Moon Landings Were Fake

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2022 Feb 14, 4:36pm   4,065 views  47 comments

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1   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 14, 5:47pm  

That guy sounds like he's on a Catfishing mission to suck Joe Rogan and Info Wars into his bogus story.
I'm always willing to listen to moon landing hoax theories, many of them hold up, many don't.
This guy with his bombshell revelations, but you have to buy his book, but he's willing to go on Alex jones and talk about it.
He's doing a 59 minute video, hyping a book, but not giving any details.

I feel that if there was any new revelations in his book, he would be dropping a few. Also he's making the faked moon landing about the deep state.
He's gas lighting a dog whistle. His assessment about it being a corrupt government that just lied about it for no apparent reason. Is a Liberal cartoon version of what they believe Alex Jones would be into. The moon landing hoax, if it were, was about keeping up appearances in the cold war, and to have unlimited funding to catch up with Russia and Sputnik. We not only caught up, we surpassed them in satellite technologies. Russia wasn't interested in the moon, they were interested in supremacy in global surveillance and possible weaponizing it. While we would have had nothing. Definitely a lot of Military industrial complex corruption going on there. But nothing he said was even close to spirit of the moon mission. Even if they were faked, nobody has ever said, it was just a scam, and they did it because they are a bunch of deep state assholes.
2   tanked   2022 Feb 14, 6:17pm  

Tenpoundbass says
That guy sounds like he's on a Catfishing mission to suck Joe Rogan and Info Wars into his bogus story.
I'm always willing to listen to moon landing hoax theories, many of them hold up, many don't.
This guy with his bombshell revelations, but you have to buy his book, but he's willing to go on Alex jones and talk about it.
He's doing a 59 minute video, hyping a book, but not giving any details.

I feel that if there was any new revelations in his book, he would be dropping a few. Also he's making the faked moon landing about the deep state.
He's gas lighting a dog whistle. His assessment about it being a corrupt government that just lied about it for no apparent reason. Is a Liberal cartoon version of what they believe Alex Jones would be into. The moon landing hoax, if it were, was about keeping up appearances in the cold war, and to have unlimited funding to catch up with Russia and Sputnik. We not only caught up, we surpassed them in satellite technologies. Rus...

I didn't consider the revelations in the book all that interesting to want to buy it, personally. He says what they are - the codename of the project and the location of where the fake scenes were shot. Some are really into this and want to know every detail, if they want they can get the book, for me I'll pass.

I see his point as, are people analyzing critically, or are they believing what they want to believe because it's what the Gov and MSM says is real. Be it this, or Covid. Ultimately there isn't a difference, they are lying, and it's provable, if one actually looks, but the sheeple don't. Alex covers Covid extensively, and 9/11, and JFK assassination, etc, all Cabal activities, why not cover this one as well, it's amazing what light bulbs turn on in people's minds when truth is revealed, this is one more way to do that.
4   Ceffer   2022 Feb 14, 6:42pm  

LOL! One of the latest theories is that the ratlined Nazi scientists from WWII went to NASA and they needed funding for a secret space program, so they invented the Moon Landing hoax as a movie so they could divert the funding elsewhere. They wanted to continue secret anti gravity technology that they had started in WWII in Germany, which led to Area 51 and all of the covert projects at other sites to this day. The moon landings were bread and circuses for the masses to justify the funding.

The astronauts were military, so like good soldiers thinking they were participating in a higher cause, they allowed themselves to be subjected to MKUltra brainwashing so that they would have aversion for ever telling the truth about the missions. That didn't work with Gus Grissom, who loudly laughed at the space capsules as being tin cans and hung a lemon inside. Seems Grissom's death in the capsule along with two other astronauts was an assassination to silence him. Nazis gotta be Nazis.

That's a conspiracy theory I can sink my teeth into, especially since it isn't that inconsistent with all the other false flags, propaganda, and political manipulations we have become aware of.
5   tanked   2022 Feb 15, 3:48am  

Ceffer says
LOL! One of the latest theories is that the ratlined Nazi scientists from WWII went to NASA and they needed funding for a secret space program, so they invented the Moon Landing hoax as a movie so they could divert the funding elsewhere. They wanted to continue secret anti gravity technology that they had started in WWII in Germany, which led to Area 51 and all of the covert projects at other sites to this day. The moon landings were bread and circuses for the masses to justify the funding.

