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2021 Nov 21, 4:48pm   26,098 views  209 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Red SUV ramming through parade... 4 "Dancing Grandmas" confirmed downed...

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106   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Nov 24, 2:24am  

mell says
Booger says
And people sometimes question my recent views on "The Tribe".:

Agreed, unfortunately there are too many jews who are a disgrace to their own race. This is like saying the concentration camp guards acted in self defense. You can't help these people

He is no liberal. He’s a left wing supporter of fascists.
107   Patrick   2021 Nov 24, 9:43am  


There are six Waukesha families so stricken now that eight-year-old Jackson Tucker has succumbed to his injuries. That’s him in the picture above, with his older brother Tucker, who was also there, also hospitalized in intensive care. He’s now recovering from a fractured skull and road rash.

As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports, Jackson’s death was announced on his GoFundMe page and was confirmed by his baseball club and his family’s church. “You couldn’t help but love him,” said Jeff Rogers, president of the Waukesha Blazers Baseball/Fastpitch Softball Club to which the brothers belonged.

In addition to young Jackson, Jane Kulich, 52, a bank employee who was representing her employer on its float, was also killed. As was Tamara Durand, 52, a teacher, a chaplain, and a member of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies. And so was Ginny Sorenson, 79, a registered nurse and a member of those same Dancing Grannies. And Leanna Owen, 71, an apartment manager and yet another Dancing Granny. And Bill Hospel, 81, who was there with his wife and was passing out water to the Grannies.

How tough it must be to describe the carnage there. “He went pedal to the metal. And he guns it down the street,” said Ryan Kohnke, an Iraq War veteran whose 11-year-old niece, Jessalyn, was among the injured. “It was like a war zone. There were bodies everywhere. There was clothes. Everything abandoned. People were screaming, looking for their loved ones.”

Jessalyn was one of at least 18 children who were hurt. She was there marching with her dance team and had just waved to the camera. Seconds later, she was lying unconscious in the middle of the street. She’s now in the ICU.

As for the evildoer, the career criminal and anti-white racist Darrell Brooks, he’s been arraigned and his bail has been set at $5 million, which seems like overcompensation by the same woefully negligent criminal justice system that had turned him loose just days ago for a paltry $1,000.

As Fox News’s Tucker Carlson notes: “The more we learn about Darrell Brooks, the easier it is to understand why the media don’t want to talk about him. Brooks’s social media feeds are full of racist and Black nationalist propaganda. In one of his rap songs, he includes lines from Malcolm X justifying race-hate against Whites. He posted a picture of a fruit bowl arranged to display the letters BLM with a raised fist. And not insignificantly, Brooks also criticized the jury’s verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.”

Indeed, Joe Biden saw fit to defame Kyle Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist,” but he and his apologist ilk have nary a word to accurately describe Darrell Brooks as a murdering racist.

What a shame this is. And what a tragedy.
108   Patrick   2021 Nov 25, 10:14am  


HONOLULU, HI—CNN and other mainstream news outlets are reporting on a "tragic, completely accidental" boating accident at Pearl Harbor. As details still come in, CNN is urging people to not rush to judgment or assign blame until the story goes away in a few days.

"Such a tragic and completely accidental boating accident," said one news anchor. "The thing that's so sad about it is the tragic, totally random accidentalness of it. Our hearts are with the victims and whatever. Anyway, in other news..."

Independent journalists from the scene are sending messages that this was an intentional attack by the Empire of Japan that was designed to inflict as much destruction and casualty as possible. Such messages have been dismissed as unfounded and racist, and likely linked to recent increases in anti-Asian hate crimes.

"We do not need to investigate this any further, or talk about it ever again, as it was an accident," said the local Police Chief in a press conference. "Any talk of motive is unhelpful at this time. I think what's really important is allowing our Pearl Harbor community to heal."

CNN then quickly transitioned to a news story about the latest Cary Grant movie.
109   Booger   2021 Nov 25, 2:13pm  

Ban SUV's!!!
111   Patrick   2021 Nov 25, 6:19pm  


A car crash?

Why would Wikipedia present it this way?

