One doctor with integrity among so many who have none

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2021 Oct 31, 9:36am   35,197 views  236 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


‘I Had to Stand up and Try to Do Something:’ Professor of Medicine on Suing School Over Vaccine Mandate


Dr. Aaron Kheriaty reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic like many other medical experts. He worked long hours as the United States tried to grapple with the new disease. He had too many conversations with family members whose loved ones were dying from it.

But as time wore on, he started noticing a pattern in public health decisions that seemed to diverge from traditional medical ethics, including an insistence that people at little risk from COVID-19 get a vaccine.

Kheriaty is now on suspension from the University of California, Irvine, (UCI) and challenging the school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate in court.

“I had to stand up and try to do something about it,” the professor of psychiatry and director of the UCI Health’s Medical Ethics Program said on The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders.”

"I knew that I would wake up in the morning & not have a clear conscience."

Deep-dive w/ medical ethics prof @akheriaty who filed a lawsuit challenging his university's #VaccineMandate. He was suspended & put on "investigatory leave."

🔴WATCH PART 1: https://t.co/gDuQ1J5jjn pic.twitter.com/E3ByL1pIWW

— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) October 30, 2021

UCI spokespeople declined to comment for this story.


Kheriaty contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, in mid-2020. His infection was confirmed by two different tests from two independent labs. His five children and wife also contracted the disease. They all recovered, with none requiring hospital care.

“It was, for me, actually a very liberating experience afterward, because I didn’t have to worry about the illness anymore. I knew the science on natural immunity,” Kheriaty said.

Natural immunity refers to when people contract COVID-19 and recover. Dozens of studies have documented that these individuals enjoy strong immunity against CCP virus re-infection. Some of the studies suggest the immunity is superior to that provided by COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the Johnson & Johnson one.

“I knew that at that point, I was among the safest people to be around, I didn’t have to worry about transmitting the infection to my patients,” Kheriaty said.

He continued taking precautions, wearing personal protective equipment like masks as required at the hospital. But he was confident he didn’t pose a risk to others, which served as a relief.

That relief turned into disbelief when, around a year later, the University of California system, which includes UCI, imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Opt-Out is Temporary

The mandate (pdf) included a natural immunity opt-out, but only temporarily. People who recovered from COVID-19 were told they would only be exempt from the mandate for up to 90 days after their diagnosis.

University officials cited the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which alleges that the antibody tests it has authorized “are not validated to evaluate specific immunity or protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

SARS-CoV-2 is another name for the CCP virus.

“For this reason, individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or had an antibody test are not permanently exempt from vaccination,” officials said.

The mandate violated rights outlined in the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, including equal protection and substantive due process, Kheriaty’s lawsuit asserts.

“Plaintiff is naturally immune to SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, plaintiff is at least as equally situated as those who are fully vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, yet defendants deny plaintiff equal treatment and seek to burden Plaintiff with an unnecessary violation of bodily integrity to which plaintiff does not consent in order to be allowed to continue to work at UCI,” it states.

The situation creates two classes, vaccinated and unvaccinated, when a more reasonable division would be those who are immune and those who are not, Kheriaty believes.

“What kind of discriminatory policies do we have in place that are excluding someone like me from the workplace when I’m 99.8 percent protected against reinfection whereas someone who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, by the company’s own data that they submitted to the FDA, is 67 percent protective against COVID infection?” he said.

Whose Burden?

Kheriaty initially planned to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Now he’s working to change the narrative around mandates. ...

Most mandates across the country don’t have alternatives for people who had COVID-19 and recovered.

Kheriaty proposes putting the burden of proof on people who want to opt out.

“Just have them go get the testing on their own time. You don’t have to administer the T-cell test or the antibody test. You don’t have to go dig up their old medical record establishing that they’ve already had COVID,” he said.

“Just ask them to bring that in and sign off on that as a kind of immunity passport.”

Side Effects ...

Kheriaty worries about other research that seems to show vaccine recipients with natural immunity experience side effects at a higher frequency than those who are not immune who get a shot.

“There are now about five independent studies that strongly suggest that individuals that already have natural immunity, when you vaccinate them, the risk of vaccine adverse events or vaccine side effects is higher for that group,” the professor said. “They have higher risk of side effects from the vaccine. It’s not going to help the people around them because natural immunity already is sterilizing, [yet] we don’t yet have any COVID vaccines that offer sterilizing immunity.”