The astronauts were military, so like good soldiers thinking they were participating in a higher cause, they allowed themselves to be subjected to MKUltra brainwashing so that they would have aversion for ever telling the truth about the missions. That didn't work with Gus Grissom, who loudly laughed at the space capsules as being tin cans and hung a lemon inside. Seems Grissom's death in the capsule along with two other astronauts was an assassination to silence him. Nazis gotta be Nazis...

Somewhat Bart's take on it. Definitely the Gus Grissom as non-cooperative-to-lies aspect is. The rest is a precursor to 9/11 and Covid as mentioned in the comment above.
6   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 15, 9:59am  

Does look kind of fake.

7   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 15, 3:54pm  

tanked says
I see his point as, are people analyzing critically, or are they believing what they want to believe because it's what the Gov and MSM says is real. Be it this, or Covid. Ultimately there isn't a difference, they are lying, and it's provable, if one actually looks, but the sheeple don't. Alex covers Covid extensively, and 9/11, and JFK assassination, etc, all Cabal activities, why not cover this one as well, it's amazing what light bulbs turn on in people's minds when truth is revealed, this is one more way to do that.

The guy misses the mark period. JFK said let's go to the moon in a decade or two. But the only time we reportedly went to the moon was on Nixon's watch about 5 years later.
It would smear Nixon and the republicans more than it would haunt Kennedy.
The JFK thing, exposes the Bush's deep state genesis. Which the fake moon landings had nothing to do with Bush the CIA and the Deep State.
It was just Trickey Dickey wagging to the Dog, to One Up those damn Rooskies and their Cosmonauts in a Cold war techno fisticuffs.
8   PerfectlyFlawed   2022 Feb 15, 3:58pm  

A bit of a lengthy one but covers just about every aspect of this event:
9   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 15, 4:05pm  

I believe Kennedy really meant it and fully intended for us to go to the moon.
But fate saw fit to have different plans. Nixon saw it as an opportunity to gain popularity, and burst Russia's technobubble.
The problem like the guy in the video pointed out, once they said we went the first time, they had to keep up the charade, and that killed the actual Real Moon mission.
So instead they focused on Space near Earth's orbit, rather than the logistics of going to the Moon and back.
By the time the Space Shuttle was created, the moon landings were on the back burner, with no plans to return.
I think had Nixon not faked the moon landing, by the time we had the technology that went into the Space Shuttle, We could have gone to the Moon.
The Moon landing should have been Ronald Reagan's achievement, fulfilling JFK's legacy.
10   Undoctored   2022 Feb 15, 4:39pm  

There are countless ways to show how the moon landings must have been faked. My favorite is the impossibility of that flimsy contraption known as the “lunar module” being able to touch down on the moon without tearing itself apart. Look I played the Lunar Lander video game a lot as a kid. It’s a very delicate operation. No way you get it right on the first try. You don’t just zoom in at a constant speed and then glide to a gentle stop like some kind of amusement park ride, as the official footage shows. And then lifting off again? Like they needed all that apparatus to take off from earth but like nothing to get up off the moon. I know the gravitational pull is supposed to be 1/6 of the earth’s there but still.

The real questions are why did they fake it, and if they could fake landing a man on the moon, why haven’t they faked far simpler things as well. And the answers are: they were proving just how mind-numbingly powerful their propaganda machine could be, and who knows how many other historical events and technologies before and after have been similarly faked, with far greater consequence?
11   Ceffer   2022 Feb 15, 5:51pm  

An observer said that all of the films of the moon shots taking off are of the Saturn IV rocket. The Saturn V rocket was the only one that could do the task of an actual moon launch, but was not ready to be deployed. He said they attached external flares or explosives that went off after launch to make it look like there was an extra stage being ejected to make it look like Saturn V (extra stage) rather than Saturn IV (one less stage) after the flight started.
12   richwicks   2022 Feb 15, 6:13pm  

Undoctored says
Look I played the Lunar Lander video game a lot as a kid. It’s a very delicate operation.

