Church of globull warming and drought fully spiraling down the toilet

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2022 Jan 3, 4:49pm   117,450 views  883 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember when this winter started with good rains in.the west all these articles by climate "scientists" and globahomo agitprop "news" corporations about how this will be a dry winter for the drought stricken west despite initial rains. Fuck you moron sell-outs, this will go down as one of the wettest winters in recent history in the west. Reservoirs should be full to the brim but I'm sure politicians made sure there is enough drainage and poor planning so they can keep promoting state of emergencies and fuck over their constituents.

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81   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 8:28pm  

Interesting idea: cattle can prevent or reverse desertification:


The Solution to Desertification Is What’s For Dinner
The answer is beef.

Savory and his team have reversed desertification over 15 million hectares by introducing herds of cattle and sheep to deserts.

The process is simple. It works exactly as nature planned—before pointy-headed scientists decided they knew more about nature than nature.

Reversing Desertification Feed The Hungry, Too
In most of the world, only animals can feed the human population. The environment will not support enough plant-based nutrition no matter what you do.

But herds of animals can live off the land, and feed the people.
82   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Jul 1, 8:47pm  

Was over 90 last half of June. Global warming are you finally here..? I've been waiting for you sooo long..
83   Patrick   2022 Jul 2, 9:11am  


Lauren Chen
Crippling your own food supply and economy to limit emissions is the dumbest thing I've ever heard

It's also the predictable end result of the green agenda

Jul 1
After politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution, the angry Dutch farmers have issued an ultimatum threatening to block the country's airports, ports and distribution centers.
84   1337irr   2022 Jul 2, 9:41pm  

Global warming = Climate Change = the sun. Solution...we opened up all the doors to our houses and run the AC full blast and we will cool the earth and we are good. Simple, right?

Nobody mentions how big of a variable the sun is with sunspots and solar flares when they talk climate change. It's hard to take them seriously.
92   richwicks   2022 Jul 22, 12:01pm  

Patrick says

@Patrick - For FUCKS sake, when discussing Clown World - SOURCE and ARCHIVE:

Source: https://www.science.org/content/article/paradox-cleaner-air-now-adding-global-warming
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://www.science.org/content/article/paradox-cleaner-air-now-adding-global-warming

Not to beat on you, but RECORD HISTORY. If you don't do this, in 5 years, you're going to be questioning yourself "did that really happen? Did somebody REALLY say that?"

Trust me. The reason I'm so obsessive about recording history, is that I've been there.

Here want to question reality for a second?


Read the article.

If this was the 1970's, I would be that crazy person with a giant poster on my wall, a bunch of pictures held up by thumbtacks, and string connecting them all together, with a mound of newspapers referenced and tagged filling an entire room. Thank god it's the modern age. I can hide my insanity for the most part now.
93   Patrick   2022 Jul 23, 9:17am  


The mob is out for blood after learning Kylie Jenner uses her private jet for 3-minute flights to avoid traffic

What will an uber-wokie do when the other wokies are after her for not being woke enough?

If I could make a prediction, it would be that Kylie is going to join the ranks of climate experts to absolve her sins in very short order (and become even more obscenely rich by doing so)!
94   Patrick   2022 Jul 24, 10:24am  


Nobel Laureate Al Gore Predicted That The Arctic Would Be Ice-Free On 2014

In 2007, former US Vice-President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Al Gore warned that there was a 75% chance that the entire arctic ice cap would be gone by 2014.

Same old propaganda...

Has video of Gore making foolish predictions.
95   Patrick   2022 Jul 24, 12:40pm  


In the early 20th century before forest management studies settled into higher education, North American forests would burn in the tens of millions of acres each year. This hasn’t happened in any single year since 1952. In the past decade, there have been two years that barely reached the 10 million acre threshold, after nearly six decades of stable and historically very low burn acreage. Average burn acreage per year is still below the ten-year average and 90% less than 90 years ago. In the preindustrial period of 1500-1800, it’s estimated that the continental United States saw 145 million acres burned annually. You wouldn’t believe any of this of course based on recent media hysteria around fires, heat, and anything generally associated with what we used to call the season of summer.

