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130K for every alleged dead Covid patient, quite an incentive. Who knew that doctors were ranked paramilitary, expected to comply with complete obedience to the chain of command, or be defrocked: the chain of command ultimately being the DOD, the allopathic Rockefellers, the national public health services, and the death 'protocol' recipes put out by NIH, FDA, CDC etc. The Hippocratic Oath must have been a mild, optional suggestion.
Of course, revealing the entirely corrupt peer review system for $$$ was just icing on the cake. It appears they'd rubber stamp Zyklon B as a tonic health agent if they got paid enough. I guess with the vaxicides, they did more or less exactly that.
It appears they'd rubber stamp Zyklon B as a tonic health agent if they got paid enough.
A.J. DePriest Reveals the Nitty Gritty of the Financial Incentives Behind the Covid Protocols
Apr. 15th, 2022 12:05 pm
Also at:
DESCRIPTION: AJ DePriest of the Tennessee Liberty Network joins ITN to discuss her organization’s findings on the Federal Government’s funding mechanisms that drive much of the Covid hysteria. Learn about the funding mechanisms in your state on Telegram at FindMyTakedownGroup. Email AJ at KickCommieAss[at]protonmail[dot]com. Find Covid education and patient advocacy at
Mike Dakkak's In the News podcast home page is
[Discussing a bill that allows Ivermectin to be sold over-the-counter in Tennessee pharmacies]
MIKE DAKKAK: I was shocked to learn that Ivermectin has a better safety record than Tylenol.
A.J. DEPRIEST: Tylenol, yeah, yeah, more people have died from Tylenol than Ivermectin.
MIKE DAKKAK: So you said something that was interesting there. You said a few, several physicians showed up to kind of push for this bill. That's kind of refreshing. Are you finding that there are a lot of doctors and medical professionals who have, are kind of shaking off the shackles that the CDC had placed on them and are finally speaking their minds?
A.J. DEPRIEST: I can tell you our lawmakers are happier about the Ivermectin because a lot of them have had covid and they took Ivermectin. And they're not afraid to talk about it. But I think a lot of doctors even in hospitals would love to prescribe Ivermectin because I think even in hospitals doctors know that the remdesivir and the NIH protocol, the remdesivir, the ventilator protocol is very bad and deadly. But they are just, they're locked down from prescribing it and, because it's not, it doesn't, it doesn't reimburse as much, they're not covered under the PREP Act [1] for liability, for anything but that very strict one-size-fits-all NIH protocol of remdesivir to ventilator. So I think if it came down to it doctors in hospitals would prescribe Ivermectin if they could. And I know doctors outside of hospitals like in private practice and who do telehealth, they prescribe it all the time.
MIKE DAKKAK: Well I mean one of the more startling revelations that you and your organization Tennessee Liberty Network has uncovered is this kind of de facto kind of coercion of our medical system through funding.
MIKE DAKKAK: And that's how they're, they're getting them to prescribe certain medications and not prescribe other medications.
A.J. DEPRIEST: Right. Yeah. CMS which is the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare [2], they were basically weaponized by the CARES Act [3] to offer a lot of things to hospitals that were related to the covid diagnosis. They even set up its own ICD code. [inaudible] ICD 9s, now now ICD 10 is the covid code, so it has its own. And they set up what's called DRGs which are Diagnosis Related Groups. And all— when a covid patient comes in the door, somebody who is suspected of covid or even if they're not covid and they label them covid, then they get set up so that every single thing that happens to them is per a very strict regimen. They're given x-number of days of remdesivir, x-number of days in doses of dexamethasone, x-number of days in doses of [inaudible] etcetera, and then usually dialysis. Because covid doesn't cause you to need dialysis, remdesivir does.
MIKE DAKKAK: Remdesivir.
A.J. DEPRIEST: So dialysis is a DRG. And then the ventilator is a DRG. And what we did was we found the pricing on all of these DRGs with their individual weights and we figured out every single thing that happened inside of a hospital to a covid patient, or somebody that's labeled as covid, we figured out, we have the whole entire spread sheet of the DRGs associated with covid and how much those pay. And then what happens at the end of the day when the patient discharges, usually dead, unfortunately, um, that total is added up and then a 20% bonus is added on because of the DRGs. It's a 20% bonus. [rifling through papers] And then another bonus, and this is what a lot of people don't know, is that another bonus is added on that is [rifling through papers] let me find it I'll tell you what it is exactly, it's very interesting. Because a lot of people talk about this bonus, this 20% bonus, but there's actually two 20% bonuses.
