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2022 Jan 24, 4:55am   19,753 views  179 comments

by GreaterNYCDude   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Moving over from the funny picture thread. All become some celebrity put out a pro abortion candle.. I wonder if it smelt like her nether regions?

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6   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Jan 24, 6:59am  

@Wookieman. You've alluded to your situation off and on in other posts. I applauded you for stepping up and giving this kid a home, love, support and direction. I can't imagine what you and he have gone through.

Yes kids are costly. Wanted or unwanted, planed or unplanned. I love my kids but I often refer to them as "the most unproductive thing I've ever done." But I wouldn't change it. Circle of life and all that stuff.

I myself have never thought to look at the abortion issue in strictly financial terms. But your right. As disgusting as it is, the cost to snuff out a life in the womb is less than the cost to society of trying to raise said individual. Somone has to step up and take care of these children.

Personally I think they nees to bring back orphanages. The foster care system, although well intentioned, is in many ways problematic, but I digress...

In your case, you have stepped up to do what your SIL could not. Be a parent. And as far as I can gather from your other posts, a good one at that. I wish both you and this young man all the best in your future endavors.
7   NDrLoR   2022 Jan 24, 8:57am  

WookieMan says
My SIL's mistakes will cost my family $100k
People who support abortion always make a point of saying anti-abortionists are all for supporting the unborn baby, but after it's born, their support goes away. Isn't that the way it's always been and should be? Is it a stretch of the imagination to believe that the newborn should be the responsibility of the preferably married to each other birth parents and not society at large or extended family as well?
8   NDrLoR   2022 Jan 24, 9:01am  

WookieMan says
The foster care system
And I would add CPS to that, are what the term "slipped through the cracks" was invented for.
9   mell   2022 Jan 24, 2:49pm  

NDrLoR says
WookieMan says
My SIL's mistakes will cost my family $100k
People who support abortion always make a point of saying anti-abortionists are all for supporting the unborn baby, but after it's born, their support goes away. Isn't that the way it's always been and should be? Is it a stretch of the imagination to believe that the newborn should be the responsibility of the preferably married to each other birth parents and not society at large or extended family as well?

Fully agreed. I would put deadbeat mom and dad into forced labor to pay for the kid's govt provided support until they either take over or foster parents are found
10   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 24, 2:59pm  

GreaterNYCDude says
there is no consensus on the matter.
Yes, agree with all you have said. But if one cannot be sure when life begins, if we must make assumptions, then let's look at the outcomes if these assumptions are right and wrong, and proceed along the path of less harm. That is all I tried to illustrate.

I have spoken to a few women who have had abortions, and sadly, they did not care to think about when life begins. Was not a factor.
11   Shaman   2022 Jan 24, 3:09pm  

I find the phrase “unwanted children” to be both inaccurate and incredibly heartbreakingly sad. Maybe the woman feels (right now) that she doesn’t want the child growing within her body.

But another person may desperately want a child, any child, to love and raise as their own.

And the tragedy of BEING an “unwanted child” cannot be underestimated. How sad it is when our society labels millions of children with that ultimate perjorative every single year.

For those of you who still don’t get it, let’s replace the word “child” with “puppy.” How many unwanted puppies do you feel good about killing?
13   PeopleUnited   2022 Jul 10, 1:55pm  

Shaman says

For those of you who still don’t get it, let’s replace the word “child” with “puppy.” How many unwanted puppies do you feel good about killing?

14   Bd6r   2022 Jul 10, 3:14pm  

mell says

would put deadbeat mom and dad into forced labor to pay for the kid's govt provided support until they either take over or foster parents are found

Tie tubes and neuter
15   richwicks   2022 Jul 11, 6:23am  

PeopleUnited says

Shaman says

For those of you who still don’t get it, let’s replace the word “child” with “puppy.” How many unwanted puppies do you feel good about killing?


I did dog fostering and rescue. We do it all the time. I've aborted a liter before. Didn't feel particularly good about it, but a dog that makes it into foster, they just won the fucking lottery. Doesn't make a difference anyhow, you're just selecting who lives basically, and the rest are left to die. You give them a good chance by giving them proper training, good confidence, and fix behavioral problems.
17   zzyzzx   2022 Jul 11, 7:48am  

Shaman says

For those of you who still don’t get it, let’s replace the word “child” with “puppy.” How many unwanted puppies do you feel good about killing?

