by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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Sugary carby cereal and a pepperoni pizza is what that hospital feeds their cardiac patients?
Sugary carby cereal and a pepperoni pizza is what that hospital feeds their cardiac patients?
Patrick saysStatistically, the cause of death for those 14 kids they analyzed could happen by chance… maybe 1 in billion. But nobody did the math to let us know that.
This is what I've been saying. There is science behind mrna. The results of that science are a math problem dealing with data. That's the most important part. These vaccines have not been properly vetted and not a human on the planet knows long term consequences yet. Not one. I fear for everyone that has taken this including most of my friends and family. I don't hang out with losers and uneducated people either. We'll see.
Not liking the results so far with my own wife who I was pretty aggressive about not wanting her to get vaxxed as a healthy 38 year old woman. She also runs a lot. The heart issues scare me as they generally just hit you without warning.
It’s my understanding that any inflammation is short livedRandomized clinical studies would be the best determinant of the frequency and severity of gene therapy related cardiomyopathy, but they do not exist. There have been a few non-randomized post-gene therapy studies, but based upon examining folks who demonstrated symptoms only. Asymptomatic disease is a real thing, and so real risk is likely underestimated. The experimental treatment group is pretty large, and hopefully unbiased data is being recorded, but don't bet on it.
A pharmacist friend advises to take it easy for a few days post shot. Of course this advice isn’t widely shared because they don’t want to spook people and have people put it off.
Not liking the results so far with my own wife who I was pretty aggressive about not wanting her to get vaxxed as a healthy 38 year old woman. She also runs a lot. The heart issues scare me as they generally just hit you without warning.
It’s my understanding that any inflammation is short lived and it’s best to not exercise strenuously for a week post COVID vaccine. Any heart inflammation will be long gone by than. A lot of the people that died post vaccine went out to football practice the next day or did something strenuous exercise wise.
Did at least the mense issue clear up? If so, hopefully her body is successfully cleaning out the trash generated by the spike proteins.
It’s my understanding that any inflammation is short lived and it’s best to not exercise strenuously for a week post COVID vaccine. Any heart inflammation will be long gone by than. A lot of the people that died post vaccine went out to football practice the next day or did something strenuous exercise wise.
A pharmacist friend advises to take it easy for a few days post shot. Of course this advice isn’t widely shared because they don’t want to spook people and have people put it off.
Docs and pharma should be disclosing this. What they're doing now is flat out lying.Alex Azar, Trump's Sect'y of HHS, tried to point out obesity as explaining the greater prevalence of COVID morbidity and mortality amongst African Americans, but Pelosi went ballistic and shut him down. Killing people to placate your base and prevent hurt feelings is par for the course, and nothing gets resolved, as with trying to discuss the black violent crime rate.
Alex Azar, Trump's Sect'y of HHS, tried to point out obesity as explaining the greater prevalence of COVID morbidity and mortality amongst African Americans
1 in 2680 young men develop acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Hong Kong
What more evidence does the USG need?
Robert W Malone MD, MS
5 hr ago
Strong data from a peer reviewed article in the journal of Clinical Infectious Disease shows that there is a significant increase in the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose. Onset of myocarditis was a median of 2 days after vaccination. The clinically significant (acute and/or “mild”) myocarditis/pericarditis incidence rate came in at one out of every 2680 young males.
California will mandate the vaccine for all school age children as soon as the corrupt FDA approves the vaccine for that age group. That is imminent.
A male adolescent is about 800 times more likely to get a serious case of life threatening Myocarditis from the "vaccine" than die of Covid.
It’s my understanding that any inflammation is short lived and it’s best to not exercise strenuously for a week post COVID vaccine. Any heart inflammation will be long gone by than. A lot of the people that died post vaccine went out to football practice the next day or did something strenuous exercise wise.
A pharmacist friend advises to take it easy for a few days post shot. Of course this advice isn’t widely shared because they don’t want to spook people and have people put it off.
It’s my understanding that any inflammation is short lived and it’s best to not exercise strenuously for a week post COVID vaccine. Any heart inflammation will be long gone by than.
BoomAndBustCycle saysIt’s my understanding that any inflammation is short lived and it’s best to not exercise strenuously for a week post COVID vaccine. Any heart inflammation will be long gone by than.
That is absolutely false.
Myocarditis has a fatality rate of something like 50% over 5 years.
It's deadly serious, not transient.
Why the fuck are they forcing kids to take the vaccines when their risk is much much lower? WHY?
Why liability protection for vaccine manufacturers is a terrible idea
I have a simpler solution. Drop the liability protection.
If that means no vaccines are produced, I will not shed a tear. We will all be better off for that since the data shows that vaccines in general have pretty much been a disaster.
We should simply let the market forces operate without government interference. If a manufacturer makes a drug that is useful and safe, they will profit. If they make a drug that is deadly, they should take it off the market.
Here’s the key question that nobody wants to answer:
We don’t have liability protection for any other drugs or for any other product for that matter. Why should vaccines be carved out? Isn’t it time we ended this?
If we can end the liability protection for vaccines, these vaccines will be pulled from the market since they will become unprofitable since they have killed so many people. It will be a win for humanity.
New FOIA Release Shows CDC Lied About Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Efforts
They never found any safety signals, because they didn't look for them
Arnold Monto of the VRBPAC Committee's $176,074.44 Conflicts of Interest Include Payments from Pfizer
I suppose there's a rational explanation as to why he was even on the Committee?
Dr. Arnold Monto of the recent VRBPAC Committee that rubberstamped COVID-19 vaccines for kids, toddlers, and infants.
So, I wondered: Does he have any conflicts of interest with vaccine makers?
Why, yes. Yes he does.
See for yourself. Toggle the settle to “All years”
Docs are giving vaccines like candy. Last time they said giving 4 differnet kids Vax at the same time is ok.
They keep making requirement for school so can't even decline it.
Vaccines are a scam along with mental health drugs.
I've dealt with depression, anger and alcohol issues in the past. Weed has been the best medicine. It has helped with pain recently. You can take weed and not be "high" out of your mind and have medicinal benefits to the body without the damage of shit like Tylenol.
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