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161   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 9:03pm  


💉 Speaking of doctors getting paid by pharma — just as a reminder — ProPublica ran a story back in 2019 headlined, “We Found Over 700 Doctors Who Were Paid More Than a Million Dollars by Drug and Medical Device Companies.”

The number ballooned to 2,500 doctors who were paid over a half million in 2019 by drug and device makers. In other words, even in 2019, tons of doctors were making more from their pharma connections than from treating their patients.

How do you suppose those numbers changed during the pandemic?

There might be an idea here. If doctors are so easily bought, maybe WE could start paying doctors to expose the problems with the jabs. Maybe it’s that simple. Maybe it’s just about who offers them a better deal.
163   Patrick   2023 Jun 24, 6:06pm  


Cancer DeMystified: The Untold Perspective About the #2 Killer in the World

“The current paradigm or current narrative [around cancer] is designed to make money because these drugs are really expensive. And oncologists actually are paid to give cancer drugs, so it’s a big industry. So, there’s no interest of oncologists to actually practice good medicine. It’s not in their financial interest to do so. And so, that’s the tragedy that we face,” attested accomplished physician Dr. Paul Marik during a sit-down interview with Children’s Health Defense. ...

There’s also something called the “Warburg effect,” Dr. Marik denoted. “Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner), in 1928, discovered that all cancer cells — this is all cancer cells — are metabolically dysfunctional and require glucose as their prime source of fuel. They cannot use their mitochondria to generate energy. So, the consequence of that is if you deprive the cancer cell of glucose, it actually promotes cell death. So, ketosis actually is a very useful intervention if you have cancer because cancer cells can’t use ketones as a source of energy, whereas human cells can. And they’re dependent on glucose. So, if you can starve the cancer cell by limiting glucose, you’re going a long way in controlling cancer.”
165   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 24, 8:21pm  

The measles vax was not developed until the late 50s and not approved and available until about 1960.
168   Patrick   2023 Jul 31, 5:52pm  


A doctor has been fired after she raised the alarm about the safety of Covid shots while testifying before a Senate panel on Capitol Hill.

Dr. Renata Moon testified as an expert witness during Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) panel on COVID-19 vaccines in December 2022.

In response, Moon, a leading pediatrician, was reported to a state medical commission by Washington State University officials.

According to newly disclosed documents, the college accused Moon of promoting so-called “misinformation” about mRNA Covid shots.

The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) asserts that doctors who offer “misinformation” about Covid shotss, treatments, and preventative measures “erode the public trust in the medical profession and endanger patients.”

The WMC also encourages people to lodge complaints against doctors who allegedly provide “misinformation.”

Those doctors who are found to have spread “misinformation” will have their medical licenses revoked by the WMC.

Two Washington State University officials, Doctors Jeff Haney and James Record, referenced the commission in a letter to Dr. Moon dated March 3, 2023.

“The WMC has asked the public and practitioners to report possible spread of misinformation,” they wrote.

“There are components of your presentation that could be interpreted as a possible spread.

“As such, we are ethically obligated to make a report to the WMC to investigate possible breach of this expectation.”

In June 2023, the university informed Dr. Moon that it was effectively firing her by not renewing her appointment as a clinical associate professor of medicine.

“At this time, the needs of the college are moving in a different direction and your participation is no longer required,” Haney and Record wrote.
170   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 10, 11:27am  

"Giving experimental "vaccine" to hundreds millions people" including pregnant women and toddlers based on such limited data with no informed consent, is a huge malpractice."

These vaccine mandates are actually crimes against humanity and a violation of the The Nuremberg Code.
172   richwicks   2023 Aug 11, 11:15pm  

The_Deplorable says

"Giving experimental "vaccine" to hundreds millions people" including pregnant women and toddlers based on such limited data with no informed consent, is a huge malpractice."

These vaccine mandates are actually crimes against humanity and a violation of the The Nuremberg Code.

Let me be very, very, very direct for once.

Until people start being killed, this won't end. They are daring us to kill them. Now, do they have a planned response to this? I don't know.

I'm shocked nobody has been murdered over this bullshit, but given our media, maybe they have been, and it's simply not been reported.
173   HeadSet   2023 Aug 12, 8:40am  

richwicks says

I'm shocked nobody has been murdered over this bullshit, but given our media, maybe they have been, and it's simply not been reported.

It may be a stealth event where a college president was killed by a car while crossing the street. Looks like an accident, but the driver was the father of a kid who died from the jab that was required by that college president for the kid to attend school. Could also be a "robbery" like the Seth Rich case.
174   Patrick   2023 Aug 24, 1:41pm  


Dr. James Thorp (OB-GYN) Interviewed by Steve Kirsch
January 3, 2022



DR. JAMES THORP: [On recommending the covid "vaccines"] Certainly not for pregnant women and children.

