The gay flag is also the symbol of pedophilia

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2022 Feb 12, 11:29pm   113,935 views  790 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't really want to go on about it, but anyone who waves the rainbow flag is in fact also promoting pedophilia. The link between male homosexuality and pedophilia is very strong and always has been, even back to ancient Greece. Pedophilia creates homosexuals. Some relatives of mine deny this fact in spite of the overwhelming evidence throughout history. So I feel compelled to point out some facts which are being censored by all "respectable" people -- people who are thereby contributing to child abuse, just about the worst crime imaginable.

(cached here because of censorship)

An independent research project done by a group of British researchers into the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia used evidence from biographies, histories, criminology and news reports, to demonstrate that a very high proportion of known homosexuals and an even higher percentage of homosexual activists around the world are pedophiles. An index is provided and the evidence is presented in alphabetical order, for easy reference. "This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were paedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement.

Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. ...

It is something very recent for anyone to deny the links between male homosexuality and paedophilia. Nobody made any secret of it over the last 2,500 years, and even the early LGBT movement in America and Europe was very frank in acknowledging it. Only in recent times have they started to deny it, or to be exact, to issue a confused mixture of angry, hypocritical denial with defiant justification. When no moralists (called “right-wingers”) are around, they will acknowledge it and boast about it. When moralists object, the LGBTs resort to bare-faced lies.

Nobody could write a full account of this subject, unless they were willing to devote their life to a topic that is monotonous and unsavoury, to say the least. All I have done is compile a rough index of some of the most salient evidence for the correlation between homosexuality and paedophilia. ...

If you go and look at the website UK Paedos Exposed you will find that the number of male offenders who molest male victims is at least half of all cases. When you consider the ratio and the proportion, these figures are startling. Since homosexuals are according to the Office of National Statistics only 1.5% of the population and some of them are women, this indicates that male homosexuals are about fifty times more likely than heterosexuals are to molest children . Even if you assume that homosexual men are 3% of the population and that only a third of cases involve boys, the maths still lead us to a conclusion that homosexual men are ten times more likely than heterosexuals to molest children. ...

Just look at the bare facts - out of the thirty paedophile organization listed in Wikipedia as campaigning to legalize adult-child sex in the 20th century, 28 were founded and run by male homosexuals. The movement has been entirely dominated by male homosexuals. None were purely heterosexual. ...

The news media in the UK continues to be willfully blinkered on this subject. It avoids reporting major scandals such as the Scottish Stonewall Paedophile ring and edits out the factual links between the criminals and the prominent LGBT groups. When reporting the North Wales Child Abuse scandal, the TV news always used the word “paedophiles” although this was all about the organized abuse of boys by men. The TV reportage omitted the fact that the abuse had been organised by a network of members of CHE, The Campaign for Homosexual Equality. ...

In 1985, data compiled by the Family Research Institute, Washington D.C., confirmed “a strong pedophilic predisposition among homosexuals." The institute, after reviewing more than 19 studies and peer-reviewed reports in a 1985 "Psychological Reports" article, found that homosexuals account for between 25 and 40 percent of all child molestation. “But this number is low, due to the fact that many reporters will not report if a child molester is a homosexual, even if he knows that to be the case.” One notorious offender in the USA molested more than 500 boys. The idea that paedophiles have no gender preference and therefore cannot be categorized as homosexual or heterosexual is a myth. ...

Homosexual Behavior & Pedophilia is an academic paper of 31 pages by Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight, published by the Family Research Council in the US in 2000. They write observantly, “Although most homosexual activists publicly deny that they want access to boys, many homosexual groups around the world are working aggressively to lower the age of sexual consent. Their cause is being aided by the professional psychiatric and psychological associations, which have moved in recent years toward normalizing pedophilia, much as they did with homosexuality in the early 1970s.” They present a wide range of very strong evidence for their case.
http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf (cached here in case of censorship)
This is true. Under pressure from the LGBT movement, the American Psychiatric Association removed pedophilia from its list of sexual perversions in 1994, while in 1999 the American Psychological Association published a report, "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples," which "claimed child sexual abuse could be harmless and beneficial"

Again, we have been betrayed by the media and the medical establishment.

