Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   457,743 views  4,478 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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1507   Ceffer   2022 Sep 12, 4:31pm  

Russians strike Zaporozhie with the dreaded "Vagina Bomb". And you thought your mother in law was bad:

1508   richwicks   2022 Sep 12, 4:38pm  

Bd6r says

richwicks says

Show an example of this. Let's see it. Demonstrate that the US propaganda claimed that the Ukrainians would fold in weeks. Show me anything.

Here you go once more for Yandex, Google, etc challenged:

Shortly before Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his latest invasion of Ukraine, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, reportedly told congressional leaders meeting in closed session that the smaller country would "fall in 72 hours."


Does not get more direct than that, the Woke Generalissimo opinion.

"Apr 8, 2022 3 min read"

I am not interest in reading minitrue.

1984 was not just a prediction of the future, it was a warning, and you see it laid out now. If you do not resist it, you, and your children and grandchildren deserve what they get.

Realize what you are doing.

War against Russia could have EASILY been prevented. Stop bombing the Donbass region, no NATO weaponry. I oppose war.
1509   mell   2022 Sep 12, 4:41pm  

EBGuy says

zzyzzx says

This is also typical Russian behavior. They can't conquer the place, so destroy it. We need to give Ukraine long range cruise missiles so that they can destroy the factory that makes Russian cruise missiles. Or destroy power plants around Moscow and St Petersburg.,

How is this going to help? Existential threat to Russia (and in extension, Putin) mean the nukes come out. Nobody wins. We need negotiations to end this sooner, rather than later...

Fully agreed. Don't let people gaslight you into thinking Russia is not capable of negotiations and keeping peace. Remember Saddam wasn't capable either, neither was qaddafi, Arafat, Assad. Perpetual war, cui bono? They're all assholes except for us!
1510   Bd6r   2022 Sep 12, 4:57pm  

richwicks says

I am not interest in reading minitrue.

I gave you a link. You never give any links, just word salad, and have been wrong on so many FACTS about that part of world that your opinion is no different in its value from that of NYT.
richwicks says

Stop bombing the Donbass region, no NATO weaponry. I oppose war.

Russia started the war by attacking Ukraine. Everything else is irrelevant.
1512   richwicks   2022 Sep 12, 5:15pm  

Bd6r says

richwicks says

I am not interest in reading minitrue.

I gave you a link. You never give any links, just word salad,

That's not true. at all. Here is Victoria Nuland picking out the US puppet of Ukraine:


Here is the transcript:


I've shown this repeatedly, you cannot exhaust me in it.

Bd6r says

and have been wrong on so many FACTS about that part of world that your opinion is no different in its value from that of NYT.
richwicks says

Stop bombing the Donbass region, no NATO weaponry. I oppose war.

Russia started the war by attacking Ukraine. Everything else is irrelevant.

The US overthrew Ukraine in 2014, this the most obvious naked coup d'état in history. It is ludicrous anybody denies it.

We don't just have evidence, we have proof. Proof, you still deny it. How silly.

I am so tired of people like you denying known FACTS. Stop being George Winston. Doing the job of minitrue is a CHOICE, why do you make this choice? Don't you realize what road this leads us all to? Not just you, but your children and grandchildren? You are a slave now, but your are selling the next generation into much worse slavery. That includes your children. What is wrong with you?

The very purpose of the Internet is to expose that our "rulers" are frauds and to demonstrate they should not be believed. We can bypass them entirely, but you still play along - if you and enough people persist in this, the next generation will be slaves. Realize what they are.

I've demonstrated to you that the US overthrew Ukraine, installed a puppet, and if you have any honesty and integrity you will realize that once a puppet is installed in a foreign nation, it's only puppets after that. This horrible terrible war could have been avoided, but our criminal government LOVES to make war. It's a horrible thing we allow our government to do. Stand up.