STEVE KIRSCH: So could you then have your medical license revoked for giving your honest opinion like that?

DR. JAMES THORP: Absolutely, yes.

STEVE KIRSCH: So you're caught between your oath [Hippocratic Oath] and your duty to your patients, and losing your license.

DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly right. There's no such thing— there's no physician or nurse in the entire United States of America that should be believed anymore.

Patients, for those of you listening, you shouldn't believe me, you shouldn't believe your physician or your nurse. We're all under a gag order. Why would you believe us? It's ridiculous. Because if we say what is opposed to the state doctrine, we will be destroyed. Our careers will be destroyed, we'll lose our livelihood, our reputation, and we'll have our families destroyed. So you shouldn't believe them.

And if that weren't bad enough, certainly there's no such thing as fair, honest, informed consent anymore, Steve. I mean, it's all null and void. When you make threats, when we've all been threatened like we have been, all nurses and all physicians, it's outrageous.

Within a six week time the American Board of Medical Specialties, the federation of the state medical boards, the American Board of Medical Specialties, mine is American Board of OB-GYN, and we've had some rather lively debates and some interactions. I've worked with them before formally, I know them all, they're all my contemporaries, I don't them all, I know two of them, Dr Susan Ramin and I know the executive director, Dr. George Wendel, and they're really reasonable people. I don't believe they have the constitution to do this, and to actually extort physicians and threaten them like this.

STEVE KIRCH: But that's what they're doing, right?

DR. JAMES THORP: That's exactly what they're doing. I held them in extremely high esteem for forty-plus years. I've worked with them formally for at least a year, I did examinations.

STEVE KIRSCH: So you've never seen anything like this before, and you've been doing this for 45 years?

DR. JAMES THORP: Forty-two years.

STEVE KIRSCH: Forty-two years. And you've never seen this kind of thing before, where you have to go and compromise your oath? So these are extraordinary times.

DR. JAMES THORP: These are bizarre times. I've never seen anything— this kind of behavior— as I ??— I served in the United States Air Force, so I a oath that I carry to my death. And I fought for freedom of this country. And I will die on this hill. I will not tolerate this. This kind of horse manure belongs over in Pyongyang, Shanghai, Moscow or Tehran. It doesn't belong in the United States of America.

STEVE KIRSCH: How many of your associates would agree with your point of view that you just expressed with me, privately. You know, where it's not for attribution, but just, you know, of your colleagues, and you asked them, hey, totally off the record, totally anonymously, can't get in trouble, how many of them are pissed off?

DR. JAMES THORP: That's a great question. I think most of them are upset with the threats. Many of them are just so busy, Steve, that they really don't, they really, I don't know where are they. In fact, many of whom I've raised their attention, they're like, "no way!" But when I show them the document and show them the threat, it's extraordinarily concerning. I have a lot of mentees, I've trained a lot of residents, medical students, ob gyn docs, and maternal field of medicine physicians around the country, and many of them have contacted me, extraordinarily upset and concerned about the American Board of OB-GYN.

And that's why I went in to them. I've been trying to communicate with them on LinkedIn for several months, and I guess some of my posts finally got to them. And I tried calling Dr. Wendel and he never returned my call, but he did send me a rather threatening email that I think I forwarded to you.

STEVE KIRSCH: So I take it these guys aren't open to, like, a pubic debate between you and representatives from the board.


STEVE KIRSCH: Don't want to talk about it.

DR. JAMES THORP: I'll debate anybody in the world. Bring them on. I'll debate anybody in the world.

STEVE KIRSCH: See, I always thought it was just me, that nobody wanted to debate me. So you have the same problem. We have something in common, that nobody wants to debate us.



Dr James Thorp

His social media account is https://gettr.com/user/Jamesathorpmd
177   Patrick   2023 Sep 9, 2:43pm  


Yesterday, someone connected to my office, who has an an autoimmune disease, got a call from her doctor the day before she was scheduled to get her covid booster shot. They cancelled — not rescheduled — her booster appointment explaining, “they don’t work.”

The ‘consensus’ is crumbling.

That's the kind of doctor I want!
178   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 9:09am  


Here is the relevant clause:

"Providers currently enrolled in the Vaccines for Children Program are required to keep both publicly funded and privately purchased inventory of COVID-19 vaccines for the populations they serve."

