The gay flag is also the symbol of pedophilia

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2022 Feb 12, 11:29pm   114,077 views  794 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't really want to go on about it, but anyone who waves the rainbow flag is in fact also promoting pedophilia. The link between male homosexuality and pedophilia is very strong and always has been, even back to ancient Greece. Pedophilia creates homosexuals. Some relatives of mine deny this fact in spite of the overwhelming evidence throughout history. So I feel compelled to point out some facts which are being censored by all "respectable" people -- people who are thereby contributing to child abuse, just about the worst crime imaginable.

(cached here because of censorship)

An independent research project done by a group of British researchers into the connections between homosexuality and pedophilia used evidence from biographies, histories, criminology and news reports, to demonstrate that a very high proportion of known homosexuals and an even higher percentage of homosexual activists around the world are pedophiles. An index is provided and the evidence is presented in alphabetical order, for easy reference. "This new book is a useful compilation of a lot of available evidence on this subject. Next time you hear somebody say "There is no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia," you can have all the facts ready. Just consult this handy A-Z. From Auden to Pasolini, from Oscar Wilde to Gore Vidal, most famous gays were paedophiles. and so were all the founders and leaders of the "Gay" Rights movement.

Who says so? Well in most cases they did. Here is the evidence. It gives you the names, the dates and the sources to prove that the correlation is very strong and undeniable. ...

It is something very recent for anyone to deny the links between male homosexuality and paedophilia. Nobody made any secret of it over the last 2,500 years, and even the early LGBT movement in America and Europe was very frank in acknowledging it. Only in recent times have they started to deny it, or to be exact, to issue a confused mixture of angry, hypocritical denial with defiant justification. When no moralists (called “right-wingers”) are around, they will acknowledge it and boast about it. When moralists object, the LGBTs resort to bare-faced lies.

Nobody could write a full account of this subject, unless they were willing to devote their life to a topic that is monotonous and unsavoury, to say the least. All I have done is compile a rough index of some of the most salient evidence for the correlation between homosexuality and paedophilia. ...

If you go and look at the website UK Paedos Exposed you will find that the number of male offenders who molest male victims is at least half of all cases. When you consider the ratio and the proportion, these figures are startling. Since homosexuals are according to the Office of National Statistics only 1.5% of the population and some of them are women, this indicates that male homosexuals are about fifty times more likely than heterosexuals are to molest children . Even if you assume that homosexual men are 3% of the population and that only a third of cases involve boys, the maths still lead us to a conclusion that homosexual men are ten times more likely than heterosexuals to molest children. ...

Just look at the bare facts - out of the thirty paedophile organization listed in Wikipedia as campaigning to legalize adult-child sex in the 20th century, 28 were founded and run by male homosexuals. The movement has been entirely dominated by male homosexuals. None were purely heterosexual. ...

The news media in the UK continues to be willfully blinkered on this subject. It avoids reporting major scandals such as the Scottish Stonewall Paedophile ring and edits out the factual links between the criminals and the prominent LGBT groups. When reporting the North Wales Child Abuse scandal, the TV news always used the word “paedophiles” although this was all about the organized abuse of boys by men. The TV reportage omitted the fact that the abuse had been organised by a network of members of CHE, The Campaign for Homosexual Equality. ...

In 1985, data compiled by the Family Research Institute, Washington D.C., confirmed “a strong pedophilic predisposition among homosexuals." The institute, after reviewing more than 19 studies and peer-reviewed reports in a 1985 "Psychological Reports" article, found that homosexuals account for between 25 and 40 percent of all child molestation. “But this number is low, due to the fact that many reporters will not report if a child molester is a homosexual, even if he knows that to be the case.” One notorious offender in the USA molested more than 500 boys. The idea that paedophiles have no gender preference and therefore cannot be categorized as homosexual or heterosexual is a myth. ...