Why are the mainstream outlets saying absolutely nothing to condemn this man?

"It's just a car going fast and running people over."

It's almost as if the people in charge know something we don't.
113   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Nov 25, 7:58pm  

White washing black supremacy and white genocide, like nazis white washed crimes against Jews
114   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Nov 25, 8:17pm  

Patrick says

A car crash?

Why would Wikipedia present it this way?

Why are the mainstream outlets saying absolutely nothing to condemn this man?

"It's just a car going fast and running people over."

It's almost as if the people in charge know something we don't.

This was yet another violent racist leftist terror attack.

It’s user content, I don’t think anyone on the right edits there.
115   richwicks   2021 Nov 25, 8:22pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
It’s user content, I don’t think anyone on the right edits there.

Not the right. Wikipedia was taken over by the intelligence agencies years ago. They are propagandists.
116   Patrick   2021 Nov 25, 10:54pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
It’s user content, I don’t think anyone on the right edits there.

People on the right are not allowed to edit on Wikipedia.

All political articles of importance are "locked" and no one but leftists are allowed to edit them. Any stray conservative edits are quickly deleted or reverted.

Wikipedia is just another propaganda tool now.
117   richwicks   2021 Nov 25, 11:50pm  

Patrick says
All political articles of importance are "locked" and no one but leftists are allowed to edit them. Any stray conservative edits are quickly deleted or reverted.

It's a mistake to see this as left versus right. It's not.

It's truth versus lies. The left is doing a shit load more lying now is all because they are nominally in power. That will change in time.

Whatever the "establishment" is in power, left or right, their set of lies are protected. It's long been a lie of the right that US citizens are "terrorists" for example. I was frequently called that back in 2005. Right now you laugh at that designation assigned to parents fed up with bad school curriculum but the right will use that again.

US citizens aware of their rights and protesting they aren't being respected, are always called terrorists. When we have somebody like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, or Nikki Haley as grand pooh bah fake president, they will use this. Trump just threw a monkey wrench in the works for 4 years is all. We had a non establishment figurehead for 4 years. That's put a hiccup in the pattern.
118   Patrick   2021 Nov 26, 10:30pm  


WaPo: “Caused by a SUV”

Joel Abbott
Nov 25th, 2021 11:18 am
The mainstream media is thoroughly evil.

... But here we are: A violent criminal, who shared pro-Hitler memes and had just been released on ridiculously-low bail as part of the woke DA's goal of lowering incarceration, isn't even mentioned by WaPo.

It was just the SUV!!

Comfortably Smug
Nov 25
Caused by a SUV

Good God, journalists today are the most dishonest criminals
119   richwicks   2021 Nov 26, 10:35pm  

Patrick says
Good God, journalists today are the most dishonest criminals

They have always been this, well, at least for the 20 years I've been fully aware.

When the Palestinians fire off some worthless rockets into Israel, they never mentioned that a month before Israel blow up a village in Gaza. That fact is omitted from the news. There's the constant plea of "if only the Palestinians disarmed all this violence will end" - but the West Bank hasn't done anything to Israel from them to attack it for 2 decades, but settlements keep expanding there. That's an attack. Villages are plowed under olive groves destroyed, the Innocent Israelis! Why are they so disliked by the indigenous population?

We have exactly the same media that Israel has now. Pure propaganda, and blatantly dishonest. They think you won't bother to check they are full of shit, and honestly, most people don't, and those that do - they're not believed even if you have cold hard evidence for your position. We're the 4th Reich, and Israel led the way.

All governments are evil. They're kept in check by the population, and the population hasn't done fucking shit in 30 years at least. That's why the create an "us versus them" scenario - ALWAYS. Our government probably did that with the native Americans.

Neocons run our fucking media. Zionists do, The KKK for Jews run our fucking media. Now who are they turning into the Palestinian bad guys?