Must purchase and keep a stock of mRNA gene therapy-based “booster” vaccines or what will be the consequences, you ask?

"Providers that have not ordered COVID-19 vaccines by Friday, October 6, 2023, will be contacted regarding non-compliance with VFC requirements to offer all ACIP recommended vaccines."

And there you have it. Comply and purchase leaky “vaccine” products that are neither safe nor effective, and which will place your infant, child and adolescent patients at significant risk of myocarditis, or face the wrath of the NY State Board of Health. Which translates into a significant risk of losing your license to practice medicine.

In fact, The Federation of State Medical Boards have said that physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine “misinformation or disinformation” are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license. They state that this includes doctors who knowingly spread false information about vaccines could lose their license. If you ever wondered why physicians don’t speak up, here is one very good answer. Just to recap, “misinformation and disinformation” consist of any information which, at the time it is “spread”, differs from the official position of either the World Health Organization or (in the case of US physicians) the pronouncements of the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. Both of which organizations’ positions have repeatedly shifted during the COVID crisis, and in the case of HHS have included intentional withholding of information (such as risk of myopericarditis) from public and medical practitioners. Therefore, those physicians who have shared verifiable truths concerning vaccine risks are defined as guilty of sharing “misinformation or disinformation”. And if that is not an Orwellian regulatory overreach, I do not know what is.
179   Patrick   2023 Oct 5, 10:30am  


Dr. Gerson was called to New York as a consultant for a wealthy industrialist who had arthritis. He had successfully treated the patient’s brother-in-law in Europe. In a Park Avenue penthouse, he joined the house physician and another consulting specialist to see the patient. After the examination, the three physicians retired to discuss the case. Dr. Gerson proceeded to explain the treatment for arthritis he had so successfully used in Europe, then described the manner in which he expected the patient to recover. There was an awkward pause. Finally, one of the other doctors said, “Dr. Gerson, you don’t understand. This man is a wealthy member of the W.R. Grace family. They own steamship lines, banks, chemical companies, and so on. You don’t cure a patient like this, you treat him.”

This simple, insidious message drives most aspects of the medical world. The motivation to keep people healthy is completely undermined by the permeation of profiteering throughout a deeply corrupted industry that depends on the vulnerability of the suffering.

Dr. Gerson’s conclusion that most illness is related to poor diet — and thus correctible, particularly in the early stages of disease — continues to be minimized and ridiculed. ...

The flagrant marketing of noxious medications to the ill is only surpassed by the mandating of untested drugs for healthy people. No hawking is necessary; vaccines are hailed as an unassailable defense against sickness and death. Whereas other medications require patients to be diagnosed to sell a product, vaccines can be dispensed to those who have no symptoms, merely using the threat of disease to push inoculation. The government has ensured that while they are experimental, liability is diminished.

That they are described as free is a staggering lie. The inverse is true; inoculations have a special status as a commodity with unrivaled profitability as they can be forced on anyone, particularly when distributed by governments — whose revenues come from taxpayers.

This corruption is relentless. The marketing of vaccines to those who receive no benefit and are likely to suffer subtle or life-changing damage has no limitations. Without the restraint of any truth, the definitions of vaccine and adverse reaction have been changed to maximize proceeds and diminish liability. ...

The abhorrent means of extortion of an organized crime protection racket are now the standard practices of the pharmaceutical industry and their cronies; government agencies and doctors are their enforcers. This reckless atmosphere allows associated criminal activity, including the engendering of disease through negligent oversight of toxic causes and experimentation with pathogens.
182   HeadSet   2023 Dec 5, 6:14pm  

Patrick says

Why would a doctor refuse the :life saving" vaccine? Because that doctor had more integrity than all those other doctors who forged the paperwork.
184   Ceffer   2023 Dec 26, 11:07am  

Doctors aren't just staying silent, they are resorting to an entire mythologic lexicon of gaslighting to sidestep the vaxicide/booster dilemma. I imagine the Rockefellers, the AI machines in Switzerland, and the various Mockingbird assets are helping them to spin their cotton candy fantasies of attribution. They are also using these distractions to inflict even more medication for the Rockefeller medical engines of profit and democide.

Doesn't matter, the wolf packs of class action will eventually consume them unless they can entirely erase their own histories and bank accounts. Useful idiot rank and file are sacrificed so the central demons can escape to Illuminati another day. The demons want the karma to be consumed on their vassals.
185   charlie303   2023 Dec 26, 8:22pm  

Patrick says


Persecuted Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan: “If Twenty Percent of the Medical Profession Stood Up, This Would End!”

