Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their body, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   200,602 views  1,330 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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766   Patrick   2023 Jul 10, 6:37pm  


What? 10th COVID infection yet took 4 shots (quadruple)? The Australian Queensland person says she wants more shots to help her? She wants a 5th? Problem is, many like her abound, misguided, gullible

I do not blame her, she is following ORDERS by her totalitarian Aussie moronic government, I blame the criminal Aussie doctors who think that a 5th shot will help her; corrupted doctors (EUGYPPIUS)

‘Via Jordan Schachtel, I present you the case of fully-vaccinated-and-then-some Gold Coast resident Marion Carrett, who believes she has had ten documented Covid infections since 2022. ...

Then comes the truly depressing, horrifying punchline. She’s now stopped going into the office entirely, “resolving to spend three months working from home in a desperate attempt to out-manoeuvre the virus at least long enough to” – and I confess even I didn’t see this coming – “get a fifth vaccine dose.”

I’m tempted to type many things here, but in the interests of charity towards a poor woman who is merely doing what she’s been told, I’ll just ask this: What kind of doctor could possibly think that giving Carrett a fifth immune exposure to the SARS-2 spike protein, on top of the four jabs and six to ten natural exposures she’s already had, could be a good idea in any universe? What, conceptually and theoretically, is vaccine number five even supposed to achieve here?
767   Patrick   2023 Jul 12, 8:45pm  


I think a Midwestern Doctor gives a great example of how the fraud plays out:

Because of these, we typically see a similar pattern with vaccination.

•Initially, the vaccine is portrayed as being dramatically safer and more effective than it is. This is used to convince the public to support a voluntary and limited mass vaccination campaign.

Note: In recent decades, pervasive corruption has entered the academic publishing industry, and as a result, a fairly consistent playbook has been developed for concealing the adverse effects observed in clinical trials and making an ineffective drug appear effective. This fraud is relatively easy to recognize (e.g., it’s covered in this book and this book), but unfortunately, the medical journals are financially dependent on the pharmaceutical companies and thus never expose it. For example, when I read the NEJM paper on the COVID-19 vaccine, I had a very good idea of the research fraud that likely occurred due to my familiarity with the horrendous HPV vaccine trials. Because of this, much of the research fraud and gaslighting of injured clinical trial participants I predicted would happen was later confirmed by whistleblowers and participants within the trials.

•Once a certain threshold of people receives the vaccine, the fact that so many people have been vaccinated is used to create the political justification to create some mandate for the vaccine.

•The vaccine fails to achieve what it was promised to do and injures numerous vaccinated people, creating widespread resistance in the population.

Note: aggressive marketing of a vaccine over a short period suggests there will be significant issues with the vaccine that thus requires hitting the necessary threshold for mandates before widespread resistance emerges against the vaccine.

•This vaccine failure is interpreted as a sign that not enough people were vaccinated, rather than the vaccine being unable to prevent disease outbreaks (and in some cases worsening them).

•Typically, in nature, if something fails to work or causes an undesirable state to be reached, a corrective measure will stop it from continuing to occur (this is known as negative feedback). The failure of vaccines, coupled with the unbreakable faith in them instead, results in a positive feedback loop where their failures increase the zeal to vaccinate.

•In a few cases (specifically with the most dangerous vaccines), this has led to widespread protests against their use (e.g., there was a widespread protest in the military against the anthrax mandates). The earliest example was the mass protests against the failed smallpox vaccines over a century ago which eventually ended the mandates and not long after smallpox as well.

Everything we’ve witnessed with the public protest against the COVID-19 vaccines is a deja vú of the smallpox debacle, which serves to illustrate how deeply these patterns are ingrained within our collective psyche.
768   Patrick   2023 Jul 16, 1:10pm  


CULT-WATCH: "Fully Vaccinated" Covid Advisor MD Passes Out In Bathroom, Wakes Up In Pool Of Blood With Fractured Neck, Blames Shower Steam and Urges People to "Get Vaccinated"

Narration As Inversion-Craft, Masochism As Social Status: Covid Propaganda May Eclipse Soviet Or Nazi Propaganda As Total Assault On The Human Mind
771   Patrick   2023 Jul 20, 8:52am  


What if Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is correct? The Dutch virologist said at the outset of the Covid-19 episode in 2020 that vaccinating the world in the midst of an epidemic was insane because it would train the virus to evolve more dangerously while disabling human immune systems.

Last week he issued a warning that the world was within weeks of just such a new and deadly immune escape variant outbreak that would bring on a shocking wave of sickness and death among people who received multiple Covid-19 vaccinations. This would happen on top of an already accelerating rise in latent vaccine adverse reactions manifesting as aggressive cancers, blood disorders, cardiac injury, neurological disease, and much, much more.

To this point in the Covid-19 story, Western Civ in general, and the USA in particular, have descended into an epic group psychosis as a result of the managed mind-fuckery induced by their own governments in collusion with a pharmaceutical industry metastasizing on money the way an aggressive cancer feeds on sugar in a human body. Fearful citizens swallowed all manner of unreality foisted on them by means of propaganda and censorship.