MIKE DAKKAK: I mean, first of all, it's just it's bizarre to set it up this way. Hey, we're going to give you a bonus if you administer x drug...
A.J. DEPRIEST : Yeah they're killing people. Yeah.
MIKE DAKKAK: Whoever heard of such a thing?
A.J. DEPRIEST: Killing people. Yeah, So they get the first bonus, and I'll find it here, and um, and, and what's really interesting is that all of this is going on because we are under a public health emergency on a federal level, the PHE, and that has been renewed every 3 months since January of 2020. And our Congress actually voted to end the public health emergency on August 3rd, but you know, Ukraine, you know, laptop, shiny things, so they don't want people to know, 48 to 47 they voted to end the public health emergency, it went to Biden's desk and he's vetoing it. Why? Because the public health emergency perpetuates all of this. If the public health emergency ended, all of this extra money going to hospitals for covid patients would dead stop.
MIKE DAKKAK: That is the original sin, isn't it?
MIKE DAKKAK: That's what makes everything else possible.
A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. And the PREP Act liability immunity for everything that's happening in the hospitals, what they call [makes air quotes with fingers] covered countermeasures, including vaccine injuries associated with the covid shot, all that liability immunity would end if the public health emergency ended. If people knew this they would be in DC kicking in the doors to get them to end that.
MIKE DAKKAK: Give us a little bit of an idea of how much money we're talking. How much money do hospitals get for every patient that's tests positive for covid, every patient that's put on a ventilator, every patient that has–—
A.J. DEPRIEST: What state are you in? What state are you in, I'll tell you how much your state is getting.
MIKE DAKKAK: I am in the great state of New Jersey.
A.J. DEPRIEST: OK. Well New York and New Jersey didn't get as much as say, West Virginia was getting. In 2020, West Virginia got 471,000 dollars for every covid admission in the hospital.
MIKE DAKKAK: Half a million dollars nearly!
A.J. DEPRIEST: Yeah. Yeah, 471,000. And um, and I think New York was [looking at computer screen on her desk] let me find the [inaudible] site, I think New York was um, like 12,000. But the way they set up distribution of this first set of covid funding to hospitals, they didn't set it up according to where the greatest number of covid cases were, like you would think that would be important. But no, they looked at the Medicare billing for the year before and whoever had the most Medicare and Medicaid billing, that's who they gave the most money to. That's how you know that the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, CMS, that they're behind everything. And when I say everything, I mean, all these really horrible things we're seeing in hospitals, like those are all driven by what was called CMS waivers. CMS issued waivers to hospitals while we're under a under a public health emergency that would allow them to completely throw out the door their patient bill of rights. Yeah. They don't have to create patient care plans, Medicare patients don't need an MD assigned to them. They can leave patients alone for up to 48 hours without food or water or any kind of personal care. I mean there are just pages and pages of waivers that CMS offered hospitals all in the name of the public health emergency. Let me find the, let me find the [inaudible]. [Looking on computer] We'll see here, I'll find it. It's really interesting how they broke it down.
MIKE DAKKAK: This is what is so insidious to me, they, so they don't give anybody specific orders, hey, you know, fudge the numbers on your covid patients, or put people on ventilators so their conditions can worsen. But they set the stage, they set the framework, and they incentivized certain behavior and they deincentivize other behavior—
MIKE DAKKAK: And then everything just kind of goes on autopilot from there.
A.J. DEPRIEST: It is, it is autopilot. It is a very strict one-size-fits-all protocol and it includes what they call covered countermeasures. And it is remdesivir, and all the drugs associated, all those cocktails of drugs associated with remdesivir, and dialysis, and the ventilator. And that's it. And if families can't even get high-dose vitamin IV therapy, they can't even get them to prone their loved ones, they can't get any of that because it's not part of the DRGs of that very strict covid hospital protocol. And so they financially incentivize, they stick with that very close protocol, and they disincentivize financially anything outside of that. And of course they get the big hand-slap because anything outside of those covered countermeasures, they could, if they were sued, they wouldn't be protected. The PREP Act just covers everything.
MIKE DAKKAK: Well that's one of the most important connections I think you and your team have made.