Australian Doctor Joins DailyClout to Discuss Repercussions for Refusing COVID jab

Watched the video. Taking her testimony at face value it's remarkable how far the West has fallen. Doctors huddled in secret meetings afraid to speak out. In Australia! I thought we were a free peoples. Doctors just following protocol and blindly obedient when told not to think and use critical thinking skills!
To be honest, I'm all out of 'fecks' to give and don't see her as some hero fighting for truth, where was she in 2020, 2021, 2022? Cashing her paychecks no doubt. And now the Australian authorities are after her licence. Every man for himself.
186   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 5:21pm  


🔬 A wildly significant little study — it’s actually just a case report — quietly popped up in the American Journal of Translational Research last month, titled “Successful treatment of new-onset diabetes mellitus and IgA nephropathy after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report.” It offers substantial hope to vaccine injured folks, far beyond its plain meaning.

In this case report, the researchers described a 56-year-old man who spontaneously developed atypical, adult-onset Type 2 diabetes three months after his third jab. Significantly, he had no “genetic predisposition” to diabetes, and he never had covid:

The patient was never infected with COVID-19. He had no known COVID-19 exposures and did not experience flu-like illness throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He had no family history of kidney disease.

The introduction’s first three sentences showed amazing progress. Apparently researchers can now get published without having to idolize the jabs at all. Well, they still have to say the shots were important, but look how matter of fact the language has become:

COVID-19 vaccine has been administered in almost all countries as a critical measure used to control the pandemic. However, COVID-19 vaccination-related glomerular (kidney) diseases have become a new concern. Both the mRNA vaccine and the inactivated vaccine can cause new-onset and relapsing glomerular (kidney) disease. These diseases typically occur after the first or second dose of vaccination.

Haha. So much for “safe and effective.” The researchers stated as an obvious fact that the mRNA vaccine can cause new-onset (and relapsed) kidney disease. They didn’t even squawk it was “rare.” (They even said typically occur awfully close to the word disease.) They ignored the drooling idiots infecting the useless CDC and captured FDA, neither of which apparently has the slightest idea at all that mRNA vaccines can cause kidney diseases.

Lalalalala we can’t hear you. ...

This case is unique because the kidneys and pancreas were simultaneously affected by the vaccine. Although correlation does not imply causation, the onset of symptoms of injury of two organs soon after vaccination should be considered as the inciting event. And in this case, it was strange that the patient’s blood sugar level was dramatically high within a short period, without any history of diabetes or a propensity to the disease. Therefore we suspected that the diabetes was caused by an immunological mechanism triggered by the COVID-19 vaccination.

Based on the vaccine-related mechanism of the immune reaction, we treated the patient with glucocorticoid (a steroid) and cyclophosphamide (a leukemia drug) and successfully controlled the diabetes mellitus within a short period.

This little case report is some of the best news to come down the pike in a while. The patient’s doctors ignored the CDC, did not gaslight him, and actually considered whether the vaccines might have caused his illness. In other words, because his doctors were open-minded about the possibility of vaccine injury, and were willing to try treating him as vaccine injured — not as what it looked like on the med school flow chart (“diabetes”) — this patient is now recovering instead of baffling doctors by getting worse and worse.

Bless these doctors who used their skills and training and thought for themselves.

I bet my next paycheck that “covid vaccine injury” is not listed anywhere on Medicare’s reimbursement guidelines. But I bet diabetes is on there; you betcha. We can assume the doctors would have earned more from treating his diabetes than they did from treating his covid vaccine injury. In other words, they were even more courageous and independent than it looks at first.
187   Patrick   2023 Dec 27, 5:41pm  


Emeritus Professor Seo Byeong-seon of Korea Advises Against Taking Experimental mRNA Vaccines

“…from the beginning, I thought this was a lie. It's almost been three years, but the aspects of lying just keep appearing. We are practically being deceived, lied to...”

"They say that the coronavirus vaccine is poisonous. They say that the vaccine has absolutely no effectiveness, and I agree 100%."

In his view, the push for widespread vaccination is misguided:

"Thus, it really shouldn't be taken, and there's clearly an agenda behind it."

Professor Seo's remarks extend beyond mere criticism and enter the realm of activism. He calls for medical and scientific professionals to assert themselves:

"Doctors need to take a stand. Scientists need to rise up... Without experts taking a stand, this whole effort will collapse."

He concluded his earnest dialogue with a sobering reminder of the role of truth in public health:

"The best thing is not to take it, but the government continues to push for it. We must refuse."