People don't recognize the difference between a Jewish Zionist and simply a Zionist. A Jewish Zionist is a fanatic and they were perfectly willing to allow Jewish people to die in order to setup Israel. Now, they're just insane.
121   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 27, 5:55pm  

richwicks says
When the Palestinians fire off some worthless rockets into Israel, they never mentioned that a month before Israel blow up a village in Gaza. That fact is omitted from the news. There's the constant plea of "if only the Palestinians disarmed all this violence will end" - but the West Bank hasn't done anything to Israel from them to attack it for 2 decades, but settlements keep expanding there. That's an attack. Villages are plowed under olive groves destroyed, the Innocent Israelis! Why are they so disliked by the indigenous population?

Rockets today, but a decade ago it was suicide bombers in Pizzerias and Buses. That's why the Wall was built. And 5-star hotels, water park (bombed by a Muslim Purity Group), multiple multi-story malls, the massive obesity rate, and the countless restaurants from Pizzerias to Hamburgers to Fine French Cuisine exist in the "Concentration Camp of Gaza" where the average income is about $4k/year, similar to many developing countries like the Philippines.

Hamas and PLO gunned down each other's remnant in their respective areas, hundreds killed and families dispossessed and many male relatives shot 'just to be safe', not a peep from "human rights" NGOs

I think after 15 years, the PLO finally had an election which was rigged as fuck.

It's also ommitted that the "Settlers" are Jews expelled from the West Bank when the Palestinian Kingdom of Jordan (2/3rd of Mandate Palestine, 90% identify as ethnically "Palestinian") invaded with no causus belli, That the French and British gave 90% of the Levant to the Arabs on a silver plate, but the British left without creating any Jewish area, and despite multiple defeats the Arabs have refused to negotiate at all on the status of any kind of Israel.

Or that half of all Israelis came as refugees expelled from Iraq, Algeria, etc. in the 1940s and 1950s, and the various Monarchs/dictators of course retained any real property they had. Whereas ALL Arab Property in Israel is respected. The only forcible expulsion was on Clear Title belonging to Jews around Jerusalem before Jordan invaded in 1948 and gave it away illegally to Jordanians.

That Yassir Arafat was born in Cairo, the KGB established the PLO through Agent Aref (Arafat), that Arafat's parents were an Egyptian Father and a Syrian Mother whose family had owned some land in Israel which they had Arab sharecroppers paying them rent to their palace in Damascus. Almost all of the Arab population in pre 1947 Israel were sharecroppers who didn't own their land.

The Tlaibs (of Rashida fame) are the same, except they resided in the region and not absentee landlords like Arafat's mother's family. Rashida wasn't interested in visiting because she wouldn't want TV crews showing up at their 15 room mansion.

Or that the Palestinians have meddled in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, or that the "Genocide" has resulted in a 400% increase in population since it began.

Or that the USSR was the biggest supporter of Egypt and Syria for decades.

Or the great "Israelis forced Christians out", when Bethlehem was half Christian under direct Israeli Admin until the mid 90s, but only 15% Christian now after just a few decades of PA control "George, you'll have to sell me your house for $50k. Or I'll say you're a Mossad Agent. My brother-in-law is the Police Chief."

And have always refused to negotiate, and that the "River to the Sea" means no Jewish state whatsoever. And given the experience in Lebanon, the Israelis would be Batshit Crazy to accept a one-state solution since the Muslims will just outbreed the others and eventually a one-party corrupt state with Hezbollah/Fatah/Hamas would run the show.

Zionism is no different than Irish or Kurdish nationalism, the desire for a state that isn't shared with a dominant nearby ethnicity like the English or Turks/Arabs.

Almost all the far left Jews around the world, as well as George Soros, despise Israel and Zionism. Now that Cuba and Venezuela are indefensible, they're on to the next place.
122   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 27, 7:03pm  

The dirty secret is that the Palestinian Leadership doesn't want the issue resolved. It's why they never hate to negotiate on anything, and when they do, it's all delay and grandstanding before walking away in a huff, to drag it out forever.

They get billions in UN Money that only they get, it's a special pot and about as big as ALL OTHER refugees in the entire world get. There's a lot of grift and influence buying that would be halted if the situation get revolved.

It's a safety valve for Arab corruption generally. Arab Politician steals hundreds of millions? "It's a zionist lie, they are the ones who stole it and framed me!"

Arafat died with an estate in the tens of millions, multiple Paris apartments. Hamas leader Mashaal owns multi-million condos in Dubai and Qatar, plural.

