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LH was spooked by the premature eagerness of hospital record keepers to track vaccinations:
In February 2021, I worked as a registered nurse at an ivy league teaching hospital. Our electronic medical record system (Epic) went through an upgrade. One morning I noticed a new item on the medical record home page for each of my patients. Now in the same place as name, date of birth, gender, and allergies, appeared “COVID vaccination status.” All of my patients were defaulted to a status in bright red marked “Overdue.”
I found this very, very odd. How could anyone be over due for a vaccine that was still in clinical trials and was only available under an emergency use authorization. The vaccine was not yet even widely available to at-risk populations.
Doctor Suspended From Houston Methodist for Backing Ivermectin and Opposing Vaccine Mandates Sues Hospital
Dr. Michelle Perro to Fellow Pediatricians: ‘Rise Up, Take a Stance’ Against COVID Vaccines for Kids
In The Defender’s “Leading the Charge for Change” interview series, Dr. Michelle Perro explains why she advises parents not to give their kids the COVID vaccine and encourages other physicians to speak out against the vaccines.
Open letter to Australian leaders
Preventing vaccine injury in children
Sit down. Prepare yourself. You will not believe what I am about to tell you.
In Nebraska, they value freedom of speech for doctors and other healthcare providers
If you are a doctor, you can prescribe ivermectin to a patient and you will not have your license to practice medicine revoked. Yes, that was not a typo.
The reason is due to a provision in Nebraska law that makes the Medical Boards accountable to the Attorney General’s office. The Boards can’t revoke a license without the AG’s consent.
In this case, the occupants of the AG’s office are superb; they are critical thinkers. They don’t just accept the narrative from US government agencies as gospel. They actually look at the science! What a novel concept.
On The Eve of Washington March, COVID Declaration
Now Backed by More Than 17,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Around the World ...
The over 17,000 signers to the declaration have reached consensus on three foundational principles:
Healthy children should not be subject to forced vaccination: they face negligible risk from covid, but face potential permanent, irreversible risk to their health if vaccinated, including heart, brain, reproductive and immune system damage.
Natural Immunity Denial has prolonged the pandemic and needlessly restricted the lives of Covid-recovered people. Masks, lockdowns, and other restrictions have caused great harm especially to children and delayed the virus’ transition to endemic status.
Health agencies and institutions must cease interfering with the physician-patient relationship. Policymakers are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, as a result of institutional interference and blocking treatments proven to cure at a near 100% rate when administered early.
Miller purportedly engaged in “threatening” behavior by “failing to social distance,” not wearing a mask “while speaking to a fully unmasked audience” and recommending and treating Covid patients with vitamins, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, Enzian, a Seattle-based Internal Medicine Specialist who works at Harborview Medical CenterMiller, warns in the 22-page complaint provided to the WMC.
Despite being targeted for exposing the corruption, the pediatric specialist stands by his assessment of the hospital’s murderous malpractice and flagrant negligence.
“Over 700,000 Americans have needlessly died in our hospitals. So yeah – you go to the hospital and all of your patient rights are gone,” he explained. “You’re isolated. Most of the time, a family member can go days without even being able to speak to a doctor, no less their loved one.
“Mechanical ventilation. [The] standard of care in Peace Health Hospital Southwest in Vancouver, Washington – what do they have? About a 10 percent survival rate once they are ventilated, Dr. Leslie Enzian? So, the standard of care is killing?”
Dr. McCullough - We Need Teamwork on Pandemic Response, Not One Person “We have a medical dictator that we’re looking at on TV... This process of seeing one person without a range of opinions, without any debate... This process of seeing a medical dictator itself is a disease.”
A dangerous bill, AB 2098, has been introduced in the California legislature, that if passed, will punish physicians who seek to publicly speak out about issues that directly impact their patients' well-being.
For example, under AB 2098, physicians who advocate for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or who ask questions about COVID vaccine safety, could be charged with unprofessional conduct for promoting "misinformation or disinformation" and lose their medical license.