All of them. I fucking hate dogs.
18   PeopleUnited   2022 Jul 17, 4:32am  

richwicks says

How many unwanted puppies do you feel good about killing?

richwicks says

I've aborted a liter before. Didn't feel particularly good about it,

Point proven.
19   richwicks   2022 Jul 17, 9:05am  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

How many unwanted puppies do you feel good about killing?

richwicks says

I've aborted a liter before. Didn't feel particularly good about it,

Point proven.

The only person that would feel good about terminating a life, is a psychopath. Do you want psychopaths having children? Look at the problem we have today because we allow psychopaths to even live, they are currently in complete and firm control of this nation, although people frustratingly deny it.
21   Patrick   2022 Aug 2, 10:47am  


Report: 5 Minnesota babies born alive last year in botched abortions were left to die in opposition to the law
22   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Aug 2, 11:08am  

This is the problem.. taken to its logical conclusion abortion cam be seen as what it is... barbaric.

As a catholic I belive in life from conception.. bit being pragmatic I'd be willing to conceded early terminations in LIMITED circumstances. In this day and age there is no reason to get pregnant if you don't want to, absent rape. But there I go with my male privilege again.

Plus how does your location (in a womb or without) determine your personhood? Makes no logical sense. My read of the story is that the law attempts to address this but it was ignored.

There is a reason why when enumerating certain rights, Life came first. Then liberty. Then happiness. Your life may suck, but your still entitles to live.
29   Patrick   2022 Oct 13, 12:49pm  

My own position is that as soon as the fetus can feel or think anything at all, it's killing a person. I don't know what that point is, but it's pretty early.
32   BayArea   2022 Nov 5, 10:50pm  

As a single, selfish, thoughtless bachelor, I generally supported abortion.

I then got married and had three kids. I listened to each of their heartbeats between 6-8wks from conception. I watched their eyes and fingers develop within the first trimester. I was told that their first electrical brain activity could be detected within only 8wks.

With those experiences of watching life develop before my eyes, abortion would never be an option again unless I was ready to accept killing a baby, which I could never do.
33   Patrick   2022 Nov 9, 5:58pm  

WATCH: Antifa Tried to Block the Vienna March for Life...They Failed


original link
34   Patrick   2023 Jan 6, 1:15pm  


Abortion was the number one cause of human death worldwide in 2022, with an estimated 44 million dead in the past 12 months, nearly quadrupling the number of global deaths from infectious diseases.

There were roughly 44.42 million abortions in 2022, according to Worldometers, a widely cited organization that keeps a running tally through the year of major world statistics. It calculates abortion numbers based on the latest statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
35   Patrick   2023 Jan 8, 3:40pm  


In exactly the same way, abortion could be disincentivized with, for instance, an escalating fine. As an illustrative example, we might adopt a rule that the woman seeking to terminate her pregnancy must pay a tax of n^2 dollars1, where n is the number of days from conception. On day 0 no fine would be levied, which seems appropriate to what is, realistically, about on the same level as shedding a skin cell. At the end of the first month, it would be about $900 – pricey enough to hurt, but doable for most people. By the end of the first trimester, which is the point at which the fetus starts to resemble a human, it would cost $8100, enough to dissuade most people but a price some would be willing to pay if they really didn’t want to have a kid with that guy. By the end of the second trimester – a point at which the fetus is well past ‘resembling’ a human – the procedure would incur a fine of $32,400. A partial birth abortion of a full-term baby would cost a cool $72,900, which unless you’re independently wealthy you will not want to pay.

The only real objection I can think of to such a system (beyond those that would be raised by the extremist positions on either side, who can tolerate no compromise) would be that it dehumanizes life by putting a price on it. This is, I suppose, true, but realistically we do this all the time, whether in terms of life insurance payouts or class-action lawsuits against corrupt pharmaceutical corporations. I don’t see any particular reason why abortion should be treated any differently.

“But wait,” I hear you saying, “Are you really suggesting that women be taxed for getting abortions?”

Why yes, I am implying that they should be financially responsible for their own moral choices.

“But what if she was raped!?”

Leaving aside that rape-induced pregnancy and consequent abortion is a vanishingly rare corner case, I’d be quite happy for the rapist, if convicted, to be on the hook for the cost, along with in jail for the rape.