Why fix the desalination plant in Gaza? They have more than enough to do it with the UN annual cash they get several times over.

Because that way they have friends buy bottled water from Egypt, the Egyptians profit, they can blame "Zionists", and profit from selling the bottled water.

The PA/Hamas likes things the way they are, or in a one-state solution, they will shakedown and sell off everything in Israel over time.

Contrary to propaganda, Western Media has shifted to using almost entirely Palestinian Sources in the past 25 years, so almost every photo, video, and story on Media is now from Palestinian Sympathizers. It was a mixture of expanding Far Leftism in the Media, but started as a way to save money by hiring Arab photographers for $5000 a year instead of Israeli ones at $20k or sending over Europeans/Americans at $80k/year.
123   Shaman   2021 Nov 27, 7:20pm  

The Palestinians may get their land back when the Israelis die of the vax. Very high vax rate in Israel, very low in Gaza.
The Jews may have outsmarted themselves this time.
124   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 27, 7:23pm  

Shaman says
The Palestinians may get their land back when the Israelis die of the vax. Very high vax rate in Israel, very low in Gaza.
The Jews may have outsmarted themselves this time.

Ha, probably.
125   richwicks   2021 Nov 27, 7:28pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
The dirty secret is that the Palestinian Leadership doesn't want the issue resolved. It's why they never hate to negotiate on anything,

Do you think the Israeli government wants to have the issue resolved?

The Likud party is the political offshoot of the Stern Gang. They blew up the King David Hotel and murdered Count Bernadotte.

That's government in a microcosm. Government seeks a need to exist, not to solve problems they were created to resolve.

CaptainHorsePaste says

It's a safety valve for Arab corruption generally. Arab Politician steals hundreds of millions?

The US sends over 4 billion dollars a year to Israel. It's no different.

CaptainHorsePaste says
Arafat died with an estate in the tens of millions, multiple Paris apartments. Hamas leader Mashaal owns multi-million condos in Dubai and Qatar, plural.

And Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad intelligence asset that literally bought his mansion from Les Wexner for $1.00 (yes, ONE dollar) to run a honeypot trap. Nobody on Wallstreet knows how he made his money - because he didn't make any money. All of "his" properties were given to him through intelligence agencies.

All "leaders" are just degenerate fuckers taking orders. Why do you think we have a hair sniffing, racist, corrupt, senile asshole as our "president"?
126   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 27, 7:48pm  

richwicks says
The Likud party is the political offshoot of the Stern Gang. They blew up the King David Hotel and murdered Count Bernadotte.


Bernadotte was going to give the Arabs Jerusalem and institute a one-state solution, which meant no Jewish state, all run by the UN which would have dozens of Arab states to make sure Arab Supremacy reigned in the Middle East.

As for violence, they're the Jewish Old IRA. Or PKK. Or VietCong. Or any group fighting for independence.

richwicks says
The US sends over 4 billion dollars a year to Israel. It's no different.

It's different. The US gives Israel a big gift certificate to buy F-35s, almost all of it is only redeemable for US made equipment, and it's a fraction of the Israeli Government Budget and a tinier fraction of GDP. The Palestinians get cash from the UN to spend as they please, as it's a huge chunk of their annual budget. Most of it is spent on salaries for PA relatives and infrastructure improvements around their palaces, very little on things that benefit people, whose condition is then blamed on Zionists.

As for Epstein, I haven't seen any receipts, just allegations.
127   richwicks   2021 Nov 27, 8:00pm  

I think I did a better job than a bunch of professionals making him look white. What do other people think?
128   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 27, 8:03pm  

richwicks says

I think I did a better job than a bunch of professionals making him look white. What do other people think?

Pretty good. You've made him at least a "White Hispanic" or possibly even a Sicilian or Greek.
129   richwicks   2021 Nov 27, 8:56pm  

AmericanKulak says
As for violence, they're the Jewish Old IRA. Or PKK. Or VietCong. Or any group fighting for independence.

Fine let them.

Leave my country out of it. Stop making US taxpayers pay for it. Stop producing unrelenting propaganda to support it. Stop excusing it.

