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2021 Nov 21, 4:48pm   25,929 views  209 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Red SUV ramming through parade... 4 "Dancing Grandmas" confirmed downed...

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57   Patrick   2021 Nov 22, 6:03am  

Booger says
Racial hate crime.

That's exactly what it is.

And the media and Biden are responsible for inciting it.
58   Patrick   2021 Nov 22, 6:15am  


KENOSHA, WI—In a verdict that surprised both the prosecution, defense, and judge, the jury for the Rittenhouse trial declared that the Media be found guilty on all counts.

The courtroom fell silent as the jury foreman stood to read the verdict, “We the jury find the media guilty on all counts, including the egregious use of its influence to lie to the American people.”

The jury then listed guilty verdicts for the following allegations:

Painting an innocent American teenager as a white supremacist terrorist.
Painting violent, communist criminals as peaceful, innocent victims.
Using its influence to sow painful divisions in the greatest nation on Earth.
Using minorities as pawns in race-baiting schemes just for ratings.
Inciting violence on vulnerable neighborhoods and minority-owned businesses.
Giving an entire show to Brian Stelter.
Upon hearing the verdicts, the judge summarily sentenced the Media to continue its inevitable decline in viewership and trust, until they either strive for objective journalism, or disappear entirely.

Following the verdicts and sentencing, the Media immediately reported to the American people that a murderous white supremacist terrorist was set free, given a KKK outfit and bazooka, and told to kill, kill, kill.

59   RC2006   2021 Nov 22, 6:37am  

So BLM dindu career criminal posted telling others to knockout whites especially old people. Had anti white rap song. Media is going to spin this that he was running from a crime and just happened to drive through crowd instead of out to kill whites.
60   Patrick   2021 Nov 22, 7:30am  


UPDATE: The city's police chief said that the gunfire heard on the videos was that of police firing at the vehicle. At least one bullet hole was found in the SUV's windshield according to early reports.

God bless that policeman!
61   Automan Empire   2021 Nov 22, 8:15am  

komputodo says
Why would he back the car into that spot where it would be so easy to see the damage to the front end? It doesn't make sense.

As the frustrated owner of a small business with parking lot, I can say from firsthand experience that nobody but NOBODY has any sense when it comes to how to park a damned car! BACKING IN TO A DRIVEWAY even when it's clear and you anticipate needing to pull out into traffic later is something almost NOBODY does spontaneously. About the only way it makes sense in this case is if he thought it would help an expedited departure from the location, or that the collision damage made the wheels rub badly when turned more than a little to the right.
63   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Nov 22, 8:58am  

CaptainHorsePaste says
Red SUV ramming through parade... 4 "Dancing Grandmas" confirmed downed...

SUV's don't run over people autonomously. The drive was a black racist,
64   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Nov 22, 9:01am  

Media memory holing it now. Black supremacy cannot be exposed. Those are their foot soldiers.
65   Patrick   2021 Nov 22, 9:36am  

NuttBoxer says
The drive was a black racist

Clearly so.
66   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 9:48am  

Video #6 was taken down by the original poster when she found out the driver was Black.
67   rigidmember   2021 Nov 22, 9:52am  

richwicks says
CaptainHorsePaste says
Keep in mind about 1/4 the country probably thinks Kyle shot 3 Black Guys and got away with it.

I was talking to my neighbor today in Silly Con Valley - he thinks it's more like 80% of the population here thinks Kyle shot 3 Black Guys.

So much for us being smart!

I’ve come to the conclusion that although there are lots of highly educated people in the Bag Area most of the regions population lacks common sense and critical thinking skills. Most Bay Area residents are bots for the MSM and Dem politicians.
68   richwicks   2021 Nov 22, 2:54pm  

If you care to see his "artwork":

original link
70   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 3:38pm  

Kamala went to see Jacob Blake, a repeat violent offender, in the hospital.

Will Shits and Giggles visit the children of the Parade? And will it get multiple mentions in the press throughout the day? Or will it not happen, or be done quickly with minimal coverage, to bury and distract from the Woke Terrorist act?
71   EBGuy   2021 Nov 22, 3:40pm  

... the player tried to take the field
The marching band refused to yield
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the music died?
… We started singin' bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
Them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
And singin' "This'll be the day that I die
This'll be the day that I die"
72   Booger   2021 Nov 22, 5:05pm  

And people sometimes question my recent views on "The Tribe".:

73   Eric Holder   2021 Nov 22, 5:10pm  

Obvious raciallly-motivated terrorist act.rigidmember says
richwicks says
CaptainHorsePaste says
Keep in mind about 1/4 the country probably thinks Kyle shot 3 Black Guys and got away with it.

I was talking to my neighbor today in Silly Con Valley - he thinks it's more like 80% of the population here thinks Kyle shot 3 Black Guys.