His message is clear: he urges the scientific community to challenge the narrative and defend the integrity of their profession against what he perceives as a global deception.
189   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 10:57am  


Here are the main strategies used against the family as outlined in the chapter above:

"Chapter 5 - Holy War on the Family"
Devaluation of the Family Concept: Mendelsohn argues that the traditional concept of the extended family has been devalued, replaced by the more nuclear model, which he sees as detrimental.

Medical Professional Dominance: Doctors, particularly in modern medicine, are seen as taking over roles traditionally played by family members, often undermining the family's influence and ethics.

Intervention in Family Affairs: Mendelsohn suggests that medical professionals intervene unnecessarily in family matters, often to the detriment of familial bonds.

Separation of Family Members: There's a critique of practices that separate family members, such as hospital policies and certain medical procedures, which prevent family involvement.

Undermining Breastfeeding: The promotion of formula over breastfeeding is seen as an attack on a natural and beneficial practice that strengthens the bond between mother and child.

Encouragement of Independence Over Family Bonds: Mendelsohn criticizes the encouragement of independence in situations where family interdependence would be healthier.

Influence on Childbirth Practices: The medicalization of childbirth is seen as an intrusion into a natural process, often involving unnecessary medical interventions.

Educational System's Role: The education system, in tandem with medical institutions, is accused of usurping parental roles and distancing children from their families.

Promotion of Professional Advice Over Familial Wisdom: There's a concern about the preference for professional advice over traditional family wisdom, which can erode family bonds.

Day-Care and Early Schooling: The rise of day-care centers and early schooling is seen as a mechanism for separating children from their families at a young age.

Isolation of the Elderly: Modern practices that isolate elderly family members, rather than valuing their role within the family unit.

Hospital Policies and Regulations: Critique of hospital policies that isolate patients from their families, especially during critical moments like childbirth and terminal illness.

Promotion of Formula Feeding in Developing Countries: The push for formula feeding in places where breastfeeding would be healthier and more economical is seen as destructive.

General Medicalization of Life Events: The medicalization of various life stages and events, such as childbirth, aging, and death, is viewed as an intrusion and a weakening of family roles and bonds.

Psychiatric Influence: The influence of psychiatry in family matters, often leading to further distancing among family members.

Immunization Policies: Mendelsohn critiques compulsory immunization policies as a form of control over the family.

Child Protection Policies: The interpretation of child protection policies in ways that can unjustly separate children from their families is mentioned.

Encouragement of Women to Work Outside the Home: This is seen as a strategy that disrupts traditional family roles and leads to reliance on external care for children.

190   mell   2023 Dec 30, 11:15am  

Patrick says

Undermining Breastfeeding: The promotion of formula over breastfeeding is seen as an attack on a natural and beneficial practice that strengthens the bond between mother and child.

That's one point I disagree on. Sure formula was totally overhyped in the 80s and breastfeeding is superior, but so are lactation "specialists" overhyped these days and mothers who are tired and weak enough from giving birth are terrorized into waking up and trying to breastfeed their babies every 2-3 hours. Some babies are not natural latchers and some women don't produce enough milk. If it happens naturally, great, if it doesn't even after a few good tries don't destroy your body and mind over it and use formula.
191   Patrick   2023 Dec 30, 12:04pm  

Whatever happened to wetnurses? Seems like a good idea.
193   mell   2023 Dec 31, 2:59pm  

Patrick says

Whatever happened to wetnurses? Seems like a good idea.

They do exist but are rare and expensive these days, didnt they used to be servants? Also companies have invaded this field and are selling expensive "breastmilk". There are some mom groups where they share the feedings, a bit strange but whatever ;)
194   stereotomy   2023 Dec 31, 4:03pm  

mell says

Patrick says

Undermining Breastfeeding: The promotion of formula over breastfeeding is seen as an attack on a natural and beneficial practice that strengthens the bond between mother and child.

That's one point I disagree on. Sure formula was totally overhyped in the 80s and breastfeeding is superior, but so are lactation "specialists" overhyped these days and mothers who are tired and weak enough from giving birth are terrorized into waking up and trying to breastfeed their babies every 2-3 hours. Some babies are not natural latchers and some women don't produce enough milk. If it happens naturally, great, if it doesn't even after a few good tries don't destroy your body and mind over it and use formula.

I was disgusted by the doctors and nurses after my son was born. They were relentlessly trying to guilt trip my wife into using formula because she was having early difficulties. At least in TX, La Leche League was a critical resource to support mothers who wanted to breastfeed.