Physicians must not be coerced into blindly following the establishment "consensus" and refraining from entering into debate that is crucial to advancing both science and rational public health policies.
This law would be harmful to California patients, the integrity of the medical profession, and the welfare of the entire state.
Please take a few moments to send a message to your California legislators asking them to oppose AB 2098.
Doctors with integrity are actually being threatened by proposed laws, such as this one:
A dangerous bill, AB 2098, has been introduced in the California legislature, that if passed, will punish physicians who seek to publicly speak out about issues that directly impact their patients' well-being.
For example, under AB 2098, physicians who advocate for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or who ask questions about COVID vaccine safety, could be charged with unprofessional conduct for promoting "misinformation or disinformation" and lose their medical license.
Physicians must not be coerced into blindly following the establishment "consensus" and refraining from entering into debate that is crucial to advancing both science and rational ...
"It took me about a year into the pandemic before it became really clear that it wasn't obvious at all that there was any policy that was strongly effective at reducing COVID. The scientist in me had to take this emerging data that I was seeing and acknowledge my hypothesis had been falsified.” - Dr. Joseph Fraiman
More and more collaborators with vaxx evil will now say "We didn't know" to absolve themselves from the blame they richly deserve.
Just like all the people who knew about the concentration camps said "We didn't know."
Nazi Germany did a lot of evil things, but concentration camps weren't simply killing machines. If the purpose of a concentration camp was to simply kill victims, they wouldn't build the infrastructure for people to live at them.
richwicks saysNazi Germany did a lot of evil things, but concentration camps weren't simply killing machines. If the purpose of a concentration camp was to simply kill victims, they wouldn't build the infrastructure for people to live at them.
They had labor camps (vast majority) and death camps (minority, but more common as the Germans started losing).
It was probably more from death due to overwork/starvation, and outright killing (POWs they couldn't move for logistics purposes, nor manpower to guard, especially during Barbarossa, as well as Civilians both as reprisals and by official policy).
We know the Generalplan Ost official policy and the Wannsee Conference established slavery/liquidation for the Slavs (ironically starting in the Ukraine) and the Jews and Gypsies. The latter were the first to be liquidated as they were considered exceptionally troublesome and an easie...
What I don't know is what WWII was about. It's been claimed it was about overthrowing the European banking structure for example, and at the same time about the elimination of the Jews. I suspect both these are at least partially wrong.
I feel very badly for Ukraine, and Russia - and I hate my nation's rulers for bringing this on. It could have been avoided. I hope there is a hell, Zelenskyy deserves it. Our rulers deserve it as well. This could have all been avoided.
In his latest video, Dr. Campbell looks through the Pfizer documents and concludes, "This has just destroyed trust in authority."
It shows that the tide is turning our way: a former advocate of the vaccine, trusted by millions of people, has now realized he’s been deceived and he’s not happy about it at all.
Pfizer Documents pdf can be downloaded here:
More documents can be found here:
I think there is a difference between being red pilled and being a former secondary gain propagandist avoiding the Nuremberg Noose or the Vaccine Liability Tsunami. We know the post war death camp prison guard tango.
"Who could possibly have known the vaccines were dangerous?" "I was relying on firm, scientific authority!"
For the following reasons, the medical establishment is unequivocally untrustworthy regarding the vaccines:
The mother of all biases: The medical community bet every ounce of credibility and authority they had on the vaccines being safe and effective, so they cannot afford to ever admit they were wrong should the vaccines ultimately turn out to have real safety issues
The politicization of the medical community
The insistence on a “One Size Fits All” contrary to fundamental medical practice
The lack of consistent evidentiary standards
Few medical professionals including those involved in making policy or opining on the vaccines have any idea how the vaccines work
They got pretty much everything about covid wrong before the vaccines
The failure to treat covid
The lack of critical or independent thinking by anyone in the mainstream medical community
The medical community failed to convey basic risk stratification
Public health officials used wrong information and spurious data to construct pandemic policies
The medical community never admitted that they made serious mistakes
The denial of natural immunity
Censorship and Fraud
They don’t denounce useless and harmful practices derived from their policies and statements
The medical establishment is riddled with massive financial conflicts of interest
Every specific claim made regarding the vaccines so far has ultimately proven to be false
A significant % of the medical community are genuinely evil people
And you ought to see how attractive these pharma rep women are.