I want this war to end, and I know the source, the source of the war is the United States. Ukrainians and Russians are just victims.
1513   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 12, 6:42pm  

From yesterday's ISW update: Kremlin Spokesperson Peskov stated that Putin has postponed all his meetings with the leadership of the Russian MoD and representatives of the Russian defense industry in Sochi https://iswresearch.org
1514   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 12, 6:44pm  


Ukrainian and Western Intelligence is reporting that Russian Military Command has not recently deployed any additional Battalion Tactical Groups into Ukraine and seems to have suspended all further Combat Deployments into the Country.

1515   richwicks   2022 Sep 12, 10:41pm  

Eric Holder says


Ukrainian and Western Intelligence is reporting that Russian Military Command has not recently deployed any additional Battalion Tactical Groups into Ukraine and seems to have suspended all further Combat Deployments into the Country.


It probably is. You're seeing twitter.
1516   Bd6r   2022 Sep 13, 6:02am  

richwicks says

Here is Victoria Nuland picking out the US puppet of Ukraine:

That does not prove US overthrew Ukrainian government. It proves that US used the victory of Ukrainian nation over corrupt and cheating Yanukovich regime which came to power after Russians attempted to poison previous Ukr president.

So, a huge fail. No links proving that US overthrew Ukrainian government.
1517   Bd6r   2022 Sep 13, 6:12am  

richwicks says

I am so tired of people like you denying known FACTS.

I am so tired that you deny that Putin is a pedophile, that he is a genocidal maniac, and so on.
1518   Onvacation   2022 Sep 13, 6:38am  

richwicks says

The US overthrew Ukraine in 2014,

That's when Hunter started working for Burisma!
1519   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 13, 9:11am  

Time-lapse of the glorious goodwill gesture organised reterat: https://twitter.com/NorthmanTrader/status/1569417017756631041

5 days reversed the gains of 5 months.
1520   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 13, 9:11am  

jykiodfgr says

▪️As a result of the strikes, the daily losses of Ukrainian servicemen and foreign fighters exceeded 800 people killed and wounded.

as of September 13, 2022

🔻The Russian Aerospace Forces, rocket troops and artillery are inflicting massive fire strikes on units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in all operational directions.

▪️High-precision airborne strikes hit the points of temporary deployment of units of the 95th Airborne Assault Brigade in the areas of SLAVYANSK and KONSTANTINOVKA, the 115th Mechanized Brigade in the ARTYOMOVSK area, and the 53rd Mechanized Brigade in the Kurdyumovka area .

▪️In addition, units of the 35th Marine Brigade in the BEREZNEGOVATOY area, the 57th motorized infantry brigade in the MURAKHOVKA area of the Mykolaiv region, the 128th mountain assault brigade in the BALABINA area of the Zaporozhye region, as well as the 14th mechanized brigade in the area of the city of KHARKOV were hit .

▪️As a result of the s...

1521   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 13, 9:12am  


Time-lapse of the glorious goodwill gesture organised reterat: https://twitter.com/NorthmanTrader/status/1569417017756631041

5 days reversed the gains of 5 months.

1522   AmericanKulak   2022 Sep 13, 9:19am  

I'll be looking for the movements around the bulge, but we'll see.
1523   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 13, 9:21am  

jykiodfgr says

The killing field has been activated.

Be warned that our resident sceptics, namely @richwicks, will require hard proof of these bold claims of millions killed and tens of thousands of tanks destroyed.

1525   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 13, 11:25am  

"I think it’s high time to call on North Korea to stop arming the Russian military and to urge Moscow to immediately sue for peace on Kyiv’s terms. Those war profiteers in Pyonyang just want to prolong the war and fight it to the last Russian, after all."
1526   Ceffer   2022 Sep 14, 11:03am  

Possibly some seriously unconfirmed fog of war bullshit, but again horrible if true:
1527   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Sep 14, 11:21am  

Ceffer says

Possibly some seriously unconfirmed fog of war bullshit, but again horrible if true:

That would be very sad if it is true. I'm always saddened to see good men die, especially white. :( I really do hope for peace between the 2 nations.
1528   Patrick   2022 Sep 14, 7:45pm  


To figure out what's really happening in Ukraine (and not just there), DON'T watch TV, or read the New York Times, or any other Western media outlet (whether corporate OR "alternative")
1529   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 16, 9:51am  

Liberators don't want to be liberators anymore. Now they are openly calling for outright genocide:


PS. How does one go from "I'll save you" to "I'll kill you", unless "saving" was just a ruse from the get-go?
1530   socal2   2022 Sep 16, 10:44am  

Eric Holder says

Liberators don't want to be liberators anymore. Now they are openly calling for outright genocide:


PS. How does one go from "I'll save you" to "I'll kill you", unless "saving" was just a ruse from the get-go?

