Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   219,261 views  1,257 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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325   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 10:29am  


That's because the first two shots FAILED.

In addition to being a violation of the Nuremburg Code and basic human rights.
326   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 12:29pm  


There is no stopping condition
I asked the CDC for the stopping condition for the COVID vaccines: you know, like how many kids have to die before they pull the plug, ... Do you want to know what they said?

I sent an email to everyone at the CDC who was involved in the investigation of his death asking them what the stopping condition was for these vaccines. How many kids have to die? How many adults have to die? How many previously healthy Americans have to be permanently disabled?

I received no reply.

That’s pretty much what I expected.

If you don’t believe me, you are welcome to ask them yourself. You can find their emails here. If you do ask and get a response, please post their response in the comments.

But this tells you everything you need to know, doesn’t it?

Ask your blue pill friends what the stopping condition is

If you are trying to convince your blue pill friends that there really is something very seriously wrong, simply ask them to tell you the stopping condition. If they don’t find it troubling that they can’t answer your question, then they are unreachable and you are wasting your time.
327   Misc   2022 Jan 7, 12:35pm  

If they can answer your question, would you listen to their reply?
328   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 1:04pm  


Study Suggests That Moderna and Pfizer Vaccine Selection Triggered Disease Enhancement in Delta and Its Spread
Scientists are careful to hedge on the political ramifications of their findings, but publish anyway
329   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 1:04pm  

Misc says
If they can answer your question, would you listen to their reply?

The point of asking the "stopping condition" question is to get a lightbulb to go on in their heads.
331   charlie303   2022 Jan 7, 1:17pm  

Patrick says

With Omicron: Negative Efficacy Like Never Before

I've said it before and I'll say it again - It's the vaxx causing the illness!
The narrative that you would be much worse without the vaxx is still just about holding up but people are slowly questioning and realizing that Omnicold isn't that bad for most.
Do we need 4th and 5th boosters for a cold they muse?
What about Vitamin D, C and Zinc some of them can be heard saying.
Glacially slow turn the wheels but turn they do.


333   Misc   2022 Jan 7, 3:55pm  

Patrick says
Misc says
If they can answer your question, would you listen to their reply?

The point of asking the "stopping condition" question is to get a lightbulb to go on in their heads.

But if they answer the question logically, it forces the questioner to change their world view. Few people are able to change their worldview and thus become overly defensive and seek a "safe space" from the "bad man".
334   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 5:04pm  


El Camino Hospital CMO admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated
In a confidential memo to hospital staff, Mark Adams, the Chief Medical Officer of El Camino Hospital, admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated. Whoops!
335   Misc   2022 Jan 7, 5:11pm  

Patrick says

El Camino Hospital CMO admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated
In a confidential memo to hospital staff, Mark Adams, the Chief Medical Officer of El Camino Hospital, admits that 57% of their hospitalized COVID patients are fully vaccinated. Whoops!

That can't be right. Haven't the powers that be changed it to 3 jabs to be fully vaxxed?

That way only 22% are fully vaxxed.
336   Patrick   2022 Jan 7, 8:11pm  


Welcome to the new normal: 13-year-olds dying from cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is very rare for people under 30. Today, 13-year-olds dying from cardiac arrest are pretty common. The one thing they all have in common: recent vaccination with the COVID vaccines.

Before the COVID vaccines, cardiac arrest = very rare
Before the COVID vaccines, it was very rare for a healthy 13-old-year to die from cardiac arrest.

After the COVID vaccines, cardiac arrest = not so rare
Now, with the rollout of the COVID vaccines, it is becoming commonplace.

Remember Jacob Clynick, the 13-year old from Minnesota who died of cardiac arrest on June 20, 2021, just 3 days after his second Pfizer shot?

Diana West: "It's A Great Day For Defibrillators"
They're Being Installed Everywhere, Because Heart Attacks Are Part Of The New Normal, Even In Children
340   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 8:26pm  


Here’s a link to over 1,000 studies published in peer reviewed medical journals documenting the risks of the COVID vaccines.

Hmmm…. Shouldn’t these be part of informed consent?

If you have any blue pillers who you are trying to persuade, ask them if they’ve read any of the studies and have them explain to you why you shouldn’t be concerned.
341   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 8:34pm  


Let’s be clear. The more you vaccinate, the sicker you get. That’s what the science says.
The Lyons-Weiler paper

The Harvard study

The German study

The Denmark study (which shows Dr. James was right; you have to boost every 30 days to maintain protection.