"Who could possibly have known the vaccines were dangerous?" "I was relying on firm, scientific authority!"
SARs type bugs have a history of being treated successfully with HCQ and Ivermectin
Alex Berenson
This is more a request for information than a story.
Lately I have received several emails like this:
I am a retired anesthesiologist in XXX. Recently I had a pizza party with other doctors who are retired, or about to retire. An oncologist among us told the story of a multiple myeloma patient in his practice who after the vaccine appeared to convert to acute leukemia. He had never seen this before. He contacted an oncologist at XXX, a major referral hospital here in XXX, to ask what he thought of this. The XXX doc said he too had never seen this before, and in his practice had three multiple myeloma patients who also converted similarly. Thought this might be a useful avenue for you to pursue…
And this:
We have a friend-of-a-friend back home (in XXX) that is a cardiologist… [she] isn’t recommending any shots, which is a dramatic about-face from where she had been. She actually was canceling playdates for her young children in March 2021 if the friends’ parents weren’t vaccinated (this was the impetus for us knowing any of this, because our mutual friend was not, and had no intention of getting, vaccinated).
This was a heartache for me, so I followed up several weeks later to ask about how that schism was affecting her daughter, the shunned playmate. Well, it was all resolved. The cardiologist mother had seen the new patients she was getting after the shots and was no longer pushing them for anyone. I don’t know if she’s gone so far as to discourage patients (as opposed to close personal contacts) from getting them, but she’s not pushing them.
And this:
On two recent trips to the pediatrician’s office in XXX… I found it interesting that the pediatrician didn’t even mention Covid or the vaccine. My daughter is headed off to college in August.
Obviously, this change - to the extent it is happening - has not reached the medical specialty boards, much less the American Medical Association, which continues to push mRNA shots. But I wonder how many physicians are now no longer encouraging - or even actively discouraging - patients from getting booster shots. Taking a public anti-vaccine stance is risky for physicians. Even filing a VAERS (vaccine adverse events report) submission comes with headaches.
If you are a patient who has seen your doctor’s attitude change, or a nurse who has noticed that your hospital is no longer pressing shots, or most of all a physician who has decided that the Covid vaccines may not be appropriate for your patients, please email me at alexberensonauthor at (or if you are concerned about confidentiality).
As previously reported, the California legislature wants to pass a “medical misinformation bill,” aka Assembly Bill 2098. The law would ban doctors from giving medical advice and treatment not approved by the state.
Put simply, the bill bans doctors in California from criticizing vaccines and alternative treatments not approved for Covid like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, particularly online.
One doctor, Syed Haider, has been forced to retain a lawyer because of his support of such treatments.
“Like a lot of other doctors around the world, I’ve just been trying to raise awareness of this,” Haider told Epoch. “But, like a lot of doctors in America, I’ve gotten letters from the American Medical Association, the Federal State Medical Board warning me that my license is at risk if I speak out about vaccines or if I spread misinformation or if I prescribe ivermectin.”
Haider feels dissenting voices have been silenced since the beginning of the pandemic and he has had to retain a lawyer so that he does not lose his license. ...
“In nearly every hospital and clinic in the United States right now, it’s considered to be some form of misinformation or disinformation to say anything other than the vaccines are safe and effective,” Haider noted. “To say there are any risks associated with the vaccines is claimed to be misinformation or disinformation, and the working definition of misinformation or disinformation seems to be anything that would prevent someone from submitting to or doubting the FDA and CDC guidelines and recommendations.”