If the moon landings were faked, it was a worldwide operation. It would mean that all nations were in on it.

I can believe some of the footage was faked, but if humanity never went to the moon, there was either a lot of effort placed into making the hoax (the lunar vehicles are still there, there's bags of shit still there, there's footprints still there - and all would have had to been faked) or the entire world is in on the deception.

It would be almost like discovering the world really IS flat.

I'm open to nearly any idea, but this one - really stretches my understanding of the world. I'm willing to upset and overturn my fundamental beliefs pretty much on a dime, I CAN do that, but the evidence that we never went to the moon isn't there. Faking certain television segments I can believe.
13   Rin   2022 Feb 15, 6:18pm  

richwicks says
I can believe some of the footage was faked, but if humanity never went to the moon, there was either a lot of effort placed into making the hoax (the lunar vehicles are still there, there's bags of shit still there, there's footprints still there - and all would have had to been faked) or the entire world is in on the deception.

I think it's more that did the events of 1969 to 1971 happen ... as described by the official footage.

Sure, in time, there probably were some extra-orbital trips and sure, the gear could have been deposited there, but the fact that it had occurred during a time where computational tools were negligible & that navigating with a joystick on a new world may have resulted in a major crash, killing everyone on board.
14   tanked   2022 Feb 15, 6:41pm  

Tenpoundbass says
tanked says
I see his point as, are people analyzing critically, or are they believing what they want to believe because it's what the Gov and MSM says is real. Be it this, or Covid. Ultimately there isn't a difference, they are lying, and it's provable, if one actually looks, but the sheeple don't. Alex covers Covid extensively, and 9/11, and JFK assassination, etc, all Cabal activities, why not cover this one as well, it's amazing what light bulbs turn on in people's minds when truth is revealed, this is one more way to do that.

The guy misses the mark period. JFK said let's go to the moon in a decade or two. But the only time we reportedly went to the moon was on Nixon's watch about 5 years later.
It would smear Nixon and the republicans more than it would haunt Kennedy.
The JFK thing, exposes the Bush's deep state genesis. Which the fake moon landings had nothing to do with Bush the C...

The confession says it was Johnson who did it. Nixon just played along as he came into office. JFK was ambitious but clueless to if it was actually possible or not.
15   PerfectlyFlawed   2022 Feb 15, 7:55pm  

Meanwhile - with NASAs $59 million per day funding requirements, just what exactly are they doing with that money?? Perhaps building underground MARS simulated environments to further dupe the public, or somehow hiding vast land reserves? Perhaps we'll never know...
16   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 15, 11:24pm  

PerfectlyFlawed says
Meanwhile - with NASAs $59 million per day funding requirements, just what exactly are they doing with that money?? Perhaps building underground MARS simulated environments to further dupe the public, or somehow hiding vast land reserves? Perhaps we'll never know...

Maintaining the DSN, the Launch Pads, the ground crews for missions, etc. along with Deputy Assistant to the Associate Director of Diversity.

Of course, NASA could probably cut 30% of those roles.
17   richwicks   2022 Feb 16, 1:26am  

Rin says
Sure, in time, there probably were some extra-orbital trips and sure, the gear could have been deposited there, but the fact that it had occurred during a time where computational tools were negligible & that navigating with a joystick on a new world may have resulted in a major crash, killing everyone on board.

You underestimate the power of a computer from that time.

Computer chips have been optimized for certain tasks, they run at about 2000 times the clock rate, but a MILLION INSTRUCTIONS PER SECOND isn't anything to scoff at.

I'm in this field. People think that because modern computers are slow, the old machines from 40 years ago must have been agonizingly slow. Modern computers are slow because the code made for them are not optimized for, well, anything. If you've ever seen code written for a machine in 1980 and compared that to today, it's black and white difference. The coders then didn't go through abstractions and API's, they directly handled memory allocation, and knew precisely how much memory they accessed and directly accessed the hardware. It is a wonder to look at code in 1980 compared to today.