MIKE DAKKAK: So they set out these guidelines and if you follow them, you're indemnified. Anything goes wrong and—
A.J. DEPRIEST: Indemnified and you make bank. I mean [laughs]—
MIKE DAKKAK: You make a ton of money and there's no liability.
See "Blood Money in US healthcare: Financial Incentives: The Use of Covered 'Countermeasures'"
summary brief, revised August 8, 2022
Copyright AJ De Priest and Tennessee Liberty Network
[1] "The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) provides immunity to qualified individuals."
See PREP Act Immunity from Liability for COVID-19 Vaccinators
UPDATE: This website has been removed. I checked it on the the last capture before it disappeared was taken on November 5, 2023. It can be viewed here:
[2] Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
[3] "The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) established the Coronavirus Relief Fund (Fund) and appropriated $150 billion to the Fund. Under the law, the Fund is to be used to make payments for specified uses to States and certain local governments; the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories (consisting of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands); and Tribal governments." See
Celebrity Doctors Promoted Covid Vaccine Without Declaring Payments
Why would an article, published less than a week ago, suddenly not be available?
Fortunately, archived versions tell us the answer.
The disappeared article looks at the murky world of ‘Celebrity’ doctors.
Would you believe it - the doctors who were on TV telling you to get vaccinated were also getting paid by the same pharmaceutical companies selling the vaccines.
Camilla Turner, Sunday Political Editor at the Telegraph, disclosed that high profile doctors had not been declaring the thousands of pounds they had been receiving from pharmaceutical giants before appearing on primetime TV to discuss their products.
The thing I am actually shocked about is how little money the doctors were paid by the pharma companies!
The thing I am actually shocked about is how little money the doctors were paid by the pharma companies!
Witness to Tragedy: ‘Huge’ Financial Incentives Led Hospitals to Use COVID Treatments That Killed Patients
Zowe Smith, who left her job as a medical coder in an Arizona hospital, joined “The Defender In-Depth” to discuss how the use of ventilators and remdesivir unnecessarily caused the deaths of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals. ...
“Even when I was experiencing what I saw, it was almost unbelievable that this could even happen in a hospital,” said Smith, who first noticed abnormalities when the hospital started implementing COVID-19 protocols.
“I started noticing … patients trying to escape the hospital, like unplugging things, pulling out vent tubes and escaping … then I started to hear rumors about the ventilators and I knew that there was a bonus for [giving] remdesivir,” Smith said.
Smith said patients coming in with cold and flu symptoms were treated differently than they had been before the COVID-19 outbreak. “Before COVID, a cold, flu or pneumonia case, you would normally be home within three days, maybe a week, unless you had other major conditions.”
Before the pandemic, patients were rarely placed on ventilators. Smith said:
“Before the pandemic and the hospital protocols began, we did not connect patients to ventilators right away. It wasn’t until they were in dire straits and we had tried every other method that they would be put on a ventilator, and then they would be coming off those ventilators as soon as possible.”
But under the COVID-19 hospital protocols, patients “would be on the ventilators for 30 days or more sometimes, which was incredibly rare,” Smith said. “On top of that, they weren’t talking about disconnecting these patients from the ventilator, which should be something they’re talking about within 24 hours, because the longer you’re on, the less likely you are to come off the ventilator.”
Under the COVID-19 protocols, doctors “went straight to the ventilator” even if patient oxygen levels had not reached “the threshold where we would normally ventilate a person.”
Patients who were given remdesivir developed kidney failure within a few days. “I could see the lab values … they were getting worse almost immediately after the administration of remdesivir,” she said.
What we were not aware of was that she had been picked as one of the COVID-19 fatalities.
And yes, I said picked.
We are most assuredly aware of how you purposefully and intentionally killed her, murdered her, if I may.
She begged for water. She begged to breathe on her own. She begged for care. She begged to have someone who would listen to her.
No one would come into her room when we paged for a nurse or other hospital staff. I, her sister, was there for only two full days at two separate times and saw this firsthand.
She told me she was fearful of you. She expressed she was not being cared for. She told me this. I tried to talk to nurses. I even talked to her doctor directly.
He was East Indian. I cannot recall his name or don't know if he ever tried to even tell me. His bedside manner was horrific.
I told him my concerns. He dismissed me.
I was adamant that I knew of the COVID-19 protocols. I had done my own in-depth research.