Note that I am not calling for the persecution of homosexuals. I think that consenting adults have the right to engage in whatever behavior they want with each other. But I am calling for an end to all displays of the sodomy flag in public, and especially in schoolrooms, because of its strong link with pedophilia.

Remember how people were up in arms about cigarette advertising using cartoon characters and bright primary colors? To be consistent, they should also be up in arms about a flag which uses bright primary colors to promote a different life-shortening addiction.

The gay flag is a stealth way of abusing the good will of people who want to be inclusive.

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401   Patrick   2023 Jun 1, 9:46am  

The president of Uganda has far more integrity than any American or European politician.

He refuses to sacrifice his principles for money.


Background info: https://patrick.net/post/1337925/2021-01-30-also-the-left-the-great-hypocrisy?start=140#comment-1957021
403   Patrick   2023 Jun 3, 9:55am  

Babylon Bee:

For Pride Month, Ford Releases Rainbow Themed Windowless Van
404   richwicks   2023 Jun 3, 2:06pm  

Patrick says

Babylon Bee:

For Pride Month, Ford Releases Rainbow Themed Windowless Van

Pride Month
409   Patrick   2023 Jun 6, 1:23pm  

Patrick says

Someone spotted a Pride flag in behind-the-scenes footage from "The Chosen." Check out the show's official response.


As with pretty much everything I watch these days, I came to “The Chosen” late. However, once I started watching, I found much to appreciate. I have recommended the show to others. I have defended it against some of the concerns expressed by my fellow Christians.

But right now, I’m not sure if I can go back. If I don’t, it won’t be because I have decided to join a boycott. It will be because watching simply makes me too sad.
412   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 9:25pm  


Matthew Fischer
Jun 8
I’ll ask the obvious - why are you so afraid of gay people?

Nobody is afraid of gay people. Have you considered the possibility, though, that the vast majority of America is just exhausted of an obnoxious, self absorbed, entitled, narcissistic, confused and angry rainbow cult religion being shoved down our families throats every single day? And that none of you are actually victims but extremely privileged brats? And that maybe you've been programmed by mainstream media to regurgitate words like "hate" or "afraid" as a knee-jerk response to anyone who's just not putting up with your insane crap perspective on life? Because maybe we have certain values we're trying to teach our kids without rainbow barf interfering every time we leave the house? Like the idea they're actually perfect just as God made them the day they were born, and maybe they don't need to cut up their body and irreversibly hurt themselves to be happy, especially before they're old enough to drive? Or that they have more to offer the world than dressing in drag and dancing for cash tips in front of five year olds? Have you considered the world doesn't actually revolve around you and what your pronouns are? I understand this is a hard concept to grasp because the world, quite literally right now, is revolving around the Pride cult in every way possible... from TV and movies, books and children's entertainment, corporate brands and commercials, up to the highest levels of government down to the public elementary school system... but guess what? It's all a show, buddy. It doesn't represent reality. It's an agenda designed to divide and conquer, confuse kids, sexualize them and separate families. It's perverse. And if you're going to stand there and tell me all of this is in the name of progress or that my perspective is "outdated" as your friends in the movement enjoy doing, you tell me what we're progressing to then. Once drag queen story hours and kink parades are truly accepted by society as "kid friendly" and appropriate "family entertainment" where do you "progress" from there? When are those things going to be looked back on as "outdated" and what comes next? 🤔I think you know. We all know. And that's why so many are putting their foot down here. It goes no further.
413   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 9, 9:30pm  

In a way, it's like the "The Current Year Olympics is sponsored by Acme Corp, proud sponsor of US Speed Walking Team."

Except year round with a 10 fold dose in June.
414   Patrick   2023 Jun 11, 4:24pm  


The Meaning of the Rainbow Revolution

JUN 11, 2023

Across all of human politics, the Western liberal tradition stands out for its ambitions to circumscribe state power. The people, in this tradition, are held to be the locus of sovereignty, and most Western governments are bound by elaborate constitutions which purport to constrain their jurisdiction over citizens, and which many regard as bearing a nearly religious authority. ...