THAT apparently is too much to ask. Every fucking war the US gets dragged into within the Middle East has some sort of fucking cherry on top for Israel. All our wars are pointless, they just cost money, and they do nothing for this nation. I suspect without that cherry on top, there may not be enough reason to go to another fucking stupid ass war.
132   Bitcoin   2021 Nov 28, 4:50am  

CNN shows nothing about the black supremacist Darrell Brooks.
But they cover the killing of Ahmaud Abruey or whatever this criminals name was.

The black supremacist Darrell Brooks killed several children and mowed down 50 innocent people. That should be the headline everywhere/daily. Fuckin leftist media.
I am surprised Kamala hasnt requested to suck Darrell Brooks cock yet, or has she?

133   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 28, 6:10am  

richwicks says
AmericanKulak says
As for violence, they're the Jewish Old IRA. Or PKK. Or VietCong. Or any group fighting for independence.

Fine let them.

Leave my country out of it. Stop making US taxpayers pay for it. Stop producing unrelenting propaganda to support it. Stop excusing it.

THAT apparently is too much to ask. Every fucking war the US gets dragged into within the Middle East has some sort of fucking cherry on top for Israel. All our wars are pointless, they just cost money, and they do nothing for this nation. I suspect without that cherry on top, there may not be enough reason to go to another fucking stupid ass war.

Most wars in the Middle East, like the Iran-Iraq War, had jack shit to do with Israel.

That a war might have some advantage for somebody in the region is a given. Occupying Iraq, for example, had benefits for Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc.

All the wars in ME in the 20th Century, the only way one get Israel to make the top ten deadliest wars is if one combines all the wars from Independence to 6-day to Intifada II and all the raids and combines them into one long conflict. And then it's #10.

Afghanistan had nothing to do with Israel, and the Iraq occupation had little to do with Israel.

Like when Iraq invaded Kuwait to get money to pay their debts for the Iran-Iraq War, and then for absolutely no reason started firing missiles at Israel in order to say "Hey, Fellow Arabs we're bombing Israel! Look over there! Look at those zionists!". People forget that Saddam did not use, but DID threaten, to use chemical weapons against Coalition Forces in the Gulf with his "Double Chemical" during the first Iraq War.

As for other canards, like Israel being a financial center for international banks, Tel Aviv doesn't even make the top 20. Melbourne, Toronto, and Vancouver are ranked higher.
134   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 28, 10:00am  

It's the Ford Focus of Peace - a classic:

135   richwicks   2021 Nov 28, 4:40pm  

AmericanKulak says
Like when Iraq invaded Kuwait to get money to pay their debts for the Iran-Iraq War, and then for absolutely no reason started firing missiles at Israel in order to say "Hey, Fellow Arabs we're bombing Israel! Look over there! Look at those zionists!". People forget that Saddam did not use, but DID threaten, to use chemical weapons against Coalition Forces in the Gulf with his "Double Chemical" during the first Iraq War.

Every fucking goddamned government is a bunch of thugs. They are ALL MAFIAS. Start with that axiom.

I know the April Glaspie said the United States would have no objection to Iraq invading Kuwait. That's why she resigned after Hussein produced tapes saying the US wouldn't have any objection to Hussein invading Kuwait. The entire war could have been prevented if Glaspie said "don't invade Kuwait, or the US will go to war with you". The US federal government GOADED Iraq into that war. Am I some sort of fucking genius to be able to see the BLATANTLY OBVIOUS solution? The reality is that the US wanted war and setup Hussein for it and Hussein believed the US, because he was naive and didn't realize they were fucking liars.

The US were ALLIES with Saddam Hussein from 1980 to 1988 as he fought a war against Iran and the US probably instigated this war, because the US lost control of Iran after the TRAITOR the Shaw of Iran, was thrown out of power for being a fucking traitor.

The Shaw of Iran was installed in 1953 with Operation Ajax when Mohammad Mosaddegh was removed through a CIA action to prevent him from nationalizing British oil interests in Iran, when Britain was doing the same exact fucking thing as the major hypocrite assholes they are, which made British Petroleum.