German government data (this is from The Expose)

80% of the COVID deaths in the UK are vaccinated
342   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 9:30pm  


The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makers. They indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the “key to gain back our freedoms.” The effect of vaccines on total cases per million and its low positive association with total vaccinations per hundred signifies a limited impact of vaccines on lowering COVID-19 associated cases.
344   Ceffer   2022 Jan 8, 10:08pm  

Gee, like, you'd almost think they are committing some kind of humanitarian crime or something, almost ON PURPOSE! No, it can't be! The government would NEVER do anything like that!
345   charlie303   2022 Jan 9, 3:05am  

Patrick says

Let’s be clear. The more you vaccinate, the sicker you get. That’s what the science says.

It's not a vaccine.
It's a bio-chemical weapon.
The clock is ticking as to when these highly intelligent and very successful people realize this and have the courage to verbally say that we are in a War.

Hold the Line and Hunker Down till Spring.
I believe the tide will have turned by then.

346   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 9, 4:00am  

charlie303 says
Hold the Line and Hunker Down till Spring.

347   WookieMan   2022 Jan 9, 6:06am  

My sister just got Covid (didn't tell us) and she was fully vaccinated with "booster" jab. Symptomatic but not bad. She has lupus as well. High BP (in the family as I mentioned). Turns 41 next month. Her immune system is shit compared to most and this is the second time she's gotten it. We need to move on. Protect the old and really, really, really weak people.

The comments above about testing are spot on. The claim these tests and vaccines are free are pure bullshit. None of it works but it keeps getting pumped. Just take the masks off and put the damn needles down. Soooooo sick of seeking stock video for 5-10 minutes every morning if I'm watching TV of seeing people get shots. I'm fully aware of what a vaccine shot is, I don't need to see it. Clearly part of the propaganda.

Then there's all the shots of an obnoxiously large Q-tip being shoved up peoples noses. Again, don't see to see it. If colon cancer ramped up for some reason, would they show footage of a colonoscopy? There are websites and dedicated medical channels that can provide that if you want to see how it works. Don't need to see any of this shit when getting ready in the morning or winding down at night.

I want data on who is dying. Not cases. "News" should do it like our ME bullshit wars and show montages of soldiers that died on the evening news, but with covid deaths. And not cherry picked deaths. Report what is actually happening. Any death is a bad dead (unless deserved) but I don't think people fully understand who is dying. I think a lot of people would be shocked. And for anyone here that has lost someone it sucks, but putting a mask on, being a science project of Fauci's and big Pharma for probably less than 1% of the vulnerable population that is close to death and has a lived a life is pure retardation.

Daily covid rant over.
348   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 9, 6:12am  

WookieMan says
oooooo sick of seeking stock video for 5-10 minutes every morning if I'm watching TV of seeing people get shots.

350   Patrick   2022 Jan 10, 6:09pm  


More than a year after Fosun said it would import mRNA vaccines to China, and six months after Chinese regulators supposedly reviewed the clinical trial results, the vaccine remains unavailable.

The Chinese don't want that mRNA shit.
351   Patrick   2022 Jan 11, 8:04pm  


COVID Deaths in U.S. Military Spike in Last Four Months Despite 96 Percent Being Vaccinated

The title is wrong. It should read: "COVID Deaths in U.S. Military Spike in Last Four Months BECAUSE 96 Percent Vaxxed""
353   Patrick   2022 Jan 12, 8:43pm  


those who get a booster are, for at least 14 days, MUCH more likely to get sick. this is high hit probability fire to run across. the risk, in the middle of an omicron surge, is very high to begin with. this is not a time you want to be immuno-suppressed.
355   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 12:48pm  


The whole pandemic response has been absolutely ridiculous and indefensible. If you were to ask me for my advice (which nobody is going to do), it would be very simple:

End all mandates, lockdowns, and stop all vaccines immediately. Only if there is safe, sterilizing vaccine that has been tested for over 2 years, and has efficacy even after the virus mutates, then that could be considered to be used.

End the liability protection for all vaccines now. Why should vaccines be a “protected species”? There is no basis in science for this.

No one should ever be coerced into taking an injection or doing anything else to their body in order to keep their job, avoid taxes, or walk into a business.

If you are worried about getting COVID, buy a respirator and have a nice day. Nobody should be forced to use interventions that protect themselves from death.

If you get COVID, verify with a rapid antigen test, then use a proven early treatment protocol. Problem solved.