This approach to politics has not aged well. Covid was a low point, simply for revealing the steely and actually quite anti-liberal authoritarianism these systems have been nurturing in their innermost chambers for many decades. Western liberal states in the modern era do not behave like limited systems which derive their sovereignty from the people. Every day, they more and more resemble the kinds of unchecked, totalitarian regimes we remember from the Soviet period. ...

State power wishes to be free, in the same way that water wishes to flow downhill. The problem with liberal checks on power, is that they forced the state to develop novel legal and cultural solutions to overcome them. State politics in liberal systems has thus come to resemble antibiotic-resistent bacteria in hospitals – it has evolved a general resistance to constitutional limitations, in the process becoming an altogether worse and more dangerous animal. The mutual checks and balances imposed on the state by its competing branches, for example, have merely incentivised the political establishment to develop and enforce among its members a uniform elite outlook, which encourages cooperation towards shared goals among erstwhile rivals. ...

Rights and individual sovereignty have required a rather different, perhaps even more insidious solution. Rather than undermining or qualifying these prerogatives, state ideologues have leaned into them instead. Rights in the liberal conception are fundamentally pre-political; men are endowed with them by their creator and they are inalienable. The concept thus promises many avenues for subverting the popular, democratically expressed will, and the state has worked vigorously to expand the concept of rights, investing ever more regime clients with a vast palette of novel rights. This growing field of unquestionable, sacred entitlements circumscribes popular political expression and undermines those less convenient rights that liberalism started out with. Via recognising – even implicitly – a right to health, for example, the state supersedes the older, far less convenient rights to freedom of assembly and expression. ...

Nowhere do novel liberal rights metastasise so rabidly as in the discourse surrounding sexual and gender minorities. The ever-growing rainbow coalition, symbolised by a flag that every year gains new colours and a puzzling initialism that is forever acquiring new letters (LGBTQQIP2SA appears to be the latest version), is a cutting edge of state power. Each of the identities subsumed into this juggernaut abounds with utility for the administrative state, and opens all manner of avenues for government bureaucrats to define and regulate the most intimate aspects of human culture, behaviour and sexual expression. It is no accident that the pride flag has become the most pervasive and probably the most sacred political symbol in the Western world. It will increasingly displace national symbols in prominence and moral significance.
415   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 10:17am  


KANSAS CITY, MO — An awkward moment arose at the city's annual Pride Parade over the weekend, as one young attendee was seen waving politely to his teacher and school principal as they acted out a kinky bondage scene on a passing parade float.

"Hi, Mr. Jenkins!" shouted Braden Harris, a third-grader at a nearby elementary school. "Oh, and Mr. Hartwell, too! Why are you whipping Mr. Jenkins? Is he wearing handcuffs? Did he do something wrong? And why is he wearing pants that have his bare bottom showing? This is weird."

According to one eyewitness, both Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Hartwell were thrilled to see Braden at the parade. "It was a bit surprising to see how thrilled they were to have seen one of their students in the crowd," said the individual who asked to remain anonymous since he understandably didn't want anyone to know he was at the parade. "It's almost as if they've always wanted the kids at their school to see them doing this and just wanted a way to do it legally."

While it isn't known how young Braden ended up at the parade or if his parents took him there with the intention of exposing him to strongly adult situations, one thing that is certain is that Braden has now seen things he will never be able to unsee. "I would have loved to spend today riding my bike and playing baseball," he said, "but now I know about things I'm far too innocent to learn. Awesome!"

At publishing time, Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Hartwell had reportedly enjoyed the experience so much they were asking the parade float to drive around in front of the houses of other students.
417   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 6:26pm  


When Caesar is flying your flag and demanding that everyone bow to it, I struggle to see how that fits into any reasonable definition of "marginalized."
418   Patrick   2023 Jun 14, 10:39am  


If ‘Banned’ Books Are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them To Kids

On Thursday, Joe Biden will host a pride month event for families with LGBT kids on the White House South Lawn. It’s during this event that he’ll appoint a “banned-book” czar, whose job it will be to try to compel local communities to stock their libraries with race-obsessed pseudohistories and books depicting oral sex, rape, violence, and gender dysphoria.

