Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their body, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   181,423 views  1,248 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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1221   GNL   2024 Jun 22, 11:11am  

@Patrick et al,

Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?
1222   HeadSet   2024 Jun 22, 12:30pm  

GNL says

Patrick et al,

Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?

And you think the vaxx will be any less deadly?
1223   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 12:41pm  

GNL says

Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?


Change my mind about what?

Mandated "vaccines"? Never. It must always be a crime punishable by hanging to mandate the injection of anything.

There are no exceptions, ever. Everyone who mandates any injection MUST be hanged. Without those hangings, the entire world is in continuous danger of genocide by injection. There is no possible virus even remotely as dangerous as mandated injections.

It doesn't even make sense to mandate any "vaccine". If a "vaccine" works, fine, take it and "protect" yourself, but then you have no reason to mandate that anyone else takes it, because you're protected by it, right?
1226   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 1:55pm  

I thought the recommended number was up to 78 by now, but maybe that's the entire childhood schedule of poisonings including older children.
1227   GNL   2024 Jun 22, 3:19pm  

HeadSet says

GNL says

Patrick et al,

Do you change your mind if a much deadlier virus is released?

And you think the vaxx will be any less deadly?

I’ve always believed that if they really wanted to TPTB can win any way they want to play it. Either kill by released gain of function virus or by a deadly “vaccine”. Either way, they win.
1228   Onvacation   2024 Jun 22, 4:22pm  

GNL says

I’ve always believed that if they really wanted to TPTB can win any way they want to play it. Either kill by released gain of function virus or by a deadly “vaccine”. Either way, they win.

Had they won we would be eating bugs in our 15 minute cities while taking our quarterly vaxx update.

There are more of us than them.
1229   GNL   2024 Jun 22, 5:54pm  

Onvacation says

GNL says

I’ve always believed that if they really wanted to TPTB can win any way they want to play it. Either kill by released gain of function virus or by a deadly “vaccine”. Either way, they win.

Had they won we would be eating bugs in our 15 minute cities while taking our quarterly vaxx update.

There are more of us than them.

True but, if their goals are real, there will be much, much, much gnashing of teeth.
1230   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 6:08pm  

Not after we hang them all for their crimes.

Pfauci pfirst. Then Bourla. Then Gates.
1231   GNL   2024 Jun 22, 6:17pm  

Patrick says

Not after we hang them all.

I’m just trying to be realistic. TPTB sure are cocky. They must know something. I don’t think you’ll be able to exact justice because you won’t be able to get near them.
1232   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 6:23pm  

Oh, we're near them all the time. Everyone is.

They have much larger footprints than you or I. They have servants, they have bureaucracies, many many people know who they are and where they live.
1233   HeadSet   2024 Jun 22, 7:03pm  

GNL says

I don’t think you’ll be able to exact justice because you won’t be able to get near them.

True. Notice that no employer or college president who mandated the vaxx has been shot by a parent/spouse who had a loved one die from that mandated vaxx.
1234   GNL   2024 Jun 22, 7:17pm  

Patrick says

Oh, we're near them all the time. Everyone is.

They have much larger footprints than you or I. They have servants, they have bureaucracies, many many people know who they are and where they live.

Won’t they just give these people anything they want in order to keep their loyalty? TPTB have the greatest weapon of all time…fiat.
1235   Patrick   2024 Jun 22, 7:21pm  

True, the Federal Reserve can just credit the bank accounts of anyone they need to bribe. It was Vivek Ramaswamy who pointed this out. I was impressed when I heard him say it.

And the Fed has never been audited, so there is no way to know what they are doing with the money they create from nothing.

The Federal Reserve is the enemy of transparency and of the freedom to keep the money you earn.
1236   Onvacation   2024 Jun 23, 8:50am  

HeadSet says

True. Notice that no employer or college president who mandated the vaxx has been shot by a parent/spouse who had a loved one die from that mandated vaxx.

1237   GNL   2024 Jun 23, 9:57am  

Patrick says

True, the Federal Reserve can just credit the bank accounts of anyone they need to bribe. It was Vivek Ramaswamy who pointed this out. I was impressed when I heard him say it.

And the Fed has never been audited, so there is no way to know what they are doing with the money they create from nothing.

The Federal Reserve is the enemy of transparency and of the freedom to keep the money you earn.

It is enemy #1.
1238   Patrick   2024 Jun 23, 8:47pm  


The natural routes of entry into the human body, be they for food, air, or reproduction, do not include penetrating the skin. This mode of introduction of foreign material is inherently unnatural, abnormal, and potentially dangerous. When truly necessary and properly performed it should be used, but when unnecessary it should be avoided.

When you recoil at the thought of a needle penetrating your skin and injecting you with something, this is a normal, sensible, and self-preservatory reaction. You may note that this aversion to needles is similar to how you would feel about a mosquito, a leech, a snake bite, or even a knife in your back. This is not a coincidence.

Parasites, poisoners, and predators come in many sizes, shapes, and species. Become as knowledgeable as possible about anything you allow to be done to you. Listen to your own God-given body. Trust your own instincts. Learn to say no. Protect your bodily integrity. Protect yourself.
1239   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 9:13am  


To say the awful reality of Biden’s diminished capacity shattered Democrat world views too-narrowly skates over the even more profound implications. For just one example, everyone just found out, beyond any legitimate argument, that the White House and the entire media have been covering for Biden, lying in other words, about the single most important fact about the single most important decision facing the entire world: can Biden put on his pants one leg at a time like everyone else?

Beyond the confirmed disclosure of coordinated media dishonesty, there are a thousand thousand more implications, all exploding from the debate in slow motion like shards of shattered glass.

