Over 1,000 flight cancellations.....

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2021 Dec 27, 8:07am   3,335 views  35 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Thousands of flights were delayed or canceled on multiple airlines across the United States over the holiday weekend, leaving thousands of travelers frustrated and stranded, according to FlightAware.

Sunday saw a total of 5,936 delays and 1,387 cancellations of flights within, or out of the United States on Sunday. United, Delta, and JetBlue blamed the flight disruptions on staff shortages due the highly transmissible Omicron variant, US News reported.

United had a particularly bad weekend, cancelling “201 flights on Friday, representing 10 percent of its total schedule, and 238 flights on Saturday, representing 12 percent of its schedule,” according to CNN.


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1   Ceffer   2021 Dec 27, 8:11am  

Just routine arbitrary punishment and demoralization of the idiot pepulz. Nothing to see here.
2   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Dec 27, 8:25am  

It's not that the pilots and crew are too sick to fly, but rather it is the gubberment's policies of 10-14 day quarantine for a common cold that is screwing over travelers.
3   WookieMan   2021 Dec 27, 9:08am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
It's not that the pilots and crew are too sick to fly, but rather it is the gubberment's policies of 10-14 day quarantine for a common cold that is screwing over travelers.

Bingo. Hopefully it clears up. Doing a quick trip to Jamaica MLK weekend with the family. I think we'll be fine, just worried about any changes in testing or anything. Mid January is one of the cheapest and most dead times of year to travel, so I think we should be good otherwise. First international travel since Biden has been in office and made up dumb ass testing rules for Covid. There's 5 of us, so interested to see what happens if any of us are positive. Hotel will keep us for 10-14 days free of charge, but I think we're confined to the room and they bring room service food. So that could get boring quick.

Our nephew is coming with so Customs should be interesting both ways. Black boy traveling with a white family. Yeah... Then Covid. Tip to people that take a kid in. Get custody and change their last name to yours. SIL likes her government perks for being a single mom, so we're handcuffed, but she's at least cooperative. Such a joy getting notarized travel docs, passport, birth certificate and some other shit for a trip out of the country.
4   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 27, 2:44pm  


Commercial air travel is so overrated in its own self-importance.

Yes, it is a fabulous value proposition. I have used it as transportation and expect I will continue to do so.

But apart from law enforcement and public safety, the only air travel that's not a completely discretionary luxury is air transport of human organs for transplant, or bringing medicines, blood, specialist first responders like rescue teams to disaster sites. The rest of it is a discretionary luxury.
5   Booger   2021 Dec 27, 2:45pm  


United Pilots Laid Off Due to Vaccine Mandate Say They Could Have Prevented Holiday Flight Disruptions
6   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 3:15pm  

My sister went to Jamaica with her family for xmas and their flight home was cancelled because of the very weak Omicron (Xi) variant somehow. So they had to spend a few extra days there at their own expense.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Dec 27, 7:37pm  

joshuatrio says
Over 1,000 flight cancellations.....

Due to layoffs/firings/quitting of those who wouldn't take the shot.

Due to sickness in those who did take the shot.

Due to the satanic pedophiles wanting to kick us out of air travel, and eventually all travel that is more than a few miles our government issued public housing in the glorious future that is 2030!
8   WookieMan   2021 Dec 27, 7:51pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
The rest of it is a discretionary luxury.

No it's not. Your road is a luxury. Your bike path is a luxury. Your local park is a luxury. Everything is a luxury in theory based on your view of it. Let's all just give everyone an acre, they can grow their own food, have some livestock and chickens and they have no luxury. They don't need to travel anywhere. Damn, that sounds like fun.... or pure misery. Even homesteaders didn't do that in America.