I am NOT KIDDING or exaggerating at all when I say your smart phone is EASILY capable of doing nuclear bomb simulation. It could EASILY handle the email communications of 1000 people in a company. It's got that ability. Ancient protocols like SMTP and telnet, they are today comparatively primitive, but much of what has been done in the last 30 years is just adding complexity, and this complexity is inefficient.

I honestly think my computer to my right, 18 inches away, could literally think if consciousness is computational (and surprisingly it may not be, we really don't understand it). It's got more storage than my brain does, and can simulate more synapses than I have. I can literally store every film, television program, radio show, and book I've ever read on it. That's not even 6 terabytes.

My point is a million instructions per second is a lot - even 1000 is.

There's just no reason to go to the moon. It was a PR stunt. There's no commercial reason to do this. It was only to show that "the west" was better than communism. But it was all done through a social program paid for by tax money. That's the irony. If the US entirely faked the moon landings, that would be awesome. I could finally die realizing my government is ENTIRELY full of shit, but I don't think they are.
19   Tenpoundbass   2022 Feb 16, 5:10am  

richwicks says
the old machines from 40 years ago must have been agonizingly slow.

The moon landings were over 50 years ago.

richwicks says
It is a wonder to look at code in 1980 compared to today.

It happened in 1969
20   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 5:24am  

richwicks says
Undoctored says
Look I played the Lunar Lander video game a lot as a kid. It’s a very delicate operation.

If the moon landings were faked, it was a worldwide operation. It would mean that all nations were in on it.

I can believe some of the footage was faked, but if humanity never went to the moon, there was either a lot of effort placed into making the hoax (the lunar vehicles are still there, there's bags of shit still there, there's footprints still there - and all would have had to been faked) or the entire world is in on the deception.

It would be almost like discovering the world really IS flat.

I'm open to nearly any idea, but this one - really stretches my understanding of the world. I'm willing to upset and overturn my fundamental beliefs pretty much on a dime, I CAN do that, but the evidence that we never went to the moon isn't there. Faking certain television segments I can believe.

Or, all under the heel, same as covid.

Are you sure anything is actually there? How do you know it wasn't faked (if you are referring to Lunar Recon Orbiter)
21   richwicks   2022 Feb 16, 5:48am  

tanked says
Or, all under the heel, same as covid.

Are you sure anything is actually there? How do you know it wasn't faked (if you are referring to Lunar Recon Orbiter)

I cannot be certain of course, but if it was faked, all nations would have to be in on it.

That would BLOW MY MIND - it would mean we have a single world government. This would entirely upend my understanding of reality.

However, I'd accept it, if there was a good deal of evidence of it.

If the moon landings were faked, and that could be shown, it would obliterate trust in our government. If they were faked, and it wasn't revealed this would mean our "enemies" were in collusion with our government and have been for over 40 years. I can't see any other option. I'm just human, it would take some time to digest. It would completely overthrow my understanding of reality. I think it would do this to nearly anybody.

It's difficult to accept the Soviets of the USSR wouldn't have exposed the fraud in the 1980s. It would mean our entire world, all our governments, are fake. That's difficult to accept.
22   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 5:51am  

richwicks says
tanked says
Or, all under the heel, same as covid.

Are you sure anything is actually there? How do you know it wasn't faked (if you are referring to Lunar Recon Orbiter)

I cannot be certain of course, but if it was faked, all nations would have to be in on it.

That would BLOW MY MIND - it would mean we have a single world government. This would entirely upend my understanding of reality.

However, I'd accept it, if there was a good deal of evidence of it.

If the moon landings were faked, and that could be shown, it would obliterate trust in our government. If they were faked, and it wasn't revealed this would mean our "enemies" were in collusion with our government and have been for over 40 years. I can't see any other option. I'm just human, it would take some time to digest. It would completely overthrow my understanding of reality. I think it would do this to ...

As I understand on Covid, about 5 presidents opposed vaccines but were assasinated. It's no secret CIA runs around worldwide for it's own interest. I don't see how it's that hard to think they'd say, play nice, or we bring you trouble.