Over the course of her nursing our child, we learned that the more frequently the child is fed, the more the milk production ramps up. More short feedings is better than less, but longer feedings.

One thing the formula floggers don't tell you is that breastmilk contains tryptophan - yes that tryptophan found in turkey meat - which acts to make the infant sleepy. Much less fussiness because the infant is well rested.

Optimally nursing a child requires a substantial commitment by the mother to be readily available for feedings. This is pretty much impossible if the mother has to go to work.

I should add that our son was also lower weight for a few years. He eventually caught up (he'll probably be bigger than me), and now wears a bigger shoe size than I do - at 14 years old.
195   Patrick   2024 Jan 1, 7:10pm  


Presentation To Adams County Commissioners in Idaho
December 15, 2023


DESCRIPTION: "This is a presentation to the Adams County Commissioners in Idaho. Laura Demaray organized this presentation. Participants include: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Dr. Reni Moon, and others."

DR. RENATA MOON: Thank you. So, Dr. Reni Moon, I'm a pediatrician, board-certified. I'm actually from Idaho, I grew up in Idaho, but have practiced for much of my career across the border in Washington State. I trained at a top US medical school, I've had no actions or lawsuits against me, and I'm bringing that up because it's pertinent for what I'll say later in the discussion today.

So I take care of children. And I just want you to think, please, why in the world, with everything that you've just heard, why in the world are we giving this to our nation's children?

Children have a 99.997%, actually higher than that, survival rate from covid. They have a .0027 percent fatality rate from covid. And we're being asked to inject this synthetic genetic product into our nation's children with absolutely no understanding of what it might do, what harms it might cause long term, and with an avalanche of data showing short-term harm and with fatalities that have clearly happened from this product and people who've been injured from this product. Dr. Walskog will speak to that still I think in a few minutes.

This is, this is horrible. And I just want to give you a sense of what we're seeing on the, on the front lines, so to speak.

So I've practiced for over 20 years. I know what the normal baseline for example of myocarditis is. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, right? We've all heard that associated with these mRNA products. Right? I, in over 20 years of practice, only saw 2 cases of myocarditis in the entire time until these products launched. And now I have direct knowledge of way too many cases of myocarditis in my community, in my friend group, and just in the, in our, in our nation.

So to give you an example, I went to lunch with a friend in a city outside of Idaho, but her son, five days after his second dose of mRNA product, had chest pain, palpitations, and was diagnosed with myocarditis while serving in our military. His military doctor assured him that it was not from the shot he received 5 days earlier. Are you kidding me? Of course we know better than that. That young man now, it's a year later, and he's on chronic disability for ongoing heart muscle issues. He was medically discharged from the military.

What are we doing to our nation's children in terms of their heart muscle? In terms of other damage? And even in terms of fatalities? There are children who have died of myocarditis directly attributed to the shot within, within a week or two of the shot having been given. What are we doing?

I want to say that we, on the forefront of medicine, the ones who are actually tasked with ordering this product for children, for the record, I've never ordered this for a child, this product, this data was clear from the outset, it should have been pulled back at the beginning of this, it never should have been out on the market. And yet here it sits. It's, it's terrible.

So why are, why are more physicians and pediatricians not speaking out? We're not speaking because they're coming after us. I have a clean record of patient care. I've never had any lawsuits, like I said at the beginning, I've never had any actions against my license. I spoke about my concerns about the increase of myocarditis, I spoke about my concerns about giving this product to our nation's children, I spoke at a hearing in Washington DC in December of 2022, so a year ago, and I just found out a few months ago that as a result of my speaking to my government at a senate hearing in Washington DC, my medical license in Washington state is now being investigated and I'm being accused of unprofessional conduct. For speaking.

Now I'm going to be clear, I took care of Washington State's sickest children for about 19 years. I cared for them in hospital settings, and again, a crystal clear record of patient care. This is outrageous. This is why other physicians aren't speaking out. Dr. Cole has had his license attacked. Other physicians here have as well.

This is, this is something that has to stop. So we are turning to you at the grassroots level of this, and we thank you for all the work that you've done in the state of Idaho, but we're turning to you to stop this atrocity, this nightmare. This has to be stopped. We need you at the grassroots level to say no, that the fraud and the corruption is so large, so big, that you can stop it by stopping these shots at the grassroots level, at the local level.

Please don't do this to our nation's children, our young people, and to any American citizen.