Also aviation is probably the largest GDP producers across ALL fields. Between manufacturing, service jobs and government jobs including military it's literally almost the backbone of our country. Oil or ground transportation might beat it out, but a large part of oil goes towards aviation as well. Oh and none of this happens:

B.A.C.A.H. says
But apart from law enforcement and public safety, the only air travel that's not a completely discretionary luxury is air transport of human organs for transplant, or bringing medicines, blood, specialist first responders like rescue teams to disaster sites.

safely without commercial air travel and engineering better planes and systems through recreational travel. I'll never get your take on flying. It is delusional and makes no sense. If I have to or want to be in Puerto Rico tomorrow, why does that bother you? What if a business deal comes about and saves hundreds or lives? Or an idea is born from random strangers that makes life better for everyone? Or a friendship is made from someone you'd otherwise never meet? You meet a spouse? Or you just have fun and explore this world we're given one limited chance to check out. Aviation is amazing. Bash me all you want, but you're wrong and I'll continue to defend it here.

Patrick says
My sister went to Jamaica with her family for xmas and their flight home was cancelled because of the very weak Omicron (Xi) variant somehow. So they had to spend a few extra days there at their own expense.

You can get lodging cheap in Jamaica. My college professor neighbors have been 30+ times, so we have some expert advice. The place is safe and can be really cheap if needed. We're doing an AI as we're bringing the kids and didn't want a house and having to cook and all that comes with that. If we have to do anything on our dime I can pick up the phone and have a cheap place quickly. Hopefully the tests go well.

I also don't think the inbound (to US) restrictions aren't as "fierce" as people, mainly media make them out to be. None of these people want their jobs talking with thousands of people daily. Call it profiling, but my family also isn't going to get hassled outside of passport and identification for the nephew because of last name and skin color.

I've accidentally brought drugs and knives through security 3-4 times. Multiple buddies crotch pot through TSA. It's the most mundane job and they don't give a fuck. It's also about how you react to any situation. Kill them with kindness or humor if you can read your crowd right. I've told TSA there's a bomb in there and they just laughed. They found a multi-tool with a knife blade and I said "damn you thwarted my plan to kill 200 people with a 2" blade and pliers." I've brought a gummy that they discovered and just said it was a vitamin.

With road warriors and travelers you learn to think on your feet. My wife travels 3x's as much as I do. We learn from each other. We meet some great people that we still keep in touch with. I don't care how great your home base is, everyone needs to get out and travel and experience.
9   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 27, 8:34pm  

WookieMan says
If I have to or want to be in Puerto Rico tomorrow, why does that bother you?

Puerto Rico tomorrow? More power to you. It doesn't bother me. Never said it bothered me. You said it bothered me. LIke you know the inside of my mind.

Nor does it bother me if it becomes difficult or problematic or impractical, any more than it would bother me if a Tiffany Jewelry store couldn't operate.

Like I said, I have used air travel in the past and expect that I will continue to do so. It is reliable, it is safe, and for what you get for what you pay, it is one of the Bargains of the Millenia. And I say that in recognition that except for a few things I wrote about above, it is a totally discretionary luxury.

Remember when the planes were all grounded for few days after 9/11? Life went on.

Remember when in Q2 of 2020 when COVID first spread through our country and the airlines operated a tiny fraction of their schedules? Life went on, unaffected (except for those who depend on that discretionary industry for their livelihoods). Because that's what it is: a safe, reliable, bargain-value discretionary luxury.
10   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 27, 8:36pm  

WookieMan says
Bash me all you want, but you're wrong and I'll continue to defend it here.

Ahem, didn't bash you at all. Didn't even bash aviation for calling it what it is.

Yes, yes, I know, business meetings and future spouse yadda yadda. Things like that happened all the time without air travel.
11   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 9:32pm  

NuttBoxer says
Due to layoffs/firings/quitting of those who wouldn't take the shot.

Due to sickness in those who did take the shot.

This is kind of beautiful in a way.

But the media won't report it truthfully.
12   Patrick   2021 Dec 27, 9:39pm  

WookieMan says
I've accidentally brought drugs and knives through security 3-4 times.

In college I flew from Athens to Tel Aviv, but forgot I had bought a switchblade because it was so cool and not legal in the US. El Al has ridiculously good security. When they asked if I had any weapons on me, I said, "Oh yeah, a switchblade." They told me to check it with my bag and that was that. Surprising.