Also according to Bart they teach in other countries that they were faked, e.g. china, russia. Only in USA (and maybe Canada and Mexico) they teach they are real. What if everyone else knows they are fake but they are over it, moving on to other things. It's not like when u meet someone from overseas the first thing they will say is, you know your moon landings were fake right? Maybe they did try doing that when they were young but got so insulted by the Americans they learned to put it aside.
23   BoomAndBustCycle   2022 Feb 16, 7:10am  

This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?
24   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 7:19am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.
25   Rin   2022 Feb 16, 8:26am  

Tenpoundbass says
richwicks says
It is a wonder to look at code in 1980 compared to today.

It happened in 1969

I believe that the fastest computer in 1968-69, like the DEC PDP-8, could handle some 30K instruction per sec and it was all machine language, no OS to boot. And it wasn't all that light either, more like a loaded refrigerator.

tanked says
No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Probes can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

I concur with this. And sure, by 1980, the military could have dropped off components on the lunar surface to 'validate' the landings, as the Soviets started sending probes to Venus and other planets.
26   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 8:45am  

Yes all space flight is fake. The old films are fake fake fake. So obviously a movie set. Anyone here speak German? Check out the Wernher von Braun videos. He’s even got a fake German accent. Special effects have improved since then so maybe it’s harder to tell at first glance about the modern stuff. But the ISS stuff is real “fakey” too as I used to say when noticing the seams in the monster movie special effects. Plenty of videos out there on this. Search it up.

The stuff is so on-its-face fake that the only thing keeping people who’ve looked the slightest bit into it saying it can’t be fake is the idea that so many people across the world would have to be in on it if it weren’t true. Before 2020 perhaps that was a reasonable argument.
27   RWSGFY   2022 Feb 16, 9:01am  

tanked says
BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

How can you "land" anything on a frosted glass disk hanging on the inside of the sky dome? An drone would fall off immediately after engines are switched off.
28   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 9:05am  

tanked says
No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can.

Forgot to mention. “Curiosity” Mars rover is also fake. Why should they do it for real when they have the technology to fake it and a public who is ready to believe? Anyway, search for the videos. There’s lots of material on this too.
29   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 9:08am  

FuckCCP89 says
tanked says
BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

How can you "land" anything on a frosted glass disk hanging on the inside of the sky dome? An drone would fall off immediately after engines are switched off.

That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.
30   Eric Holder   2022 Feb 16, 9:10am  

tanked says
FuckCCP89 says
tanked says
BoomAndBustCycle says
This is stupid. If the moon landing was fake are all Elon Musks recent rocket launches fake also?

No, the fake part is humans landing on the moon. Drones can. And humans can go to earth orbit but no further because of the Van Allen radiation belt. Lead walls are too heavy to be launched.

How can you "land" anything on a frosted glass disk hanging on the inside of the sky dome? An drone would fall off immediately after engines are switched off.

That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.

Of course it's round. Disks ARE round.
31   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 10:25am  

tanked says
That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.

Yes. Earth is a globe. One other reason why people believe space flight is real: flat earther disinfo agents poison the well by combining flat earth theory with legitimate takedown of space flight hoaxes.

The truth is out there, but it’s tainted. To recap:

All supposed trips to outer space are fake.

Anyone saying the trip to the moon was fake but other space exploits like the ISS and Mars rover is real, is either naive or a “limited hangout” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying trip to the moon and the “globe” earth are both fake is either naive or a “poison the well” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying any of this all has to be real because it would require too much intergovernmental cooperation, just look what’s been happening for the past two years.
32   Ceffer   2022 Feb 16, 10:30am  

Curiosity Mars Rover was impregnated by a Mars alien and gave birth to mini me Mars rovers. I know because I read it in the National Enquirer while waiting in line at the grocery store and slapping somebody's baby's hands off the candy bars.
33   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 16, 10:32am  

Where do the moon rocks come from? Where do meteorites come from? How do comm, weather, and spy satellites work?