So much for us being smart!

I’ve come to the conclusion that although there are lots of highly educated people in the Bag Area most of the regions population lacks common sense and critical thinking skills. Most Bay Area residents are bots for the MSM and Dem politicians.


Obrazovanshchina (Russian: образованщина, 'educationdom', 'educaties',[1] 'smatterers') is a Russian ironical, derogatory term for a category of people with superficial education who lack the higher ethics of an educated person.[2]

The term was introduced by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his 1974 essay "Obrazovanshchina" (translated as "The Smatterers") as a criticism of the transformation of the Russian intelligentsia, which, in his opinion had lost high ethical values.


Wykształciuchy is a similar term used in Poland, a country that shares the concept of 'intelligentsia' with Russia.[7][8]

Solzhenitsyn defines obrazovanshchina as the category of people who refer to themselves as "intelligentsia" solely on the basis of having a higher than middle education. Solzhenitsyn explains the selection of the term by reference to Vladimir Dahl's dictionary, which distinguished the terms образовать ('to educate') and просвещать ('to enlighten'), the former concept having a superficial character, "external gloss."
74   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 22, 5:35pm  

Terror attack by black supremacist. Federal charges need to be filed.
76   mell   2021 Nov 22, 5:42pm  

Booger says
And people sometimes question my recent views on "The Tribe".:

Agreed, unfortunately there are too many jews who are a disgrace to their own race. This is like saying the concentration camp guards acted in self defense. You can't help these people
77   richwicks   2021 Nov 22, 5:49pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Terror attack by black supremacist. Federal charges need to be filed.

No point, he's not re-entering society. No children were killed at least.
78   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 5:56pm  

Eric Holder says

Awesome. Intellectual, yet not intelligent; Middlebrow... but this really captures the whole thing.
79   richwicks   2021 Nov 22, 7:24pm  

HunterTits says
FuckCCP89 says
Terror attack by black supremacist. Federal charges need to be filed.

How is this guy a black supremacist? How is this related to the Rittenhouse verdict?

We don't know, and now we can't find out. All of his online statements have been scrubbed.

I captured a few, and I'm certain many other people captured a bunch. We'll find out in time.

It's tampering with evidence when corporations delete social media to protect suspects. Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter do it constantly. Here want to see one of his videos I grabbed before it was deleted?


Here's the video:

original link

You have to realize that Google, Facebook and Twitter are arms of the government now. That's why they prevent independent investigation and protect criminals. Our government is at war with its population. It's been this way for a long long time, but people are starting to figure it out, and the companies that got in bed with them to wage this war, we're just starting to realize who they really are. Companies like Gab, Bitchute, Odysee, whatever - they may switch sides themselves over time.

If they start employing censorship, you MUST abandon them. If you are still using "Big Tech" exclusively, you have absolutely no idea what is actually going on and what the pulse of the nation actually is. You're on this site, this is not atypical of people's level of being pissed off. This site is representative of people who are inordinately pissed off, but not by much. All the actually smart people have abandoned Big Tech. I can't even post on youtube at this point, so, I ignore it. It's just a propaganda vector now, and view counts, and comments are scrubbed and modified. It's only useful for pull videos from before they are deleted.

@Patrick is right not to allow embedding of videos of Youtube here - they just disappear. I CAN give him a script to archive any links from youtube, if he wants, but it will rapidly consume space. I can (for a time) give him a script that will archive the videos on my machine if he wants and as they are deleted, repost them. Google has betrayed its mission of educating the public and allow them to know what is going on. As a search engine now, it's crap. I rarely use it. www.duckduckgo.com IS better but it may be compromised but its at least as useful as google is, and www.yandex.com is about at useful as Google EVER was, and is certainly better than it is now.

Remember, just because a company promises to not monitor you, don't trust them. They lie. I almost exclusively use searches in "incognito mode" or "private browsing" - this deletes and recreates cookies (supposedly) so each time I connect, it's extra effort to track my history by the company. This doesn't guarantee my privacy though.
80   ChauvinsKnee   2021 Nov 22, 7:51pm  

HunterTits says
FuckCCP89 says
Terror attack by black supremacist. Federal charges need to be filed.

How is this guy a black supremacist? How is this related to the Rittenhouse verdict?

Did this guy say things in front of a camera that proves either relation or both are the case or something?

Literally. It's not. He made it clear in his social media posts.
81   richwicks   2021 Nov 22, 7:54pm  

ChauvinsKnee says
HunterTits says
FuckCCP89 says
Terror attack by black supremacist. Federal charges need to be filed.

How is this guy a black supremacist? How is this related to the Rittenhouse verdict?

Did this guy say things in front of a camera that proves either relation or both are the case or something?