And twice in the US I forgot I had my Leatherman on my keychain with its 2" blade. Security said I had to throw it out or couldn't board the flight, so I left the security area, found a potted plant, and just put the Leatherman in the dirt of the plant and then picked it out again after my return flight. Did that twice! But now I remember to remove leave it home each time before flying.
13   WookieMan   2021 Dec 28, 12:07pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Puerto Rico tomorrow? More power to you. It doesn't bother me. Never said it bothered me. You said it bothered me. LIke you know the inside of my mind.

You comment on every comment I make about air travel. You know it too. If it doesn't bother you, why comment? Others here can confirm.

I don't care if you fly or not. Every comment I make on travel gets shit on by you. It bothers you. Aviation is a top 3 thing that has changed your life for the better whether you like it or not. Sorry I like to share stories. I probably will in 3 weeks. I'm fortunate, but also work my ass off for it.

It boggles my mind anyone could take issue with travel. I like to talk about life with other people that might enjoy the same topic or can give me tips. Just ignore if it bothers you. I'm generally cordial with 99% of people here. Your constant attacks on travel and aviation are annoying if I'm being blunt. It's ironic you bitch about CA and then bitch about traveling. Sounds like a miserable existence.

OnVacation's sailboat is a luxury, when are you going to start bitching about that? Some people have hobbies. Travel or sailing being one of them. Planes exist and I'm going to use the fuck out of them with the one life I was given to have an amazing time with my family. So stop letting it bother you and focus on making yourself happy.
14   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 28, 1:03pm  

WookieMan says
It bothers you

No it doesn't.

My comment on this thread did not even mention you. It was more about the self-importance commercial aviation attaches to itself. No mention of Wookie Man at all, no shitting on him at all. This seems to be a very sensitive topic, when I point out commercial aviation is a discretionary luxury, while never mentioning about you.

Of course expensive hobbies are discretionary spending. By definition. They are hobbies. Why so much anger, so much hostility about that reality, particularly when I didn't mention you about it?

Like Shakespeare's quote in Hamlet, "the lady doth protest too much."

It's more about an industry that gorged itself on stock buybacks with its rainy day funds, then whining and begging with the federal government for tax-payer handouts because (they say with their savvy marketing) that their industry is so critical to the economy (it's not).

I get it about the employees. Fine. If we want to print money (can you say, inflation?) to hand out to idled mechanics, baggage handlers and the like, then do it and hand it out directly to them. If that's what we want to do.

But not for greedy ass airlines that use savvy PR to make people think their role in our society is mission-critical, even as they gorged their rainy day money on buybacks. (Can you say, money printing and inflation, Wookie Man?).

When GM and Bank of America cried for taxpayer handouts in the financial crisis (can you say, money printing and inflation, Wookie Man?), they were partially nationalized for a while (handouts for equity) and much of their senior management was fired. Whether we agree or not if those should have been bailed out (I am not sure either way about it), I think the auto industry and banking system were more critical to our day-to-day economy than the airlines.

It's a savvy PR campaign by the airlines for your taxpayer money, sir.

Chill out, man.
15   WookieMan   2021 Dec 28, 2:47pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says
It's a savvy PR campaign by the airlines for your taxpayer money, sir.

I don't pay anything for flying. If it comes from my federal taxes, which it doesn't, I might pay $1/yr through some pork barrel program. Damn, couldn't get my lotto ticket... All the fees are built into the ticket and landing fees to the airlines at the respective airport.

The non-flying citizen is not paying a dime in 50-80% of the cases as most don't pay taxes. Run a business with 50 employees from the Gulf Coast and up to Canada along the Mississippi and let me know how that works without flight. Then tell those 50 employees they get to keep their jobs or lose them because flight is a "luxury." You're out of your element on this topic.

You've also quoted me on multiple threads about air travel, so that's a load of nonsense that you've never addressed it directly to me.


That's just airline employees. An airport is a small town/city. Retail, food, parking, TSA, construction workers, FAA, ATC, Boeing, etc. You're probably talking 10M plus employed in the industry. That's 10M people that cannot feed a family. Totally luxurious.