Also, all the planets are spheres except for the Earth, which alone is a flat disk.
34   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 16, 10:36am  

Also have to explain that all the Russian drone and rover moon landings were fake.
35   tanked   2022 Feb 16, 11:06am  

Undoctored says
tanked says
That's one of the common associations - to say that one is a flat earther because they concluded the moon landings were faked. Bart definitely believes the earth to be round.

Yes. Earth is a globe. One other reason why people believe space flight is real: flat earther disinfo agents poison the well by combining flat earth theory with legitimate takedown of space flight hoaxes.

The truth is out there, but it’s tainted. To recap:

All supposed trips to outer space are fake.

Anyone saying the trip to the moon was fake but other space exploits like the ISS and Mars rover is real, is either naive or a “limited hangout” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying trip to the moon and the “globe” earth are both fake is either naive or a “poison the well” disinfo agent.

Anyone saying any of this all has to be real because it would require too much intergovernmental cooperat...

Nah, some things are real, some are fake. Just discuss what you conclude is real and what you conclude is fake. Some ISS shots are fake, that much I do know.

original link
36   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 11:48am  

AmericanKulak says
Where do the moon rocks come from? Where do meteorites come from? How do comm, weather, and spy satellites work?

Also, all the planets are spheres except for the Earth, which alone is a flat disk.

Flat earthers are wrong about shape of the earth but may be right on other things.

Moon rocks are just rocks. Can’t prove they were collected by astronauts or rovers. Maybe they are meteorites from outer space. Point is we didn’t send anything into outer space to go and get them.

Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

So-called satellite view — come on that’s just aerial view from an airplane. You’ve been in an airplane before, right? You’ve seen those little buildings and roads and parks and ponds and stuff when flying low. Once you’re up over the clouds you can’t see any of that. From outer space? Forget it!

And spy satellites? You mean the ones that can see you but you can’t see them? I’ll just leave it at that.
37   socal2   2022 Feb 16, 11:56am  

Undoctored says
All supposed trips to outer space are fake.

Elon Musk and SpaceX are faking it too?

Elon is spending billions of his own money and working 100 hour work weeks down in Boca Chica Texas as part of this international scam?

38   Undoctored   2022 Feb 16, 2:17pm  

Who really knows what Elon Musk is wasting his money and time on? Yeah but I admit a lot of work goes into this simulation of space exploration. They readily admit to doing simulations. Then they pass the simulation off as reality and pocket the difference. Nice rocket, er, racket.
39   richwicks   2022 Feb 16, 8:15pm  

Undoctored says
Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

No, satellites certainly aren't fake. Satellite communication sucks because you have to do it in geosynchronous orbit or have your dish follow the satellite (which CAN be done, that is how starlink works). It the bad old days, just 20 years ago, when you talked to somebody in Australia, you were going through a satellite link even over a computer or a phone. The delay was enormous - enough to notice.

I used to work on DSS satellite receivers. It's a lot more banal than you know.

The whole flat earth thing is new. It did not exist until 2010 on the Internet. It's a psy-op. Most people who claim to believe the earth is flat don't. They just claim it. It's like the Church of the Subgenius - a member of that "church" will NEVER break character and admit it's just a joke religion.

But have your fun.
40   tanked   2022 Feb 17, 6:24am  

richwicks says
Undoctored says
Satellites are also fake. Telecommunication is done via earthly radio transmitters and cables. If satellites were any good you wouldn’t need cell towers everywhere. “Satellite” radio and TV services is just a marketing gimmick.

No, satellites certainly aren't fake. Satellite communication sucks because you have to do it in geosynchronous orbit or have your dish follow the satellite (which CAN be done, that is how starlink works). It the bad old days, just 20 years ago, when you talked to somebody in Australia, you were going through a satellite link even over a computer or a phone. The delay was enormous - enough to notice.

I used to work on DSS satellite receivers. It's a lot more banal than you know.

The whole flat earth thing is new. It did not exist until 2010 on the Internet. It's a psy-op. Most people who claim to believe the earth is flat don't....

So which one is it, a psy op or a running joke? Flying Spaghetti Monster also comes to mind.

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