Literally. It's not. He made it clear in his social media posts.

Really? Lets see his social media posts....

Which I know were deleted to protect him.

Why are suspected criminal's social media posts deleted? Come up with a good explanation for that bullshit. I want to see somebody try.
82   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 7:58pm  

richwicks says
Why are suspected criminal's social media posts deleted? Come up with a good explanation for that bullshit. I want to see somebody try.

There isn't any. Unless, it's to protect the Narrative.

He couldn't have done it while he was under arrest and in jail last night.

Only the Silly Con Valley-Intelligence network (but I repeat myself) could and would have done so.
83   richwicks   2021 Nov 22, 8:06pm  

CaptainHorsePaste says
richwicks says
Why are suspected criminal's social media posts deleted? Come up with a good explanation for that bullshit. I want to see somebody try.

There isn't any. Unless, it's to protect the Narrative.

Right. To protect the propaganda. I'm well aware that our media is nothing but propaganda, but few other people are. It's obvious but good luck getting people to see it.

CaptainHorsePaste says
He couldn't have done it while he was under arrest and in jail last night.

Yep. That's right. Companies are protecting him, and they are arms of our government, which is at war with the population.

CaptainHorsePaste says
Only the Silly Con Valley-Intelligence network (but I repeat myself) could and would have done so.

I swear to god I didn't intend this. My absolute disappointment is that there are so many people here that don't care. I'd say it's 80/20 %. Some of us do care, we're in the minority. Most people are wage slaves. They can't afford to care. They "have children to raise and a mortgage". Banks run the majority of our society. Few people have any freedom at all and there's tons of people that don't give a fuck about Constitutional rights, they're just H1-B visas that don't care. That's who runs Google now. Sundar Pichai doesn't give a goddamn about freedom. He's a total fucking whore.

I still have confidence we'll fix it. The sellouts are pathetic and stupid. We can out-think them even in the minority, but it open's Pandora's box. Something we don't want to do but will have to do. There's many solutions but it allows gross violations of legality without consequence. The Silk Road was just a website, what we will unleash won't have a central point of contact. It will be first used for illegal reasons, and later, it will be used for proper reasons. We didn't want to go here, but we must.
84   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Nov 22, 8:08pm  

HunterTits says
ChauvinsKnee says
Literally. It's not. He made it clear in his social media posts.

He made it clear in his social media posts that what he did he did because of black supremacy views and/or because of the Rittenhouse Verdict?

See where I am coming from here? It was fucking bullshit that is still continuing that is why people think Kyle crossed the state lines with a gun and that he killed three black guys, etc that is caused by shit flying around that doesn't prove anything, but alludes to it indirectly.

So I am applying the fix -- asking for the fucking details and proof to back them up -- for that shit here as well.

They are idiots. Someone in the audience for The View should have been yelling at Whoopi that she is an ignorant idiot who doesn’t have facts straight.
85   ChauvinsKnee   2021 Nov 22, 8:12pm  

HunterTits says
He made it clear in his social media posts that what he did he did because of black supremacy views and/or because of the Rittenhouse Verdict?

Goes way back to 2017 or so. Before Kyle was even out of short pants.
86   richwicks   2021 Nov 22, 8:12pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
They are idiots. Someone in the audience for The View should have been yelling at Whoopi that she is an ignorant idiot who doesn’t have facts straight.

Goldberg is fully aware she's being dishonest. Her job is to get viewership, not to educate. None of her stated views are authentic. It's determined by a PR team.

Part of getting viewership is saying bat shit crazy BS, to get people to respond to "correct" her. It's to get engagement in any way possible. They don't care if they misinform or lie to people, they just want engagement. They aren't educators, it's click bait.
87   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 8:13pm  

HunterTits says
So I am applying the fix -- asking for the fucking details and proof to back them up -- for that shit here as well.

Here you go, this is what was saved before the Silly Con Valley Scrub. Bleached, like with a cloth?

Decide for yourself:

88   ChauvinsKnee   2021 Nov 22, 8:25pm  

HunterTits says
CaptainHorsePaste says
HunterTits says
So I am applying the fix -- asking for the fucking details and proof to back them up -- for that shit here as well.

Here you go, this is what was saved before the Silly Con Valley Scrub. Bleached, like with a cloth?

Decide for yourself:


Nothing there. Just shit that proves he is a Black Supremacist.

Nothing to pin him on doing what he did because of that. That he ran those people down because of his black supremacist views.

Its like saying Kyle Rittenhouse white supremacist who killed those two chumps and maimed another because he's a...

There is no evidence Kyle ever espoused any views even remotely close to white supremacism. So not even sure why Kyle is even mentioned in this thread.
89   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 22, 8:33pm  

Homie made a rap video where he bragged about being a terrorist, put up a shitload of stuff about killing whitey.