Just get the fuck out of the Middle East. Not just Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan but Israel too.

Fuck these goddamn barbarian assholes, let them deal with their own shit. We have spent 10's of trillions of dollars SUPPOSEDLY helping these people. We're not helping. Fuck them all, let them work out their own shit. It's a sink hole of resources and I'm fucking tired of having my nation spend resources on stupid fucking wars instead of our own goddamned country. If the traitors who run this nation won't stop doing this shit, we ought to string them up.

Israel is the Israelis problem, Iran is the Iranians problem, Iraqi is the Iraqis problem, The US is our problem, and fucking etcetera. Fucking tired of you neocon chickenhawk assholes advocating for wasting resources in some 3rd world nation under the lie of "we're helping". Who the fuck have we helped? We were energy independent only 2 years ago. Ignoring all the moral bullshit lies to be there, look at the economics. Or if you don't want to, I'll buy you any goddamned gun you want to fight "the good fight" and ship your stupid ass over to the Middle East to "improve the world". It's a waste of money, but at least it would get rid of ONE problem in the United States.

There's nothing complicated about this situation. Israeli will wipe out the Palestinians - let them, without US money to do it. Iran wants to take over Iraq? Who gives a shit, as long as the US has free trade (real free trade) for their energy output. Does Israel have a problem with Syria doing whatever? Don't intervene with the assholes bomb Syria through Libya, let the Libyan's shoot their goddamned planes down. Israel wants to bitch about Iran's (supposed) nuclear weapons program? Well, demand they open up Dimona to the IAEA.

These problems are EASY to solve, the real problem is the fuckers in power don't want to actually solve the problems.
136   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Nov 28, 5:07pm  

richwicks says
Fortwaynemobile says
It’s user content, I don’t think anyone on the right edits there.

Not the right. Wikipedia was taken over by the intelligence agencies years ago. They are propagandists.

It’s left wing groups, not cia. I ran into some leftists before, they are insane.
137   Patrick   2021 Nov 28, 5:36pm  

richwicks says
Fortwaynemobile says
It’s user content, I don’t think anyone on the right edits there.

Not the right. Wikipedia was taken over by the intelligence agencies years ago. They are propagandists.

This is a pretty good replacement for Wikipedia:

138   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 28, 6:07pm  

richwicks says

Israel is the Israelis problem, Iran is the Iranians problem, Iraqi is the Iraqis problem, The US is our problem, and fucking etcetera. Fucking tired of you neocon chickenhawk assholes advocating for wasting resources in some 3rd world nation under the lie of "we're helping". Who the fuck have we helped? We were energy independent only 2 years ago. Ignoring all the moral bullshit lies to be there, look at the economics. Or if you don't want to, I'll buy you any goddamned gun you want to fight "the good fight" and ship your stupid ass over to the Middle East to "improve the world". It's a waste of money, but at least it would get rid of ONE problem in the United States.

There's nothing complicated about this situation. Israeli will wipe out the Palestinians - let them, without US money to do it. Iran wants to take over Iraq? Who gives a shit, as long as the US has free trade (real free trade) for their energy output. Does Israel have a problem with Syria doing whate...

I strongly believe US aid to Israel should end. I also believe the US contributing half of NATO's budget should end, too. Russia has been almost obliterated by Germany alone, much less France and Germany together. Other European powers, even Sweden and Poland by themselves, have fought off Russia and even gained territory at their expense. Nevermind France, Germany, Poland, Italy, etc. etc.all working together.

However, there IS an oil problem with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait.

BUT, I believe THAT problem can be solved because:
A) The US almost negotiated a peace agreement between the Gulf State and Israel. It would have certainly been finalized in Trump's second term, and the Palestinians would have to like it or lump it, losing all their bennies and travel and residency benefits in/from the Gulf.
B) The Europeans would be forced to get involved with policing the area if the USA didn't guarantee the Gulf States.
C) It frees up to US to have good relations with Russia.
139   Patrick   2021 Nov 28, 6:09pm  

Trump was really excellent at foreign policy.
140   richwicks   2021 Nov 28, 6:26pm  

AmericanKulak says
I strongly believe US aid to Israel should end. I also believe the US contributing half of NATO's budget should end, too.