Something like 65% of abortions are performed in the first 8 weeks, meaning a maximum fine of around $3200. If a woman is really serious about not having that baby, I think she’d be willing to pay that. In other words, for the vast majority of women, an escalating fine system would make very little difference to the availability of the procedure. This is the time window within which abortions are chemically induced, the drugs for which can cost several hundred dollars in any case. Thus, this system would essentially just result in a marginal increase in cost for most abortions, leaving availability unchanged, and keeping the feminists mostly happy.

Interesting idea, though beyond some point it's definitely killing a baby and should not be allowed for any price.
38   komputodo   2023 Jan 13, 8:35pm  

zzyzzx says

All of them. I fucking hate dogs.

Just my opinion, but anyone that hate dogs is kinda fucked up
39   Patrick   2023 Jan 14, 12:00pm  

To be honest, while I agree that a baby right before birth is just as human as right after birth, I don't think that a mere fertilized egg is a human. I'd say it begins with brain function, which could be quite early, but not that early.
41   Patrick   2023 Jan 31, 9:52am  


The Minnesota Senate just passed a bill to legalize abortion all the way till birth by just one vote

Wow, you can kill a full-term child in Minnesota now, just moments before it would be born.
42   Misc   2023 Jan 31, 1:19pm  

264 month abortions for the hood rats in Minneapolis doesn't sound too bad. I dunno if the verbiage of the law would permit this or not.
43   GNL   2023 Jan 31, 2:19pm  

Patrick says


Abortion was the number one cause of human death worldwide in 2022, with an estimated 44 million dead in the past 12 months, nearly quadrupling the number of global deaths from infectious diseases.

There were roughly 44.42 million abortions in 2022, according to Worldometers, a widely cited organization that keeps a running tally through the year of major world statistics. It calculates abortion numbers based on the latest statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

You'll also have the rich vs. poor political problem.
44   pudil   2023 Jan 31, 3:02pm  

As a Catholic, I admit scientifically there’s an argument to be made that up to a certain point, there’s not much difference between a fetus and other primitive life forms we kill all the time.

But I don’t see how this can ever be a standard. @Patrick, why do you say ability to feel pain is when abortion should be banned? Even if this could be determined precisely (it can’t) this is arbitrary. I love a good steak, a cow has a more developed neural system then even a full term baby. I don’t think it’s wrong to kill cows.

The problem with abortion isn’t just the fact you are killing a human. It’s what it does to our whole culture. It takes every human’s inherent right to life and replaces it with a formula that takes how inconvenient another human is and divides it by how old ito determine if it’s okay to kill or not.

A culture that does this is going in the wrong direction.

Now, my ultimate goal is to end abortion entirely, but I don’t think you can just legislate it. You have to change people’s minds. I would support a 12 week abortion ban with proper exceptions for life of the mother, severe birth defect, all the corner case objections people bring up.

Then I would put a special tax on all abortion providers to fund crisis pregnancy centers and pro life advertising (similar model to anti smoking campaigns).

Finally, I would increase taxes on childless people over 30 and use that to increase the child tax credit. The reason being is that parents are raising the next generation of tax payers that will support the economy when we’re old. You can’t just brunch, sleep in, and play video games until you die and do nothing to contribute to the future of this country.
45   mell   2023 Jan 31, 4:02pm  

pudil says

As a Catholic, I admit scientifically there’s an argument to be made that up to a certain point, there’s not much difference between a fetus and other primitive life forms we kill all the time.

But I don’t see how this can ever be a standard. Patrick, why do you say ability to feel pain is when abortion should be banned? Even if this could be determined precisely (it can’t) this is arbitrary. I love a good steak, a cow has a more developed neural system then even a full term baby. I don’t think it’s wrong to kill cows.

The problem with abortion isn’t just the fact you are killing a human. It’s what it does to our whole culture. It takes every human’s inherent right to life and replaces it with a formula that takes how inconvenient another human is and divides it by how old ito determine if it’s okay to kill or not.

A culture that does this is going in the wrong direction.

Now, my ultimate goal is to end abortion entirely, but I don’t think y...

Yep. Also you can't just legislate against 50% of the population, they will vote you out. That's why the 12 week (first trimester) compromise is very popular around the world. It gives every womyn enough time to find out they are pregnant and safely end their pregnancy if they absolutely must, without fear of being prosecuted. After that only exceptions such as risk of loss of life for the mother or severe disability of the child. As a catholic as well (and rational male) I am against all abortion, but as a man it's impossible to put yourself into a womyn's shoes, so 12 week I can support. It works well for the countries that have it.

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