This one foreshadowed exactly what he did 'in revenge'
90   ChauvinsKnee   2021 Nov 22, 8:36pm  

HunterTits says
Its like saying Kyle Rittenhouse white supremacist who killed those two chumps and maimed another because he's a Trump supporter, not because of what was really going down that night.

It's nothing like that. Not even close. Saying that Kyle killed these fucks because he hated black people would be a huuuuge and obvious stretch: they were all white and they all attacked him, forcing him to defend himself. Now to that Waukesha fuck: espoused racist and militant views towards white people as a group - check; attacked bunch of white people without any other reason - check. It's a terrorist act motivated by race hatred, open and shut. He violated his victim's civil rights and committed an act of domestic terrorism therefore Federal charges need to be filed. It's almost exact mirror of Charlottesville car attack case:

On June 27, 2018, as reported by the DOJ's Office of Public Affairs, a W.D. Va. federal grand jury charged Fields under two hate crime statutes with multiple federal hate crimes:[32][37][44]

1 count of a hate crime act resulting in the death of Heather Heyer (18 U.S.C. § 249)
28 counts of hate crime acts causing bodily injury and involving an attempt to kill (18 U.S.C. § 249)
1 count of racially motivated violent interference with a federally protected activity (18 U.S.C. § 245(b)(2)) — resulting in the death of Heather Heyer, for driving his car into a crowd of protestors on a downtown street in Charlottesville, Virginia.[32]
Attorney General Jeff Sessions said of the indictment, "Last summer's violence in Charlottesville cut short a promising young life and shocked the nation. Today's indictment should send a clear message to every would-be criminal in America that we aggressively prosecute violent crimes of hate that threaten the core principles of our nation." W.D. Va. Attorney Thomas T. Cullen called the indictment "the culmination of a 10-month investigation that involved searching the social media accounts where Mr. Fields showed an interest in harming minorities." Adam S. Lee, the special agent in charge of the FBI's Richmond Division, said, "Heyer did not go to the event looking for a fight. She was looking to lend her voice to her cause. Peaceful protest without intimidation, without the threat of violence is every American's birthright."[37]
91   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 22, 8:42pm  

HunterTits says
ChauvinsKnee says
So not even sure why Kyle is even mentioned in this thread.

there's your problem right there.

I explained why Kyle is being referenced. Yet it seems you went suddenly blind when you read over that part of what I wrote.

If I won't take this fucking bullshit from the Left, why the fuck should I take it from you?


Somebody off his meds today....
92   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 22, 11:25pm  

HunterTits says
FuckCCP89 says
Somebody off his meds today....

Why? Because I am calling out the same fucking bullshit Libtards do when Patnetrers do it?

Some Patnetters ate being Libtarded hypocrites today.

Bringing Kyle into it is what libtards do. Kyle should be kept completely out of that shit - his case is 100% irrelevant to this particular act of terrorism and bears no resemblance to it.
93   Patrick   2021 Nov 23, 11:23am  


Get ready to forget the Waukesha attack
The race and politics of the driver are inconvenient for the media...

The Waukesha attack is everything our establishment media and politicians pretend never happens. White people are supposed to be the perpetrators. Violent criminals can be let out of jail with zero repercussions. White men are automatically considered terrorists, even when acting in self-defense, but we can never know the motives of left-wing and minority perps. Don’t be surprised when this dreadful calamity recedes from your airwaves so that the media doesn’t have to confront inconvenient facts.
94   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 12:10pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Bringing Kyle into it is what libtards do. Kyle should be kept completely out of that shit - his case is 100% irrelevant to this particular act of terrorism and bears no resemblance to it.

Actually, we don't know.

The town in which this happened is Waukesha, it's about 45 miles from Kensosha. This might have been revenge for the verdict, AND there's been BLM saying they would do something like this IF Rittenhouse wasn't found guilty, if you don't recall. This one nut may have taken it to heart.
95   richwicks   2021 Nov 23, 12:38pm  

HunterTits says
Yes, MAY is the operative word.

I'm not disputing that. The reality is that if he specifically said under interrogation that he ran down those people as a direct result of the Rittenhouse verdict, it would never be reported in our bullshit news media, and you know that as well as I do.

HunterTits says
This is why I object to the whole Hate Crime bullshit.

I agree that motivation shouldn't (much) matter. The exception is if you kill somebody. Killing somebody by accident is different from a crime of passion which is different from premeditated murder.
96   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 23, 1:24pm  

Patrick says

The Waukesha attack is everything our establishment media and politicians pretend never happens

My fav is when they "Factcheck: So-and-so Iraq/Syrian Weapons Smuggler is not a 'refugee'" When they came in on refugee status just a couple of years before but got a green card in the meantime.

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