Takin' it to the streets! Getting the message of vaccine mandate resistance OUT THERE in public.

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2021 Nov 6, 7:22pm   1,187 views  12 comments

by Automan Empire   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I have a long history of public activism for controversial causes so this was a natural for me. I painted up a sign in about 15 minutes, then took it to a nearby major cross street and held it up for passing traffic for about an hour till it about got too dark to see. Responses were a little slow at first, with a couple of middle fingers and a whirling screw-loose sign from a couple people. Then the positive honks and thumbs up started rolling in and by the end of the hour it was 4 or 5 to 1 positive response overall. What do you think YOU can do to get the message out in your area and get a firsthand pulse on how people in your area actually feel about the topic?

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1   GNL   2021 Nov 6, 8:21pm  

Good for you. Seriously. I was thinking about making a T-shirt to get messages out to the public at my local grocery store. Something like..."Treat employees like humans. End masking NOW!!"
2   Patrick   2021 Nov 6, 11:01pm  

I've still got my signs in the car from the 5 or 6 weekend protests I did with a group.

I should find and join more of them.
3   Automan Empire   2021 Nov 7, 1:11am  

Patrick says
I should find and join more of them.

It's interesting, and empowering, isn't it, to get yourself and your viewpoint out in the world in a direct way?

After decades of not only "protests," but street theater, art cars, and other public spectacle and buffoonery, there's something that bothers me about the people I see. It's not the people who react negatively to whatever it is I'm doing, which tends to be small no matter how controversial or far-out the presentation. What bothers me is the sheer number of people in the world who aren't reactive or responsive at ALL, to ANYTHING in their environment, not just myself. They look like just the act of driving straight down their traffic lane or walking along has their mental processor cores maxed out at 99% so they have resting slightly-bewildered face.
4   Patrick   2022 Jan 9, 5:47pm  

from employeemandates@unite.standupcalifornia.com

A message from a friend:

Let your Los Angeles friends know! At 12 o’clock, a banner plane will fly from Long Beach airport up the 710 to the I-5.
It will circle around and hit these major freeways. I want people to get their cameras out and start taking photos! The banner plane will say: “Covid vaccines unsafe: 21,382 deaths”

I'd love to post pictures of this is someone has any.
5   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 9, 7:28pm  

Automan Empire says
Takin' it to the streets! Getting the message of vaccine mandate resistance OUT THERE in public.

Awesome! Way to go man!!

I can tell you where I live masks are a rarity, as are people who have taken shots. Went up to Julian today, and the kid working the cash register at the busiest pie shop in town was completely maskless. And no one seemed to care. Noticed a few groups of mixed mask and no-mask as well. This shit is done, we ARE winning!
6   Shaman   2022 Jan 9, 8:09pm  

Is that for tomorrow?
7   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 10, 12:29am  

Patrick says
At 12 o’clock, a banner plane will fly from Long Beach airport up the 710 to the I-5.
It will circle around and hit these major freeways. I want people to get their cameras out and start taking photos!

I'll go out and look for the thing, but I'm pretty far from the 710 to get a good shot. I AM right off the 91, if I catch it circling back my way there it should be a good view.
8   WookieMan   2022 Jan 10, 12:49am  

I think the message needs to be different. People that got the vaccine and "boosters" are now embarrassed getting Covid and almost all had side effects from the vaccine or covid. It's a definitive "they were wrong" moment. Buying a lemon of a car so to speak.

I'm not good at slogans, but I think something along the line of "Vaccines don't work and it's okay to admit it." We need to flip the people that got the vaccine and are upset that they had side effects and then still got covid without shaming them. It's anecdotal, but I've read dozens of people's emails about vaccine remorse. It's a thing for sure. Educated and smart people feel dumb for being duped by this.

Catch is it's hard to get to them without it seeming like "ha ha, you were wrong" type message. Sorry, just throwing that thought out there, insomnia is a real treat, so thoughts might not make sense.
9   Robert Sproul   2022 Jan 10, 7:12am  

WookieMan says
"Vaccines don't work and it's okay to admit it."

I wonder what “THE TRUMP VACCINE HAS FAILED!” would do to their various cognitive bias’s and rationalizations.
10   zzyzzx   2022 Jan 10, 7:19am  

Gather a few people and protest at the appropriate persons house. This sends a stronger message than protesting at their office.

Like the person responsible for mask mandates (local "health official") or politician.
12   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 10, 8:37am  

WookieMan says
We need to flip the people that got the vaccine and are upset that they had side effects and then still got covid without shaming them.

A very important principle. Lots of people today have completely forgotten any fine art of persuasion. Remember, you have to make the person not only want the right thing, you have to get them to WANT to want it! This is surprisingly difficult even when that individual's self-interest is directly at stake.

Dale Carnegie addressed this when he said, "The only way to enter the citadel of another man's mind is arm-in-arm with the owner."

zzyzzx says
Gather a few people and protest at the appropriate persons house.

Antifa did this, Alinsky did and recommended this. I don't think it's necessarily the right technique at the right time. There are other, better methods for what is needed now (spreading info) and this would polarize people and wall them off from your influence or ability to persuade further.

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