Today wildfires don’t require a lighting bolt or a significant drought, only complete forest mismanagement and neglect and some psychological groundwork by the corporate state and its mind virus injectors in the media to create hysteria around warmer than usual weather. Though it does help to have the zippo of some crazed climate nut with a political agenda posing as a college professor.
96   mell   2022 Jul 24, 2:51pm  

Australia suffering worst cold weather streak in decades. Manbearpig! Manbearpig
97   Patrick   2022 Jul 26, 9:08am  


Fear can spontaneously combust any mind to believe any narrative that will be used to spread more fear throughout a social body, including the narrative that fires just start themselves if things get too warm in summer. The heatwave that just swept through western Europe was the perfect opportunity to throw kindling on the decades-long psychological operation known as “climate change”. Apparently, homes in parts of England just burned down due to one afternoon of 1-degree Celsius above record high temperatures, yet with no extended drought or hot and dry period like they had in the record summer of 1976. Compare that summer in England to this latest heat wave.


63 days of consecutive sunshine

Every day over 26C (79F)

15 days 35C+ (95F) and 9 days 32C+

45 days NO rain

Standpipes got continuous water (public water)

No red weather warning


7 days sunshine

3 days 35C+

Red weather warning: “You’re all going to die!”

Fires that are started by arsonists and burn hundreds of thousands of acres start out as “climate fires” and later get buried by the media. These are fires that the media blames on global warming and summer weather until fire investigators determine it was started by arson, and then like hard-working firefighters on the front lines vigorously digging trench lines, the media will dig their own holes and bury their own false narratives without any corrections or retractions. Anything that can be blamed on global warming is amplified and never corrected.
98   richwicks   2022 Jul 26, 10:24am  

Patrick says


The mob is out for blood after learning Kylie Jenner uses her private jet for 3-minute flights to avoid traffic

What will an uber-wokie do when the other wokies are after her for not being woke enough?

I call bullshit on this story.

You need clearance for a flight plan, you need a landing strip, you need a pilot, and when you get to your "destination" that isn't your actual destination.

I can't imagine a scenario where it would be more convenient to fly 40 miles than be driven there. Want to get there in luxury? Buy a bus, customize the interior with anything, and hire a driver to drive you where ever. Flying on a private plane really isn't that comfortable either.
100   Blue   2022 Jul 27, 6:05pm  

Fed stats says 90% of fires started by arsonists.
101   Eric Holder   2022 Jul 28, 1:13pm  

Interesting presentation contradicting the "cattle is baaaaad" narrative:

102   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 9:34am  


West Virginia said Thursday that it would no longer do business with five financial institutions over their pledges to fight climate change by reducing financing for fossil fuel projects.

Why it matters: It's the first time a state has severed financial ties with major financial institutions over their policies to reduce the emissions of planet-warming greenhouse gases, the New York Times reports.

The decision, announced by West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore, will prevent BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo from receiving state banking contracts from Moore's office.
What they're saying: "As state treasurer, I have a duty to act in the best interest of our state and its people," Moore said in a video uploaded to social media.

"Any financial institution that has broad, sweeping policies that will harm our economy, tax base and energy jobs has a clear conflict of interest in handling our tax dollars," he added. "If a financial institution does not want to do business with our people, I don't think we should give them our business either."
“I simply cannot stand by and allow financial institutions working against West Virginia’s critical industries to profit off the very funds their policies attempt to diminish," he said in a statement.
103   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 10:05am  

OMG, every country is heating up faster than every other country!

105   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 1:16pm  

Eric Holder says


I agree, that's a good presentation of how cattle can be beneficial to environment.

A similar thing was done in Yellowstone - re-introducing wolves balanced the ecosystem.

106   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 1:21pm  

Patrick says

OMG, every country is heating up faster than every other country!

It's interesting how long I remained in cognitive dissonance before I just realized "everything I'm told REPEATEDLY AS BEING CERTAINLY TRUE" was a lie. Funny I got drawn into the propaganda myself.