Well it's not going to. Fascists run our country. Zionist fascists do.

AmericanKulak says
Russia has been almost obliterated by Germany alone, much less France and Germany together. Other European powers, even Sweden and Poland by themselves, have fought off Russia and even gained territory at their expense.

Russia isn't about to be "obliterated" by Germany. The US is in conflict with Russia in an attempt to supply Europe with natural gas and oil. The reason the US attacked Syria was to get an oil pipeline from the Golan Heights to Turkey, and the reason they overthrew Urkaine was to stop the Nordstream II. The entire fucking war effort in the Middle East is to control Europe.

AmericanKulak says
However, there IS an oil problem with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait.

BUT, I believe THAT problem can be solved because:
A) The US almost negotiated a peace agreement between the Gulf State and Israel. It would have certainly been finalized in Trump's second term, and the Palestinians would have to like it or lump it, losing all their bennies and travel and residency benefits in/from the Gulf.

Who gives a fuck who takes over the area? Whoever wins, do negotiations for exchange. You know, a free market system our fucking traitorous assholes that call ourselves leaders claim to believe in.

AmericanKulak says
B) The Europeans would be forced to get involved with policing the area if the USA didn't guarantee the Gulf States.

Oh noooooooooooooes! The European states might have to pay for all the warmongering and murder they allow their nations to engage in for fuel supplies! The horror!!!

AmericanKulak says
C) It frees up to US to have good relations with Russia.

We can have good relations with Russia now. Just dump our fucking stupid partnership with this pathetic asshole Europeans, and exchange that for a partnership with Russia. There, problem solved, and both profit.
141   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 28, 6:47pm  

richwicks says
Well it's not going to. Fascists run our country. Zionist fascists do.

Incorrect. Before Trump we had an admin that did everything possible to get regime change in Israel to make more concessions for nothing to please his Leftist Socialist and Arab supporters, Obama. And Obama was quite friendly with big Corps, big Pharma, and FIRE.

Obama was caught using taxpayer money to finance the opposition party against Netanyahu, without Congressional approval. He had to pay it back with his own money, if I recall.

richwicks says
Russia isn't about to be "obliterated" by Germany. The US is in conflict with Russia in an attempt to supply Europe with natural gas and oil. The reason the US attacked Syria was to get an oil pipeline from the Golan Heights to Turkey, and the reason they overthrew Urkaine was to stop the Nordstream II. The entire fucking war effort in the Middle East is to control Europe.

Didn't say it would be, said it had been. Hell, France came within a shot of conquering all Russia. All by themselves, no less.

Syria is full of shit too. The House of Assad are murderous sons of bitches. They deliberately kept the Lebanese Civil War going to have an excuse to stay in Lebanon, they've massacred entire cities. They've sponsored terrorism and blamed it on others.

Just because the Western Media is full of shit, doesn't mean Russo-Syrian Media is truthful about their "Muh Bashar the Lion"

richwicks says
Who gives a fuck who takes over the area? Whoever wins, do negotiations for exchange. You know, a free market system our fucking traitorous assholes that call ourselves leaders claim to believe in.

It does matter, because CHYNA might buy it all up, or use Iran as a cudgel to threaten/control MENA oil, if they know that other Powers won't intervene.

richwicks says

Oh noooooooooooooes! The European states might have to pay for all the warmongering and murder they allow their nations to engage in for fuel supplies! The horror!!!

I agree. No more France and Germany wagging fingers and being backseat drivers while they profit from our interventions, both from the oil itself being cheaper AND the fact they don't have to spend money or blood to help.

richwicks says
We can have good relations with Russia now. Just dump our fucking stupid partnership with this pathetic asshole Europeans, and exchange that for a partnership with Russia. There, problem solved, and both profit.

India-US-Russia loose coalition. Hell, just US-Russia PEC would be yuge, control much of the world's resources domestically.
142   richwicks   2021 Nov 28, 11:14pm  

AmericanKulak says
richwicks says
Well it's not going to. Fascists run our country. Zionist fascists do.