Listen to these retarded Russian mooks.

"Russian people demand harsh, immediate actions!"

Basically, how dare Ukraine recapture their own land?

Looks like Putin's visit to China and India this week didn't win him any converts. How much longer is Russia going to continue with this needless killing?
1531   Eric Holder   2022 Sep 16, 10:48am  

socal2 says

Eric Holder says

Liberators don't want to be liberators anymore. Now they are openly calling for outright genocide:


PS. How does one go from "I'll save you" to "I'll kill you", unless "saving" was just a ruse from the get-go?

Listen to these retarded Russian mooks.

"Russian people demand harsh, immediate actions!"

Basically, how dare Ukraine recapture their own land?

Looks like Putin's visit to China and India this week didn't win him any converts. How much longer is Russia going to continue with this needless killing?

1533   richwicks   2022 Sep 16, 1:58pm  


Be warned that our resident sceptics, namely @richwicks, will require hard proof of these bold claims of millions killed and tens of thousands of tanks destroyed.


I barely pay attention to you.

Let's say "millions were killed". Minimum that's 2 million to make it plural. There's about 43 million Ukrainians. 2*100/43 =~ 4.65% of the population. Yeah, that's obviously bullshit. Why should I waste time refuting you? I don't think anybody is stupid enough to believe you. You're a screaming child screaming LOOK AT ME.

You're not a serious, thoughtful person. You're not principled, you're not reasonable much less logical. Who cares what you scream about? You scream, a lot.
1535   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 17, 11:08am  

jykiodfgr says

Looks like 500 dead Ukrainian a day for the last 10 days, so 5000 dead. How many conscripts are there?

You have a proof for that number? Don't get me wrong, I TOTALLY BELIEVE you, but our very strict resident sceptics like @richwicks will require solid documentation. You better have your ducks in a row or he'll rip you a new asshole for spreading state propaganda.
1536   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 17, 11:08am  

Perun's analysis of the last 6 months of SCHMO: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B93tLs39pQo
1537   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 17, 11:11am  

ZipperTits says

Eric Holder says


Losing this war is an existential threat to the Russians. Not right away, but w/o secure borders like they had with the USSR, Russia is toast.

They had secure borders before they decided to cross them and engage in landgrabs and military adventurism. And once they are kicked inside their borders nobody would follow them there. There is literally nothing of value inside Ruscia for anyone (except maybe Chyna, but even that is debatable).
1538   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 17, 11:15am  

Patrick says

This begs the question what did they have on Trump who was the one who first started shipping ATGMs. And why none of that compromat worked in 2014-16 when all Ukie were getting from Obiden was blankets and gauze.
1539   richwicks   2022 Sep 17, 11:17am  


There is literally nothing of value inside Ruscia for anyone (except maybe Chyna, but even that is debatable).

That's a laugh.

Provide a list of valuable things in your mind, and give examples of where these things are in particular nations.

Here, I'll start. Energy deposits. Russia has a lot of them, and Europe doesn't.
1540   richwicks   2022 Sep 17, 5:42pm  

jykiodfgr says

NATO is about to lose this entire region.

They are going to lose more than that.

NATO is going to lose this in time:

The West has been fucking with Russia for 2 solid decades. Now that the oil spigots are off, they aren't going to go back on. Europe is fucked. I wouldn't be surprised to see a European exodus to Russia in a few years. There's a very real possibility people are going to be freezing to death in Europe this year.

People say the West is purposely imploding itself, sure looks that way. But keep listening to the propaganda out of your teeeeveeee box that has fucked us all.
1541   richwicks   2022 Sep 17, 7:50pm  

jykiodfgr says

richwicks says

NATO is going to lose this

Agreed, do you think we'll see Chinese troops in Europe? or will it be a wholly Russian operation?