If you want to say going to a restaurant is a luxury, I might agree. I'm not sure you understand where you live and how our economy is based. It's service based. Our economy collapses without air travel. Again, not hyperbole.
16   Patrick   2021 Dec 29, 11:52am  


The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is breaking its own rule that states pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, according to a group of attorneys, doctors, and other experts; including a pilot who says his career ended due to adverse reactions from a vaccine.
17   WookieMan   2021 Dec 29, 12:29pm  

Patrick says

The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) is breaking its own rule that states pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, according to a group of attorneys, doctors, and other experts; including a pilot who says his career ended due to adverse reactions from a vaccine.

NO pilot should take the vaccine. They are medically evaluated 1-2 times a year as HeadSet corrected me on a previous comment (and maybe correct me here). The symptoms of Covid are so minor for someone that has to be healthy to fly from the start. Fatigue would be the only concern as someone that has gotten it. I trust pilots though. This isn't the 80's of drinking beers in the terminals and even then there were minimal crashes.

And not to say pilots are not skilled, but it's a much more automated systems than most understand. You do have to know how to fly the fucker when shit hits the fan though. It's mostly listening skills and inputing stuff into a computer basically. Altitude X and direction X on a computer basically. Even landing is like a retro video game on an ILS approach. Just keep it between the vertical and horizontal lines and you'll hit the runway if there's even 10% visibility.

I freak the fuck out on approach to Midway in Chicago though. There are tough approaches around the world. There's no margin of error at Midway with its short runways, no emergency landing area like DEN for example in a field. Pilot makes an error in judgement and you're dead. I wanna say it's a top 10 dangerous airport worldwide. I know San Diego is with that approach. Busiest single runway commercial airport in the world I believe and an awful approach slope without hitting houses/buildings.
19   Misc   2022 Jan 1, 6:58pm  

... AND here I was thinking it was due to some upcoming Vaxx mandates that the pilots hate.
20   Patrick   2022 Jan 2, 5:39pm  

1,000 pfft.

Now it's 2,000!


"Staffing issues" means they told pilots etc TAKE THIS EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION OR YOU'RE FIRED!
21   Booger   2022 Jan 2, 6:03pm  

The Taliban taught China Joe everything he needs to know about abandoning people in airports.
22   WookieMan   2022 Jan 2, 6:14pm  

Patrick says
1,000 pfft.

Now it's 2,000!

Legit almost everyone has covid. Hyperbolic, but sooooo many people I know have it. This wave will clear up in 2 weeks and it will get back to somewhat normal as winter break is basically over tomorrow for most people. No family gatherings, sitting in a house for 5 hours after traveling across the country.

They need to change testing policies. If you don't feel sick, don't get tested. Don't test once a week for no reason. You could test for any contagious disease weekly and shut the world down overnight. Everyone is going to get Covid.
23   Booger   2022 Jan 3, 7:05am  

Major Snow storm now. So if you were waiting for thing to clear up, prepare to wait longer!
24   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 3, 9:13am  

We got a car rental that I swear was turned around immediately after arriving from Texas with zero prep and tried to exchange it in Tucson. None of the rental places had an SUV, was told it was because of all the flight cancellations.
25   WookieMan   2022 Jan 3, 9:31am  

NuttBoxer says
We got a car rental that I swear was turned around immediately after arriving from Texas with zero prep and tried to exchange it in Tucson. None of the rental places had an SUV, was told it was because of all the flight cancellations.

Rental car places sold a lot of cars off during covid not realizing chip shortages and new car manufacturing would be fucked for a while. Rental car companies had idle cars because travel crashed, not generating revenue and then people getting stimulus so sold them off #CarInflation.

