Are you overweight, obese, at a healthy weight, or underweight?

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2022 Jan 8, 8:15am   30,752 views  235 comments

by Al_Sharpton_for_President   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. In adults, a body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese.


BMI calculator:



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1   BayArea   2022 Jan 8, 8:26am  

There are athletes with single digit body fat % who have BMI in the obese and morbidly obese categories.

BMI is too simplistic, doesn’t account for frame size or muscle mass.
2   mell   2022 Jan 8, 8:34am  

BayArea says
There are athletes with single digit body fat % who have BMI in the obese and morbidly obese categories.

BMI is too simplistic, doesn’t account for frame size or muscle mass.

That's true but it works for the majority, who aren't athletes or very short or very tall. I'm almost 6'7 and am constantly around the 25 mark, after covid with 217 lbs now below ;) there's a better bmi for tall people and there's one that takes body fat percentage into account. 22.6-24.6 here depending on the method.
3   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2022 Jan 8, 8:40am  

obese people have clogged up feces often in their intestines.


Thankfully I am underweight.

I take a shower after every shit.


Because I am scum.


die peasants!
4   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 8, 8:48am  

BayArea says
BMI is too simplistic, doesn’t account for frame size or muscle mass.
OK, I'll put you down as obese, but "big-boned". (Wink, wink, nod, nod.)
5   Onvacation   2022 Jan 8, 9:50am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says


Results from Calculator:

For the information you entered:

Height: 6 feet, 3 inches

Weight: 222 pounds

Your BMI is 27.7, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height.

For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 148 to 199 pounds.

When I was 15 I was 6 foot tall and 140 pounds. I was skinny as a bean pole. I ran 15 plus miles a week, worked out almost every day, played sports, and ate all the muffins and pasta I could in a vain effort to increase my weight.

It wouldn't hurt me to lose ten pounds but If I got down to 199 I would lose some muscle mass.

I don't run anymore. I still hike 10 plus miles a week, and do the same workout routine (calisthenics, pushups, pullups, sit-ups, ) I did when I was 18. Additionally I practice Aikido once or twice a week. Actually I do more now than when I was 18, except running.

Muscle mass is dense. A more accurate BMI would be had by the water displacement method. But I don't care. I am pretty happy in my heavy weight body.

Just put me down as big.
6   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 8, 9:55am  

6 ft, 179. BMI 24.3, just skating into the normal weight category. i spent a significant amount of the last 20 years overweight. Mid 180's to low 190's. Actually in the low 200's for a stretch. The problem is, your overweight body image seems normal after a while.
7   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 10:03am  

BMI of about 26. I don't have a working scale at home because I don't care how much I weigh. It was never a problem for me or my wife.

Started doing pullups and lifting weights during the plandemic and definitely gained quite a bit of muscle from that. Lifting makes a good break from the computer.

Used to do a lot of trail running in a group with my wife, but I'm getting old for running, end up hurting a lot. So instead I do a little bit of hard biking most weekdays. We have some decent hills about a mile away.
8   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 8, 10:07am  

Onvacation says
When I was 15 I was 6 foot tall and 140 pounds. I was skinny as a bean pole.

I was 6'4 and 150, no matter how many times I had 2 Hungry Man pot pies and half a gallon of milk or caloric equivalent in one sitting. In school, kids would call out, "Cheer-i-o-dee-ohs!" at me after an animated cereal commercial at the time featuring stick figures. Only in my 40s did I finally exceed my baseline through changing metabolism, prosperity, and frequent full prime rib dinners. Felt like a fat fuck at 192. Later practiced Aikido for several years, ran Tough Mudder races around the country at 50 with a lean muscular 162# version of myself.
9   clambo   2022 Jan 8, 11:19am  

Another way to figure out if you’re overweight is if you can grab a few inches of fat on your stomach.
Alternatively, a guy who has a waist over 34 inches may be overweight.
I’m borderline chunky and plan on dieting when I depart Mexico.
I developed joint arthritis which slowed down my activity on land so I cannot walk it off, I will have to go back in the gym and row etc.
10   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jan 8, 11:25am  

clambo says
I developed joint arthritis which slowed down my activity on land so I cannot walk it off, I will have to go back in the gym and row etc.

When you are ready try switching to a high fat (quality, saturated, low polyunsaturated) low carb diet for a while. You'll change your bodies preference for burning fat, burn more ketones (brain prefers this) and can lose weight without exercise. Too much carb/sugar gets stored as fat, too much fat your body tends to warm up and burn it off - so I've read. It's counter intuitive to what the 'experts' have told us for the past 50 years.