Thank you.
197   Patrick   2024 Jan 7, 3:59pm  


A nurse during covid now telling you the truth
199   Patrick   2024 Jan 31, 11:24am  


Among its many harsh lessons, Covid has taught us this: if you substitute Pfizer and Moderna for Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, and swap the NIH and CDC for the Pentagon, you get the same result. The “medical-industrial complex” is every bit as real as its military-industrial counterpart, and it is every bit as real a problem.

As a physician, I am embarrassed to admit that until Covid, I possessed only an inkling that this was so – or more accurately, I knew it, but didn’t realize how bad it was, and I didn’t worry about it too much. Sure (I thought), Pharma engaged in dishonest practices, but we’d known that for decades, and after all, they do make some effective drugs. Yes, physicians were increasingly becoming employees, and protocols were dictating care more and more, but the profession still seemed manageable. True, healthcare was far too expensive (gobbling up a reported 18.3 percent of the US GDP in 2021), but healthcare is inherently expensive. And after all, we’re saving lives.

Until we weren’t.

By early-to-mid 2020, it became obvious to those paying attention that the Covid “response,” while promoted as a medical initiative, was in fact a military operation. Martial law had effectively been declared approximately on the Ides of March 2020, after President Trump was mysteriously convinced to cede the Covid response (and practically speaking, control of the nation) to the National Security Council. Civil liberties – freedom of assembly, worship, the right to travel, to earn one’s living, to pursue one’s education, to obtain legal relief – were rendered null and void.

Top-down diktats on how to manage Covid patients were handed down to physicians from high above, and these were enforced with a militaristic rigidity unseen in doctors’ professional lifetimes. The mandated protocols made no sense. They ignored fundamental tenets of both sound medical practice and medical ethics. They shamelessly lied about well-known, tried-and-true medicines that were known to be safe and appeared to work. The protocols killed people.

Those physicians and other professionals who spoke out were effectively court-martialed. State medical boards, specialty certification boards, and large healthcare system employers virtually tripped over each other in the rush to delicense, decertify, and fire dissenters. Genuine, courageous physicians who actually treat patients, such as Peter McCullough, Mary Talley Bowden, Scott Jensen, Simone Gold, and others, were persecuted, while non-practicing bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci were hailed with false titles like “America’s Top Doctor.” The propaganda was as nauseating as it was blatant. And then came the jabs.

How did this happen to medicine?

It all seemed so sudden, but in fact it has been in the works for years.

Covid taught us (by the way, Covid has been such a harsh tutor, but haven’t we learned so much from her!) that the medical-industrial complex and military-industrial complex are deeply connected. They are not just twins, or even identical twins. They are conjoined twins, and so-called “Public Health” is the tissue shared between them.

The SARS CoV-2 virus, after all, is a bioweapon, developed over a period of years, funded by US tax dollars in a joint effort between Fauci’s NIH and the Department of Defense to genetically manipulate the transmissibility and virulence of coronaviruses (all done in the name of “Public Health,” of course).

Once the bioweapon was out of the lab and into the population, the race was on within the medical-industrial complex to develop and market the supremely profitable antidote to the bioweapon. Cue the full-on military takeover of medicine: the martial law lockdowns, the suppression of cheap and effective treatments, the persecution of dissidents, the ceaseless propaganda and anti-science, and the unabashed whoring of most hospital systems for CARES Act money.

We know the rest. The ill-conceived, toxic, gene-therapy antidote, falsely billed as a “vaccine,” was foisted upon the population by blackmail (“the vaccine is how we end the pandemic”), the effective bribery of medical authorities and politicians, as well as other Deep-State directed psyops designed to divide the population and scapegoat dissenters (“pandemic of the unvaccinated”).

The end result even sounds like the aftermath of a gigantic military operation. Millions are dead, many millions more are psychologically traumatized, economies are in tatters, and a few warmongers are fantastically rich. Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel (who, incidentally, oversaw the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology years ago) is a freshly minted billionaire. And not one of those who caused all the mischief are in prison.

At this writing, virtually all the major healthcare systems, specialty regulatory boards, specialty associations, and medical schools are standing at attention, still in lockstep with the received – and by now, clearly false – narrative. Their funding, after all, be it from Pharma or the Government, depends upon their obedience. Barring dramatic change, they will respond in the same fashion when orders come down from above in the future. Medicine has been fully militarized.

In his farewell address, Eisenhower said something else that I believe is most prescient here. He described that a military-industrial complex fostered “a recurring temptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculous solution to all current difficulties.”

Enter Disease X.

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