Incorrect. Before Trump we had an admin that did everything possible to get regime change in Israel to make more concessions for nothing to please his Leftist Socialist and Arab supporters, Obama. And Obama was quite friendly with big Corps, big Pharma, and FIRE.

Oh BS. It's all a facade. The Big Horrible Thing that the US did was allow a non binding resolution against Israel to go through under Obama. Once!

If the US actually wanted to break any ties with Israel, it would end their financial "aid" (i.e. bribes), denounce their settlement building, place sanctions on THEM until they do, disclose Dimona publicly and demand inspections of their nuclear weapons arsenal and require Israel to 1) declare their borders 2) follow UN resolution 194.

The US is NOT a fair mediator, the US has no interest in peace, Israel has no intention of allowing a 2 state solution either. Israel created Hamas and would rather have a group of terrorists and thugs running the West Bank and Gaza rather than a unified group of people that would be peaceful because it would strip Israel of their ultimate plan of taking over all of the West Bank and probably Gaza and expanding into South Syria and likely Lebanon. They need an enemy to do that, even if they have to create one, and they have.

AmericanKulak says
Obama was caught using taxpayer money to finance the opposition party against Netanyahu, without Congressional approval. He had to pay it back with his own money, if I recall.

Oh, you mean the terrorist? What does it matter if he's replaced? Benny Gantz is no better.

AmericanKulak says
Didn't say it would be, said it had been. Hell, France came within a shot of conquering all Russia. All by themselves, no less.

Pfft. When was this?

AmericanKulak says
Syria is full of shit too. The House of Assad are murderous sons of bitches. They deliberately kept the Lebanese Civil War going to have an excuse to stay in Lebanon, they've massacred entire cities. They've sponsored terrorism and blamed it on others.

And this is different from any other nation how?

I know the the Douma chemical attacks never happened. I know the US Federal government wouldn't care a bit if Assad wiped up every single Syrian in the country. The US doesn't care about humanitarian rights and I'm sick of the bullshit that they do. The US is there to deprive Russia of their only Middle Eastern base in Tartus and to build a pipeline from the Golan Heights to Turkey there to further compete against Russia engaging in energy trading with Europe.

AmericanKulak says
richwicks says
Who gives a fuck who takes over the area? Whoever wins, do negotiations for exchange. You know, a free market system our fucking traitorous assholes that call ourselves leaders claim to believe in.

It does matter, because CHYNA might buy it all up, or use Iran as a cudgel to threaten/control MENA oil, if they know that other Powers won't intervene.

You mean the country the US trades with as a trading partner? Maybe that could fucking stop? No, of course not, because China is an ally. The US has allied itself with China for fucking 30 years.

The US could have done the INTELLIGENT thing and purchased the oil reserves, but no, they instead have been in fucking 20 years of war instead. What a great expenditure of resources.

AmericanKulak says
richwicks says

Oh noooooooooooooes! The European states might have to pay for all the warmongering and murder they allow their nations to engage in for fuel supplies! The horror!!!

I agree. No more France and Germany wagging fingers and being backseat drivers while they profit from our interventions, both from the oil itself being cheaper AND the fact they don't have to spend money or blood to help.

Again, why the fuck do we give a shit about these nations? And by "we" I mean our fucking government.

I know the US has spent 50 years undermining their governments with the CIA. Gee, why is the US doing this?

AmericanKulak says
richwicks says
We can have good relations with Russia now. Just dump our fucking stupid partnership with this pathetic asshole Europeans, and exchange that for a partnership with Russia. There, problem solved, and both profit.

India-US-Russia loose coalition. Hell, just US-Russia PEC would be yuge, control much of the world's resources domestically.

Yeah, but for some reason we have this obsession with controlling Europe and are now actively flooding it with refugees, just as our government is actively flooding this country with refugees.

Who runs the United States doesn't give a FUCK about this country.
144   Bd6r   2021 Dec 1, 8:29am  

richwicks says
We can have good relations with Russia now.

145   RWSGFY   2021 Dec 1, 8:55am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
We can have good relations with Russia now.


So they can steal our tech, bribe our politicians and violate bilateal treaties we sign with them.

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