I think Europe will essentially be a 3rd world zone with NO military intervention.

I don't think any troops will have to enter Europe. All they need to do is cut off energy. Russia and China, however, might enter the Middle East. Just give the Middle East a better deal than "give me your shit, or we're going to bomb the fuck out of you" they'll go along.

Fucking stupid Neocons have destroyed this nation and Europe. They are as arrogant, as they are stupid.

Israel will remain a US "ally", a parasite, but that will be the extent of US influence in the Middle East soon.

All somebody needs to do with the stupid Muslims is say "hey shitheads, you assholes have been fighting for over 1000 years, if you stop being dumb fucking morons, you could co-operate and build something".

I've said it many times, the end of this nation didn't start recently, it began with George W. Bush using the murder of 3,000 people in NYC as a cynical excuse to attack Iraq, which has absolutely nothing to do with it. If he was executed, as he should have been, and still should be, it would have ended, but instead we got Obozo the Black Clown to attack 5 more nations.

The MIC has destroyed this nation.

Whoever is pulling the strings in the United States doesn't give a fuck about the United States. If we're lucky, we'll end up being as important as Australia is now.

Really, I think the last 30 years of foreign policy has been "fuck it, although I know this will destroy the country, it makes me a LOT of money for now, and by the time it destroys the nation, I'll be dead - also, fuck my kids, I don't give a shit about them"
1542   richwicks   2022 Sep 17, 8:36pm  

jykiodfgr says

Interesting perspective, thanks! A possible best case scenario, but I don't think they will go quietly into the night though.

No, they aren't going quietly into the night.

This chaos is what they are doing to cling to power. They are kicking and screaming now.

There's censorship on the Internet, and CERTAINLY in our "news" media - that's a very clear sign of weakness, not strength. In order to maintain power, they have to continually lie to the population at this point, and they can't allow open discussion of what they are lying about.

I was personally happy to see censorship in the open. Suddenly, I could see who the enemies of the nation were. I didn't realize that Twitter was, I suspected Google but I could be certain afterward, I always knew Facebook were traitors. I didn't realize banks would deplatform people - kick them out of the actual banking system. I suspected the FIB and other intelligence agencies had some "bad apples", I didn't realize they were in fact entirely criminal organizations. I thought the DOJ was a bit corrupt, not entirely corrupt.

I'm just sitting back waiting for the rest of the public to realize it. I know it's taken many people by surprise. I think a lot of people have been in denial. I was in denial, and I'm CYNICAL, but it's 100x worse than I believed back in 2015, and I mean that, it's literally 100 times worse. I only scratched the surface. I now know our government regularly lies us into war, that politicians are nothing more than mafia heads, that the intelligence agencies will blatantly entrap and prosecute innocent people, that the DOJ engages in selective prosecution regularly. I thought these were rare occurrences, nope, that's their main function - real investigation, real prosecution, THAT is the rarity.
1543   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 8:26am  


jykiodfgr says

Looks like 500 dead Ukrainian a day for the last 10 days, so 5000 dead. How many conscripts are there?

You have a proof for that number? Don't get me wrong, I TOTALLY BELIEVE you, but our very strict resident sceptics like @richwicks will require solid documentation. You better have your ducks in a row or he'll rip you a new asshole for spreading state propaganda.

So, are you going to put up?
1544   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 8:31am  

jykiodfgr says

NATO is about to lose this entire region.

When exactly will it be "lost"?
1545   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 8:42am  

jykiodfgr says

You can literally see Putin's rage building up on these maps. Let's nuke the EU Putin.

All I see is on that map Putin losing the last means to do the "pincer move to encircle AFU in Dumb Ass" because that one depended on Izum which he fucking lost.

Losing ground to the opponent having literally 1/10 of everything compared to the RU AF: tanks, artillery pieces, aircraft... Pathetic.
1546   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 9:53am  

jykiodfgr says

NATO is about to lose this entire region.


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