by Automan Empire ➕follow (1) 💰tip ignore
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I should find and join more of them.
A message from a friend:
Let your Los Angeles friends know! At 12 o’clock, a banner plane will fly from Long Beach airport up the 710 to the I-5.
It will circle around and hit these major freeways. I want people to get their cameras out and start taking photos! The banner plane will say: “Covid vaccines unsafe: 21,382 deaths”
Takin' it to the streets! Getting the message of vaccine mandate resistance OUT THERE in public.
At 12 o’clock, a banner plane will fly from Long Beach airport up the 710 to the I-5.
It will circle around and hit these major freeways. I want people to get their cameras out and start taking photos!
"Vaccines don't work and it's okay to admit it."
We need to flip the people that got the vaccine and are upset that they had side effects and then still got covid without shaming them.
Gather a few people and protest at the appropriate persons house.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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