diminished, but the new tact is communism. The problem as I see it is we have a deeply uninformed public. Our government was promoting religious insanity in the 1980's now they are promoting communism. We defeated the first, now we have to defeat the second.

The worry though is that defeating the 2nd, that can lead to a demand for an absolute rule, a sort of fascism. I expect the next push (and we can already see it) will be for a new feudalism.

We are improving however, I see education being decimated, youtube is filled with nonsense "science" now, propaganda is constantly promoted as "truth". The establishment is getting more desperate and more dangerous, but they aren't worldwide. Even if the United States fails, we have to make certain other nations don't.

The Internet is a cornucopia of information but it has more bullshit today than it did 20 years ago. I think that can be corrected.

There really is a war between good and evil. Never thought I'd say that 20 years ago, but it's obvious to me now. There's a real force to keep people ignorant and helpless versus a force that wants to free everybody. Everybody is better off in an enlightened society, except the scammers, the liars, the parasites - that's who runs our society.
62   Patrick   2023 Jan 25, 10:17pm  


Gov Hochul Refuses to Re-Hire Fired Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers after Mandate Overturned, Despite Shortage
63   Misc   2023 Jan 26, 3:21am  

Patrick says


Gov Hochul Refuses to Re-Hire Fired Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers after Mandate Overturned, Despite Shortage

It's not that she doesn't want to...her State is simply doesn't have the funds to hire anybody new.
64   DhammaStep   2023 Jan 26, 7:43am  

Patrick says


Gov Hochul Refuses to Re-Hire Fired Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers after Mandate Overturned, Despite Shortage

Why would they? It's about getting rid of your ideological opponents, not anything else.
67   stereotomy   2024 Apr 2, 11:25am  

Goddamn that fucking cunt Hochul. She stole the 2022 Gubernatorial election. Fucking globohomo cutout.

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