Also try a bit of fasting once you're off sugar. If you're a preferential fat burner you can go a lot longer without feeling hungry. Lots of health benefits from that like anti-cancer autophagy among many others.

I tried only the high fat diet last year and it worked wonders. I've got nerve damage and sciatica so can't run anymore.
11   porkchopXpress   2022 Jan 8, 12:20pm  

Nutrition and fitness have been a big part of most of my life, and I'm a gym rat. I'm guessing I'm about 11-12% body fat. BMI isn't as relevant for me because of my height and muscle mass, so it makes it seem like I'm overweight.
12   Eman   2022 Jan 8, 12:33pm  

Hahaha, 5’10” and 120 pounds when I was 15 years old.

Now, 5’10” and 175 pounds. BMI of 25. Working out regularly and staying in shape.
13   clambo   2022 Jan 8, 12:39pm  

Eating fat also helps keep your appetite down longer.
14   HeadSet   2022 Jan 8, 12:44pm  

porkchopexpress says
Nutrition and fitness have been a big part of most of my life, and I'm a gym rat. I'm guessing I'm about 11-12% body fat. BMI isn't as relevant for me because of my height and muscle mass, so it makes it seem like I'm overweight.

Yes, I don't see these 6ft 4in at 162 pounds or 6ft at 179lbs being anything but skinny. Possibly these men are slow-twitch muscle that is great for distance running. If one lifts the elbow out and touches the deltoid, it should feel like a rock. Likewise, "make a muscle" and touch your bicep, it should be like a rock. Same with chest or leg muscles. If your muscles are pillow soft, that would explain the low weight (density).
15   Patrick   2022 Jan 8, 12:46pm  

clambo says
Eating fat also helps keep your appetite down longer.

And damn, it tastes so good!
16   Ceffer   2022 Jan 8, 12:52pm  

When is McDonald's going to be back producing cannibal burgers deep fried in unsaturated baby fat? I liked that stuff. A little prion disease never hurt anybody, look at IHLlary.
17   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jan 8, 12:59pm  

Patrick says
And damn, it tastes so good!

All last year I was eating 2 meals a day while working from home, generally:

Lunch: 2 bacon, 3 eggs, splash of OJ, maybe a cup of yogurt. Eggs typically sprinkled with nutritional yeast.
Dinner: Whatever I want but typically home grown broccoli sprout salad (avacados etc) with some sort of meat and a medium sized glass of V8. I got into growing microgreens the past year as well.

Last night I had a nice salad and deep fried some shrimp and scallops in peanut oil. That's a bad oil but once in a while no big deal. Last time I deep fry scallops though, they were okay but not as good as I'd hoped. Pan fried with no breading is much better.

I've eaten 2 meals / day for the past 20 years or so with lots of cheese and fat. My biometrics are great. I even went through the concierge Health Nucleus here in SD:


My arteries are like a young child in my late 40s... It's an inflammatory diet that fucks them up not cholesterol - except for a tiny minority of people with an unlucky genetic mutation.

Over the past week I've been eating those salads and bubba burgers with homemade buns. I don't eat bread for the most part unless I make it myself.
18   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jan 8, 1:04pm  

Oh, I've been making sauerkraut as well. Just a couple of tablespoons with dinner. Great for the gut bacteria. I'm about 8 days away from trying out some fermented honey-garlic I've been making. Supposed to be great drizzled on pizza. Can use it to make a badass honey-garlic-vinaigrette. Probably a bad idea as I'm supposed to be low carb lol...
19   Ceffer   2022 Jan 8, 1:09pm  

I'm so healthy, I shit Kale and sell it to hippies at the organic farm market.
20   HeadSet   2022 Jan 8, 1:12pm  

just_passing_through says
Last night I had a nice salad and deep fried some shrimp and scallops in peanut oil.

Ever tried steamed shrimp in a double boiler? I do that with Carolina shrimp and it is awesome. No Old Bay, butter, or anything else needed. Tons of flavor.
21   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jan 8, 1:14pm  

HeadSet says
Ever tried steamed shrimp in a double boiler?

No but it sounds great!
22   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jan 8, 1:19pm  

Ceffer says
I'm so healthy, I shit Kale and sell it to hippies at the organic farm market.