Now, if that sounds like an unfair description, there’s an easy way for the president to debunk his critics: He can read selected outtakes from some of these innocuous books to the prepubescent kids who show up to the event. Even better, he can do it on TV. After all, “[b]ook banning erodes our democracy,” says White House Domestic Policy Adviser Neera Tanden, and “removes vital resources for student learning, and can contribute to stigma and isolation.”
420   Patrick   2023 Jun 14, 3:28pm  


G is for Groomer! Sesame Street posts progress pride flag on Twitter, gets absolutely roasted by angry parents

Thankfully, Sesame Street is getting absolutely roasted in the replies. Check out some of the most savage responses...

Woah, including this from 2012:


Puppeteer Kevin Clash , the longtime voice of “Elmo,” resigned Tuesday after a $5 million lawsuit labeled him a pedophile who trolled telephone chat rooms in a hunt for underage lovers.

The lawsuit was the second time this month Clash was hit with allegations of a sexual relationship with an underage teenage boy.

The new suit, filed by Cecil Singleton, claims he was just 15 when the award-winning voice of the beloved kids’ character seduced him. ...

Clash, 52, "was an unmarried adult male living a prominent public life centered around the entertainment of toddlers, while at the same time he was, in secret, preying on teenage boys to satisfy his depraved sexual interests," charged the Manhattan Federal Court lawsuit.

Sesame Workshop, which had granted Clash a leave of absence after the first allegation of sex with a minor, issued a statement accepting his resignation after 28 years as Elmo. ...

Clash presented himself as 36-year-old school official who did a lot of traveling and was just out of a relationship, according to Singleton.

Clash, who has a 19-year-old daughter, divorced his wife in 2003. It wasn't until several years later that Singleton figured out that his older lover was the renowned puppeteer.

"As a 15-year-old child, Cecil Singleton was not emotionally or psychologically prepared for a sexual relationship with a grown man in his 40s," the suit said. ...

Singleton was one of "multiple boys" targeted by Clash through the sex lines, according to the lawsuit. Two other purported victims have already come forward, said attorney Jeff Herman, who represents Singleton. ...
421   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 9:45am  


SESAME STREET — A dark cloud was cast over Pride Month festivities on Sesame Street, as Bert and Ernie, long regarded as icons by the LGBTQ community, clarified that they are, in fact, just a couple of straight guys who live together.

"We're just roommates," Bert said when asked to describe his relationship with Ernie. "I don't get why my best friend and I can't live together without everyone thinking we're gay. We're just a couple of dudes who share an apartment. He does his thing. I do mine. Don't make it weird." ...

At publishing time, LGBTQ activist groups had begun protesting outside Bert & Ernie's apartment building, demanding that they be gay.

Knowing that the voice of Elmo was not only gay, but a confirmed homo-pedo, I have to suspect that Ernie and Bert were actually subtle gay propaganda. Nothing on PBS should be trusted, ever.
424   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 11:06am  


The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.
425   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 11:08am  

Patrick says

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.


They aren't all bad! In fact, MOST Muslims I know are pretty decent and even tolerant people. I've never had one try to convert me.
426   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 1:03pm  


old creepy pedo who says that Trump incited a riot on J6 comes to meet a little boy and gets arrested instead

original link
427   richwicks   2023 Jun 15, 7:34pm  

Patrick says


old creepy pedo who says that Trump incited a riot on J6 comes to meet a little boy and gets arrested instead

original link

The bitch of this is this man should be arrested, and won't be.
428   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 8:37pm  


"Convicted child offender Jack Reynolds did an interview where they asked him what sort of characteristics he looked for in a child before targeting them. And he said more important than the characteristics of the child he looked at the characteristics of the family. The first thing he mentioned was that if he perceived the father to be a threat he stayed away. Which tells us a few things, dads: One, you better be a threat. But two, you better be present enough in your child's life to where they know you're a threat.