Stop censoring doctors. Period. If you take away a doctor’s license, it should be based on patient outcomes, not what they say on social media.

Call a halt to the “emergency.” There never was an emergency. We’ve known about effective early treatments since March 2020. It was incompetence at the CDC, FDA, NIH that caused the problem.

Get rid of the corruption at the FDA, CDC, and NIH. That would be a good start. Tony Fauci, John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, Steven Anderson, Cliff Lane should be the first to be shown the door. Anyone who couldn’t find the safety signals in the VAERS system should go.
356   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 12:49pm  


Covid infections and deaths SOAR after the first vaccine dose
Stunning figures from Canada show a huge spike in cases after vaccinations; to the Centers for Disease Control and the media, all these deaths are occurring in the "unvaccinated."

Alex Berenson

The Covid vaccines look worse and worse.

A reader has pointed out an amazing dataset from the province of Alberta, Canada which reports Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by day after the first and second vaccine doses.

Infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from Covid all soar in the days and weeks after people receive their first vaccine dose.

357   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 12:56pm  


if you have a vaccine that reduces your risk of death from covid by 50%, that sounds like a big deal. but it might not be. if your risk was only 1 in 10,000 to begin with, who cares? the risk reduction is not worth the side effects.

but what if your initial risk was high? is it then a good idea? well, it depends.

if the vaccines also doubles your risk of getting covid, then no. 2X risk X 50% risk reduction puts you right back where you started and you experienced the side effects and risks of vaccination for no gain. and wow do they keep ignoring that one. ...

this data comes from jamie jenkins, former head of health and jobs data at the UK office of national statistics:

Jamie Jenkins
🚨🚨 Bremen in Germany has the country's highest COVID-19 vaccination rate by far, but it has become the hardest-hit by the rapid spread of Omicron. ...

and yet, despite all this data, milgram not only keeps demanding we shock the subject, but is demanding data suppression so you cannot hear the screams.

it’s chilling enough to see a sitting president of the US ask the media to engage in censorship, but to watch him do so to suppress the very data that refutes the failed and flailing policies he’s ramming down our throats is just staggering. ...

no one with the data on their side does this.

it’s as reprehensible as it is damaging both to civil society and to public health. it’s a practice with a long an unpleasant history.

the side of suppression is NEVER the side of science.

fortunately, media has become far too polyglot for this to work. this is a tactic from the old days when you just needed to whip a few editors into line.

hilariously, they are literally building a road map to what they want to obscure.

apparently, the concept of “streisand effect” is one that “experts” cannot grasp.

far too many now understand the heuristic of “that which they seek to suppress is that which you most urgently need to know.”
358   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 1:41pm  


Yet the NY opera is demanding that people get a booster shot to enter, which will cause MORE CASES not fewer.

They had already required the first two shots.

359   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 1:44pm  


There are currently (as of Jan 7, 2022) 156,769 people in VAERS with reports of skin problems post COVID-19 injection.
360   Patrick   2022 Jan 14, 5:34pm  


The Canadian province of Alberta has censored data showing a huge increase in Covid infections and deaths in people following their first Covid vaccine dose.

Yesterday I wrote a Substack highlighting the data, which were presented in chart form on the province’s official Website.

The charts are available here, Figure 12, on this Web page:


Did I say “are”?

I meant were.

They’re gone. They’ve been removed. From an official government Website. Without notice. Not even a note claiming they’re being updated, or double-checked, or anything. They’re just gone. The page now ends at Figure 11. Nothing below.

Fortunately, the Wayback Machine (thank you, Wayback Machine!) still has them, so nobody can claim I made them up, or something..

COVID-19 Alberta statistics | alberta.ca (archive.org)

We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
361   Patrick   2022 Jan 15, 8:54pm  


On Thursday January 13, Legal Counsel for the California Chapter of Children’s Health Defense sent a letter to all California Universities demanding that they immediately rescind their recent mandate that all students receive a COVID-19 “booster” as a condition for attendance at Spring Semester and that they make any COVID-19 vaccination policy, including booster policies, voluntary.

Because of the current global data revealing that the injections are neither safe nor effective at stopping transmission, infection, hospitalization, or death and might actually cause and heighten these harms,…
…proceeding with a mandatory injection and /or booster policy is not only unscientific and illegal, but increasingly corrupt and sinister. As a result, the universities are under a legal, ethical, and moral obligation to discontinue their forced vaccination policy.

The letter reads as follows...

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