It will be at least 2 years before it normalizes. Rented in Tampa and Ft. Myers recently and there were no cars in the garage basically. I don't think people really understand how f'd up the supply chain is. We're still waiting on parts for the Sequoia repair. That got hit 4 weeks ago. My car just burned through a wheel bearing and is in the shop today. Wife can use a Tacoma from work, but that thing is beaten up. Want to get back to normal car life. It's annoying. 1st world problems, oh well.
26   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 3, 10:42am  

WookieMan says
NuttBoxer says
We got a car rental that I swear was turned around immediately after arriving from Texas with zero prep and tried to exchange it in Tucson. None of the rental places had an SUV, was told it was because of all the flight cancellations.

Rental car places sold a lot of cars off during covid not realizing chip shortages and new car manufacturing would be fucked for a while. Rental car companies had idle cars because travel crashed, not generating revenue and then people getting stimulus so sold them off #CarInflation.

It will be at least 2 years before it normalizes. Rented in Tampa and Ft. Myers recently and there were no cars in the garage basically. I don't think people really understand how f'd up the supply chain is. We're still waiting on parts for the Sequoia repair. That got hit 4 weeks ago. My car just burned through a wheel bearing and is in the shop today. Wife ca...

What's worse the idiot MBAs sold off all these cars into a crashed market, getting much less then normal rate for them. They would've been much better off simply holding on to ther car inventory until travel recovered or at least until used car prices soared like they did.
27   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jan 3, 12:47pm  

FuckCCP89 says
What's worse the idiot MBAs sold off all these cars into a crashed market, getting much less then normal rate for them. They would've been much better off simply holding on to ther car inventory until travel recovered or at least until used car prices soared like they did.


Like the Greedy-Ass top management at the airlines (and Boeing) pissing away their rainy day funds by gorging on stock buybacks then crying like babies to the federal government for handouts.
28   zzyzzx   2022 Jan 3, 2:23pm  

FuckCCP89 says
What's worse the idiot MBAs sold off all these cars into a crashed market, getting much less then normal rate for them. They would've been much better off simply holding on to ther car inventory until travel recovered or at least until used car prices soared like they did.

Yeah all the car rental and car manufacturers seriously suffer from short term thinking.
30   clambo   2022 Jan 12, 9:03pm  

I may be fucked, I’m flying out from Baja California to the USA in a month.
31   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jan 12, 9:22pm  

Doesn't seem like those shots are making people healthier does it?
32   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 12, 10:35pm  

clambo says
I may be fucked, I’m flying out from Baja California to the USA in a month.

Fucked how?
33   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 12, 11:30pm  

WookieMan says
I don't think people really understand how f'd up the supply chain is. We're still waiting on parts for the Sequoia repair. That got hit 4 weeks ago. My car just burned through a wheel bearing and is in the shop today.

Can confirm, my wholesale suppliers in the auto parts business are constantly OUT OF SHIT. Basic things, like a grocery store being out of all the milk, eggs, bread, beef, and chicken all at the same time. I saw 5 tailgate lift supports that fit a couple of model years of one make of wagon come in to a supplier and sell out in 15 minutes. Oil out of stock, like an entire brand, all size containers and viscosities. Parts commonly purchased together that must be sourced from 2 companies and 3 warehouses for one job. "Good" brands out of stock everywhere, supplies getting dicey on the "crap" brands too.

Was looking at sawmills again, most of the companies still publishing 2-24 month delivery times after placing deposit.

The grocery store has had conspicuously empty or stretched shelves lately too. These have been kind of "rolling" shortages, like one week the water and sports drinks, and the chicken, are empty. The next week it's the mayo and condiments aisle and the dairy coolers. The "dry soup" section (ramen et al) has been a mostly empty shambles for at least 2 months, like a toy store when the first employees arrive to open and straighten back up Dec. 26.
34   zzyzzx   2022 Aug 8, 5:27am  


Travelers endure more than 1,300 domestic flights cancellations over the weekend
35   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 8, 5:39am  

Southwest pilot: Vaccine mandate at root of airline problems.

“The question is, why are we having a staffing shortage? I believe it’s because of the COVID vaccines — they’re still requiring the vaccination for all new applicants and if the new applicants say they’re not going to get vaccinated, their application is passed over,” said Tom Bogart, who is also a Southwest pilot.


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