"And I would say it tells us one more thing that's very interesting. There's a lot of people right now that seem Hell bent to have sexual conversations with our children without our knowledge. Those are the same people telling us that the very things that make you a threat are manifestations of toxic masculinity. So maybe we shouldn't listen to those people."
429   Patrick   2023 Jun 16, 10:47am  


WORLD — Facing increased backlash and negative public attention amid what is perceived by many to be an aggressive assault on traditional values, Satan has officially asked the LGBTQ+ community to tone down its efforts.

"Can you guys pump the brakes a little?" asked the Prince of Darkness in a prepared statement from his Midwestern headquarters in downtown St. Louis. "I'm all for degrading culture and leading human beings toward eternal destruction, but we're really catching a lot of flack here. Maybe take a more measured approach, because the whole ‘dancing in thongs in front of children and shaking trans boobs on the White House lawn' strategy isn't working out so well."

Though the Author of All Lies remains staunchly pro-LGBTQ, he expressed concern that the onslaught of progressive ideology will have an undesired effect on his long-term efforts. "Look, I get it," he said, "We all want to turn the world gay, but there are ways to go about it that don't turn all of society against us. Trust me, I've been slowly and deceptively poisoning mankind for thousands of years. Moderation is the key!"

LGBTQ activist groups were confused by the request from their master. "Oh come on!" said drag queen storyteller Sprinkle Glitterdung. "We're here to be LOUD and PROUD, baby! We're just trying to spread the Dark Lord's evil kingdom! We're destroying society and we're excited about it! Woooo!"

At publishing time, Satan had hired a Hollywood public relations firm to help rebuild his public image.
430   Patrick   2023 Jun 16, 8:06pm  


A now-former Pennsylvania State University professor accused of performing sexual acts with his dog in a public forest was arrested on Tuesday and subsequently hit with a slew of charges including open lewdness, indecent exposure, sexual intercourse with an animal, animal cruelty, and disorderly conduct.

Themis Matsoukas, 64, was spotted on trail cams in Rothrock State Forest naked with his collie as early as 2014, with the latest incident taking place this year. The acts were caught by surveillance cameras. ...

According to FOX43, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources rangers launched an investigation in April after a trail cam set up by the park captured footage of a man engaging in lewd behavior with a collie near a restroom in the Alan Seeger Parking Area and trying to film it on an iPad. Rangers explained that the area was within viewing distance of a road used by visitors to access a picnic area and campgrounds.

While rangers were unable to put a name to the man in April, Matsoukas returned to the same area in May and was identified via his Subaru, which matched a vehicle spotted in previous videos.

Investigators recovered trail cam footage from as early as 2014 showing Matsoukas walking around camp naked from the waist down with his collie in tow, carrying an iPad and wearing a black ski mask.

As WTAJ reports, in one of the videos Matsoukas was allegedly spotted leaving the restroom naked with the dog before masturbating and letting it lick his anus while he filmed on his iPad at various angles.
431   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 1:01pm  


Penn State University Professor Themis Matsoukas, who was arrested this week for sexually abusing his dog, is a long-time liberal who has donated to several top Democrats, including Hillary Clinton.

As Slay News reported, 64-year-old Matsoukas was caught performing sexual acts with his dog in a public forest.

Matsoukas, 64, was hit with a bunch of charges, including open lewdness, indecent exposure, sexual intercourse with an animal, animal cruelty, and disorderly conduct.

He was spotted on trail cams in Rothrock State Forest naked with his collie as early as 2014.

The acts were caught by surveillance cameras.
432   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 1:07pm  


Thousands of protesters have gathered outside the Los Angeles Dodgers stadium over the baseball team’s decision to honor an anti-Christian drag queen group.

Protesters of various religious faiths gathered together to demonstrate against the move amid a growing backlash.

The team announced it would honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence with a Community Heroes award on the Dodgers’ Pride Night day celebrations.

After a backlash to the move, the team caved and reversed its decision.

However, following another wave of backlash from the “woke” mob, the team caved again, issued an apology to the mob, and re-invited the anti-Christian hate group.

The group mocks Christians and other religious groups by organizing blasphemous and grotesque drag queen performances.

The performances are meant to insult Catholics and other Christians as a form of protest against religious objections to the LGBTQ agenda.

