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Bd6r saysrichwicks saysIt was Oleksandr Turchynov, he was the first US puppet although I'm certain they all are at this point.
quote please
You know these quotes are likely cleansed from the leftoid web if they happened. It's all about distracting from Chyna now and elevate Russia to main enemy. The situation in Crimea was definitely complex as the majority of people in Crimea wanted to join Russia. Doesn't mean everything was kosher but that it's certainly not black and white
I have to admit, I'm having trouble finding this, since now it's so long ago, or maybe I WAS deceived.
As Muslims go, the Khazaks seem very moderate, allowing other religions, beer, unveiled women, etc. This is because they are not all that Muslim really.
if they fall on hard times, they will become religious fanatics again. See example of Chechens, who went from not religious in 1991 to batshit crazy terrorist Islamic in 2000.
Do you know why the Middle East has so many terrorists?
Well, I think bombing them all the time, and overthrowing the governments constantly causes hard times for the population...
richwicks saysI have to admit, I'm having trouble finding this, since now it's so long ago, or maybe I WAS deceived.
I don't think this quote exists. Both sides in this war are a mix of Russians and Ukrainians. One of the most extremist units of Ukrainian "volunteers", namely Donbass battalion, was predominately Russian speaking, at least at the beginning of conflict (perhaps they have learned Ukrainian by now). Their leader was an ethnic Russian, from Crimea. The truth is rarely as simple as either side in conflict paints it.
exactly. + it is easier to keep deeply religious populations in check, especially if gov't is a puppet of some foreign power
and they didn't do this for the welfare of the Ukrainians
It's stupid, absolutely stupid, to restart the cold war, arms race bullshit with Russia again
In principle, it should be Ukrainians, not Russians, or Americans, or whomever else, who decide what will happen with Ukraine.
They were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances".
Eric Holder saysThey were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances".
Another FACT that is quite uncomfortable for persons supporting Russia/Putler.
Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.
Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.
Considering the credibility of the US government, nothing they claim they want to do can be trusted.
They haven't told us the truth ONCE in why they've started a war in my lifetime. Well, maybe Grenada and the Falkland Islands, but the rest, all pure bullshit.
Bd6r saysEric Holder saysThey were denied this when US, UK and Russia ganged up on them and demanded their full nuclear disarmement in exchange to "security and territorial integrity assurances".
Another FACT that is quite uncomfortable for persons supporting Russia/Putler.
Non-intervention in other countries should imply US also staying out of situations like this. Without US guarantees, Ukraine would have kept their nukes and would not be invaded.
BTW, Kazakhstan and Belarus were similarly disarmed at the same time and under the same "assurances".
All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.
richwicks says
All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.
Seriously? You think it was some kind of hush-hush secret deal?
It was public AF. It was celebrated as a great achievement on both sides of the ocean.
FuckCCP89 saysrichwicks says
All this bullshit could be avoided by having the leaders of each nation publicly make the agreement, while being recorded in a public display.
Seriously? You think it was some kind of hush-hush secret deal?
Explain to me why offered agreements are kept secret and we're left to speculate on what was offered and why the agreements were not taken?
FuckCCP89 saysIt was public AF. It was celebrated as a great achievement on both sides of the ocean.
Show me a link.
Are you for real? You claim to be in your 50s and yet completely unaware of nuclear disarmament happenings of the 90s?
What kind of fucking link do you need exactly? A proof that societies in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus were aware that their countries are being disarmed in exchange to security assurances from US
It's a fucking fact: the whole process of signing the deal and then transferring the nukes, destroying the missiles and strategic bombers was all over TV and newspapers.
Go ask Ukrainians, Kazakhs or Beloruses about it - you claimed you are capable of talking to them, didn't you?
FuckCCP89 saysGo ask Ukrainians, Kazakhs or Beloruses about it - you claimed you are capable of talking to them, didn't you?
I've talked to Ukrainians. I only wanted to know if they were aware their nation was overthrown by the United States. They are.
FuckCCP89 saysGo ask Ukrainians, Kazakhs or Beloruses about it - you claimed you are capable of talking to them, didn't you?
I've talked to Ukrainians. I only wanted to know if they were aware their nation was overthrown by the United States. They are.
Newspaper and tv are propaganda. I want the agreement offered directly to the parties involved. Our media is propaganda. They will blatantly lie and have, you know this as well as I do.
about how E. European women will poison their food if they piss them off.
richwicks saysFuckCCP89 saysGo ask Ukrainians, Kazakhs or Beloruses about it - you claimed you are capable of talking to them, didn't you?
I've talked to Ukrainians. I only wanted to know if they were aware their nation was overthrown by the United States. They are.
And this is how we know you didn't talk to no Ukrainians. You're simply parroting Russian bullshit, like RT and such.
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The protesters demanded that the authorities give vouchers to resorts, lower prices (of gas) and the abolition of vaccinations. You won't hear the last part on MSM. Hundreds are dead.