I knew that she had asked for Ivermectin at the previous hospital. They refused to give it to her.
They asked her to take Remdesivir, what we all know has a 53% rate of causing death. It is essentially a poison. That has been widely discussed in many articles from the National Health Institutes, and the CDC, and many different media outlets from Europe and other countries....
You picked people to kill, to let die. You singled them out and separated them from their families intentionally.
They laid in agony away from loved ones and eventually began to give up the will to live. No one was there to advocate for them. No one could demand that they be fed, have water, have vitamins, and be given life-saving medication and treatment. ...
My sister was tied down. She was treated like an animal. She was treated with such inhumanity.
You did it intentionally and with extreme malice. There was no need to do that.
Can you imagine doing this to your own loved one? It is barbaric.
We took her hands out to hold them, to show her that we were there to love her, to do what we could. We knew that when we left, the nurse would put them back into the restraint.
Talk about an emotional, overwhelming situation. I was inconsolable when I left her room at the end of visiting hours. To watch someone you would die for be treated like that was inexcusable.
I was terrified that me speaking up or more making a commotion would cause them to do even more harm to her. To neglect her further.
At a dinner party last night, my host told me about his sister-in-law, who, in April 2020, suffered from a racing heart and rapid breathing. With the benefit of hindsight, it now seems probable she having an anxiety attack from the daily barrage of news about the purported horrors of COVID-19. However, at the time, her family was worried that her shortness of breath was from the dread coronavirus, so they took her to hospital.
In spite of being ambulatory with normal blood oxygen saturation when she was admitted, she was intubated and put on a ventilator the next day. When my host’s wife caught wind of this, she tried to intervene, which initiated a major conflict with the hospital. Ultimately she prevailed in extracting her sister from the hospital death trap, but the intubation and ventilation seemed to have done some kind of neurological damage, and her sister died two years later.
We now know that the CARES ACT of March 25, 2020 incentivized hospitals to code patients as suffering from COVID-19 and to place them on ventilators as quickly as possible.
During the early pandemic, my office was swamped with “hospital kidnapping” cases where desperate families called us because their loved one went into the hospital for an unrelated condition, like a broken ankle, then failed a mandatory covid test, and before anyone knew what was happening, they were in a coma, on the ventilator.
The reason the desperate families called lawyers was because the hospitals refused to discharge the patients so that the families could arrange alternative care. In cases we were forced to litigate, hospitals spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on defensive tall-building lawyers opposing our efforts to sue the hospitals to release those patients.
The individual stories are so hair-raising I hesitate to dive into the morbid details.
But I spent hundreds of hours investigating what was going on. Had the healers turned evil? Was the federally funded covid relief money so tantalizing that doctors and nurses and hospital managers cared nothing for their patients? Why did every single covid patient receive the exact same treatement protocol despite every case being different because individuals are different? Why did doctors refuse to try anything but the cookie-cutter treatment protocol even though covid was a “novel” disease?
It turns out the root cause of this tragic medical homogeneity wasn’t the doctors. What I found was much worse. I found the withered hand of government, right where Milton Friedman said it would be whenever you find a distorted market.
Here’s the problem: Most hospitals’ total income is almost entirely sourced from Medicare/Medicaid—the same agencies DOGE has been quietly auditing for the past week. In most cases, any hospital’s government funding exceeds 70% of total revenue. Hospitals basically have one customer, and it isn’t the patient.
Worse, Medicare/Medicaid establishes the “approved” treatment protocols for nearly every disease and condition, dictating what it will pay for, and what it refuses to pay for. Hospitals’ financial existence depends on compliance, and they had no choice but to obey. And on the flip side of the Judas coin, obeying was very lucrative.
In other words, the reason every COVID patient got the same useless, devastating Remdesivir/ventilator/opioid treatment is because partisan government bureaucrats dictated it and froze it into place. That’s it. And the same thing is true for nearly every other disease you can think of.
Kathleen Nathan
The COVID OPERATION--as author Pamela Popper has called it--incentivized the exaggeration of covid deaths by increasing pay outs to hospitals that reported CAUSE OF DEATH COVID on the death certificate:
CDC Admits Finacial Hospital Incentives Drove up COVID-19 Death Rates
Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person who was admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator. Minnesota state senator and family physician, Scott Jenson, has critiqued the CDC's prevention guidelines on how doctors are certifying COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.
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