I remember being pissed off when another prediction came and passed and failed to be accurate - angry that "this is going to discredit the climate change hypothesis".

I wonder how I'll look back upon myself 20 years from now and think "wow, I was stupid about that!"
110   Patrick   2022 Aug 11, 10:08pm  


The climate research cartel staked its authority on the peer review process of journals deemed legitimate, which meddling challengers had not undergone. But, as Gurri notes in his treatment of climategate, “since the group largely controlled peer review for their field, and a consuming subject of the emails was how to keep dissenting voices out of the journals and the media, the claim rested on a circular logic”.
111   richwicks   2022 Aug 12, 12:49am  

Patrick says

I find it amusing I ever believed it. Being a victim of propaganda and realizing you are is very informative. It's made me obsessive about what I'm being lied about.

You can't make a more radical evangelical than a convert. I am a convert.
112   Ceffer   2022 Aug 12, 5:46am  

I didn't ever really much believe the weather hoaxes, because they occurred on a regular basis and flip flopped and were clearly associated with some kind of agenda, like fake nutrition news, which was something I did know about. However, I just shrugged it off and didn't have the time or interest to investigate. Russia has clearly stated that the West has violated treaties not to use weather control technology in a weaponized manner.

The weather weapons have currently been used it to cause panic/floods/ etc. to support the fake global warming agenda scare tactics. Large scale weather weaponization is still in its experimental phases. The Japanese earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima in 2011 were Globalist terrorism, not natural events. There is no doubt DEWs are being used to reduce developed tracts to dust, and of course there are always the chemtrails, which they don't even trouble themselves much to disguise any more. Chemtrails you can see with our own eyes in the skies above, yet they are another example of people refusing to see what their own eyes can tell them, they prefer to believe the bogus cover stories.

The green agenda's only purpose is to deceive countries to abandon technologies that work for technologies that don't work or can't work, leading to starvation, economic collapse and social collapse. Myanmar is the most recent example of politicians who were bribed to swallow the Kool Aide. What the Globalists want is mass starvation and complete social collapse so they can step into the void and turn us into their cattle.
115   Patrick   2022 Aug 12, 10:41pm  


I was so proud of President Trump when he took us out of the Paris accord on climate change, and as soon as he did, other nations opted out as well. Unfortunately, President Biden signed an executive order as soon as he could in January 2021, and the "greening" of America has continued unfettered by the truth. So here it is.

As Mr. Moore's book confirms, CO2 levels on Earth today are below what they have been in the millions of years the planet has existed. CO2 levels are being put back in the atmosphere thanks to human existence, not killing the planet, but saving it. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is used as a refrigerant, in fire extinguishers, for inflating life rafts and life jackets, for blasting coal, for foaming rubber and plastics, and for promoting the growth of plants in greenhouses. It is vital to life.

When did we start hearing about greenhouse gas emissions as if they signaled the end of the Earth? Gloom-and-doom tales have been fed to gullible audiences since the 1960s, with Hollywood shelling out disaster films about nuclear apocalypse.

Most of these were hilarious, like The Blob, or giant mutant rabbits and insects, but since the global warming scenario hit, an even more ridiculous genre emerged: if we don't start recycling and stop driving fossil fuel cars, we're all going to die.
117   Patrick   2022 Aug 15, 11:46am  

So river levels were that low in 1616.

Was it global warming back then?
119   HeadSet   2022 Aug 16, 8:42am  

Patrick says

Yes, but Al is laughing at us. "Of course that ice free statement is absurd, but I will have long cashed all the checks by then. And I will still have followers when I make even more absurd statements in the future. Plus, these followers will ignore my lifestyle of huge homes and private jetting that have a bigger carbon footprint than a small village. Why shouldn't I fleece these contemptable idiots?"
120   NDrLoR   2022 Aug 16, 8:56am  

Patrick says

and the "greening" of America has continued unfettered by the truth. So here it is.
The Greening of America by Charles Reich, 1970 says it all.

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