This is about as hippy as I get:

Left is a mix of turnip and beets, center is a mild mix of cruciferous and right are scallions. Baby scallions in soft scrambled eggs are divine!
23   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 8, 1:37pm  

HeadSet says
6ft at 179lbs being anything but skinny
I used to be a runner. I lived up from a lake trail which took my mind off the monotony. Takes too much time now, although nothing I've done comes close to the high. I might get back to it. It's easier for me to work out at home. I watch walking tours through Euopean cities or hiking videos, and cycle or elliptical away. High intensity interval training. But I am taking weight training seriously, and have developed guns. Just hand weights, don't have a weight bench. Curls with 2 35 or 40lb hand weights, 2 sets, 20 reps each set. Reverse curls, 12-15 reps each set, 2 sets. Shoulder shrugs 50 reps each set, 2 sets. I probably need to go up 5 or 10 lbs there. OH press, 15 reps, 2 sets. Looking at adding a few more routines. It is an endless road of continual improvement which is good, and yes, discipline is required.
24   HeadSet   2022 Jan 8, 1:45pm  

Ceffer says
I'm so healthy, I shit Kale and sell it to hippies at the organic farm market.

Wow, someone actually found a way to make kale taste better.
25   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 8, 1:56pm  

Fat Paradox: The healthiest people are Overweight, which for a 5'10 Male means 15-30lb over ideal. Think around 18-23% BMI.

Danger to health really only begins at Obesity I for Females, and Obesity II for Males.

Obesity II for a 5'10" male meaning over ~200lb or 30+ BMI.

HeadSet says
Wow, someone actually found a way to make kale taste better.

Sautee in Beef or Bacon fat and Garlic the shit out of it. Also works for Asparagus (Dark Green = done; when it turns several shades darker than when you put it in, approx 2-3 minutes in an already medium hot pan)
26   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 8, 2:00pm  

Patrick says
Used to do a lot of trail running in a group with my wife, but I'm getting old for running, end up hurting a lot. So instead I do a little bit of hard biking most weekdays

I was in Cross Country in high school, found myself prone to shin splints even at that vigorous young age, also that I don't particularly even LIKE running as a hobby. Now in my 50s I still hate jogging and my knees couldn't handle it. I have a large collection of bikes but go through phases of biking and not, currently not. Cardio being important, I do burst sprints once in a while. SWIMMING is the best whole body exercise. Discovered the municipal pool while tough mudder training, could kick myself for living blocks away for decades and never once going. Very inexpensive! Stopped going when it was closed for renovations, then covid hit. Planning to take it up again this year, and they have evening hours now too which is good as I have less option to go during work hours now.

just_passing_through says
I got into growing microgreens the past year as well.

Those have been part of a hyperlocal urban farm to table revolution of late. Personally I hate vegetables and greens to the point of eating an unhealthy balance of not-those instead. I'm planning to try some microgreen growing soon, if only for fresh greens for the indoor shop cats. I'm hoping to retire to a more rural setting, and have my own chickens and some greenhouse veggies growing.
27   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 8, 2:01pm  

Automan Empire says
I was in Cross Country in high school, found myself prone to shin splints even at that vigorous young age, also that I don't particularly even LIKE running as a hobby. Now in my 50s I still hate jogging and my knees couldn't handle it. I have a large collection of bikes but go through phases of biking and not, currently not. Cardio being important, I do burst sprints once in a while. SWIMMING is the best whole body exercise. Discovered the municipal pool while tough mudder training, could kick myself for living blocks away for decades and never once going. Very inexpensive! Stopped going when it was closed for renovations, then covid hit. Planning to take it up again this year, and they have evening hours now too which is good as I have less option to go during work hours now.

Was just gonna say Swimming. I also do 2 of 4 gym days are light weight, high volume with no rest between sets.

So on Monday I'll do chest routine, say 8-10 reps of 30lb flies, but on Thursday that'll be 7.5lb flies to failure, specifically counting to 3 "Mississippi" for the positive and negative so I don't speed it out. 3 sets each.

I also walk fairly fast with one podcast or one album or one phonecall (about 25-30 Minutes) before dinner each day.

As long as the Beats get up for a while, it's cardio.

Automan Empire says
Those have been part of a hyperlocal urban farm to table revolution of late. Personally I hate vegetables and greens to the point of eating an unhealthy balance of not-those instead. I'm planning to try some microgreen growing soon, if only for fresh greens for the indoor shop cats. I'm hoping to retire to a more rural setting, and have my own chickens and some greenhouse veggies growing.