We still don’t know for sure how, who, and why, exactly, Covid-19 was set loose on the world, and the public health agencies don’t want you to know. Perhaps the worst and most baldly dishonest act was the official suppression of effective treatments with common, safe, anti-virals that could have saved millions of lives. And all just to preserve the vaccine companies’ liability shield from the Emergency Use Authorization. In fact, governments are still militating against the sale and use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, which could be taken prophylactically in anticipation of a new outbreak.

So, if these populations were driven crazy by authorities ginning up their fear and preying on it, what will happen if that fear turns to anger instead? Because that’s exactly what will happen when Americans, and perhaps even Europeans, realize they’ve been subject to history’s biggest homicidal fraud. That anger is going to seek targets, and they are going to find them very easily in their own government officials and also — get this — in the medical establishment that has betrayed its patients so unconscionably. ...
772   GNL   2023 Jul 20, 10:56am  

In a couple of weeks we should see mass death here in the US? What would be considered mass death?
773   Patrick   2023 Jul 22, 2:18am  

I doubt it, but you never know. I stick by my statement that the jab has killed about 1 in 800 recipients so far, which is about 1000x higher than any other drug.

There does also seem to be greatly reduced fertility. So I might believe that it was designed for slow depopulation, just below the level at which the public hangs all the "public health" officials who screamed the lie that the toxxine is "safe and effective" over and over.
774   Patrick   2023 Jul 22, 10:19am  


Post-Covid Panic Idiocracy, or: The Phantom Lion of Kleinmachnow

How a dumb Twitter video cast a small town near Berlin into two days of ridiculous panic. ...

Civilian sightings intensified into the evening, and townspeople told reporters they could hear ominous roaring in the darkness.

With the search still fruitless by noon on Friday, Kleinmachnow announced that it would cancel the first major events. An outdoor cinema and a concert would be held over the weekend indoors instead of on Friday evening outside.

All the while, there were a few reasonable voices. In the earliest hours of the panic, an association of zoo veterinarians issued a press release explaining that the animal in the Twitter video was not a lion at all. ...

A mere half hour after cancelling outdoor events, Grubert’s lion farce fell apart. The battle-hardened mayor was compelled to convene another press conference, this one rather more awkward than his earlier performances. The animal experts he’d finally bothered to speak with had explained to him that the video which set off the panic depicted not a lion, but an ordinary boar, of the kind which roam the woods of Europe in abundance. They are not generally dangerous. They eat mainly roots, nuts and garbage. ...

Good analogy to the virus idiocy.
776   Patrick   2023 Jul 24, 5:28am  


If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time
777   Patrick   2023 Jul 24, 5:59am  


Covid Vaccine Uptake By Astrological Sign
There's a 24 point difference between the most jabbed zodiac and the least.

EVERYBODY talked about the difference in vaccine uptake between Democrats and Republicans. The news made out like MAGA retards were holding everybody back. The difference was far less than it was between Leos and Scorpios. Which one of these is real science and which is political science, again?
778   HeadSet   2023 Jul 24, 8:30am  

That also shows that Trump followers do not blindly follow Trump, since about half ignored Trump's vaxx push.
779   Patrick   2023 Jul 24, 2:44pm  


In the beginning, they spoke ceaselessly about the prospect that many people would die, and there was no evidence of it; and yet many people were soon dying in unprecedented numbers for reasons that were not permitted to be discussed or even mentioned.
780   Patrick   2023 Jul 25, 2:38pm  


Instinct > rationality

People do not rationally choose to believe X, Y, & Z.

They instinctively, instantly, and subconsciously already believe X, Y, & Z and then only later apply rationality to try to come up with a reason.

This is incredibly important to understand.

When people are espousing X, Y, & Z, engaging with reason won’t work (because that’s not how they arrived at their position in the first place).

Try to figure out the instinctive, instant, and subconscious need that is being met for this person by believing what they do.

So with vaccines, people believe wholeheartedly in deadly junk science because it makes them feel smart, feel like a member of the tribe, and subconsciously they believe that by participating in this quasi-religious rite they will live forever.

These are incredibly powerful drives. So give them a way to meet those needs without participating in self-inflicted genocide.

Actual religion (and/or meditation, philosophy, prayer), the medical freedom movement, and alternative (functional, integrative) medicine meet all of those deep subconscious needs better than the mainstream, corporate, iatrogenocidal path.
784   HeadSet   2023 Jul 27, 11:53am  

Patrick says

I would've hidden Anne Frank in my attic if I lived in Germany in 1942.
So, you would have smuggled her from Holland to your attic in Germany? But what if she was not wearing a mask?
785   Patrick   2023 Jul 27, 11:54am  

Lol, good point!
787   Ceffer   2023 Jul 27, 12:24pm  

I never thought I would live out my days as a propaganda and Satanic Lie Inversion analyst, pondering the dark thunderheads of despotic, demonic, dynastic parasitic forces. I was hoping for sand, surf and casual mental exercise. What a bummer.
792   HeadSet   2023 Jul 29, 6:51pm  

Patrick says

Nah, humans have an amazing ability to rationalize and revisit. How many people today admit they were for the Vietnam War?
796   Patrick   2023 Aug 4, 1:04pm  


As it turned out, COVID-19 was in most ways a nothingburger for anyone under 80 and/or 300 lbs. The young and healthy had nothing to fear from it. This was obvious by the time we had the initial estimates of the rates of contagion and infection fatality from the natural laboratory provided by the Diamond Princess, and so I concluded that there was probably nothing to worry about, as did many others who had been following the story.