Homosexual Behavior & Pedophilia is an academic paper of 31 pages by Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight, published by the Family Research Council in the US in 2000. They write observantly, “Although most homosexual activists publicly deny that they want access to boys, many homosexual groups around the world are working aggressively to lower the age of sexual consent. Their cause is being aided by the professional psychiatric and psychological associations, which have moved in recent years toward normalizing pedophilia, much as they did with homosexuality in the early 1970s.” They present a wide range of very strong evidence for their case.
http://us2000.org/cfmc/Pedophilia.pdf (cached here in case of censorship)
This is true. Under pressure from the LGBT movement, the American Psychiatric Association removed pedophilia from its list of sexual perversions in 1994, while in 1999 the American Psychological Association published a report, "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples," which "claimed child sexual abuse could be harmless and beneficial"

Again, we have been betrayed by the media and the medical establishment.

Note that I am not calling for the persecution of homosexuals. I think that consenting adults have the right to engage in whatever behavior they want with each other. But I am calling for an end to all displays of the sodomy flag in public, and especially in schoolrooms, because of its strong link with pedophilia.

Remember how people were up in arms about cigarette advertising using cartoon characters and bright primary colors? To be consistent, they should also be up in arms about a flag which uses bright primary colors to promote a different life-shortening addiction.

The gay flag is a stealth way of abusing the good will of people who want to be inclusive.

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774   Patrick   2024 Aug 8, 11:27am  


Finally, a few scraps of common sense are still, apparently, flying around the world somewhere, and this time they gathered in Bulgaria. French paper Le Monde ran the story headlined, “Bulgarian parliament bans LGBTQ+ 'propaganda' in schools. The overlong sub-headline, with way too many internal scare quotes, explained, “The bill, which was voted through with an overwhelming 159-22 majority despite outcry by rights NGOs, bans 'incitement' to 'non-traditional sexual orientation' or ‘gender identity other than the biological one.’”

The vote wasn’t even close. The Bulgarian parliament, which Le Monde terrifyingly identified as “pro-Russian,” overwhelmingly voted Tuesday to ban, and I quote, “propaganda, promotion or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one.”

The rest of Le Monde’s article quoted far-left gay activists who think the new law stinks to High Heaven and will probably cause —without hyberbole— more carnage than one million Vietnam Wars put together. Oh, the Humanity!

Le Monde’s diligent team of crack reporters were, somehow, unable to scrape up a single supporter of the new law who could provide a counter-quote. They couldn’t even find any of the 159 Bulgarian ministers who voted in favor of the excellent new law for a comment. Maybe the power was out. It is Paris we’re talking about, after all.

Le Monde did report at least one fact accurately. The article’s cited critics were all correctly identified as being members of various ‘non-governmental organizations’ (NGO’s) which various countries for some strange reason believe are funded by U.S. intelligence agencies.

But better context was provided in Balkan Insight’s article, headlined “Bulgaria’s Parliament Unexpectedly Outlaws ‘LGBT Propaganda’ in Schools.” It explained the issue had “unexpectedly” united both the country’s traditional left- and right-wing groups, and both its pro-Russian plus pro-Western parties. For some strange reason, they all seem to believe the homosexual agenda is being pushed by “very influential rich people:”

Socialist Party leader Kornelia Ninova said that Bulgarian families abroad had contacted her to
alert about the dangers of "gender ideology" in the West and criticised those who are "one thing
in the morning,
a second in the afternoon, a third in the evening".
Ninova defined "gender ideology" as something promoted "by very influential and rich people"
and said it was "creeping into and taking over Bulgarian schools".
She noted the recent Eurovision Song Contest, won by a non-binary contestant, and the
aesthetics of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris as worrying examples.
Olympic controversies have been fanned by local conservative politicians, as a recent BIRN
analysis explained.
Ninova's statements are in line with pro-Kremlin leanings of the Socialist Party, which in 2023
tried to initiate a referendum against "gender ideology" and which since 2017 has vehemently
opposed the women's rights treaty, the so-called Istanbul Convention, interpreting it as
promoting LGBTQ+ rights.
"I'll repeat what I've been saying for seven years now: hands off Bulgarian children," Ninova
said on Wednesday.