On Friday, huge crowds gathered to criticize the Dodgers for re-inviting the group.

According to Fox News, the demonstration quickly grew to include thousands.

“We’re just here, all the faiths are standing united, all the different denominations, even Catholics, Christians, we’re just all united for our love of Christ,” said protester Jesse Holguin to KTLA-TV.

“We’re very angry that the Dodgers invited this group that mocks our lord and savior, Jesus Christ,” he added.

The demonstration included some speakers, including a Jewish Rabbi, and public prayer.

Well, there aren't a lot of Christian rabbis, but point taken, and the rabbi should be commended for doing the right thing.
433   Patrick   2023 Jun 18, 9:45am  


In honor of the hundreds of billions of dollars being funneled to support the LGBTQ cause, the dollar sign has officially been added as the newest member of the acronym.

"Money is a critical, critical part of this community," said trans activist Chesly Chester. "We hope this change reflects just how much we truly value money."

Despite humble beginnings, the LGBTQ$ movement has transformed into a financial juggernaut over the past two decades, raking in billions upon billions of dollars. "We've got cash pouring in from universities, corporations, governments - the gay cause was an amazing investment," said DEI Officer Martha McKnight. "We are proud to officially welcome the dollar sign to the acronym. It‘s the driving force behind 99.9% of what we do."

While the addition of money to the acronym has been generally praised, there have been a few naysayers. "There will always be intolerant bigots who are unwilling to hand over their money to the LGTBQ$ community," said Mr./Mrs. Chester. "Now that we've added the dollar sign, to deny us money is to deny our existence. It's literally genocide. So, yeah - hand over your wallet."

At publishing time, a coffee chain had declined to give the LGBTQ$ community ten million dollars in advertising, resulting in the immediate rise of the Fourth Reich.
436   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 11:37am  


AUSTIN, TX — A local man found himself facing charges of blasphemy after he was caught walking on the city's hallowed rainbow crosswalk without removing his sandals in reverence.

"Everyone knows that our local Rainbow Walk is holy ground," said City Councilperson Vlim Shmelvo. "When cis-males deign to tread upon our sanctified spaces with shodden feet, it makes our community feel unsafe!"

The man, Paul Bradford, had attempted to plead ignorance when he was confronted by a large group of angry pro-LGBTQ activists. "I honestly didn't even realize I did it," he had said as he was being backed up against a wall. "I don't understand! It's just a crosswalk! Aren't we supposed to walk on it?"

The angry mob then gasped audibly before seizing him and taking him to the local authorities. "JUST A CROSSWALK?! JUST A CROSSWALK?!" members of the crowd were heard screaming.

Bradford was unaware of the city's new law that makes it illegal for straight people to use rainbow crosswalks without removing their shoes and vocally apologizing as they walk across. "When you use the rainbow crosswalk, you must remove your shoes, for where you are standing is holy ground," said Enrique Marquez, minister at the Center for LGBTQ Faith. "Failure to show the proper reverence to the rainbow crosswalk is blasphemy, and the guilty person shall be cut off from among their people."

LGBTQ activist organizations were reportedly asking for the death penalty to be considered as punishment for Bradford's crime.

At publishing time, Bradford agreed to a deal that would allow him to avoid execution by spending the rest of his life crawling on his hands and knees when using rainbow crosswalks.
437   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 3:52pm  


Professor Derrick Jensen is out here spittin' truth. It's an old video, but one most of you haven't seen because our tech lords don't want you to know the pedos are behind the rainbow flag movement.

[Strong language and content warning]

A professor plays “Queer Theory Bingo” with students to demonstrate how a defense of pedophilia was foundational to the movement

All while activists shout him down for “hate”

If you’ve never seen this video watch it now👇


Every founding document of "queer theory" and the academic basis for the LGBT movement, including the LGBT movement, is tied to these academics who not only approved of homosexuality but on the same grounds argued for pedophilia.

Foucault, Gayle Rubin, Pat Califia, Judith Butler... the list goes on.

There's almost no queer theorist who doesn't also argue for pedophilia.

Are you paying attention yet?

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