And then the world lost its mind. Overnight we found ourselves living under mass house arrest in an planetary open-air prison.

It gave me whiplash. Without missing a beat the legacy media pirouetted from ‘it’s just the flu, bro’ to ‘it’s the black death’, and the normies all fell for it, showing no evidence of any awareness that just days before they had been assuring me that it was nothing to worry about.
799   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 2:05pm  


‘The weird thing that happened around Covid, and I had never noticed this before, at any other time of my life:’ says the American comedian and YouTuber, Jimmy Dore, ‘[is that] you weren’t allowed to ask question at any point during this. You just had to do what The Man on the TV said — right? — you had to do what the man on the TV said, without questions, and then you were a good person. But if you question it, then you’re a white supremacist Trumper Naz . . . woah, no no no! No! “No, I didn’t vote for Trump, I just have questions!”

‘“Jim-mee, only dumb people ask questions!”

‘Isn’t that weird? It was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen. Even comedians would get on stage and try to shame people for trying to get informed about a medical treatment that was experimental, that they had to take and if they didn’t take it they would lose their jobs, and they wouldn’t be able to travel. And when people tried to get informed about it, other people shamed them. They would say, “Please tell me you’re not going to, [airquotes] ‘Do your own research.’” You’ve heard people say, that: “Please don’t ‘do your own research . . . ’”

‘You know, before Covid, “doing your own research” used to be called “reading”! Now you’re shaming me for reading, at the behest of Big Pharma? It’s like I woke up in the middle of a Bill Hicks bit: “Wall, it looks like we got ourselves a reader!” — that’s how much people internalised the propaganda from Big Pharma, which was that they would be anti-intellectual enough to shame people for reading, while they were wagging their finger at them for doing it! You would never shame people for doing that, no matter what other subject it was, no matter how unimportant. Like if I was to say, “Hey, I’m going to go buy a car!” . . .”Don’t look into it!” . . . “Well, how will I know which car to get?” . . . “Ask the salesman — he’s the expert! What are you — Henry Ford?”’
800   stereotomy   2023 Aug 7, 2:12pm  

Patrick says

‘You know, before Covid, “doing your own research” used to be called “reading”! Now you’re shaming me for reading, at the behest of Big Pharma? It’s like I woke up in the middle of a Bill Hicks bit: “Wall, it looks like we got ourselves a reader!” — that’s how much people internalised the propaganda from Big Pharma, which was that they would be anti-intellectual enough to shame people for reading, while they were wagging their finger at them for doing it! You would never shame people for doing that, no matter what other subject it was, no matter how unimportant. Like if I was to say, “Hey, I’m going to go buy a car!” . . .”Don’t look into it!” . . . “Well, how will I know which car to get?” . . . “Ask the salesman — he’s the expert! What are you — Henry Ford?”’

That was a great skit.

I had this kind of pushback even before the scamdemic. Doctors would be somewhat defensive about my questions, and, instead of answering, would ask me "What do you DO?" I just said with a shit eating grin "I read a lot."
801   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 2:24pm  

I got that exact same bullshit "What are you — Henry Ford?" when I asked about the safety of the toxxine on our internal forum at Craigslist, where I was working at the time.

The stupid eagerness to comply with whatever came from authorities (as long as it was not from the Trump administration) was stunning.

I no longer trust about half the people I know. I now see that they are dangerously compliant idiots who would jump in front of a train if told that it would cure Wuhan Virus. Worse, they would push you and me in front of that train first. And they would believe themselves justified in doing it.
802   richwicks   2023 Aug 7, 2:28pm  

Patrick says

I no longer trust about half the people I know. I now see that they are dangerously compliant idiots who would jump in front of a train if told that it would cure Wuhan Virus. Worse, they would push you and me in front of that train first. And they would believe themselves justified in doing it.

I just can't think of many of the people I knew as human anymore. They cannot think outside of their narrow confines of their job. I've just given up on them.
803   charlie303   2023 Aug 9, 11:43pm  


So, 2 years ago we were told 100,000 people per week could die if we didn't vaxx our way out of the plandemic. The only way, the only way out of the plandemic was to get vaxxed, vaxxed, boosted and then boosted some more. Now in the UK only the over 65s will be 'invited' for a booster this coming winter for what maybe a mild flu. What happened? Where did the threat go? Was it reduced because lockdowns worked and the first wave of vaccinations were so successful they neutralized the virus? Or were we played for fools all along?

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