Note Ms. Ninova’s reference to the opening ceremonies from this year’s Summer Olympics in Paris. One wonders how much that eye-searing display contributed to Tuesday’s “unexpected” anti-LGBTQ+ vote in Bulgaria’s parliament. May that obscene spectacle continue to bear fruit.

Drip, drip, drip. The counter-revolution continues apace.
775   Patrick   2024 Aug 14, 8:16am  


Illegal Alien Ferried Into US by Kamala Harris Rapes 10-Year-Old Boy Twice in Mississippi

Kamala Harris’s America.

An illegal alien ferried into the US by Kamala Harris was arrested for raping a 10-year-old boy twice in Pontotoc County, Mississippi.

Filiberto Gonzalez illegally entered the US from Mexico thanks to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

“The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Department, Mississippi reports Filiberto Gonzalez a 34 year old Hispanic male , an illegal alien, from Mexico, was arrested on Monday afternoon August 12, 2024,” the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Department said on Tuesday.

“After an Investigstion by CID the perpetrator was charged with two (2) counts of RAPE of a 10 year old male. After obtaining arrest warrants and a search warrant the perpetrator was arrested at his residence, at Laura Lane. The perpetrator is being held at the adult Detention Center of the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Department waiting for a hearing before a Justice Court Judge,” the sheriff’s department said.
780   Patrick   2024 Aug 18, 5:00pm  


The patron of a defunct LGBT charity, which encouraged children to question the gender binary, has been charged with multiple counts of child sex abuse.

Stephen Ireland, 40, is facing a total of 37 charges, including rape of a child under 13, six counts of making indecent photographs of children and two counts of causing a child to engage in sexual activity.

For 15 of the alleged offences, the founder of Pride in Surrey was jointly charged alongside David Sutton, 26.

Ireland was listed as a director for Pride in Surrey until June of this year, while Sutton was a former volunteer for the charity, according to Mail Online.

Sutton, who, like Ireland, is from Addlestone, Surrey, was also charged with a further seven further offences, including three counts of making indecent photographs of children.
782   Patrick   2024 Aug 20, 7:22pm  


Homosexual men are 15x more likely to be paedophiles than heterosexual men

We now do the maths on the following data.

1. 33.3% of the victims of paedophilia are boys and 66.7% are girls.
2. 3% of the male population are homosexual and 97% are heterosexual.
3. 98% of paedophiles are male and 2% are female.

Since 98% of the perpetrators are male, at least 31.3% of all paedophilia is male on male. So 3% of men (homosexuals) carry out 31.3% of the child abuse and 97% of men (heterosexuals) carry out 66.7% of the child abuse and women carry out 2% of it.

So the chances of a homosexual male being an abuser are 31.3/3 times more than average, whereas the chances of a heterosexual male being an abuser are 66.7/97 times the average (i.e. less than the average).

So the chances of a heterosexual male being an abuser are 31.3/3 x 97/66.7 = 15.17 more than the chances of a heterosexual male being an abuser.

So if a boy child is placed in the care of two male homosexual parents then his chances of being sexually abused are 30x greater than if he is fostered out to a heterosexual couple (since females hardly do any paedophilia). ...

There is a good article on this subject at - http://rethinkingtheology.com/2012/10/22/links-between-homosexuality-and-pedophilia/
783   Patrick   2024 Sep 1, 12:30pm  


The Queering nuclear weapons article was published a year ago in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, one of those formerly sober publications, like Scientific American or Nature, which now publishes things with titles like “Queering nuclear weapons”. The article opens thus:

"They should not allow mentally ill people near weapons of mass destruction." That was one of dozens of derogatory tweets that the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation received in response to a December 2022 panel discussion on LGBTQ+ identity in the nuclear weapons space. Most of these tweets were purely hateful, written by trolls. ...