I wonder if the vaxxers wil now come to reality.
1242   Patrick   2024 Jul 3, 2:11pm  


The horror of right-wing thought crime is eternally lurking in the progressive imagination, waiting menacingly to destroy the prospects of their utopia.
1245   Patrick   2024 Jul 7, 5:57pm  

Patrick says


The horror of right-wing thought crime is eternally lurking in the progressive imagination, waiting menacingly to destroy the prospects of their utopia.

1246   Patrick   2024 Jul 8, 1:50am  


These "ambassadors of Truth" remain remarkably unmoved when it later turns out that the story they defended uncritically was wrong. The corona crisis abundantly demonstrated this. Almost everything about the mainstream narrative turned out to be wrong: the virus was bred in a lab rather than arising from zoonosis; the mortality of the virus was at least ten times lower than stated; the vaccine did not prevent the spread of the virus and had many more side effects than suggested, and so on.

The reaction of the population when the lies are revealed is especially astonishing. Hannah Arendt put it this way: "The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness" (The Origins of Totalitarianism p. 382).
1248   Patrick   2024 Jul 8, 11:06pm  


Kyle Warner, After Speaking Out About His Jab Injury: "I've never experienced such hate in my life"
C Talk, November 14, 2021

-This was filmed and posted shortly after Kyle Warner gave his testimony on his jab injury at Senator Johnson's Roundtable in Washington DC on November 2, 2021. For a transcript of that testimony, and link to the source video, see https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/155986.html

KYLE WARNER [crying]: I need to be done. Just, like, social media, and done with all these things for a while and until I can get better. Because I've never, I've never experienced such hate in my life. And I don't know how, I don't know how people are supposed to deal with it.

Like, I think I finally just broke today. But I don't, I don't know what to do. Like, I, I hate my life so much right now.

And the the sad thing is that, like, like, I'm getting attacked from both sides so hard, and I'm just a du—, like I'm just a guy, I'm trying to just do the right thing I just want to share my story. I want to tell people what's going on. And then it's, like, you can't say anything now with the way things are. And, like, I just don't know what to do anymore. And I've been so suicidal the past couple weeks and, like, I've just been trying so hard to get through this whole thing and to try to get better and then, like, I don't know, going to DC and seeing the people that are injured and, like, I'm lucky that I'm, I'm probably gonna be OK physically, but I don't know emotionally anymore because and, you know, I have a lot of love and support and I appreciate that, but it's so hard to just be constantly berated by people all the time just for trying to share my story. And, like, all I've tried to do this whole time is to advocate for a conversation. I'm not trying to tell you what to do or tell you what not to do, I'm just saying, here's a data point that you can look at and factor into your decision. Because I will tell you right now that, like, my life has completely changed. And I've lost friends, I've lost family members, I've lost all of these things just by going through this situation.

And, like, I got, I got vaccinated to try to do my part, and, you know, I got injured, which sucks and it's a rare thing, right? But it doesn't feel rare when it happens to you. But if I would have got covid and if i would have all these same symptoms and dealt with this whole thing through covid I wouldn't be hated so much.

Like, I don't know how, I don't know how the toxicity of people has become worse than the disease that we're fighting. Like, we've done such a shitty job as people of trying to remain human.

I, just, it's so hard because people don't know, people don't know what this is like until it happens to you. And I empathize with people that have had issues with covid, I empathize with people that have had other issues throughout pandemic or other things, right? But to be injured by this thing that's so toxic in society where you can't even talk, and you can't get support, you can't tell people even. Like, I had a hard time finding a therapist because when you say vaccine injury they're, like, oh you're crazy.

And it's like, I don't know what we're supposed to do as people. And I'm just sad at where we are right now. And like I said, I'm gonna take a break for a while.

And so, yeah, I just wanted to kind of post this and like I said, I'm sorry that I can't continue to speak out for the people that do need it. But just please try to be, like, more kind and empathetic to people. Because it's hard. No one wants to go through this stuff. No one. I never wanted to be a part of this. I don't want to be a voice for this. And this is sad what they do to people that try to speak out and tell their story, you know?

So, yeah. Thank you guys for everything. I promise I'm not, I'm not gonna, like, commit suicide or anything but I, I've been thinking about it a lot lately and just how much easier it would be just to not have to deal with all this stuff. And then it scares me because I don't want to, I don't want to think that way, and I just want to get back to normal. I just want to be a positive influence, you know? I don't want to be, I don't want to be this person anymore. I don't want to be injured.

And I just hope people realize that the whole time all I've been trying to do and trying to advocate for is just, like, I just want the conversation to be had. And yesterday someone just told me that I need to stop asking for money because it look, it makes me look like a peasant, or it makes me look pitiful. I'm, like, I've never I've never asked for money. This isn't about money this is about liability. That's all it is, it's about liability, like, who has the liability here? And when someone's making money off of this whole thing, there needs to be liability. Period. Because my life is affected drastically drastically, and I'm lucky. Our of my react19 group[1] 6 people committed suicide in the past month or so. Like, this is a real thing. There's no one to talk to, there's no one to go to, and then everything's censored.

So I tried to be that voice, and I was just driving to a doctor's appointment this morning and I just kind of broke down and pulled over, and then I just, I don't want to have to go through emotion again like I said, so I'm just making this video. But thank you guys for watching it and I don't know if there is anything, like, I'm just so scared about losing our livelihood and losing our jobs and I don't know if there's, I don't know what to do.

So hopefully next time it'll be a better video but, yeah, thank you guys for everything, I really appreciate it. And just please, like, try to be nicer to people that you don't understand.

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