The vaccination campaign in New Zealand is turning into a major drama. There is “a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines.”The situation is getting so out of control that New Zealand doctors have written an open letter calling on authorities to investigate the post-vaccination deaths. The doctors have banded together under NZDSOS, short for New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.
They write that a shocking number of deaths and injuries occurred after the Covid vaccination. In addition, the doctors say certain systems were disabled to conceal the extent of the damage.
Children and young people are dying and suffering. Many healthy elderly people have also died. We are being lied to, the group says. Health Forum New Zealand tracks all deaths and injuries after vaccinations.
These are mainly young people, even children, who died suddenly and unexpectedly, often after blood clots in the brain or heart. NZDSOS calls it a “humanitarian crisis.” “For God’s sake, let’s make sure our MPs and police put an end to this now!”
Eddie (13) from Wellington died in his sleep a few days after vaccination, Joanna (15) collapsed in her bathroom and died on the way to the hospital, Timothy (33) died of a heart attack two days after vaccination, Annabelle (38) died in September 2021 two hours after her second vaccination.
The hospital confirmed that she had died from the vaccination but forced her family to sign a vow of silence.
Maggie (47) fell ill after receiving the booster vaccination, which the coroner said she should not have received at all because she was immunocompromised. Mark (52) died suddenly in his sleep after his second injection.
Alyss (31) was urged by her family doctor to have the injection but suffered a brain hemorrhage 10 days later and died. Bodybuilder Alex (25) died in his sleep after receiving his first vaccination.
Satya from Manurewa died in her sleep after receiving the vaccine. Ana (43), also from Manurewa, died in her sleep shortly after receiving her booster. Lefty (23) suffered a fatal stroke in his sleep after his second shot.
Timothy, a healthy 60-year-old, died of a heart attack three hours after his first shot. And there are hundreds more such cases.
The open letter can be read here.
First, the cardiovascular surgeon reminds all of the waning nature of vaccine effectiveness. By month number eight, after the administration of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, immunity “was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.” The European Medicines Agency (EMA) suggests avoiding frequent booster shots given that they could “adversely affect immune response and may not be feasible.” Kenji Yamamoto wrote a comment piece in the Virology Journal, an open access, peer-reviewed journal. He is a surgeon at Okamura Memorial Hospital’s Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Center of Varicose Veins in Shizouka, on the central Honshu Pacific Coast and near Mt. Fuji. In a letter to the editor, Dr. Yamamoto declares, “As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued plus several other measures taken for vulnerable patients.” The respected cardiovascular surgeon acknowledges that the media is censoring COVID-19 vaccine injuries, including deaths.
A Massive Spike in Disability is Most Likely Due to a Wave of Vaccine Injuries
Many people have said this is being caused by Long Haul COVID. That does not work because the trend was not present for the initial year of the epidemic. It is possible the vaccines have dramatically increased individual susceptibility to COVID, as discussed in the previous article which shows this occurring was abundantly clear from the existing science on the mRNA vaccines before they entered the market. However, even if that is the case (there has been a spike in long haul COVID), that still means the increase in disability is ultimately due to the vaccines.
A Massive Spike in Disability is Most Likely Due to a Wave of Vaccine Injuries
Many people have said this is being caused by Long Haul COVID. That does not work because the trend was not present for the initial year of the epidemic. It is possible the vaccines have dramatically increased individual susceptibility to COVID, as discussed in the previous article which shows this occurring was abundantly clear from the existing science on the mRNA vaccines before they entered the market. However, even if that is the case (there has been a spike in long haul COVID), that still means the increase in disability is ultimately due to the vaccines.
Dates of death: July 17, 18, 20.
Look at how close together the dates are! All three died in a 3 day period just days after they gave the 4th shot. All are young doctors. You can see from their pictures. All three at Trillium Health in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
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