Serious people would simply nod and stop right there. Far from being ‘purely hateful’, there’s an incredibly tight correlation between homosexuality and a whole litany of mental illnesses, making it a comorbid indicator for the kind of unstable personality that you indeed do not want coming within a football’s throw of WMDs. But Nair needs to demonstrate that Queer Theory, rather than an academic pseudo-discipline of zero relevance to the fate of billions (or, well, anything else for that matter), is in fact of central importance.
784   Patrick   2024 Sep 23, 12:16pm  


When the straight man has victims, they are 20 in his lifetime

Gay guy has victims it’s 350

There is a book on Amazon called pedophiles so that’s where I learned it.

I think this is probably the books she means:

785   HeadSet   2024 Sep 23, 6:24pm  

Patrick says

There is a book on Amazon called pedophiles so that’s where I learned it.

That sentence sounds like he read a how-to textbook on being a pedophile.
786   Patrick   2024 Sep 23, 7:23pm  


A man wearing a blonde wig, makeup and pearls was arrested on Sunday for attempting to kidnap an 11-year-old boy from outside his home in Alliance, Ohio, police said.

Joshua Freyermuth, 39, who also goes by the name Vicky, told the child 'I need to talk to you' in an attempt to lure the 11-year-old off of his property and away from his dog.

When the child refused, Freyermuth attempted to grab him on South Webb Avenue.

He was arrested at a friend's house and taken to jail, with a court date set for Monday, police said.

The child's father, Zachery Thurmond, told WOIO: 'When he grabbed my son's arm, my dog attacked him and then he stumbled back off the stairs.

... During the investigation, Freyermuth was arrested after officers allegedly found 1.6 grams of meth hidden in the steering wheel of the van and a glass bubble pipe with meth inside of it hidden under the driver's seat.

The report says Freyermuth attempted to lie about his activities to obstruct officers, changed his story multiple times and provided misinformation.
787   Patrick   2024 Sep 24, 11:16am  


Maybe he signed it after that language was removed, dunno.

But that language was introduced by a mentally ill "trans" man who seemed very concerned with protecting pedophiles.
788   Patrick   2024 Sep 29, 3:39pm  


Huw Edwards sent hundreds of pounds to a convicted paedophile after he sent him pornographic images and replied 'yes xxx' after being asked if he wanted photos of a child aged between 14 and 16, a court heard today.

The disgraced BBC News anchor is being sentenced to three charges of 'making' indecent photographs of children after he was sent 41 images by paedophile Alex Williams in vile WhatsApp messages.

Prosecutor Ian Hope said Edwards paid the paedophile amounts 'in the low hundreds on an occasional basis... apparently off the back of sending pornographic photographs' and that the total amounted to between '£1,000 to £1,500'.

Mr Hope told the court Edwards wrote 'yes xxx' when he was asked by Williams if he wanted sexual images of a person whose 'age could be discerned as being between 14 and 16'.

And of course like all corporate media, the article deliberately obscures the fact that Huw is a homo pedo.

Why do to they all keep protecting homo-pedos like this?
791   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 4:07pm  


Psychologist, 53, who worked at Tavistock clinic remains FREE to practise despite being caught grooming a schoolboy, 15, for sex in a park

Dr Ross Canade was entrusted to treat youngsters' mental health as lead psychologist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which became infamous for its gender clinic helping children to transition to a different sex.

Canade was snared by a group of self-styled 'paedophile hunters' in an online sting after he sent sexually explicit messages to a youngster who told him he was aged 15.

The 53-year-old psychologist met up with his would-be victim in a Nando's restaurant, then arranged to go to a local park to have sex.

The pair were 'ambushed' by members of a vigilante group posing as friends of the youngster who had been monitoring their interactions, a court heard.

Canade pleaded guilty on July 29 to attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming. On Monday, he was handed a 12-month suspended sentence by a judge at Wood Green Crown Court.

Although he was spared jail, he was sacked by the Tavistock.

Why is he not in jail? He's a threat to other boys.
792   Misc   2024 Oct 7, 8:37pm  

If you need help from FEMA, it is best if you have a Pedo flag flying at your house. - No, seriously ! ! ! ! ! ! !


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