Let me know how it works.
28   mell   2022 Jan 8, 2:10pm  

AmericanKulak says
Fat Paradox: The healthiest people are Overweight, which for a 5'10 Male means 15-30lb over ideal. Think around 18-23% BMI.

Danger to health really only begins at Obesity I for Females, and Obesity II for Males.

Obesity II for a 5'10" male meaning over ~200lb or 30+ BMI.

HeadSet says
Wow, someone actually found a way to make kale taste better.

Sautee in Beef or Bacon fat and Garlic the shit out of it. Also works for Asparagus (Dark Green = done; when it turns several shades darker than when you put it in, approx 2-3 minutes in an already medium hot pan)

Yeah you want to be close to the overweight cut off. There's always exceptions but the problem with being thin is that a brutal infection ravages your reserves easily, also probably falls and accidents with no padding cripple you easier.
29   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 8, 2:11pm  

15-18% works for me. I look more jacked with clothes on at that range, than when I get under that. Since I wear clothes 99% of the time....

Naturally big shoulders and I'm unfortunate (by that I mean it's too easy to be lazy) that I can "Wear it well" into the mid 20% BMI.
30   mell   2022 Jan 8, 2:14pm  

the optimal survival rate for the coof is bmi around 23-24 iirc
31   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Jan 8, 2:33pm  

I choose to self identify as underweight... even if my BMI tells me otherwise.
33   Ceffer   2022 Jan 8, 5:48pm  

When I was a junior in high school, during PE, they would send us to run around the track. There was one kid in the class who had red hair, pale skin, terrible acne with pimples all over his face, a big pot belly and spindly, pale legs. He kind of looked like an adolescent version of Baron Harkonnen from Dune, looked like an old man at a young age.

That bastard ran like the wind, never got tired, was always way ahead of everybody. Nobody could catch up with him or beat him in a group of 60 kids. I always think of him when people talk about what you should look like to be considered fit.
34   Automan Empire   2022 Jan 8, 5:53pm  

mell says
the problem with being thin

MY first-world problem of being thin is when I bang a woman as thin as I am, our pelvic bones go CLUNK-CLUNK-CLUNK audibly and uncomfortably. I'm an unabashed mildly chubby chaser, accordingly. ಠ‿↼
36   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 15, 6:22pm  

We're dying of starvation in the OPEN AIR PRISON!!! HALP!!!

Think of how many and how fat American women are, and then think the Fake Ethnicity are 30% fatter than that! Plus, the median age of a Fake Ethnic is about 21 years old, not 43 like the USA or closer to 50 in UK and Germoney.

Send more UN Aid Monies!!! So we can buy up properties in London and Brooklyn with it.

That's why the Fakestinian Conflict never ends - there's too much free money in it! Same reason the Troubles lasted past the 1970s and "Communist" (Narco Gang) Insurrections lasted so long in South America. $$$
37   Ceffer   2022 Mar 15, 7:22pm  

Bed warmers, and the cause of many a Pomeranian roll over death.
39   HeadSet   2022 Apr 1, 1:00pm  

Pretty sure "Cat Pause" is a joke name, for a joke meme on April 1st.
40   Shaman   2022 Apr 1, 2:36pm  

Look, losing weight is easy. Changing your eating habits permanently so the weight doesn’t come right back is hard.
I don’t recommend yo-yo dieting. It ruins your metabolism and puts stress on your organs.

Here’s my strategy for weight maintenance.
1)eat (at least) six servings of fruits and/or vegetables every day.

That’s it.
Now, wanna know how it works?
Simply put: fruits/veggies are low density in calories. They can taste wonderful, be very nutritious, and be moderately filling, but they don’t have a lot of calories. So if you eat two servings for three meals or three servings for two meals (depending on your habits), you’re not going to have a lot of room left for calorie dense foods.

Finally, eat what you want, but choose smaller portions of the calorie dense foods. Split that desert you ordered at the restaurant with a friend or spouse or child. Order a salad entree for yourself and have your spouse order a regular entree and then you both split everything. I promise you, you’ll like the way this turns out. You’ll feel better when you’re done eating than if you pigged out on only rich food, and the weight won’t be a problem.

Lastly, FORGET the “clean your plate” rule! Eat until you’re satisfied and then STOP. Do not eat past that point.

That’s it.

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